LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-12-04 Thread Bob Goldberg

I'm most appreciative for your post.

although your perl script doesn't work for me as is... I was able to use it
to make one that DOES work.

what REALLY confuses me now, is that my perl script WILL access ldap, and
produce results -
but when I try the same thing using ldapsearch from bash, NO Go ! 

to be honest, at this point, if it works in perl, I don't care that it
doesn't from bash...

now I need to get exim working!

TX again!!

LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-30 Thread Bob Goldberg
CR - TX for your reply, your script  data was very useful.

I've made some progress... I still don't know why I can't authenticate using
my admin account / password (and NOTHING I do seems to resolve this).
BUT - with my improved understanding of the structure of the ldapsearch
command (TX SK);
and a re-newed attempt to access the ldap server anonymously (CR ;_); it
appears that I can now connect to my exchange server.

now, my problem is I still can't run any queries, I only get:
# search result
search: 2
result: 2 Protocol error

After much googling on ldap protocol error 2, I'm again stuck.
I found hits that referenced a -C option to ldapsearch; which doesn't seem
to apply anymore, since I find no doc's on -C in the manpage.
I found another hit that might indicate that ldap V3 and exchange 5.5 might
produce a protocol error, but I've started using -P2 anyway, with no
different response.

although this error is returned from the exchange server, the problem has
GOT to be with ldapsearch / debian. I CAN do sucessful queries from windows

anyone got more ideas?

TIA! (again) - Bob

Re: LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-30 Thread Patter
On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 05:10:07 +0100, Bob Goldberg wrote:
 I agree - problem is DEFINITELY ldap authentication; forget about exim

 my exchange server is setup to accept clear text, and anonymous OK (even
 though I'm not trying to be anon).

 here's the thing - I have no idea what is going on between ldapsearch, and
 my exchange server.

 ldap is definitely running - I can run custom queries, and ldap://queries
 thru my windows browser with success.

 the problem IS debian authenticating w/ the exchange server.

You need to authenticate to the LDAP tree using a username that exists
in Active Directory, I can't remember how but I did this a few years ago
for a squid proxy.

 Can someone tell me some way to diagnose just what is happening in this
 communication between ldapsearch  ldap server ???

Wireshark or any packet sniffer should be able to show what's being
transferred, it may also be worth installing the openldap client
utilities (ldap-utils under debian) and querying the database manually
from them.

 Or can someone point me / show me   how a structured communication to the
 ldap server would look like, so I can try sending it thru telnet - just to
 see if I can get it to work that way Then I can try  figure out what
 ldapsearch is sending...

http://www.mozilla.org/directory/standards.html may be useful but LDAP
isn't the easiest of protocols to grok manually.

Stephen Patterson :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://patter.mine.nu/
Don't be silly, Minnie. Who'd be walking round these cliffs with a gas oven?

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Re: LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-30 Thread Clarence W. Robison
On 29 Nov 2007 at 21:46, Bob Goldberg wrote:

 I agree - problem is DEFINITELY ldap authentication; forget about 
 my exchange server is setup to accept clear text, and anonymous OK (even
 though I'm not trying to be anon).
 here's the thing - I have no idea what is going on between ldapsearch,
 and my exchange server.
 I've tried netcat'g the host:389 to see if I could evesdrop, but to no
 I've tried telnet'g to the host:389, and DO connect, but have no idea 
 what the communication should look like, and I get no responses at all
 regardless of what I try.
 ldap is definitely running - I can run custom queries, and 
 ldap://queries thru my windows browser with success.
 the problem IS debian authenticating w/ the exchange server.
 Can someone tell me some way to diagnose just what is happening in this
 communication between ldapsearch  ldap server ???
 Or can someone point me / show me how a structured communication to 
 the ldap server would look like, so I can try sending it thru telnet -
 just to see if I can get it to work that way Then I can try  figure
 out what ldapsearch is sending...
 TIA - Bob

I have not done this with AD; however, I have done it with Novell's eDir on a 
Netware Box. After confirming what attributes where visiable with an LDAP 
Browser on my windows workstation (http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/~gawor/ldap/), 
I wrote a perl script to verify/test e-mail address verification on the eDir. 

