Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-23 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 23/05/2021 11:15, Geert Stappers wrote:

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 09:31:24AM +0200, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 22:40, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:48 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:

Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting,
dat is nieuw en nog niet voor iedereen

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet
verbinding te realiseren via Debian, dat gaat op
zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Gave documentatie.  De eerste tekening was al top.
Tekening twee en drie (over MTU) helemaal klasse.

UTF-8-Art (zie view source).

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?

Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet
bruikbaar is.

Ik begrijp het, het stond overigens ook in je documentatie ;-)

Documentatie  _plus_  wat je ziet maakt de betere begripvorming.

Ik als vDSL klant, met een Fritzbox waar ik vanaf wil, begrijp het niet.

Het is handig als je wat ervaring hebt met PPP. Ik deed vroeger PPP over 
een seriële poort. Later PPP + PPTP met z'n Alcatel modem.

PPPoE is dan een volgende stap. En dan via VLAN.
De volgorde waarin de link word opgezet is andersom: Eerst VLAN6 en dan 

IPv6 werkt hier ondertussen (Debian 11), al moeten er wel nog wat dingen
mooier & beter. Zo mislukt het starten van DHCP tijdens het booten nog,
omdat er dan nog geen PPP verbinding is opgebouwd (denk ik). Maar daar
kom ik wel uit denk ik.

Daar heb ik dus een script voor.
wide-dhcpv6-client doet een aantal retries en dan geeft ie het op. Vandaar
dat ik die pas start nadat de link op is.
Ik vergelijk het automobiel met verbrandingsmotor. Je kunt pas gaan

rijden als de motor loopt. Je krijgt de motor pas gestart als
de versnellingsbak in neutraal staat. Dus dat handelingen
in de juiste volgorde moeten gebeuren.

Laag voor laag;
Eerst de draadjes aansluiten.
Dan de interfaces configureren.
Dan de routing.

Wat me opvalt is dat je het IPv6 IP toewijst aan "prefix-interface
eth1", terwijl het toch eigenlijk het PPP-interface (wan) is wat je een
IPv6 IP wilt geven. Ik heb dat geprobeerd, maar dat gaat niet, en
toewijzen aan dat prefix-interface lost het probleem op. Vreemd.
Ik wijs het nu toe aan het vlan interface, dat werkt ook.

Ik zie niet waar je statische IPv6 configuratie staat voor de WAN,

Is er niet. De PPP interface heeft qua IPv6 alleen een link-local adres.
Alleen de ethernet interface heeft een global IPv6 adres. Dat is dus anders
dan voor IPv4. Het remote end van de PPP link heeft ook een IPv6 link-local

Mijn inschatting is dat output van dit rijtje verheldert:

ip link
ip address
ip route
ip -6 route

Ik heb maar even gegrept op 'wan' (wan is ppp interface) anders is het 
zoveel tekst;

sput:~$ ip link | grep wan
8: wan:  mtu 1500 qdisc 
pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 3

sput:~$ ip address | grep wan
8: wan:  mtu 1500 qdisc 
pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 3

inet peer scope global wan

sput:~$ ip route | grep wan
default dev wan scope link dev wan proto kernel scope link src
'default' is hier

sput:~$ ip -6 route | grep wan
fe80::561e:56ff:fe3c:6839 dev wan metric 1024  pref medium
fe80::/10 dev wan metric 1  pref medium
fe80::/10 dev wan proto kernel metric 256  pref medium
default dev wan metric 1024  pref medium

'fe80::561e:56ff:fe3c:6839' komt overeen met ethernet adres 
54:1E:56:3C:68:39. Is dus de Juniper doos aan de remote kant.

'default' is hier ::/0


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-23 Thread Geert Stappers

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 09:31:24AM +0200, Rob van der Putten wrote:
> On 22/05/2021 22:40, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> > Op 22-05-2021 om 20:48 schreef Rob van der Putten:
> > > On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> > > > Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:
> > > > > On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:
> > > > > > Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
> > > > > > > Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting,
> > > > > > > dat is nieuw en nog niet voor iedereen
> > > > > > > beschikbaar.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet
> > > > > > > verbinding te realiseren via Debian, dat gaat op
> > > > > > > zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er
> > > > > > > hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > PPPoE in VLAN6?
> > > > > > Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);
> > > > > >

Gave documentatie.  De eerste tekening was al top.
Tekening twee en drie (over MTU) helemaal klasse.

> > > > > Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.
> > > > 
> > > > Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.
> > > > 
> > > > Vraag:
> > > > Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?
> > > 
> > > Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet
> > > bruikbaar is.
> > 
> > Ik begrijp het, het stond overigens ook in je documentatie ;-)

Documentatie  _plus_  wat je ziet maakt de betere begripvorming.

Ik als vDSL klant, met een Fritzbox waar ik vanaf wil, begrijp het niet.

> > IPv6 werkt hier ondertussen (Debian 11), al moeten er wel nog wat dingen
> > mooier & beter. Zo mislukt het starten van DHCP tijdens het booten nog,
> > omdat er dan nog geen PPP verbinding is opgebouwd (denk ik). Maar daar
> > kom ik wel uit denk ik.
> Daar heb ik dus een script voor.
> wide-dhcpv6-client doet een aantal retries en dan geeft ie het op. Vandaar
> dat ik die pas start nadat de link op is.
Ik vergelijk het automobiel met verbrandingsmotor. Je kunt pas gaan
rijden als de motor loopt. Je krijgt de motor pas gestart als
de versnellingsbak in neutraal staat. Dus dat handelingen
in de juiste volgorde moeten gebeuren.

> > Wat me opvalt is dat je het IPv6 IP toewijst aan "prefix-interface
> > eth1", terwijl het toch eigenlijk het PPP-interface (wan) is wat je een
> > IPv6 IP wilt geven. Ik heb dat geprobeerd, maar dat gaat niet, en
> > toewijzen aan dat prefix-interface lost het probleem op. Vreemd.
> > Ik wijs het nu toe aan het vlan interface, dat werkt ook.
> > 
> > Ik zie niet waar je statische IPv6 configuratie staat voor de WAN,
> Is er niet. De PPP interface heeft qua IPv6 alleen een link-local adres.
> Alleen de ethernet interface heeft een global IPv6 adres. Dat is dus anders
> dan voor IPv4. Het remote end van de PPP link heeft ook een IPv6 link-local
> adres.

Mijn inschatting is dat output van dit rijtje verheldert:

   ip link
   ip address
   ip route
   ip -6 route

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-23 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 22:40, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:48 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en 
nog niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren 
via Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. 
Zijn er hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?

Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet 
bruikbaar is.

Ik begrijp het, het stond overigens ook in je documentatie ;-)

IPv6 werkt hier ondertussen (Debian 11), al moeten er wel nog wat dingen 
mooier & beter. Zo mislukt het starten van DHCP tijdens het booten nog, 
omdat er dan nog geen PPP verbinding is opgebouwd (denk ik). Maar daar 
kom ik wel uit denk ik.

Daar heb ik dus een script voor.
wide-dhcpv6-client doet een aantal retries en dan geeft ie het op. 
Vandaar dat ik die pas start nadat de link op is.

Wat me opvalt is dat je het IPv6 IP toewijst aan "prefix-interface 
eth1", terwijl het toch eigenlijk het PPP-interface (wan) is wat je een 
IPv6 IP wilt geven. Ik heb dat geprobeerd, maar dat gaat niet, en 
toewijzen aan dat prefix-interface lost het probleem op. Vreemd.

Ik wijs het nu toe aan het vlan interface, dat werkt ook.

Ik zie niet waar je statische IPv6 configuratie staat voor de WAN, 

Is er niet. De PPP interface heeft qua IPv6 alleen een link-local adres.
Alleen de ethernet interface heeft een global IPv6 adres. Dat is dus 
anders dan voor IPv4. Het remote end van de PPP link heeft ook een IPv6 
link-local adres.

volgens mij krijg je die toch alleen via dhcp.

Maar bedankt voor je hulp!


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Op 22-05-2021 om 21:45 schreef Richard Lucassen:

On Sat, 22 May 2021 16:02:58 +0200
Paul van der Vlis  wrote:

Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

ip6rables -A INPUT -s fe80::/10 -p udp --dport 546 -j ACCEPT

misschien? Dat is bij xs4all wel nodig

Zoiets had ik al.

Maar het werkt ondertussen, zie andere post.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:48 schreef Rob van der Putten:


On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en 
nog niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren 
via Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. 
Zijn er hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?

Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet 
bruikbaar is.

Ik begrijp het, het stond overigens ook in je documentatie ;-)

IPv6 werkt hier ondertussen (Debian 11), al moeten er wel nog wat dingen 
mooier & beter. Zo mislukt het starten van DHCP tijdens het booten nog, 
omdat er dan nog geen PPP verbinding is opgebouwd (denk ik). Maar daar 
kom ik wel uit denk ik.

Wat me opvalt is dat je het IPv6 IP toewijst aan "prefix-interface 
eth1", terwijl het toch eigenlijk het PPP-interface (wan) is wat je een 
IPv6 IP wilt geven. Ik heb dat geprobeerd, maar dat gaat niet, en 
toewijzen aan dat prefix-interface lost het probleem op. Vreemd.

Ik wijs het nu toe aan het vlan interface, dat werkt ook.

Ik zie niet waar je statische IPv6 configuratie staat voor de WAN, 
volgens mij krijg je die toch alleen via dhcp.

Maar bedankt voor je hulp!


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Richard Lucassen
On Sat, 22 May 2021 16:02:58 +0200
Paul van der Vlis  wrote:

> Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog
> niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.
> Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
> Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er
> hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

ip6rables -A INPUT -s fe80::/10 -p udp --dport 546 -j ACCEPT

misschien? Dat is bij xs4all wel nodig

richard lucassen

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 20:05, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:

On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren 
via Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn 
er hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?

