The UK Unix Group want to promote Linux on the front cover CD of PC
magazines. We think the following would be useful

-A distribution that made sense in 100MB monthly parcels. (we can only
squeeze a small amount of space from the huge amount of Windows SW that
gets put on)
-Does not need RockRidge
-Would work on FAT, VFAT and FAT32 filesystems in a umsdos manner.
-With a fips that worked with the new FAT32.

Now I guess with Debian we can split the distribution by removing
directories (e.g. X, electronics etc) and just release bits every month.

RockRidge means nothing to me, is this UNIX file semantics support?
(apparently the magazines have trouble with this)

I have not needed to do this with Debian and I can't remember anything
in the install docs but I guess umsdos works out of the box?

Anyone know if fips is being upgraded?

My questions are
        1) Has anyone done this before
        2) Does anyone have any opinons
        3) Is anyone intrested in the results

Alec Clews, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,         PGP keyid:48FA EB81
TCA Consulting Ltd  Tel. 44-(0)171-415-8159   Fax:44-(0)171-556-0022
New CIty Court, 20 St Thomas Street, London, Britain, SE1 9SD
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