Re: Lost PCI Network card after potato upgrade.

1999-07-18 Thread John Pearson
On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 08:36:29AM -0700, Doug Thistlethwaite wrote
 Hello,  I will try this question again without the attempt at humor...
 I upgraded my slink system to potato using dselect 3-4 days ago.  After
 the initalruns through dselect/install/config/remove there weretwo
 problems still being reported.
 #1 the gcc deb file would not load because of a conflicht with an old
 #2 setserial would not configure.
 I removed the old libg++272 (I think that was its name) and gcc seemed
 to install fine.
 The error messages during the configureation of setserial said that my
 modules needed to be updated and to run
 update-module force and run configure again.  Well, I did this and the
 above listed fix and now my network card is no longer detected.  (Note:
 I noticed the problem after I rebooted the system so I am not sure
 exactly what is causing this.
 I looked in my /var/log/kern.log file and found these differences before
 and after the reboot.
 The last line in this file has the line (note: the *date systemname* is
 acutially the date time and systemname at the time of the reboot.  I
 just didn't feel like typing it all in each time).
 *date systemname* kernel: ne.c No PCI cards found. use io=0xNNN values
 for ISA cards.
 Prior to the problem (earlier in the file) I had the following:
 *date systemname* kernel: ne.c v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becher (*email
 *date systemname* kernel: NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300 00 50 4e 03 8b
 *date systemname* kernel: eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300 using IRQ 3

With slink, the way in which /etc/conf.modules is maintained has changed;
previously you (and any installation scripts that needed to) would edit
/etc/conf.modules directly, which is a real pain (especially for scripts);
now snippets are stored in /etc/modutils/, and update-modules uses them to
re-build /etc/conf.modules.  See /usr/doc/modutils/ for full details, but
you probably want to add a file with a descriptive name like 'ne' to
/etc/modutils, and place the line
options ne io=0x300 irq=3
in it and then re-run update-modules.  That should fix it.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Lost PCI Network card after potato upgrade.

1999-07-16 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite
Hello,  I will try this question again without the attempt at humor...

I upgraded my slink system to potato using dselect 3-4 days ago.  After
the initalruns through dselect/install/config/remove there weretwo
problems still being reported.

#1 the gcc deb file would not load because of a conflicht with an old
#2 setserial would not configure.

I removed the old libg++272 (I think that was its name) and gcc seemed
to install fine.

The error messages during the configureation of setserial said that my
modules needed to be updated and to run
update-module force and run configure again.  Well, I did this and the
above listed fix and now my network card is no longer detected.  (Note:
I noticed the problem after I rebooted the system so I am not sure
exactly what is causing this.

I looked in my /var/log/kern.log file and found these differences before

and after the reboot.

The last line in this file has the line (note: the *date systemname* is
acutially the date time and systemname at the time of the reboot.  I
just didn't feel like typing it all in each time).

*date systemname* kernel: ne.c No PCI cards found. use io=0xNNN values

for ISA cards.

Prior to the problem (earlier in the file) I had the following:

*date systemname* kernel: ne.c v1.10 9/23/94 Donald Becher (*email
*date systemname* kernel: NE*000 ethercard probe at 0x300 00 50 4e 03 8b

*date systemname* kernel: eth0: NE2000 found at 0x300 using IRQ 3

Does anyone have an idea of what I did?  How can I get my networking

Thank you for your time,

Doug Thistlethwaite