Omdat anders de /48 niet naar je geroute word of anderszins niet 
bruikbaar is.


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Op 22-05-2021 om 20:00 schreef Rob van der Putten:


On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er 
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.

Dat is transparant, dus zou niet moeten uitmaken.

Waarom gebruik je Wide-DHCPv6-Client bij een statische configuratie?



Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Op 22-05-2021 om 18:28 schreef Geert Stappers:

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 04:02:58PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:


Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog niet
voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via Debian,
dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er hier anderen die
dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Met OpenWRT werkt IPv6 prima, dus het lijkt niet aan Freedom te liggen.
Maar je weet maar nooit.

Eigenlijk weet ik niet zeker of ik een DHCP client nodig heb hiervoor, maar
ik heb er een paar geprobeerd:

dhclient lijkt geen PPP te kunnen, het zegt:
Unsupported device type 512 for "ppp0"

Daar kan ik me iets bij voorstellen.

PPP is de nieuwere SLIP, denk "serial port".
Een serieeel verbinding is zonder MAC address.

En MAC-adres is waar DHCP op leunt ...

Zit wat in...

Toch kan ook een PPP verbinding een IP adres verkrijgen. Alleen geen 
ervaring met IPv6. Wat ik tot nu toe zag komt er alleen een link-local 

Ik heb de clients uit wide-dhcpv6-client en dhcpcd5 geprobeerd, maar zonder
veel succes. Bij die laatste zie ik in de logs meldingen zoals:
2a10:3781:13b6::/48 will expire before renewal
ignoring T1 4294967295 to due address expiry
Het lijkt er dus op dat de lease expired voor de renewal, en daarom maar
niet gedaan wordt. Het is me nog niet gelukt dat op te lossen.

Toen ik in de PPP configuratie "debug" aan had staan zag ik ook dit:
May 22 15:42:27 laptop dhcpcd[575]: ppp0: no IPv6 Routers available
Wellicht moet ik een IPv6 router installeren? Dat leek me echter pas nodig
als ik er een netwerk achter heb hangen.

Iemand tips?

Bekijk de werkende OpenWRT configuratie beter.
Er zit ontzettend veel kennis in OpenWRT.

Het blijkt dat OpenWRT "odhcpd" gebruikt. Iets wat niet in Debian zit, 
en volgens mij vast verbonden is met OpenWRT.

(Hier de derde wet van Clarke)

Die wet ken ik nog niet ;-)

Eigenlijk realiseer ik me dat ik voor IPv6 een hele range binnenkrijg,
waarvan 1 IP voor de router is. Dit is wellicht niet iets wat je normaal met
een DHCP client doet. Wellicht kan ik het beter statisch doen.

Euh ja, "statisch" is wel het idee achter reeds toegewezen adres(blok).

Wellicht moet ik me daar maar in gaan verdiepen. Al zou ik iets als DHCP 
ook graag werkend krijgen voor IPv6.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 19:53, Rob van der Putten wrote:

On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er 
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Note: Ik heb hier geen GPON.


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Op 22-05-2021 om 19:53 schreef Rob van der Putten:


On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er 
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);

Heel interessant!


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Rob van der Putten


On 22/05/2021 16:54, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog 
niet voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er 
hier anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Draait hier al vier jaar (bij XS4ALL dus);


Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Geert Stappers
On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 04:02:58PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hoi,
> Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog niet
> voor iedereen beschikbaar.
> Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via Debian,
> dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er hier anderen die
> dit wel aan de praat hebben?
> Met OpenWRT werkt IPv6 prima, dus het lijkt niet aan Freedom te liggen.
> Maar je weet maar nooit.
> Eigenlijk weet ik niet zeker of ik een DHCP client nodig heb hiervoor, maar
> ik heb er een paar geprobeerd:
> dhclient lijkt geen PPP te kunnen, het zegt:
> Unsupported device type 512 for "ppp0"

Daar kan ik me iets bij voorstellen.

PPP is de nieuwere SLIP, denk "serial port".
Een serieeel verbinding is zonder MAC address.

En MAC-adres is waar DHCP op leunt ...

> Ik heb de clients uit wide-dhcpv6-client en dhcpcd5 geprobeerd, maar zonder
> veel succes. Bij die laatste zie ik in de logs meldingen zoals:
> -
> 2a10:3781:13b6::/48 will expire before renewal
> ignoring T1 4294967295 to due address expiry
> -
> Het lijkt er dus op dat de lease expired voor de renewal, en daarom maar
> niet gedaan wordt. Het is me nog niet gelukt dat op te lossen.
> Toen ik in de PPP configuratie "debug" aan had staan zag ik ook dit:
> May 22 15:42:27 laptop dhcpcd[575]: ppp0: no IPv6 Routers available
> Wellicht moet ik een IPv6 router installeren? Dat leek me echter pas nodig
> als ik er een netwerk achter heb hangen.
> Iemand tips?

Bekijk de werkende OpenWRT configuratie beter.
Er zit ontzettend veel kennis in OpenWRT.

(Hier de derde wet van Clarke)

> Eigenlijk realiseer ik me dat ik voor IPv6 een hele range binnenkrijg,
> waarvan 1 IP voor de router is. Dit is wellicht niet iets wat je normaal met
> een DHCP client doet. Wellicht kan ik het beter statisch doen.

Euh ja, "statisch" is wel het idee achter reeds toegewezen adres(blok).

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse.

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Geert Stappers
On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 04:54:17PM +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:
> > Hoi,
> > 
> > Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog niet
> > voor iedereen beschikbaar.
> > 
> > Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via
> > Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er hier
> > anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?
> Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.

Weet dat PPP  en PPPoE  niet hetzelfde is.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

Re: Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Paul van der Vlis

Op 22-05-2021 om 16:02 schreef Paul van der Vlis:


Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog niet 
voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er hier 
anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Overigens werkt dit precies hetzelfde als bij XS4all.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Geen IPv6 via PPP

2021-05-22 Thread Paul van der Vlis


Sinds kort heb ik een GPON Freedom aansluiting, dat is nieuw en nog niet 
voor iedereen beschikbaar.

Nu had ik me voorgenomen om de internet verbinding te realiseren via 
Debian, dat gaat op zich prima, alleen lukt IPv6 nog niet. Zijn er hier 
anderen die dit wel aan de praat hebben?

Met OpenWRT werkt IPv6 prima, dus het lijkt niet aan Freedom te liggen.
Maar je weet maar nooit.

Eigenlijk weet ik niet zeker of ik een DHCP client nodig heb hiervoor, 
maar ik heb er een paar geprobeerd:

dhclient lijkt geen PPP te kunnen, het zegt:
Unsupported device type 512 for "ppp0"

Ik heb de clients uit wide-dhcpv6-client en dhcpcd5 geprobeerd, maar 
zonder veel succes. Bij die laatste zie ik in de logs meldingen zoals:

2a10:3781:13b6::/48 will expire before renewal
ignoring T1 4294967295 to due address expiry
Het lijkt er dus op dat de lease expired voor de renewal, en daarom maar 
niet gedaan wordt. Het is me nog niet gelukt dat op te lossen.

Toen ik in de PPP configuratie "debug" aan had staan zag ik ook dit:
May 22 15:42:27 laptop dhcpcd[575]: ppp0: no IPv6 Routers available
Wellicht moet ik een IPv6 router installeren? Dat leek me echter pas 
nodig als ik er een netwerk achter heb hangen.

Iemand tips?

Eigenlijk realiseer ik me dat ik voor IPv6 een hele range binnenkrijg, 
waarvan 1 IP voor de router is. Dit is wellicht niet iets wat je normaal 
met een DHCP client doet. Wellicht kan ik het beter statisch doen.



auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp0s25
iface enp0s25 inet manual

auto vlan6
iface vlan6 inet manual
  vlan-raw-device enp0s25
  pre-up /sbin/ifup enp0s25
  mtu 1508

auto freedom
iface freedom inet ppp
   provider freedom


pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I vlan6 -T 80 -m 1500"
lcp-echo-interval 20
lcp-echo-failure 3
connect /bin/true
mtu 1500
plugin vlan6

/etc/ppp/pap-secrets:  1234


option rapid_commit
option domain_name_servers, domain_name, domain_search, host_name
option classless_static_routes
option interface_mtu
require dhcp_server_identifier
slaac private
allowinterfaces ppp0
interface ppp0
leasetime 4294967295  # experiment

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: Re: dip + slirp -P (ppp) working?

2019-02-07 Thread Colin Howlett

Sent from my iPhone

Re: Re: dip + slirp -P (ppp) working?

2019-02-07 Thread Colin Howlett

Sent from my iPhone

[Debian Sid] Upgrade of ppp package breaks connection

2018-02-21 Thread Maxim Karpenko
Running Debian Sid quite long and never had such "unstable" issue.

After upgrading package ppp from 2.4.7-1+4 to 2.4.7-2+1 cannot start ppp-oe
connection, requests to my ISP are failing with: MS-CHAP authentication
failed: Authentication failure

Nothing was changed in config/connection settings. After I removed new
package and installed previous version (with several dependencies) - ppp is
back to normal.

Did anyone face the same issue?


Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-19 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Bon dia,
Adopto la solució proposada pel Jordi.
Per tant, i agraint molt l'interès de tothom, dono el tema per tancat.

