KDE 1.1.2

2004-04-02 Thread Matthias Popp


Wo lassen sich die Original KDE Sourcen 1.1.2 finden?
archive.debian.org gibts diesen Server

with best regards from Dortmund

Matthias Popp
+49-163 4289455

- -- 
Wo Freiheit draufsteht, ist Sucht drin

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Re: KDE 1.1.2

2004-04-02 Thread Martin Mewes

Am Freitag, 2. April 2004 17:37 schrieb Matthias Popp:

 Wo lassen sich die Original KDE Sourcen 1.1.2 finden?

Eigentlich wollte ich hier

* ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/Attic

angeben, aber da ist die älteste Version wohl 2.2.2

Da wird Dir wohl auch

* http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-1.1.2.php

nicht viel weiterhelfen :-(

Vielleicht kommst Du aber auch mit

* http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/kde-cygwin/kde-1.1.2/


 archive.debian.org gibts diesen Server

19:27:58 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ ping archive.debian.org
PING archive.debian.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- archive.debian.org ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8999ms

Im DNS ist er. Entweder ist er tot, oder blockt ICMP-Anfragen.

bis dahin


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KDE 1.1.2 en Potato

2001-12-26 Thread Kenkari

Holas a todos. 

Espero no molestar a nadie. Hace tan sólo un par de 
días que estoy en la lista, y veo que el nivel es demasiado alto para mi 
comprensión, sobre todo cuando aún me peleo diariamente con la configuración de 
las X.

Hace un par de semanas que instalé el Potato, tras 
haber tanteado Esware, Suse, Mandrake y Corel Linux. Conocía los riesgos, y 
seguí adelante, ya que sabía que había que currárselo mucho y que las cosas no 
se hacía solitas, sino que uno tenía que tirar de consola y configurar 

Las X ya están configuradas, y el gestor que me 
sale es wmaker. El problema viene cuando pretendo instalar el KDE 1.1.2 
(precisamente éste, porque no tengo tanta máquina como para que el KDE 2 me vaya 
bien). Me bajé este KDE de una web de alguien que se había currado los paquetes 
a .deb. La instalación fue casi perfecta, a excepción de unas cuantas 
dependencias que se resolvieron solas. 

El problema gordo es que nada más arrancar, justo 
antes de que aparezca el prompt, los dos últimos mensajes del "dmesg" 
Checking for valid XFree86 server configurationunable to 
Not starting X display manager.

Nada más entrar como root o como usuario, intento 
ejecutar el KDE con "kde" o con "startkde" o el KDM con "kdm", pero no hay 
manera, porque lo único que sale es algo así como:
kcontrolunable to connect to X server.
y otras líneas diciendo lo mismo.

Lo único que he conseguido, tras trastear un poco 
con "x-window-manager", "kdmrc" y ".xsession" es que, como usuario, puedo entrar 
a wmaker y desde allí cambiar a KDE.

Pero lo que me gustaría es que nada más arrancar, 
apareciera KDM y ejecutase KDE. ¿Es tan difícil?

Pido disculpas de antemano por o novato que soy. 

registrado de Linux nº 219344 

KDE 1.1.2 for slink problem - kfmclient

1999-11-07 Thread Leszek Gerwatowski

I've used KDE 1.1.1 (naturally from kde.tdyc.org) on my slink system
without problems but some days ago I've upgraded it to version 1.1.2.
Everything works OK except kfmclient. When I try to browse any directory
on KDE Desktop (my home directory from icon on Desktop or any other
directory) or try to open any URL address kfmclient opens window swith all
menus and with empty content - it works forever. I can stop it and try
to reload but without success. It dosn't show anything. Is it bug in my
KDE setup or in KDE itself?

Thanks in advance for help

o--o  ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|_/_|_\
o--o   (o\__/o)=)
Don't fix it if it isn't broken

Re: KDE 1.1.2 for slink problem - kfmclient

1999-11-07 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 08:30:11PM +0100, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
 I've used KDE 1.1.1 (naturally from kde.tdyc.org) on my slink system
 without problems but some days ago I've upgraded it to version 1.1.2.
 Everything works OK except kfmclient. When I try to browse any directory
 on KDE Desktop (my home directory from icon on Desktop or any other
 directory) or try to open any URL address kfmclient opens window swith all
 menus and with empty content - it works forever. I can stop it and try
 to reload but without success. It dosn't show anything. Is it bug in my
 KDE setup or in KDE itself?

No, this is not a bug: I use KDE 1.1.2 (not 1.1.1 before) and its
working perfectly.

Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Real computer scientists don't program in assembler.  They don't write
in anything less portable than a number two pencil.

weird KDE 1.1.2 problem on slink

1999-10-14 Thread Leszek Gerwatowski

I've downloaded and upgraded KDE from 1.1.1. to 1.1.2 on my slink system
and now I've one little problem - KFM stoped to show me contents of
folders and URLs. When I click on an folder or try to open any URL
kfmclient opens window but absolutely empty and works forever trying to
show contents of dir/URL. Is it normal in KDE 1.1.2 ? I cannot watch
contents of anything on disk since upgrade. Can anbody help me?

PS. Please reply to me on my priv address - I read this list from time to

o--o  ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|_/_|_\
o--o   (o\__/o)=)
Don't fix it if it isn't broken

KDE 1.1.2 : kdesupport - debian packages missing giflib?

1999-10-03 Thread Dave Baker

I've been trying to get KDevelop installed for a few days now.  The
kdevelop.org homepage seems to be offline, and previously when I was able
to connect the .deb file I found did not download correctly.

Installing from tarball, ./configure complains about not finding giflib30
which should be part of the kdesupport package.

Neither kdesupport0g or kdesupport0g-dev seem to contain the library,
although -dev does have documents regarding it.

Is this a bug in the kdesupport0g-dev package in that it does not contain
all the right files, or am I simply not looking in the right places???

Please copy me directly on any replies since I have been known in the past
to miss replies due to the volume on this list.


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   |   II   / The wise man tells you where you have fallen
   |   II /  and where you may fall - Invaluable secrets.

KDEDIR and KDE 1.1.2

1999-09-18 Thread Pollywog
I have KDEDIR set to /usr/bin/X11

I installed KDE 1.1.2 in this order (source, not Debian packages):

all the other packages

The problems is that my menus do not work; only my desktop icons bring up
the apps they should bring up.  Should I have KDEDIR set to /usr/bin/X11 or
is that a mistake?

I am running Potato


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681

upgraded to KDE 1.1.2 and menus don't work

1999-09-16 Thread Pollywog
I just upgraded (from source) to KDE version 1.1.2 and now my menus do not
work.  The apps seem to work, it is just the menus that don't bring them up.

Anyone else having this problem with KDE 1.1.2?


GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681

Re: KDE 1.1.2

1999-09-15 Thread Peter Weiss
 On Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:37:25 +0300 (EEST), Heikki Ylipiessa [EMAIL 

Heikki Yes .. there is 1.1.2 for slink allso ..
Heikki dep http://kde.tdyc.com slink kde
Heikki go and grap it


how do I get this stuff when apt-get does not have a direct internet

  Thanks for hinte -- Peter

Peter Weiss, Baldestraße 14, 80469 München, Tel. 089/ 20232434
---The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could---

Re: KDE 1.1.2

1999-09-15 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 09:49:11AM +0200, Peter Weiss wrote:
 how do I get this stuff when apt-get does not have a direct internet

If you have apt installed, the /usr/doc/apt directory has a file named
offline.txt.gz that covers exactly this situation. If not, I would be happy
to send it to you.


Seth Arnold | http://www.willamette.edu/~sarnold/
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KDE 1.1.2

1999-09-14 Thread Jon Hughes
I've seen that kde.tdyc.com has the potato stuff for the latest KDE, does
anyone know if it has the stuff for slink? (Can't upgrade to

God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly

RE: KDE 1.1.2 (Answered my own question)

1999-09-14 Thread Jon Hughes
I answered myself, silly me :-)

deb http://ruins.tdyc.com potato kde 
   deb http://ruins.tdyc.com slink kde

-Original Message-
From:   Jon Hughes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tuesday, September 14, 1999 8:26 AM
To: 'Debian Users'
Subject:KDE 1.1.2

I've seen that kde.tdyc.com has the potato stuff for the
latest KDE, does
anyone know if it has the stuff for slink? (Can't upgrade to

God, Root. What is the difference?
Pitr, User Friendly

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Re: KDE 1.1.2

1999-09-14 Thread Heikki Ylipiessa
Yes .. there is 1.1.2 for slink allso ..
dep http://kde.tdyc.com slink kde
go and grap it


*   Heikki Ylipiessa  *
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In most countries selling harmful things like drugs is punishable.
Then howcome people can sell Microsoft software and go unpunished?
(By [EMAIL PROTECTED], Hasse Skrifvars)


RE: KDE 1.1.2 what to put in sources.list ?

1999-09-14 Thread Ingo Reimann

ok, fine, we got the KDE1.1.2

I found a mirror on

under potato/i386 are all the packages and a Packages.gz file

If i put the line
deb ftp://ftp.de.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/1.1.2/distribution/deb/potato

in my sources.list file, dselect finds the package.gz file,
Hit ftp://ftp.de.kde.org i386/ Packages
Get:1 ftp://ftp.de.kde.org i386/ Release
Ign ftp://ftp.de.kde.org i386/ Release

but not the packages itself:
 Unable to fetch file, server said 'Can't open
No such file or directory

so, what can i do, how should the correct line look like?

Thanks alot :-)


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