Re: Newbie X (no @ on kbd)

1999-05-18 Thread Marc Mongeon
Have you read the French HOWTO?

I don't know if it addresses your problems specifically, because
je ne parle pas Francais, but it might be a good place to start.

The Keyboard and Console HOWTO also has some good general

Here is some additional information that could be helpful:  Does the
@ work from the console, but not from X?  Do you remeber what
type of keyboard you chose when you installed Linux?  Can you
describe they key sequence you want to use to type the @?
(I type Shift-2 on my keyboard).


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 jean-Yves BARBIER [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/16 4:20 AM 
Hi all,

I just succeed to start X under frame buffer (thanks to Geert Uytterhoeven!), 
bur I don't have the '@' available from my
keyboard! (quite silly, isn't it?).
Its a huge problem, because it oblige me to use windows.

How can I recover it??

Les choses ne sont pas toujours ce que l'on voudrait qu'elles soient qu'elles 
fussent... P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch: 
If you need N components to build your board, you'll ALWAYS have N-1 in stock 
Murphy's law

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Re: Newbie X (no @ on kbd)

1999-05-18 Thread Marc Mongeon

I am not running X on my Debian machine, and my X manual is at home, so I
am lacking resources, but I'll try to offer some tips...

Look in the directory /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols.  Is there a file called 
in this directory?  If so, is there a section in this file that looks like:

xkb_symbols pc102 { ... }

My machine does not have these files.  I have a symbol file called fr with
a section called basic, so I would expect to put a line like this in my 

XkbSymbols fr(basic)

Let me know what you find in your own ./symbols/ directory.

BTW, don't attach too much significance to that Unix Specialist title in my
signature.  I provide Unix support in a fairly small, non-technical office, 
everybody is a specialist of some sort.  My experience with Linux/Unix is
mostly as a hobbyist, so I still learn new things every day.  I learn a lot from
reading this mailing list.  I guess what I'm saying is that there are many 
on this list who are imminently more qualified to help you with this than I am.
However, I enjoy the challenge of problem-solving and am  happy to help
however I can.


Unix Specialist
Ban-Koe Systems
9100 W Bloomington Fwy
Bloomington, MN 55431-2200
(612)888-0123, x417 | FAX: (612)888-3344
It's such a fine line between clever and stupid.
   -- David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap

 jean-Yves BARBIER [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/18 3:51 AM 

Hi Marc,

I read a part of the documentation (the main doc's PB in Linux is the xti-doc 
for one subject!).

I tryied some other key: in fact that's all the Alt-Gr-keys that were zapped 
under X!, So instead of disabling XKDB in
its section in XF86Config, I re-enabled it this way: (don't remember wich doc 
says that, I've read too much of'em ;-) )
XkbKeycodes xfree86
XkbCompat   default
XkbSymbols  fr-latin0(pc102)
XkbGeometry pc(pc102)

And loadind with loadkeys at the boot.
I found it very usefull, under command line, especially the tty changing with 
windows keys, and flip-flop between the
last 2 ttys with page key.

BUT, the answer of the X server (I'm under fram buffer) is: (at the end of X)
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
 Error:Can't find file fr-latin0 for symbols include
   Abandoning symbols file default
Error from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap

waiting for X server to shut down

Its quite obvious: the file's not found, I tryied to put it on ~/root/.Xmodmap, 
and 2 other locations, from the doc, but
I still got the same error.

I love this OS, because I think the possibilities are almost infinites, instead 
of windows; but it's very hard to get

Les choses ne sont pas toujours ce que l'on voudrait qu'elles soient qu'elles 
fussent... P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch: 
If you need N components to build your board, you'll ALWAYS have N-1 in stock 
Murphy's law

Newbie X (no @ on kbd)

1999-05-16 Thread jean-Yves BARBIER
Hi all,

I just succeed to start X under frame buffer (thanks to Geert Uytterhoeven!), 
bur I don't have the '@' available from my
keyboard! (quite silly, isn't it?).
Its a huge problem, because it oblige me to use windows.

How can I recover it??

Les choses ne sont pas toujours ce que l'on voudrait qu'elles soient qu'elles 
fussent... P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:
If you need N components to build your board, you'll ALWAYS have N-1 in stock 
Murphy's law