*Xavier De Yzaguirre*

El dia 12 de març de 2017 a les 22:00, Jordi Mallach  ha

> Ep Xavier,
> El dg 12 de 03 de 2017 a les 13:51 +0100, en/na Xavier De Yzaguirre i
> Maura va escriure:
> > El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava
> > perfecte amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara
> > està discontinuat.
> [ ... més històries de terror ... ]
> > Ara mateix estic molt despistat, i penso que potser es mes fàcil si
> > puc trobar un mòdem PCI mes modern que vagi be amb el Debian 8.7
> > Alguna idea, en algun dels dos sentits?
> > Gràcies per avançat.
> Mira, amb això de que ta mare de 92 anys se'n puja a la masia i reclama
> tindre el seu correu electrònic m'has guanyat el cor. Hi ha dos
> opcions:
> 1) Que comentes això a alguna llista de i els provoques el
> mateix sentiment que a mi, i que s'ho curren per fer arribar la xarxa
> com toca allà.
> 2) Busque en la meua Pila de Merda™ el meu mòdem hardware de tota la
> vidæ i t'ho envio per correu o el que siga. Era un US Robotics 56k dels
> clàssics:
> Segurament buscar "mòdem 56k" a Wallapop ix més barat, però. Ací en mig
> del no res del wild south veig a alguns paios que en venen per 5€.
> Modem "hardware" extern, això no falla. Sense driver ni res, perquè tot
> ho fa l'aparell. Només hauries de veure que tens un port sèrie
> disponible, i si no, comprar un adaptador Serial-USB per dos o tres
> euros addicionals.
> Jordi
> --
> Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
> GnuPG public key information available at

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Jordi Mallach
Ep Xavier,

El dg 12 de 03 de 2017 a les 13:51 +0100, en/na Xavier De Yzaguirre i
Maura va escriure:
> El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava
> perfecte amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara
> està discontinuat.

[ ... més històries de terror ... ]

> Ara mateix estic molt despistat, i penso que potser es mes fàcil si
> puc trobar un mòdem PCI mes modern que vagi be amb el Debian 8.7
> Alguna idea, en algun dels dos sentits?
> Gràcies per avançat.

Mira, amb això de que ta mare de 92 anys se'n puja a la masia i reclama
tindre el seu correu electrònic m'has guanyat el cor. Hi ha dos

1) Que comentes això a alguna llista de i els provoques el
mateix sentiment que a mi, i que s'ho curren per fer arribar la xarxa
com toca allà.

2) Busque en la meua Pila de Merda™ el meu mòdem hardware de tota la
vidæ i t'ho envio per correu o el que siga. Era un US Robotics 56k dels

Segurament buscar "mòdem 56k" a Wallapop ix més barat, però. Ací en mig
del no res del wild south veig a alguns paios que en venen per 5€.
Modem "hardware" extern, això no falla. Sense driver ni res, perquè tot
ho fa l'aparell. Només hauries de veure que tens un port sèrie
disponible, i si no, comprar un adaptador Serial-USB per dos o tres
euros addicionals.

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer
GnuPG public key information available at

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Al punt on està aquest mas no hi arriba cap xarxa mòbil, ni edge ni 3g.
Sols la RTC

El dg, 12 març 2017 a les 21:11 Iker Bilbao <> va

> Potser això et pot servir:
> Iker.
> El 12 mar. 2017 9:10 p. m., "Josep Lladonosa" <>
> escribió:
> 2017-03-12 21:00 GMT+01:00 Narcis Garcia <>:
> Que jo recordi, tant petaven els modems externs* com els interns; la
> diferència jo la notava en què es cremés només el modem (extern) o més
> coses de l'ordinador (intern). Sigui l'opció que sigui, per 1 o 2 euros
> pots trobar un fussible que es posa al fil telefònic.
> Jo amb els modems interns, a GNU/Linux vaig abandonar esperances, no
> només pels controladors sinó també perquè si deixaven de vendre el
> mateix xip, quedes penjat, igual com passa amb la falta de manteniment
> de controladors tant específics per GNU/Linux després de tants anys.
> (*) Certament, ara són més cars que abans els modems RTC.
> Si busques bé (al mercat xinès via Internet, no diré on ;-), pots trobar
> peces modernitzades, com ara mòdems usb2.0 per a línia telefònica
> convencional (RJ-11) i bé de preu.
> __
> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this list's archives. Mailing lists service
> administrator should fix this.
> El 12/03/17 a les 14:28, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura ha escrit:
> > Aquest equip, l'utilitza principalment una persona, ma mare, que ara te
> > 92 anys.
> > Fins ara l'únic que tenia que fer era engegar l'ubuntu i clicar el
> > telefonet vermell del gnome-ppp i que un cop minimitzat sabia que ja
> > podia arrencar l'evolution i enviar i rebre correus, també arrencar el
> > Firefox si volia navegar tot i que a 56 Kbs es una mica agònic fer-ho.
> > Ara sempre puja acompanyada a la masia, ja no hi viu tot i que sempre te
> > ganes de tornar-hi i així que hi arriba reclama poder seguir en contacte
> > amb l'exterior.
> > El primer mòdem que li vaig muntar era un Supra extern, però son cars i
> > es molt fàcil que et peti per alguna tempesta.
> > Suposo que ara un mòdem extern deu ser USB i n'he vist molts per a
> > windows  però no se si n'hi ha que funcionin be a Debian.
> > Tu en coneixes algun?
> > Gràcies
> >
> > *Xavier De Yzaguirre*
> > xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com
> >
> --
> --
> Salutacions...Josep
> --
> --
Xavier De Yzaguirre Gmail per a mòbil xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Evidentment abandono el mòdem PCI.
Els d'USR tenen un mòdem extern USB fax/dades a 56kb. Asseguren
compatibilitat amb els linux actuals de 3.16 a 4.4
Demà ho acabo de mirar. El preu sobre 56 €.

El dg, 12 març 2017 a les 21:11 Iker Bilbao <> va

> Potser això et pot servir:
> Iker.
> El 12 mar. 2017 9:10 p. m., "Josep Lladonosa" <>
> escribió:
> 2017-03-12 21:00 GMT+01:00 Narcis Garcia <>:
> Que jo recordi, tant petaven els modems externs* com els interns; la
> diferència jo la notava en què es cremés només el modem (extern) o més
> coses de l'ordinador (intern). Sigui l'opció que sigui, per 1 o 2 euros
> pots trobar un fussible que es posa al fil telefònic.
> Jo amb els modems interns, a GNU/Linux vaig abandonar esperances, no
> només pels controladors sinó també perquè si deixaven de vendre el
> mateix xip, quedes penjat, igual com passa amb la falta de manteniment
> de controladors tant específics per GNU/Linux després de tants anys.
> (*) Certament, ara són més cars que abans els modems RTC.
> Si busques bé (al mercat xinès via Internet, no diré on ;-), pots trobar
> peces modernitzades, com ara mòdems usb2.0 per a línia telefònica
> convencional (RJ-11) i bé de preu.
> __
> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this list's archives. Mailing lists service
> administrator should fix this.
> El 12/03/17 a les 14:28, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura ha escrit:
> > Aquest equip, l'utilitza principalment una persona, ma mare, que ara te
> > 92 anys.
> > Fins ara l'únic que tenia que fer era engegar l'ubuntu i clicar el
> > telefonet vermell del gnome-ppp i que un cop minimitzat sabia que ja
> > podia arrencar l'evolution i enviar i rebre correus, també arrencar el
> > Firefox si volia navegar tot i que a 56 Kbs es una mica agònic fer-ho.
> > Ara sempre puja acompanyada a la masia, ja no hi viu tot i que sempre te
> > ganes de tornar-hi i així que hi arriba reclama poder seguir en contacte
> > amb l'exterior.
> > El primer mòdem que li vaig muntar era un Supra extern, però son cars i
> > es molt fàcil que et peti per alguna tempesta.
> > Suposo que ara un mòdem extern deu ser USB i n'he vist molts per a
> > windows  però no se si n'hi ha que funcionin be a Debian.
> > Tu en coneixes algun?
> > Gràcies
> >
> > *Xavier De Yzaguirre*
> > xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com
> >
> --
> --
> Salutacions...Josep
> --
> --
Xavier De Yzaguirre Gmail per a mòbil xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Iker Bilbao
Potser això et pot servir:


El 12 mar. 2017 9:10 p. m., "Josep Lladonosa" <> escribió:

2017-03-12 21:00 GMT+01:00 Narcis Garcia <>:

> Que jo recordi, tant petaven els modems externs* com els interns; la
> diferència jo la notava en què es cremés només el modem (extern) o més
> coses de l'ordinador (intern). Sigui l'opció que sigui, per 1 o 2 euros
> pots trobar un fussible que es posa al fil telefònic.
> Jo amb els modems interns, a GNU/Linux vaig abandonar esperances, no
> només pels controladors sinó també perquè si deixaven de vendre el
> mateix xip, quedes penjat, igual com passa amb la falta de manteniment
> de controladors tant específics per GNU/Linux després de tants anys.
> (*) Certament, ara són més cars que abans els modems RTC.

Si busques bé (al mercat xinès via Internet, no diré on ;-), pots trobar
peces modernitzades, com ara mòdems usb2.0 per a línia telefònica
convencional (RJ-11) i bé de preu.

> __
> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this list's archives. Mailing lists service
> administrator should fix this.
> El 12/03/17 a les 14:28, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura ha escrit:
> > Aquest equip, l'utilitza principalment una persona, ma mare, que ara te
> > 92 anys.
> > Fins ara l'únic que tenia que fer era engegar l'ubuntu i clicar el
> > telefonet vermell del gnome-ppp i que un cop minimitzat sabia que ja
> > podia arrencar l'evolution i enviar i rebre correus, també arrencar el
> > Firefox si volia navegar tot i que a 56 Kbs es una mica agònic fer-ho.
> > Ara sempre puja acompanyada a la masia, ja no hi viu tot i que sempre te
> > ganes de tornar-hi i així que hi arriba reclama poder seguir en contacte
> > amb l'exterior.
> > El primer mòdem que li vaig muntar era un Supra extern, però son cars i
> > es molt fàcil que et peti per alguna tempesta.
> > Suposo que ara un mòdem extern deu ser USB i n'he vist molts per a
> > windows  però no se si n'hi ha que funcionin be a Debian.
> > Tu en coneixes algun?
> > Gràcies
> >
> > *Xavier De Yzaguirre*
> > xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com
> >


Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Josep Lladonosa
2017-03-12 21:00 GMT+01:00 Narcis Garcia <>:

> Que jo recordi, tant petaven els modems externs* com els interns; la
> diferència jo la notava en què es cremés només el modem (extern) o més
> coses de l'ordinador (intern). Sigui l'opció que sigui, per 1 o 2 euros
> pots trobar un fussible que es posa al fil telefònic.
> Jo amb els modems interns, a GNU/Linux vaig abandonar esperances, no
> només pels controladors sinó també perquè si deixaven de vendre el
> mateix xip, quedes penjat, igual com passa amb la falta de manteniment
> de controladors tant específics per GNU/Linux després de tants anys.
> (*) Certament, ara són més cars que abans els modems RTC.

