
I could also use some help trying to get later gnome versions
and enlightenment running on slink (2.0.36 kernel).

I originally installed the gnome and enlightenment that came on
the slink CD.  But the enlightenment-conf had problems installing.
I grabbed a bunch of .debs of newer gnome and enlightenment
recently.  It appears that freetype2 needs libc6 >- 2.1 and I
cant seem to find this.  When I run "enlightenment" now, there is
no text at all, and wierd things happen to my screen.

Is there a place that has everything needed for a later gnome and
enlightenment, and what it needs? (and that will run under 2.0.36)

I am not sure how to get dselect
to recognize the dependencies that exist when I try to install from
hard disk, using seperate .deb files that I grab individually.  I
currently have to use WIN95/AOL to grab files, and I use dpkg -i
to install these one by one.  I then note the configuration errors
and install each of the dependency .deb files one by one, and
then finally use "dpkg --configure --pending" to get everything
setup after all pieces have been "installed".  Until I get an
ISP that allows linux connectivity, I can't use "apt-get".


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