** Perl Snippit **
 # Open Connection to the LDAP server
 print Opening a connection to $ldhost ... ;
 $ldap = Net::LDAP-new($ldhost) || die Could not connect -- $@;
 print OK\n;
 print Binding ... ;
 # Do an anonymous bind
 $mesg = $ldap-bind;
 $status = $mesg-code;
 $errmsg = $mesg-error;
 print Status: ($status) $errmsg ;
 # Do a search for each e-mail address
 foreach $addr (@eaddrs) {
   print Looking for $addr ... ;
   $filter = (\(objectclass=inetOrgPerson) (mail=.$addr.));
   $mesg = $ldap-search(base=$ogunit, filter=$filter, attrs=@attribs );
   $status = $mesg-code; $errmsg = $mesg-error; print Status: ($status)
   $errmsg ; $ecnt = $mesg-count; print found $ecnt entries\n; if(
   $ecnt  0 ) {# Found email address in directory 
 foreach $entry ($mesg-entries) {
   $dn = $entry-dn;
   $spam = $entry-get_value('SpamControl');
   print \t$dn \tSpamControl: $spam ;
   @email = $entry-get_value('mail');  
   foreach $alias (@email) { 
 if( $flag ) { print \n\t  Alias: $alias; }
 else {
   print \n\tAddress: $alias; 
   else { print failed. Does not exist in the directory\n\n; }
 End of Perl Snippit ***

Once, I was able to verify email addresses with the perl; I adjusted Exim4's 
configuration like so ... (You need to have the heavy exim4 package)

  CWR Attempt at LDAP E-Mail Address verification
  accept any group or mail list address which are not in the
   domains = kimberly.uidaho.edu
   recipients = lsearch;CONFDIR/acceptable.lst
  check for individual e-mail addresses which are in the eDirectory
   domains = kimberly.uidaho.edu
   message = Administrative prohibition - unable to validate recipient
   condition = ${lookup ldapm{ \
 (mail=${quote_ldap:[EMAIL PROTECTED])} {0} {1} }
  CWR Attempt at LDAP -- discard

The key for me, was using the perl script and ldap browser to verify what 
attributes where visiable when doing an anonymous bind to ldap _and_ how to 
code the request. 

I how this helps a bit. My setup is a Novell Netware server hidden from the 
outside world and a Debian ETCH server visable to the outside world running 

-- cheers Clarence -- 
Clarence W. Robison, P.E.

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LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-29 Thread Bob Goldberg
at the end of the day, this is what I want: my debian(etch)/exim
machine to accept all internet Email to

my domain, ignore all else, and relay on to my exchange 5.5 server.
This means I want exim to validate

email recipients thru ldap lookups.

seems like a simple enough task, even one that many people have
probably done. Can I find any examples

of an exim config file that demonstrates this? NO! doc's suck. So I
have no idea if my router config is

even close or not. I don't think I need an acl, but i'm not sure. such
a simple task, you'd think

there'd already be a sample config file out there somewhere

Having said that, I'm trying to figure out why my ldap lookup's aren't
working, so that leads me down a nasty diagnostic path.

1) can you do ldap queries using telnet? I seem to connect to my
server fine, but every query I insert,

returns nothing.

2) i'm trying to do ldap lookups using ldapsearch, and I'm not having
any luck at all, and i'm getting invalid credential error messages.

3) ldap is definitely running on exchange, because an ldap://server/query
entry in a browser, brings up a dialog box that will successfully search
using a custom ldap string,
and it all works.

4) if I can't use telnet to try to diagnose what's going on - where should I
TIA - Bob

LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-29 Thread Bob Goldberg
Apologies for any duplicate posts I'm reading this thread on google
(groups), and I apparently can't reply/post from there

reply to s.:
hi s.

yes, I have...(google searches) but none of my searches has revealed any
information that actually works.

All I can get out of exim is Unrouteable address. no matter what I've
The ppt presentation you referred to looked like it had potential, but not 1
single LDAP query in that ppt seemed to work correctly on my windows
browser. I figured if the information in there, which DID look fairly
straightforward, doesn't work right, then how can I trust anything that

I certainly accept the notion that the problem is ME. But I can't seem to
find a place to start diagnosing what I'm doing wrong... I can't seem to get
even the simplest of things to work correctly when it comes to using exim w/

I consider myself expert, when it comes to most things *nix. But working
with ldap has been the most frustrating experience i've had in a long time.

The closest thing to ANY success i've had is with ldapsearch as follows:
ldapsearch -h exchange.domain.com -D CN=exim,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com -x
-w password -b
CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com (memberOf=CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com)

this command at least seems to communicate w/ the exchange server, and tells
me invalid credentials.
I can only ASSUME that means a problem w/ the user/password, but I KNOW that
info IS valid.

I don't have a clue how to start figuring out what's wrong with credentials
I KNOW are good.
is debian REALLY talking to my exchange server? have no clue...
it would help if I could telnet to my exchange server  submit a query  see
it work... but no one can
even tell me IF this can be done!?!?