Si busques bé (al mercat xinès via Internet, no diré on ;-), pots trobar
peces modernitzades, com ara mòdems usb2.0 per a línia telefònica
convencional (RJ-11) i bé de preu.

> __
> I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
> masked enough at this list's archives. Mailing lists service
> administrator should fix this.
> El 12/03/17 a les 14:28, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura ha escrit:
> > Aquest equip, l'utilitza principalment una persona, ma mare, que ara te
> > 92 anys.
> > Fins ara l'únic que tenia que fer era engegar l'ubuntu i clicar el
> > telefonet vermell del gnome-ppp i que un cop minimitzat sabia que ja
> > podia arrencar l'evolution i enviar i rebre correus, també arrencar el
> > Firefox si volia navegar tot i que a 56 Kbs es una mica agònic fer-ho.
> > Ara sempre puja acompanyada a la masia, ja no hi viu tot i que sempre te
> > ganes de tornar-hi i així que hi arriba reclama poder seguir en contacte
> > amb l'exterior.
> > El primer mòdem que li vaig muntar era un Supra extern, però son cars i
> > es molt fàcil que et peti per alguna tempesta.
> > Suposo que ara un mòdem extern deu ser USB i n'he vist molts per a
> > windows  però no se si n'hi ha que funcionin be a Debian.
> > Tu en coneixes algun?
> > Gràcies
> >
> > *Xavier De Yzaguirre*
> > xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com
> >


Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Narcis Garcia
Que jo recordi, tant petaven els modems externs* com els interns; la
diferència jo la notava en què es cremés només el modem (extern) o més
coses de l'ordinador (intern). Sigui l'opció que sigui, per 1 o 2 euros
pots trobar un fussible que es posa al fil telefònic.

Jo amb els modems interns, a GNU/Linux vaig abandonar esperances, no
només pels controladors sinó també perquè si deixaven de vendre el
mateix xip, quedes penjat, igual com passa amb la falta de manteniment
de controladors tant específics per GNU/Linux després de tants anys.

(*) Certament, ara són més cars que abans els modems RTC.

I'm using this express-made address because personal addresses aren't
masked enough at this list's archives. Mailing lists service
administrator should fix this.
El 12/03/17 a les 14:28, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura ha escrit:
> Aquest equip, l'utilitza principalment una persona, ma mare, que ara te
> 92 anys.
> Fins ara l'únic que tenia que fer era engegar l'ubuntu i clicar el
> telefonet vermell del gnome-ppp i que un cop minimitzat sabia que ja
> podia arrencar l'evolution i enviar i rebre correus, també arrencar el
> Firefox si volia navegar tot i que a 56 Kbs es una mica agònic fer-ho.
> Ara sempre puja acompanyada a la masia, ja no hi viu tot i que sempre te
> ganes de tornar-hi i així que hi arriba reclama poder seguir en contacte
> amb l'exterior.
> El primer mòdem que li vaig muntar era un Supra extern, però son cars i
> es molt fàcil que et peti per alguna tempesta.
> Suposo que ara un mòdem extern deu ser USB i n'he vist molts per a
> windows  però no se si n'hi ha que funcionin be a Debian.
> Tu en coneixes algun?
> Gràcies
> *Xavier De Yzaguirre*
> xdeyzaguirre(at)gmail(dot)com

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Blackhold

fés una ullada a això... la cosa és que necessitaràs un trasto que
passi de rj11 a serial, la RB450 té connector serial

- Blackhold
~> cal lluitar contra el fort per deixar de ser febles, i contra
nosaltres mateixos quan siguem forts (Esquirols)
<°((( ><

El dia 12 de març de 2017 a les 20:48, Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
<> ha escrit:
> Ha de ser un mòdem per una línia anal·lògica, a la masia no hi ha ADSL ni hi
> arriba guifinet.
> Em sembla que mikrotik no en te o no l'he dabut veure, però ho miraré mes a
> fons.
> El dg, 12 març 2017 a les 20:44 Blackhold <> va
> escriure:
>> agafa un router mikrotik i fora problemes!
>> - Blackhold
>> @blackhold_
>> ~> cal lluitar contra el fort per deixar de ser febles, i contra
>> nosaltres mateixos quan siguem forts (Esquirols)
>> <°((( ><
>> 2017-03-12 14:12 GMT+01:00 Josep Lladonosa <>:
>> > I un mòdem extern?
>> >
>> > On 12 Mar 2017 13:52, "Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura"
>> > <>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Bon dia,
>> >> Em trobo que he d'agut de muntar un nou equip per a una masia, on
>> >> l'accés
>> >> a internet sols es pot fer via ppp.
>> >> L'antic equip tenia mes de de 10 anys i l'havia actualitzat fins la
>> >> versió
>> >> 10.04 LTS de l'Ubuntu.
>> >> Els vaig configurar el gnome-ppp per accedir al 908 de telefònica i amb
>> >> això podien enviar i rebre correus electrònics en format text sense
>> >> adjuncions i els va estar funcionant be durant un munt d'anys.
>> >> Per problemes que no venen al cas, va petar la instal·lació i el disc
>> >> dur
>> >> va entonar l'"Addio a la vita" poc desprès.
>> >> He instal·lat un Debian 8.7 en un equip canibalitzat i que va prou de
>> >> pressa.
>> >> El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava
>> >> perfecte
>> >> amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara està
>> >> discontinuat.
>> >> He intentat reinstal·lar el driver HSF que veniem utilitzant amb aquest
>> >> mòdem els darrers anys
>> >> (hsfmodem_7.68.00.12full_k2.6.24_20_386_ubuntu_i386.deb) i em reclama
>> >> el
>> >> alsa-linux-conexant (alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb)
>> >> També ho he intentat amb la versió que han deixat com a últim recurs a
>> >> la
>> >> web de Linuxant i passa el mateix.
>> >>
>> >> Intento instal·lar el alsa-driver-linuxant i sembla que el nucli 3.16
>> >> es
>> >> massa modernet per a ell:
>> >>
>> >> teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo gdebi
>> >> /home/teresa/Baixades/linuxant/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb
>> >> [sudo] password for teresa:
>> >> Reading package lists... Done
>> >> Building dependency tree
>> >> Reading state information... Done
>> >> Building data structures... Done
>> >> Building data structures... Done
>> >>
>> >> ALSA driver enhanced for Conexant HDA modem support
>> >> Voleu instal·lar el paquet de programari? [s/N]:s
>> >> (S'està llegint la base de dades… hi ha 167266 fitxers i directoris
>> >> instal·lats actualment.)
>> >> S'està preparant per a desempaquetar
>> >> …/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb…
>> >> make: [uninstall] Error 1 (ignored)
>> >> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
>> >>
>> >> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
>> >> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
>> >> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
>> >>
>> >> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
>> >>
>> >> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
>> >> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
>> >> S'està desempaquetant alsa-driver-linuxant ( sobre (…
>> >> S'està configurant alsa-drive

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Ha de ser un mòdem per una línia anal·lògica, a la masia no hi ha ADSL ni
hi arriba guifinet.
Em sembla que mikrotik no en te o no l'he dabut veure, però ho miraré mes a

El dg, 12 març 2017 a les 20:44 Blackhold <> va

> agafa un router mikrotik i fora problemes!
> - Blackhold
> @blackhold_
> ~> cal lluitar contra el fort per deixar de ser febles, i contra
> nosaltres mateixos quan siguem forts (Esquirols)
> <°((( ><
> 2017-03-12 14:12 GMT+01:00 Josep Lladonosa <>:
> > I un mòdem extern?
> >
> > On 12 Mar 2017 13:52, "Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura" <
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Bon dia,
> >> Em trobo que he d'agut de muntar un nou equip per a una masia, on
> l'accés
> >> a internet sols es pot fer via ppp.
> >> L'antic equip tenia mes de de 10 anys i l'havia actualitzat fins la
> versió
> >> 10.04 LTS de l'Ubuntu.
> >> Els vaig configurar el gnome-ppp per accedir al 908 de telefònica i amb
> >> això podien enviar i rebre correus electrònics en format text sense
> >> adjuncions i els va estar funcionant be durant un munt d'anys.
> >> Per problemes que no venen al cas, va petar la instal·lació i el disc
> dur
> >> va entonar l'"Addio a la vita" poc desprès.
> >> He instal·lat un Debian 8.7 en un equip canibalitzat i que va prou de
> >> pressa.
> >> El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava
> perfecte
> >> amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara està
> >> discontinuat.
> >> He intentat reinstal·lar el driver HSF que veniem utilitzant amb aquest
> >> mòdem els darrers anys
> >> (hsfmodem_7.68.00.12full_k2.6.24_20_386_ubuntu_i386.deb) i em reclama el
> >> alsa-linux-conexant (alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb)
> >> També ho he intentat amb la versió que han deixat com a últim recurs a
> la
> >> web de Linuxant i passa el mateix.
> >>
> >> Intento instal·lar el alsa-driver-linuxant i sembla que el nucli 3.16 es
> >> massa modernet per a ell:
> >>
> >> teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo gdebi
> >> /home/teresa/Baixades/linuxant/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb
> >> [sudo] password for teresa:
> >> Reading package lists... Done
> >> Building dependency tree
> >> Reading state information... Done
> >> Building data structures... Done
> >> Building data structures... Done
> >>
> >> ALSA driver enhanced for Conexant HDA modem support
> >> Voleu instal·lar el paquet de programari? [s/N]:s
> >> (S'està llegint la base de dades… hi ha 167266 fitxers i directoris
> >> instal·lats actualment.)
> >> S'està preparant per a desempaquetar
> >> …/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb…
> >> make: [uninstall] Error 1 (ignored)
> >> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
> >>
> >> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
> >>
> >>
> >> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
> >> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
> >> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
> >>
> >> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
> >>
> >> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
> >> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
> >> S'està desempaquetant alsa-driver-linuxant ( sobre (…
> >> S'està configurant alsa-driver-linuxant (…
> >> Building modules for the 3.16.0-4-686-pae kernel, please wait... done.
> >> ERROR: Build failed. Please review the build log at
> >> /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log
> >> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
> >>
> >> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
> >>
> >>
> >> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
> >> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
> >> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
> >>
> >> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
> >>
> >> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
> >> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
> >> dpkg: s'ha produït un error en processar el paquet alsa-driver-linuxant
> >> (-

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Blackhold
agafa un router mikrotik i fora problemes!

