Tried to send this message a month ago but couldn't it accepted by the list server due to the way it authenticates. Trying it again now that I've switched hosts to one that claims it accepts the list server's null-message test.

I've also had to do the uninstall, reboot and reinstall one more time since then. This problem is becoming annoying because stuff running on stable I expect to work reliably.


I've been running a jitsi meet server for about 16 months now on Debian/Stable. Last Christmas it stopped working.

The server was running and accepting connections but participants couldn't see or hear each other. I fixed the problem by doing apt remove jitsi-meet && apt autoremove then rebooting and reinstalling. The removal and reinstall seem necessary as neither a simple reinstall nor a reboot fix the problem.

It's been working fine ever since until up until last night when I tested it prior to another meeting (I'd used it monthly between the previous failure and last night). I got the same symptoms so I applied the same fix and it started working again.

The jicofo.log and other jitsi logs show bridge failures, which explain the symptoms but don't point to cause. I note that jitsi-meet depends on at least:   jitsi-meet-prosody jitsi-meet-web jitsi-meet-web-config jitsi-videobridge2 lua-bitop lua-event lua-expat
  lua-filesystem lua-sec lua-socket lua5.2 prosody

Probably other packages are involved as well but these are the ones that are unique to jitsi-meet on my server.

Since the autoremove appears to be a necessary part of the fix, I suspect that something is getting corrupted in a dependency. I think it is likely in the Debian package management (I do full-upgrades and autoremoves roughly every week but otherwise rarely touch the server software). However this is as far as my problem tracking skills take me.

Any ideas?

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