Re: LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-29 Thread bobg . hahc
On Nov 28, 8:40 pm, s. keeling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bob Goldberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   at the end of the day, this is what I want: my debian(etch)/exim machine to
   accept all internet Email to my domain, ignore all else, and relay on to my
   exchange5.5 server. This means I want exim to validate email recipients

 Have you googled eximldap?  You appear to be reinventing the
 wheel.  :-)  The first hit I see is a ppt, Using Exim WithLDAP.  And
 I see FreeBSD has exim-ldap...

hi s.

yes, I have... but none of my searches has revealed any information
that actually works.

All I can get out of exim is Unrouteable address. no matter what
I've tried.
The ppt presentation you referred to looked like it had potential, but
not 1 single LDAP query in that ppt seemed to work correctly on my
windows browser. I figured if the information in there, which DID look
fairly straightforward, doesn't work right, then how can I trust
anything that follows.?

I certainly accept the notion that the problem is ME. But I can't seem
to find a place to start diagnosing what I'm doing wrong... I can't
seem to get even the simplest of things to work correctly when it
comes to using exim w/ ldap.

I consider myself expert, when it comes to most things *nix. But
working with ldap has been the most frustrating experience i've had in
a long time.

The closest thing to ANY success i've had is with ldapsearch as
ldapsearch -h exchange.domain.com -D
CN=exim,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com -x -w password -b
CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com (memberOf=CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com)

this command at least seems to communicate w/ the exchange server, and
tells me invalid credentials.
I can only ASSUME that means a problem w/ the user/password, but I
KNOW that info IS valid.

I don't have a clue how to start figuring out what's wrong with
credentials I KNOW are good.
is debian REALLY talking to my exchange server? have no clue...
it would help if I could telnet to my exchange server  submit a query
 see it work... but no one can even tell me if this can be done!?!?

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Re: LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-29 Thread s. keeling
  On Nov 28, 8:40 pm, s. keeling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Bob Goldberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
at the end of the day, this is what I want: my
debian(etch)/exim machine to accept all internet Email to my
domain, ignore all else, and relay on to my exchange5.5
server. This means I want exim to validate email recipients
  Have you googled exim ldap?  You appear to be reinventing the
  The closest thing to ANY success i've had is with ldapsearch as
  ldapsearch -h exchange.domain.com -D
  CN=exim,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com -x -w password -b
  CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com (memberOf=CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com)
  this command at least seems to communicate w/ the exchange server,
  and tells me invalid credentials.  I can only ASSUME that means a
  problem w/ the user/password, but I KNOW that info IS valid.

Then it's a problem communicating those credentials.  One's using md5
hashes and the other's expecting crypt/PAM/Kerberos?!?/...

  I don't have a clue how to start figuring out what's wrong with
  credentials I KNOW are good.

Then it's not the credentials, it's how they're being communicated
from one process to the other.  I'd ignore exim on this for now.  I'd
say your problem's ldap.  Sort it out and exim should fall into line.
Yes, ldap can be bloody frustrating depending on the existing LAN

  is debian REALLY talking to my exchange server? have no clue...  it
  would help if I could telnet to my exchange server  submit a query
   see it work... but no one can even tell me if this can be

What?  Is the server accepting telnet connections?  I don't do
Windows, but surely it has some sort of telnetd/sshd by now?

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html  Linux Counter #80292
- -http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.htmlPlease, don't Cc: me.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-29 Thread Bob Goldberg

I agree - problem is DEFINITELY ldap authentication; forget about exim

my exchange server is setup to accept clear text, and anonymous OK (even
though I'm not trying to be anon).

here's the thing - I have no idea what is going on between ldapsearch, and
my exchange server.

I've tried netcat'g the host:389  to see if I could evesdrop, but to no
I've tried telnet'g to the host:389, and DO connect, but have no idea what
the communication should look like, and I get no responses at all regardless
of what I try.

ldap is definitely running - I can run custom queries, and ldap://queries
thru my windows browser with success.

the problem IS debian authenticating w/ the exchange server.

Can someone tell me some way to diagnose just what is happening in this
communication between ldapsearch  ldap server ???
Or can someone point me / show me   how a structured communication to the
ldap server would look like, so I can try sending it thru telnet - just to
see if I can get it to work that way Then I can try  figure out what
ldapsearch is sending...