- Blackhold
~> cal lluitar contra el fort per deixar de ser febles, i contra
nosaltres mateixos quan siguem forts (Esquirols)
<°((( ><

2017-03-12 14:12 GMT+01:00 Josep Lladonosa <>:
> I un mòdem extern?
> On 12 Mar 2017 13:52, "Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura" <>
> wrote:
>> Bon dia,
>> Em trobo que he d'agut de muntar un nou equip per a una masia, on l'accés
>> a internet sols es pot fer via ppp.
>> L'antic equip tenia mes de de 10 anys i l'havia actualitzat fins la versió
>> 10.04 LTS de l'Ubuntu.
>> Els vaig configurar el gnome-ppp per accedir al 908 de telefònica i amb
>> això podien enviar i rebre correus electrònics en format text sense
>> adjuncions i els va estar funcionant be durant un munt d'anys.
>> Per problemes que no venen al cas, va petar la instal·lació i el disc dur
>> va entonar l'"Addio a la vita" poc desprès.
>> He instal·lat un Debian 8.7 en un equip canibalitzat i que va prou de
>> pressa.
>> El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava perfecte
>> amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara està
>> discontinuat.
>> He intentat reinstal·lar el driver HSF que veniem utilitzant amb aquest
>> mòdem els darrers anys
>> (hsfmodem_7.68.00.12full_k2.6.24_20_386_ubuntu_i386.deb) i em reclama el
>> alsa-linux-conexant (alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb)
>> També ho he intentat amb la versió que han deixat com a últim recurs a la
>> web de Linuxant i passa el mateix.
>> Intento instal·lar el alsa-driver-linuxant i sembla que el nucli 3.16 es
>> massa modernet per a ell:
>> teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo gdebi
>> /home/teresa/Baixades/linuxant/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb
>> [sudo] password for teresa:
>> Reading package lists... Done
>> Building dependency tree
>> Reading state information... Done
>> Building data structures... Done
>> Building data structures... Done
>> ALSA driver enhanced for Conexant HDA modem support
>> Voleu instal·lar el paquet de programari? [s/N]:s
>> (S'està llegint la base de dades… hi ha 167266 fitxers i directoris
>> instal·lats actualment.)
>> S'està preparant per a desempaquetar
>> …/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb…
>> make: [uninstall] Error 1 (ignored)
>> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
>> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
>> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
>> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
>> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
>> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
>> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
>> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
>> S'està desempaquetant alsa-driver-linuxant ( sobre (…
>> S'està configurant alsa-driver-linuxant (…
>> Building modules for the 3.16.0-4-686-pae kernel, please wait... done.
>> ERROR: Build failed. Please review the build log at
>> /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log
>> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
>> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
>> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
>> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
>> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
>> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
>> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
>> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
>> dpkg: s'ha produït un error en processar el paquet alsa-driver-linuxant
>> (--install):
>>  el subprocés s'ha instal·lat el script post-installation retornà el codi
>> d'eixida d'error 1
>> S'estan processant els activadors per a systemd (215-17+deb8u6)…
>> S'han trobat errors en processar:
>>  alsa-driver-linuxant
>> El fitxer /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log diu:
>> teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo cat /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log
>> rm -f .depend *.o*
>> rm -f modules/*.o modules/*.ko
>> rm -f *~ out.txt *.orig *.rej .#* .gdb_history
>> rm -f doc/*~
>> rm -f config.cache config.log config.status Makefile.conf
>> rm -f utils/alsa-driver.spec
>> rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "*~"`

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Aquest equip, l'utilitza principalment una persona, ma mare, que ara te 92
Fins ara l'únic que tenia que fer era engegar l'ubuntu i clicar el
telefonet vermell del gnome-ppp i que un cop minimitzat sabia que ja podia
arrencar l'evolution i enviar i rebre correus, també arrencar el Firefox si
volia navegar tot i que a 56 Kbs es una mica agònic fer-ho.
Ara sempre puja acompanyada a la masia, ja no hi viu tot i que sempre te
ganes de tornar-hi i així que hi arriba reclama poder seguir en contacte
amb l'exterior.
El primer mòdem que li vaig muntar era un Supra extern, però son cars i es
molt fàcil que et peti per alguna tempesta.
Suposo que ara un mòdem extern deu ser USB i n'he vist molts per a windows
però no se si n'hi ha que funcionin be a Debian.
Tu en coneixes algun?

*Xavier De Yzaguirre*

2017-03-12 14:12 GMT+01:00 Josep Lladonosa <>:

> I un mòdem extern?
> On 12 Mar 2017 13:52, "Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura" <
>> wrote:
>> Bon dia,
>> Em trobo que he d'agut de muntar un nou equip per a una masia, on l'accés
>> a internet sols es pot fer via ppp.
>> L'antic equip tenia mes de de 10 anys i l'havia actualitzat fins la
>> versió 10.04 LTS de l'Ubuntu.
>> Els vaig configurar el gnome-ppp per accedir al 908 de telefònica i amb
>> això podien enviar i rebre correus electrònics en format text sense
>> adjuncions i els va estar funcionant be durant un munt d'anys.
>> Per problemes que no venen al cas, va petar la instal·lació i el disc dur
>> va entonar l'"Addio a la vita" poc desprès.
>> He instal·lat un Debian 8.7 en un equip canibalitzat i que va prou de
>> pressa.
>> El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava
>> perfecte amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara està
>> discontinuat.
>> He intentat reinstal·lar el driver HSF que veniem utilitzant amb aquest
>> mòdem els darrers anys (
>> *hsfmodem_7.68.00.12full_k2.6.24_20_386_ubuntu_i386.deb*) i em reclama
>> el alsa-linux-conexant (*alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb*)
>> També ho he intentat amb la versió que han deixat com a últim recurs a la
>> web de Linuxant i passa el mateix.
>> Intento instal·lar el alsa-driver-linuxant i sembla que el nucli 3.16 es
>> massa modernet per a ell:
>> teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo gdebi /home/teresa/Baixades/linuxant
>> /alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb
>> [sudo] password for teresa:
>> Reading package lists... Done
>> Building dependency tree
>> Reading state information... Done
>> Building data structures... Done
>> Building data structures... Done
>> ALSA driver enhanced for Conexant HDA modem support
>> Voleu instal·lar el paquet de programari? [s/N]:s
>> (S'està llegint la base de dades… hi ha 167266 fitxers i directoris
>> instal·lats actualment.)
>> S'està preparant per a desempaquetar …/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.
>> 1_all.deb…
>> make: [uninstall] Error 1 (ignored)
>> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
>> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
>> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
>> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
>> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
>> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
>> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
>> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
>> S'està desempaquetant alsa-driver-linuxant ( sobre (…
>> S'està configurant alsa-driver-linuxant (…
>> Building modules for the 3.16.0-4-686-pae kernel, please wait... done.
>> ERROR: Build failed. Please review the build log at
>> /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log
>> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
>> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
>> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
>> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
>> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
>> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
>> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
>> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
>> dpkg: s'ha produït un error en processar el paquet alsa-driver-linuxant
>> (--install):
>>  el subprocés s'ha instal·lat el script post-installation retornà el codi
>> d'eixida d'error 1

Re: gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Josep Lladonosa
I un mòdem extern?

