
Perhaps there is an easier/better solution then kbackup/afio?  Before
I reinstall from scratch, I would appreciate advice, as it may be
possible to get my system back....

I recently used the "zdisk" utility to successfully build a boot
floopy, with my kernel that has support for my (imm) Zip drive,
in the hopes of implementing a backup/restore strategy for my
Debian slink system.

I used "kbackup" to make a full backup, to 3 Zip disks.  Of course
to make sure I could restore, I wiped out my system partition, and
am having problems restoring it (darn it!).  The "restore" command
specified in the "kbackup" documentation is a little confusing, as
they use `` and '' for double quotes, and I am not sure if the
"-" at the end next to "verbatim" is needed.  It looks like the
"-" is needed though, as the command does nothing without it.  But
the afio and multibuf help text mentions nothing about a "-" by

In any case, at the end of the first Zip disk, I get an error about
end of medium.  I have been trying many commands to try to start from
the 2nd Zip disk, with no luck.  There is only the "KBackup-Arc.arc"
file on the 2nd Zip, unlike the 1st which as a header file, etc.

To restore starting from the 1st Zip I am using the command :

multibuf -r -h -F -c "umount /mnt;echo Next Volume;read" -C
 "mount /dev/sda4 /mnt -t ext2" /mnt/KBackup-Arc.arc
 | afio -i -vzZ -

Things start to be restored properly until the end of the 1st Zip.
It then fails, errors about end of medium.  I have been trying all
sorts of commands to start at the second Zip, with no luck.  There
is a KBackup-Arc.arc on the 2nd Zip disk, but I don't know if it
is possible to get the files back.

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