On Sun, 16 Feb 1997, Robert Nicholson wrote:

> I'm in favour of this because I think it's the only distribution that 
> lets me install in the following way.
> Other well know distributions don't let me get a kernel up an running 
> from scratch without needing another installation medium. This allows me 
> to create my partitions and then extract the mirrored dat archive off 
> tape and then point deselect at one of my partitions.

I really liked that too, but in my case I just installed the six disks,
chuckled to myself as I realized the network was working and then FTP'd
the bits I wanted to install from ftp.debian.org ;> I can't wait for the
rumored new install method that has all the disk drivers possible as
modules ;> If I understand that would mean that the debian pre-built
kernel package would not have support for millions of disk controller and
I would not have to rebuild it to strip them out..


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