On 12 Mar 2017 13:52, "Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura" <>

> Bon dia,
> Em trobo que he d'agut de muntar un nou equip per a una masia, on l'accés
> a internet sols es pot fer via ppp.
> L'antic equip tenia mes de de 10 anys i l'havia actualitzat fins la versió
> 10.04 LTS de l'Ubuntu.
> Els vaig configurar el gnome-ppp per accedir al 908 de telefònica i amb
> això podien enviar i rebre correus electrònics en format text sense
> adjuncions i els va estar funcionant be durant un munt d'anys.
> Per problemes que no venen al cas, va petar la instal·lació i el disc dur
> va entonar l'"Addio a la vita" poc desprès.
> He instal·lat un Debian 8.7 en un equip canibalitzat i que va prou de
> pressa.
> El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava perfecte
> amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara està
> discontinuat.
> He intentat reinstal·lar el driver HSF que veniem utilitzant amb aquest
> mòdem els darrers anys (
> *hsfmodem_7.68.00.12full_k2.6.24_20_386_ubuntu_i386.deb*) i em reclama el
> alsa-linux-conexant (*alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb*)
> També ho he intentat amb la versió que han deixat com a últim recurs a la
> web de Linuxant i passa el mateix.
> Intento instal·lar el alsa-driver-linuxant i sembla que el nucli 3.16 es
> massa modernet per a ell:
> teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo gdebi /home/teresa/Baixades/
> linuxant/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb
> [sudo] password for teresa:
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree
> Reading state information... Done
> Building data structures... Done
> Building data structures... Done
> ALSA driver enhanced for Conexant HDA modem support
> Voleu instal·lar el paquet de programari? [s/N]:s
> (S'està llegint la base de dades… hi ha 167266 fitxers i directoris
> instal·lats actualment.)
> S'està preparant per a desempaquetar …/alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.
> 1_all.deb…
> make: [uninstall] Error 1 (ignored)
> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
> S'està desempaquetant alsa-driver-linuxant ( sobre (…
> S'està configurant alsa-driver-linuxant (…
> Building modules for the 3.16.0-4-686-pae kernel, please wait... done.
> ERROR: Build failed. Please review the build log at
> /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log
> Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version
> If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:
> When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
> us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
> modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'
> No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP
> Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
> or try the generic TAR or tar version.
> dpkg: s'ha produït un error en processar el paquet alsa-driver-linuxant
> (--install):
>  el subprocés s'ha instal·lat el script post-installation retornà el codi
> d'eixida d'error 1
> S'estan processant els activadors per a systemd (215-17+deb8u6)…
> S'han trobat errors en processar:
>  alsa-driver-linuxant
> El fitxer /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log diu:
> teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo cat /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log
> rm -f .depend *.o*
> rm -f modules/*.o modules/*.ko
> rm -f *~ out.txt *.orig *.rej .#* .gdb_history
> rm -f doc/*~
> rm -f config.cache config.log config.status Makefile.conf
> rm -f utils/alsa-driver.spec
> rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "*~"`
> rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "*.orig"`
> rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "*.rej"`
> rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name ".#*"`
> rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "out.txt"`
> rm -f `find . -name "Module.markers"`
> rm -f `find . -name "modules.order"`
> rm -rf autom4te.cache
> echo skipping rm -f alsa-kernel/include/version.h
> skipping rm -f alsa-kernel/include/version.h
> rm -fr .tmp_versions
> rm -f Module.symvers
> find include/sound -name "*.h" -type l | xargs rm -f
> rm -fr include/generated
> find . -name "*.in" -a ! -name "" | sed 's/.in$

gnome-ppp, el mòdem intern i la mare que els va parir.

2017-03-12 Thread Xavier De Yzaguirre i Maura
Bon dia,
Em trobo que he d'agut de muntar un nou equip per a una masia, on l'accés a
internet sols es pot fer via ppp.
L'antic equip tenia mes de de 10 anys i l'havia actualitzat fins la versió
10.04 LTS de l'Ubuntu.
Els vaig configurar el gnome-ppp per accedir al 908 de telefònica i amb
això podien enviar i rebre correus electrònics en format text sense
adjuncions i els va estar funcionant be durant un munt d'anys.
Per problemes que no venen al cas, va petar la instal·lació i el disc dur
va entonar l'"Addio a la vita" poc desprès.
He instal·lat un Debian 8.7 en un equip canibalitzat i que va prou de
El mòdem es un Conceptronic C56MPi intern, bus PCI que funcionava perfecte
amb el driver linux conexant a l'Ubuntu, aquest driver ara està
He intentat reinstal·lar el driver HSF que veniem utilitzant amb aquest
mòdem els darrers anys (
*hsfmodem_7.68.00.12full_k2.6.24_20_386_ubuntu_i386.deb*) i em reclama el
alsa-linux-conexant (*alsa-driver-linuxant_1.0.23.1_all.deb*)
També ho he intentat amb la versió que han deixat com a últim recurs a la
web de Linuxant i passa el mateix.

Intento instal·lar el alsa-driver-linuxant i sembla que el nucli 3.16 es
massa modernet per a ell:

teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo gdebi
[sudo] password for teresa:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Building data structures... Done
Building data structures... Done

ALSA driver enhanced for Conexant HDA modem support
Voleu instal·lar el paquet de programari? [s/N]:s
(S'està llegint la base de dades… hi ha 167266 fitxers i directoris
instal·lats actualment.)
S'està preparant per a desempaquetar
make: [uninstall] Error 1 (ignored)
Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version

If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:

When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'

No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP

Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
or try the generic TAR or tar version.
S'està desempaquetant alsa-driver-linuxant ( sobre (…
S'està configurant alsa-driver-linuxant (…
Building modules for the 3.16.0-4-686-pae kernel, please wait... done.
ERROR: Build failed. Please review the build log at
Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version

If you need license keys, assistance or more information, please go to:

When reporting a problem for the first time, please send
us the file generated by "hsfconfig --dumpdiag".
modprobe: invalid option -- 'l'

No pre-built modules for: Debian-8.7 linux-3.16.0-4-686-pae i686-SMP

Please obtain the appropriate variant of this package for your system
or try the generic TAR or tar version.
dpkg: s'ha produït un error en processar el paquet alsa-driver-linuxant
 el subprocés s'ha instal·lat el script post-installation retornà el codi
d'eixida d'error 1
S'estan processant els activadors per a systemd (215-17+deb8u6)…
S'han trobat errors en processar:

El fitxer /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log diu:

teresa@Teresa-fontanet:~$ sudo cat /tmp/alsa-driver-linuxant.6196.log
rm -f .depend *.o*
rm -f modules/*.o modules/*.ko
rm -f *~ out.txt *.orig *.rej .#* .gdb_history
rm -f doc/*~
rm -f config.cache config.log config.status Makefile.conf
rm -f utils/alsa-driver.spec
rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "*~"`
rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "*.orig"`
rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "*.rej"`
rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name ".#*"`
rm -f `find alsa-kernel -name "out.txt"`
rm -f `find . -name "Module.markers"`
rm -f `find . -name "modules.order"`
rm -rf autom4te.cache
echo skipping rm -f alsa-kernel/include/version.h
skipping rm -f alsa-kernel/include/version.h
rm -fr .tmp_versions
rm -f Module.symvers
find include/sound -name "*.h" -type l | xargs rm -f
rm -fr include/generated
find . -name "*.in" -a ! -name "" | sed 's/.in$//g' | xargs rm
rm -fr builds
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /

renommer des interfaces ppp

2016-02-07 Thread Jérémy Prégo


sous debian jessie qui me sert de routeur, jusqu'à aujourd'hui je n'avai 
qu'une seule interface ppp. très bientôt, je vais en avoir une seconde. 
Du coup, j'aimerai les renomé pour ne pas les confondre lors de 
déconnections ou plus simplement pour gérer le routage.

en cherchant sur internet j'ai bien trouver quelque chose s'appelant 
ifname dans ppp mais je n'arrive pas le transposer à mon besoin.

merci d'avance si vous connaissez un moyen simple


Re: renommer des interfaces ppp

2016-02-07 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Jérémy Prégo a écrit :
> sous debian jessie qui me sert de routeur, jusqu'à aujourd'hui je n'avai 
> qu'une seule interface ppp. très bientôt, je vais en avoir une seconde. 
> Du coup, j'aimerai les renomé pour ne pas les confondre lors de 
> déconnections ou plus simplement pour gérer le routage.
> en cherchant sur internet j'ai bien trouver quelque chose s'appelant 
> ifname dans ppp mais je n'arrive pas le transposer à mon besoin.

Si tu fais référence à la variable IFNAME, c'est juste une variable
d'environnement passée par pppd aux divers scripts qu'il invoque lors de
certaines phases (connexion, déconnexion...) pour les informer du nom de
l'interface. On ne peut pas s'en servir pour définir ou modifier le nom
de l'interface. En revanche ces scripts peuvent s'en servir pour
diverses opérations (gestion des routes, règles iptables...). Pour la
déconnexion, on utilise le nom logique de la connexion plutôt que
l'interface donc il ne devrait pas y avoir de confusion possible.

Le programme ifrename du paquet éponyme permet de renommer une interface
réseau, mais j'ignore s'il fonctionne avec une interface PPP.

Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-21 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 14.08.2014 16:02, schrieb Rusi Mody:
  On Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
  Am 14.08.2014 um 05:32 schrieb Rusi Mody:
  Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
  such file or directory
  Since you don't have the /dev/ppp device, I assume you are not using
  udev 208-7?
  Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?
  Thanks Michael
  Just ran an aptitude update.
  After that:
  udev is at 208-6 which is the latest I see

 If you are using sysvinit as PID 1, upgrade udev to 208-7 (currently
 available from unstable)

  systemd is at 204-8 upgradable to 208-6

 If you are using systemd as PID 1, you should avoid mixing udev 208 with
 systemd 204 and always upgrade both [1].

 I'd suggest you install systemd-sysv (which will uninstall
 sysvinit-core) which will switch your default init to systemd.

 You will still have a fallback /lib/sysvini/init as long as the sysvinit
 package is installed and which you can use to boot the system in case
 the boot fails with systemd.


Done finally!

sysvinit-core removed which pulled in systemd-sysv
and (to the best of my knowledge!) my system is still running!

So Thanks again!

[I would still like to very most humbly submit that sysvinit-core is an odd
name for something that is not core!  At the least the description lines 
could have something to that effect...]

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-19 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Tue, 19 Aug 2014, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 05:38:13AM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
  More specifically my concerns are:
  1. Which apt package 'owns' which file?
 Use 'dpkg -S' e.g.:

And if you need to do this often, I recommend the dlocate package.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-18 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 14.08.2014 16:02, schrieb Rusi Mody:
  On Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
  Am 14.08.2014 um 05:32 schrieb Rusi Mody:
  Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
  such file or directory
  Since you don't have the /dev/ppp device, I assume you are not using
  udev 208-7?
  Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?
  Thanks Michael
  Just ran an aptitude update.
  After that:
  udev is at 208-6 which is the latest I see

 If you are using sysvinit as PID 1, upgrade udev to 208-7 (currently
 available from unstable)

  systemd is at 204-8 upgradable to 208-6

 If you are using systemd as PID 1, you should avoid mixing udev 208 with
 systemd 204 and always upgrade both [1].