TIA - Bob

LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-28 Thread bobg . hahc
at the end of the day, this is what I want: my debian(etch)/exim
machine to accept all internet Email to

my domain, ignore all else, and relay on to my exchange 5.5 server.
This means I want exim to validate

email recipients thru ldap lookups.

seems like a simple enough task, even one that many people have
probably done. Can I find any examples

of an exim config file that demonstrates this? NO! doc's suck. So I
have no idea if my router config is

even close or not. I don't think I need an acl, but i'm not sure. such
a simple task, you'd think

there'd already be a sample config file out there somewhere

Having said that, I'm trying to figure out why my ldap lookup's aren't
working, so that leads me down a

nasty diagnostic path.

1) can you do ldap queries using telnet? I seem to connect to my
server fine, but every query I insert,

returns nothing.

2) i'm trying to do ldap lookups using ldapsearch, and I'm not having
any luck at all, and i'm getting

useless error messages.

3) ldap is definitely running on exchange, because an ldap://server/query
entry in a browser, brings up

a dialog box that will successfully search using a custom ldap string,
and it all works.

4) if I can't do a simply query using ldapsearch, how in the  am i
ever going to get exim setup

correctly what does a valid ldapsearch command look like anyway??

5) if I can't use telnet to try to diagnose what's going on - where
should I start?

TIA - Bob

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-28 Thread Bob Goldberg
at the end of the day, this is what I want: my debian(etch)/exim machine to
accept all internet Email to my domain, ignore all else, and relay on to my
exchange 5.5 server. This means I want exim to validate email recipients
thru ldap lookups.

seems like a simple enough task, even one that many people have probably
done. Can I find any examples of an exim config file that demonstrates this?
NO! doc's suck. So I have no idea if my router config is even close or not.
I don't think I need an acl, but i'm not sure. such a simple task, you'd
think there'd already be a sample config file out there somewhere

Having said that, I'm trying to figure out why my ldap lookup's aren't
working, so that leads me down a nasty diagnostic path.

1) can you do ldap queries using telnet? I seem to connect to my server
fine, but every query I insert, returns nothing.

2) i'm trying to do ldap lookups using ldapsearch, and I'm not having any
luck at all, and i'm getting useless error messages.

3) ldap is definitely running on exchange, because an ldap://server/query
entry in a browser, brings up a dialog box that will successfully search
using a custom ldap string, and it all works.

4) if I can't do a simply query using ldapsearch, how in the  am i ever
going to get exim setup correctly what does a valid ldapsearch command
look like anyway??

5) if I can't use telnet to try to diagnose what's going on - where should I

TIA - Bob

Re: LDAP - howto get linux to talk to exchange/AD

2007-11-28 Thread s. keeling
  at the end of the day, this is what I want: my debian(etch)/exim machine to
  accept all internet Email to my domain, ignore all else, and relay on to my
  exchange 5.5 server. This means I want exim to validate email recipients
  thru ldap lookups.

Have you googled exim ldap?  You appear to be reinventing the
wheel.  :-)  The first hit I see is a ppt, Using Exim With LDAP.  And
I see FreeBSD has exim-ldap ...

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html  Linux Counter #80292
- -http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.htmlPlease, don't Cc: me.

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samba ldap howto

2007-06-15 Thread Rodney Richison

Looking for a fairly current debian  samba  ldap  pdc howto..

The ones I find for sarge and/or etch all say at the top.  This document 
is not yet finished..   :)

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Re: samba ldap howto

2007-06-15 Thread Mirco Piccin


(yes, it's in italian; you can try reading it using babel fish translation:

I wrote down this guide reading/copying other guides (all reported on links
at bottom of post). It's for Sarge, but I try to follow the steps there
reported for a fresh etch, and all works.
Hope it helps you!

Re: LDAP howto?

2006-10-04 Thread Mirco Piccin
Hi.}} Pointers to good LDAP-howto for server coniguration details.You can also look at:http://www.pictux.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5
that is a little useful guide.It's in italian, but with http://babelfish.altavista.com/ you can translate it in English.Hope it helps you!Bye

Re: LDAP howto?

2006-10-04 Thread John Schmidt
On Tuesday 03 October 2006 17:28, Ishwar Rattan wrote:
 Pointers to good LDAP-howto for server coniguration


This is where I started:



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LDAP howto?

2006-10-03 Thread Ishwar Rattan

Pointers to good LDAP-howto for server coniguration


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Re: LDAP howto?

2006-10-03 Thread Morten O. Hansen
On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 19:28 -0400, Ishwar Rattan wrote:
 Pointers to good LDAP-howto for server coniguration

I guess this [1] is a good starting point, and it wouldnt hurt googling
for 'debian ldap' either.

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/LDAP

With regards, Morten O. Hansen

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