Re: MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Andrew Akins wrote:
> > I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
> > Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
> > our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
> > these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?
> Next time use mtools and mcopy,  ought to work ok.
There is also a program called "cr" in the seesat5 package that will
convert these files back and forth between DOS carriage returns and Unix


_-_-_-_-_-_-  _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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Re: MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Martin Bialasinski
On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Andrew Akins wrote:

> I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
> Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
> our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
> these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?
Guess what, it is called dos2unix :-) Although I am not sure if it is a bo
package or new to hamm.

$ dpkg -S dos2unix
sysutils: /usr/bin/dos2unix
sysutils: /usr/man/man1/dos2unix.1

$ dpkg -s sysutils
Package: sysutils
Status: hold ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: utils
Maintainer: Karl Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 1.2-1
Depends: libc5
Conflicts: bogo, memtest, procinfo
Description: Miscellaneous small system utilities.
 This is a package encorporating various small utilities which are:
  *  procinfo - Displays system information from /proc (v0.9).
  *   memtest - Test system memory for errors (v1.0.1).
  *  bogo - Shows the current bogomips rating without rebooting
  *  tofrodos - Converts DOS <-> Unix text files (v1.0).

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Re: MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Andrew Akins wrote:
> I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
> Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
> our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
> these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?

You can pipe the file through "tr -d '\r'". Ignore the other message
about mcopy. This is restrictive since it *assumes* that the file
is on a floppy disk (or other FAT volume).

Jens B. Jorgensen

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Re: MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Toth Laszlo

It is one line 
tr -d "\015" < filename


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Re: MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Alex Yukhimets
> > I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
> > Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
> > our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
> > these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?


Debian does have dos2unix in some package. You would have to search 
Contents file on ftp site to find which one. Meanwhile I can show
you the way I do this:  tr -d '\015' < dosfile >unixfile

Alex Y.

 _( )_
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 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \(")|  |
  / \ \   +---+

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Re: MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Brian K Servis
Andrew Akins writes:
>I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
>Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
>our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
>these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?

dos2unix is in the sysutils package.

A suggestion, download a copy of the .../stable/Contents-i386 file
from your favorite Debian mirror.  It lists every file and its
package.  Then just grep it for your file in question, I use it all
the time.

#grep dos2unix Contents-i386
usr/bin/dos2unix utils/sysutils
usr/man/man1/dos2unix.1  utils/sysutils

Good luck,
Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

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Re: MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Will Lowe
On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Andrew Akins wrote:

> I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
> Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
> our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
> these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?

Next time use mtools and mcopy,  ought to work ok.


|   |
|   You and I and George went strolling through the park one day |
|   and then you held my hand as if to say,  "I love you".   |
|  Then we passed a brook, and George fell in and drowned himself|
| and floated out to sea, leaving you alone with me. |
|   -- As sung by Red Kelly,  on |
|   Stan Kenton/Live at the Las Vegas Tropicana  |

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MSDOS files...what to do...

1997-11-25 Thread Andrew Akins
I have copied some MSDOS text files (documents, java source files) to my
Linux box. So, of course, they all have ^M at the end of each line. At
our SCO box at work, we have a dos2unix command that would fix
these...does Linux have a similar tool, and what package is it in?

| Andrew Akins   |
| May your villages remain ignorant of tax collectors, and may your  |
| sons be many and ugly and strong and willing workers, and may your |
| daughters be few and beautiful and excellent providers of love |
| gifts from eminent families that live very far away, and may your  |
| lives be blessed by the beauty that has touched mine.  |
|- Number Ten Ox, "Bridge of Birds"  |

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