 I'd suggest you install systemd-sysv (which will uninstall
 sysvinit-core) which will switch your default init to systemd.

 You will still have a fallback /lib/sysvini/init as long as the sysvinit
 package is installed and which you can use to boot the system in case
 the boot fails with systemd.


Just trying to complete this (both in deed and in understanding)

And I find that /bin/systemd is a link to /lib/systemd/systemd.
This removes some of my apprehensions.

[I could have sworn that I saw a normal file of same size in both places and 
was confused. I guess I saw wrong.]

And now (IIUC) replacing sysvinit-core by systemd-sysv will make
systemd the default (right now Ive to explicitly give the
init=/bin/systemd at grub). However both will continue to exist and in case
of any issue it could be manually chosen.  Is that right??

More specifically my concerns are:
1. Which apt package 'owns' which file?
2. Are any critical packages being obsoleted?

I really wonder about the name 'sysvinit-core'...
Hardly seems 'core' to me.

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-18 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 05:38:13AM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
 More specifically my concerns are:
 1. Which apt package 'owns' which file?

Use 'dpkg -S' e.g.:

root@tal:~# dpkg -S /bin/systemd
systemd: /bin/systemd
root@tal:~# dpkg -S /lib/systemd/systemd
systemd: /lib/systemd/systemd

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-17 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Rusi Mody wrote:
 On Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Tom H wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Rusi Mody wrote:

 To add to my earlier report:
 I managed to remove graphviz and its associated libraries.
 So that now aptitude dist-upgrade gives me only 1 'issue' :
 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 systemd-sysv : Conflicts: sysvinit-core but 2.88dsf-53.3 is to be installed.
 The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
 Remove the following packages:
 1) sysvinit-core

 You can either accept to remove sysvinit-core and run with systemd
 only or install systemd-shim and you won't be prompted to install
 systemd-sysv - and you'll be able to boot with sysvinit by default or
 systemd if you add init=/lib/systemd/systemd to the kernel cmdline.
 (the archives have this repeated a number of times!)

 systemd-shim is currently installed

OK, although it doesn't make sense. systemd-sysv shouldn't be pulled in.

This is on an unstable system:

# dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\n${Version}\n${Status}\n\n'
install ok installed

install ok installed

install ok installed


unknown ok not-installed

install ok installed

install ok installed

install ok installed

# aptitude search -F%p '?depends(systemd-sysv)'

# aptitude search -F%p '?depends(systemd-shim)'

# aptitude search -F%p '?depends(sysvinit-core)'

# apt-cache show gpsd | grep Depends
Depends: netbase | systemd-sysv, ...

# dpkg -L netbase

# apt-cache show netbase | grep Priority
Priority: important

Given the Priority of netbase, neither gpsd nor the other three
should be pulling in systemd-sysv unless you don't have sysvinit-core
or systemd-shim installed - although the netbase | systemd-sysv is

 Running with init=/bin/systemd makes networking stop working

IIRC, it's a question of moving the module options from /etc/modules
to /etc/modprobe.d/module.conf until the systemd maintainers
figure out how to do this on transition to systemd.

 And /bin/systemd is softlinked to /lib/systemd/systemd so I guess that
 is a non-difference

/bin/systemd is a Debianism but as you say it doesn't make a difference.

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-17 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 01.08.2014 10:45, schrieb Tom H:

 Either /etc/modprobe.d/filename.conf or in /etc/modules if the
 former isn't early enough.

You are mixing two things up here:

/etc/modprobe.conf and /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf are for specifying module

If you want to load modules during boot, you have add it to
/etc/modules or /etc/modules-load.d/*.conf.
As you already pointed out /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf being a
symlink to /etc/modules. This is out of convenience to keep the old
filename working.
See man modules-load.d(5)

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-17 Thread Rusi Mody
On Sunday, August 17, 2014 4:50:01 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 01.08.2014 10:45, schrieb Tom H:

  Either /etc/modprobe.d/filename.conf or in /etc/modules if the
  former isn't early enough.

 You are mixing two things up here:

 /etc/modprobe.conf and /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf are for specifying module

 If you want to load modules during boot, you have add it to
 /etc/modules or /etc/modules-load.d/*.conf.
 As you already pointed out /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf being a
 symlink to /etc/modules. This is out of convenience to keep the old
 filename working.
 See man modules-load.d(5)

Thanks Michael and others who have helped.

Currently I am not on that debian box but an ubuntu laptop and in a
bit of rush so not able to give exact/precise answers...

...other than to say that that problem has been solved more or less

I'll be getting back to this in a day or two to see through a fully
satisfactory solution

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-17 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 01.08.2014 10:45, schrieb Tom H:

 Either /etc/modprobe.d/filename.conf or in /etc/modules if the
 former isn't early enough.

 You are mixing two things up here:

 /etc/modprobe.conf and /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf are for specifying module

 If you want to load modules during boot, you have add it to
 /etc/modules or /etc/modules-load.d/*.conf.
 As you already pointed out /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf being a
 symlink to /etc/modules. This is out of convenience to keep the old
 filename working.

I guess that I expressed myself badly.

AIUI, the symlink from /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf to
/etc/modules is a good transition mechanism for loading a module
early when booting via systemd but, unlike sysvinit, systemd cannot
load module options from that file/directory so you have to use
/etc/modprobe.d/ to load options (over and above /etc/modules).

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 14.08.2014 um 05:32 schrieb Rusi Mody:
 Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
 such file or directory

Since you don't have the /dev/ppp device, I assume you are not using
udev 208-7?

Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 14.08.2014 um 05:32 schrieb Rusi Mody:
  Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
  such file or directory

 Since you don't have the /dev/ppp device, I assume you are not using
 udev 208-7?

 Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?

Thanks Michael

Just ran an aptitude update.

After that:

udev is at 208-6 which is the latest I see

systemd is at 204-8 upgradable to 208-6

Trying to upgrade systemd gives me:
colord will be removed
gnome-sushi will be removed
gvfs will be removed
gvfs-backends will be removed
gvfs-daemons will be removed
libpam-systemd will be removed
nautilus will be removed
packagekit will be removed
packagekit-tools will be removed
policykit-1 will be removed
policykit-1-gnome will be removed
udisks2 will be removed
libsystemd-daemon0 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
libsystemd-journal0 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
libsystemd-journal0:i386 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
libsystemd-login0 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
nautilus-data (version 3.8.2-3) will be upgraded to version 3.12.2-1
systemd (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6

Some other things which I looked at:

Trying to upgrade libpam-systemd gives me

sysvinit-core will be removed
libpam-systemd (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
libsystemd-daemon0 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
libsystemd-journal0 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
libsystemd-journal0:i386 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
libsystemd-login0 (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
systemd (version 204-8) will be upgraded to version 208-6
systemd-sysv (version 208-6) will be installed

sysvinit is at 2.88dsf-53.2 upgradable to 2.88dsf-53.3
Trying to upgrade sysvinit gives:

sysvinit (version 2.88dsf-53.2) will be upgraded to version 2.88dsf-53.3
init (version 1.20) will be installed

which seems the least drastic so far!

I find that on trying aptitude dist-upgrade I get a large load of 
installs/upgrades and
these removes:

 Remove the following packages:   
1) graphviz   
2) rsyslog
3) sysvinit-core  

 Keep the following packages at their current version:
4) libgvc6 [Not Installed]
5) liblognorm1 [Not Installed]

So I try to remove graphviz and related libs but I get

E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.
E: Unable to correct dependencies
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.
E: Unable to correct dependencies
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by 
held packages.
E: Unable to correct dependencies
E: Unable to lock the download directory

So I am going to try to remove graphviz and its libraries one piece at a time...

Meanwhile if you have any further advice... 

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 8:00:03 PM UTC+5:30, Rusi Mody wrote:
 On Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
  Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?
 Thanks Michael

To add to my earlier report:

I managed to remove graphviz and its associated libraries.

So that now aptitude dist-upgrade gives me only 1 'issue' :

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 systemd-sysv : Conflicts: sysvinit-core but 2.88dsf-53.3 is to be installed.
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

 Remove the following packages:
1) sysvinit-core

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Rusi Mody wrote:

 To add to my earlier report:

 I managed to remove graphviz and its associated libraries.

 So that now aptitude dist-upgrade gives me only 1 'issue' :

 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  systemd-sysv : Conflicts: sysvinit-core but 2.88dsf-53.3 is to be installed.
 The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

  Remove the following packages:
 1) sysvinit-core

You can either accept to remove sysvinit-core and run with systemd
only or install systemd-shim and you won't be prompted to install
systemd-sysv - and you'll be able to boot with sysvinit by default or
systemd if you add init=/lib/systemd/systemd to the kernel cmdline.
(the archives have this repeated a number of times!)

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 9:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Tom H wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Rusi Mody  wrote:
  To add to my earlier report:
  I managed to remove graphviz and its associated libraries.
  So that now aptitude dist-upgrade gives me only 1 'issue' :
  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   systemd-sysv : Conflicts: sysvinit-core but 2.88dsf-53.3 is to be 
  The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
   Remove the following packages:
  1) sysvinit-core

 You can either accept to remove sysvinit-core and run with systemd
 only or install systemd-shim and you won't be prompted to install
 systemd-sysv - and you'll be able to boot with sysvinit by default or
 systemd if you add init=/lib/systemd/systemd to the kernel cmdline.
 (the archives have this repeated a number of times!)

systemd-shim is currently installed
Running with init=/bin/systemd makes networking stop working

And /bin/systemd is softlinked to /lib/systemd/systemd so I guess that
is a non-difference

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 14.08.2014 16:02, schrieb Rusi Mody:
 On Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 14.08.2014 um 05:32 schrieb Rusi Mody:
 Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
 such file or directory
 Since you don't have the /dev/ppp device, I assume you are not using
 udev 208-7?
 Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?
 Thanks Michael
 Just ran an aptitude update.
 After that:
 udev is at 208-6 which is the latest I see

If you are using sysvinit as PID 1, upgrade udev to 208-7 (currently
available from unstable)

 systemd is at 204-8 upgradable to 208-6

If you are using systemd as PID 1, you should avoid mixing udev 208 with
systemd 204 and always upgrade both [1].

