WG: Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-11 Thread Thomas Tomiczek
Von:Hamish Moffatt
Gesendet:   Samstag, 11. Januar 1997 06:59
An: Riku Saikkonen
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Betreff:Re: Just a Proposition:-)))

> While that may be a rather rare example (and I do have a slightly broken VGA
> monitor as a `backup', for changing CMOS settings and such, though it's a
> pain to change monitors), I wouldn't be surprised to hear of people using
> Debian with MDA/Hercules/CGA/EGA monitors or even no monitor at all (network
> servers, configuration via a serial port or the network interface). And I
> think it's even more common (especially for network servers) not to have a
> mouse.

 Yes, you're correct. I have two machines
running Debian here at home; my personal workstation
with SVGA etc, but also a server. The latter is a 486-DX-33
with 12mb RAM, Hercules/CGA video card and monitor, and no mouse.
No X, SVGALIB etc on this machine ..

I fully agree, too. We have a couple of routers here which are running debian. 
They have SVGA-Cards (hard to get anything less new in germany) but are only 
runnin in text-mode. No mouse and keyboard and monitor are multiplexed.

Thomas Tomiczek
System Administrator

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Re: Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-11 Thread Hamish Moffatt
> While that may be a rather rare example (and I do have a slightly broken VGA
> monitor as a `backup', for changing CMOS settings and such, though it's a
> pain to change monitors), I wouldn't be surprised to hear of people using
> Debian with MDA/Hercules/CGA/EGA monitors or even no monitor at all (network
> servers, configuration via a serial port or the network interface). And I
> think it's even more common (especially for network servers) not to have a
> mouse.

 Yes, you're correct. I have two machines
running Debian here at home; my personal workstation
with SVGA etc, but also a server. The latter is a 486-DX-33
with 12mb RAM, Hercules/CGA video card and monitor, and no mouse.
No X, SVGALIB etc on this machine ..


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Re: Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-11 Thread Riku Saikkonen
>On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> installation...:-)) I think installing and upgrading under X by just
>> using the mouse pointer should be possible...and BTW other so called OS
>Well, instead of X... something like SVGALib would be better... because
>its less to install than X.  But.. like my machine i'm typing away on now,

Well, I think there are too many systems where SVGAlib is not an option (or
at least not a good one) either. My primary system, for example, has a fixed
frequency monitor that works in X and text mode (because I can configure the
slightly non-standard mode it requires with XF86Config and SVGATextMode),
but not SVGAlib (unless its mode setup is as flexible as X nowadays).

While that may be a rather rare example (and I do have a slightly broken VGA
monitor as a `backup', for changing CMOS settings and such, though it's a
pain to change monitors), I wouldn't be surprised to hear of people using
Debian with MDA/Hercules/CGA/EGA monitors or even no monitor at all (network
servers, configuration via a serial port or the network interface). And I
think it's even more common (especially for network servers) not to have a

I think something as important as package installation should be as
platform-independent as possible. Or we could do it the way the Linux kernel
does it and have multiple interfaces...

But, frankly, I think a text-mode interface is good enough. Dselect is a bit
confusing now (or I thought so when I first installed Debian 1.1 a few
months ago, though now I've got used to it), but I think it can be improved
while keeping it in text mode. I think graphics and pretty pictures wouldn't
make it easier to use.

As for possible improvements, maybe you could have a package installation
system `even easier than dselect', i.e. where you could select more generic
things (`no X' / `X with a minimal amount of apps' / `X with most apps' / `X
with everything', and so on). It should probably also have an `override'
option where you could select the invidual packages (I think the current
dselect would be good enough for this, though maybe a help page for `most
commonly used keys' or something would be a good thing to add).

Something else that I thought of: Maybe we could have a stripped-down
version of dselect for first-time installations (as opposed to upgrading),
so that first-time users wouldn't be confused by the multitude of options
related to upgrading (e.g. the difference between _ and - to deselect
packages). This could also save boot disk space (if the stripped-down
dselect was a separate binary, and the installation procedure would install
the full dselect later), though probably not by much.

Just some ideas...

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- / I took the one less traveled by, /
And that has made all the difference." -- Robert Frost, `The Road Not Taken'

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Re: Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-07 Thread Martin Konold
On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Daniel Stringfield wrote:

I there,

I do not consider X11 or svgalib based setup programs to be appropriate.

dselect has to run in a very early stage of installing Debian. There 
are too many compatibility issues here.

BUT, there is a tradition of relativelly good looking ncurses based 
installation/maintance tools.

I do think that the current look&feel of dselect is not attractive as
a lot of other people mentioned. Some kind of EASY to understand
accelleration keys. And a more structured layout like a folding editor
would be nice. How about something like mc ala Norton clone. The packages
could be organized in series aka folders.

> Well, instead of X... something like SVGALib would be better... because
> its less to install than X.  But.. like my machine i'm typing away on now,
> only has a cheezy 256k video board in it and will have a monochrome vga
> monitor once I get the money to buy it. (I stole a monitor from one of my
> other systems for now) I don't want X to EVER EVER set foot on this
> system!  This is my server, and nothing more.  It is not a workstation.
> I do however have SVGALIB installed. And think svgalib would be more than
> easy to deal with, as far as vs. X.  Doing away with dselect is not really
> an option.  Unfortunately. :)

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Muenzgasse 7, 72070 Tuebingen, Germany  // 
// Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  // 
   Linux - because reboots are for hardware upgrades 
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Re: Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-07 Thread Carnage
On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, I'm just a newbie but I'd like a new installation routine for
> debian. I have the following proposition for future installation
> routines.
> First dselect is not very user friendly...and for a newbie it's say
> difficult to use...:-)) It gives the possibility to install MANY
> packages. Of course sometimes I do not know whether I'll ever need them.
> Later dpkg always needs magical spells to make it work. What U think
> about something like this:

Yeah.  That's probably the only gripe I have about Debian.
dselect sucks.  I hate it with a passion!  I'm thinking it would be
probably be just as easy to use dpkg directly.  

I love dpkg 'tho.  The dselect program needs a rewrite, IMHO.
Give it a better UI or something.

Arcadio Alivio Sincero, Jr.
Undergraduate Computer Science Major/Linux Enthusiast/Competitive Bodybuilder
WWW:Not available yet -- still looking for free webspace!

"Bare feet magnetize sharp metal objects so they point upward from the floor,
 especially in the dark."

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Re: Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-07 Thread Daniel Stringfield
On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> xdselect or xdpkg (without cryptic spells, just checkboxes). Of course
> there should be an option for all these who love the text version of the
> installation...:-)) I think installing and upgrading under X by just
> using the mouse pointer should be possible...and BTW other so called OS
> can do it too...more or less...:-))) Maybe someone is currently working
> on an installation routine like this and I think it would make debian
> more user friendly and debian would gain more users

Well, instead of X... something like SVGALib would be better... because
its less to install than X.  But.. like my machine i'm typing away on now,
only has a cheezy 256k video board in it and will have a monochrome vga
monitor once I get the money to buy it. (I stole a monitor from one of my
other systems for now) I don't want X to EVER EVER set foot on this
system!  This is my server, and nothing more.  It is not a workstation.
I do however have SVGALIB installed. And think svgalib would be more than
easy to deal with, as far as vs. X.  Doing away with dselect is not really
an option.  Unfortunately. :)

  Daniel Stringfield  
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://users.southeast.net/~servo
Send email for more information on the Jacksonville Linux Users Group!

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Re: Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-06 Thread David Gaudine

On Mon, 6 Jan 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> A text based installation of the BASE system (whatever it is) plus X.
> Later we continue the installation under X by just using something like
> xdselect or xdpkg (without cryptic spells, just checkboxes). Of course
> there should be an option for all these who love the text version of the
> installation...:-)) I think installing and upgrading under X by just
> using the mouse pointer should be possible...and BTW other so called OS
> can do it too...more or less...:-))) Maybe someone is currently working
> on an installation routine like this and I think it would make debian
> more user friendly and debian would gain more users

The first time I tried to install X in was on a Diamond Viper before
that particular card was supported.  Later I encountered various revisions
of the mach64, each time having to wait for one more beta of the server.
Plus, I've encountered some very interesting mouse-related problems.
So maybe this has warped my attitude. But personally, I don't want to even
*think* about installing X on a system until I've already installed
everything else.

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Just a Proposition....:-)))

1997-01-06 Thread jacek

 Hi to all...:-)))


Well, I'm just a newbie but I'd like
a new installation routine for debian. I have the following proposition
for future installation routines.

First dselect is not very user friendly...and
for a newbie it's say difficult to use...:-)) It gives the possibility
to install MANY packages. Of course sometimes I do not know whether I'll
ever need them. Later dpkg always needs magical spells to make it work.
What U think about something like this:

A text based installation of the BASE
system (whatever it is) plus X. Later we continue the installation under
X by just using something like xdselect or xdpkg (without cryptic spells,
just checkboxes). Of course there should be an option for all these who
love the text version of the installation...:-)) I think installing and
upgrading under X by just using the mouse pointer should be possible...and
BTW other so called OS can do it too...more or less...:-))) Maybe someone
is currently working on an installation routine like this and I think it
would make debian more user friendly and debian would gain more users


Greetings to all