I'd suggest you install systemd-sysv (which will uninstall
sysvinit-core) which will switch your default init to systemd.

You will still have a fallback /lib/sysvini/init as long as the sysvinit
package is installed and which you can use to boot the system in case
the boot fails with systemd.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 14.08.2014 um 05:32 schrieb Rusi Mody:
  Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
  such file or directory

 Since you don't have the /dev/ppp device, I assume you are not using
 udev 208-7?

 Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?

Ok after dist-upgrade, box is at
systemd 208-6
udev 208-6
libpam-systemd removed
sysvinit, sysvinit-core, sysvinit-utils installed all at 2.88dsf-53.3
systemd-shim at 6-3

All show as latest.
Does this look ok?

I'll be checking if there is any improvement with booting with

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-14 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 10:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 14.08.2014 16:02, schrieb Rusi Mody:
  On Thursday, August 14, 2014 3:40:03 PM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
  Am 14.08.2014 um 05:32 schrieb Rusi Mody:
  Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
  such file or directory
  Since you don't have the /dev/ppp device, I assume you are not using
  udev 208-7?
  Could you please post the version of udev (and systemd) you are using?
  Thanks Michael
  Just ran an aptitude update.
  After that:
  udev is at 208-6 which is the latest I see

 If you are using sysvinit as PID 1, upgrade udev to 208-7 (currently
 available from unstable)

  systemd is at 204-8 upgradable to 208-6

 If you are using systemd as PID 1, you should avoid mixing udev 208 with
 systemd 204 and always upgrade both [1].

 I'd suggest you install systemd-sysv (which will uninstall
 sysvinit-core) which will switch your default init to systemd.

 You will still have a fallback /lib/sysvini/init as long as the sysvinit
 package is installed and which you can use to boot the system in case
 the boot fails with systemd.


systemd is working (with handwritten grub line)
Networking is back to automatically working 

I'll wait a bit before full switchover
[Need to check printer etc
Its often a source of trouble because Canon drivers are not the
debian supplied ones

Thanks again!

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Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-13 Thread Rusi Mody
On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 3:20:02 PM UTC+5:30, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Lu, 11 aug 14, 07:57:05, Rusi Mody wrote:
  If I start from grub using init=/bin/systemd it boots but networking
  does not work.
 Please attach the file 'bootlog' after running:
 journalctl -alb  bootlog

Thanks Andrei

Tried doing that... does not seem to reach the list.

So pruning down to what seems relevant and inlining below.
1. IPs have been masked. They 'look' ok (are not 192.168 types)
2. You asked flasgs -alb. The l does not seem valid. This is with -ab
3. Theres some resolvconf issue.  There are bugs I see like
But I dont know what changes with systemd.
4. The second bunch of lines probably comes from the manually given
modprobe ppp
pon dsl-provider

--bootlog excerpt--
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 networking[418]: Configuring network 
interfaces...resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolvconf/run/interface either does not 
exist or is not a directory
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 console-setup[444]: Setting up console font and 
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Set console font and keymap.
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 networking[418]: resolvconf: Error: 
/etc/resolvconf/run/interface either does not exist or is not a directory
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not 
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 kernel: e100 :04:08.0 eth0: NIC Link is Up 100 
Mbps Full Duplex
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link 
becomes ready
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 networking[418]: resolvconf: Error: 
/etc/resolvconf/run/interface either does not exist or is not a directory
Aug 14 08:13:14 debian64 networking[418]: grep: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file 
or directory
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 ntpdate[596]: Can't find host 
Name or service not known (-2)
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 ntpdate[596]: Can't find host 
Name or service not known (-2)
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 ntpdate[596]: Can't find host 
Name or service not known (-2)
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 ntpdate[596]: Can't find host 
Name or service not known (-2)
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 ntpdate[596]: no servers can be used, exiting
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Plugin loaded.
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No such 
file or directory
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Linux kernel does not support PPPoE -- are 
you running 2.4.x?
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 pppd[594]: Exit.
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 networking[418]: Plugin loaded.
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 networking[418]: Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No 
such file or directory
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 networking[418]: Linux kernel does not support PPPoE 
-- are you running 2.4.x?
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 networking[418]: Failed to bring up dsl-provider.
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 ntpdate[632]: Can't find host 
Name or service not known (-2)
Aug 14 08:13:15 debian64 networking[418]: done.

Further down the file

Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 sudo[957]: siva : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/siva ; 
USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/modprobe pppoe
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 sudo[957]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for 
user root by siva(uid=0)
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 24
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 sudo[957]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for 
user root
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 sudo[959]: siva : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/siva ; 
USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/pon dsl-provider
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 sudo[959]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for 
user root by siva(uid=0)
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 pppd[960]: Plugin loaded.
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 pppd[967]: pppd 2.4.6 started by siva, uid 0
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 sudo[959]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for 
user root
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 pppd[967]: PPP session is 10294
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 pppd[967]: Connected to 00:e0:fc:37:3c:02 via 
interface eth0
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 pppd[967]: Using interface ppp0
Aug 14 08:13:48 debian64 pppd[967]: Connect: ppp0 -- eth0
Aug 14 08:13:50 debian64 sudo[972]: siva : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/siva ; 
USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig
Aug 14 08:13:50 debian64 sudo[972]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for 
user root by siva(uid=0)
Aug 14 08:13:50 debian64 sudo[972]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for 
user root
Aug 14 08:13:50 debian64 colord[760]: Automatic remove of LBP1210-Gray.. from 
Aug 14 08:13:50 debian64 colord[760]: Profile removed: LBP1210-Gray..
Aug 14 08:13:50 debian64 colord[760]: device removed: cups-LBP1210
Aug 14 08:13:51 debian64 pppd[967]: CHAP authentication succeeded: 
Authentication success,Welcome!
Aug 14 08:13:51 debian64 pppd

Re: networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-12 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 11 aug 14, 07:57:05, Rusi Mody wrote:
 If I start from grub using init=/bin/systemd it boots but networking
 does not work.

Please attach the file 'bootlog' after running:

journalctl -alb  bootlog

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

networking fails with temporary systemd (was auto starting of ppp has stopped working)

2014-08-11 Thread Rusi Mody
On Saturday, August 2, 2014 4:10:02 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 31.07.2014 20:27, schrieb Rusi Mody:
  After some recent upgrades (this is on jessie)
  auto starting of ppp has stopped working.
  So every time after booting I now have to run pppoeconf.
  Any ideas?

 This is a sysvinit specific problem [1].
 Spefically, udev no longer creates dead devices notes which are used to
 trigger the auto-loading of kernel modules.

 Under systemd this is done properly, for sysvinit, we will need a
 workaround as in [2].

 The solution is *not* to add the module to /etc/modules.


Getting back to this since I have a bit of time...

My system currently seems to be half way between systemd and init.
ie by default process 1 is init;
systemd seems to be there on the system but its not 1 by default

If I start from grub using init=/bin/systemd it boots but networking
does not work.

I'd appreciate help on ironing this out and moving on to a full systemd install

In more details:

As earlier described on this thread:

After some upgrade, the kernel modules related to ppp (some 3 or 4 of
them) stopped being installed automatically.

So from then on I am modprobing those and then manually running
$ pon dsl-provider

If however I boot grub with init=/bin/systemd then it does not work.

- At start those modules remain non-loaded
- modprobing them (seems to) load them in that they show in
  lsmod|grep ppp
- Furthermore ifconfig seems to show a proper ppp0 inet addr
  after pon dsl-provider
- But firefox cant find any page

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 09:32:08PM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
 So now the question is:
 What is the 'modern' way of automatically doing 'modprobe pppoe'
 at boot/ifup time?
 Evidently something has changed that has made that stop happening...

Put it in /etc/modules. I hope that is still the place. BTW, a quick
google should have helped with this ... was Google unhelpful in this

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Rusi Mody
On Friday, August 1, 2014 12:20:02 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 09:32:08PM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
  So now the question is:
  What is the 'modern' way of automatically doing 'modprobe pppoe'
  at boot/ifup time?
  Evidently something has changed that has made that stop happening...

 Put it in /etc/modules. I hope that is still the place. BTW, a quick
 google should have helped with this ... was Google unhelpful in this

A quick google tells me that there are all sorts of places:

More googling tells me that other distros use other places.

Comparing my old (and working) debian with the current not-quite-working one
tells me that these have all changed some.

And so I begin to suspect the currently fashionable suspect: systemd :-)

Now if a band-aid solution is the best we can have, I'd prefer a user level one.

Meddling with a system-level file means all sorts of headaches at unexpected 
points of time. eg when upgrading I am likely to get a dialog saying:
Here is a file that is different from the system supplied one. Which do you 

I was more hoping for some new(?) /etc/network/interfaces stanza that would do
the job. [All my attempts so far on that front have not worked]

So for now I make do with this user-level bandaid:

$ cat ~/bin/pon
sudo modprobe pppoe
sudo pon dsl-provider

1. It was working; and unexpectedly stopped
2. I would file a bug-report; not sure against what... pppoeconf maybe?
3. I suspect -- with insufficient evidence! -- systemd 

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 12:13:43AM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
 On Friday, August 1, 2014 12:20:02 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Bannister wrote:
  On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 09:32:08PM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
   So now the question is:
   What is the 'modern' way of automatically doing 'modprobe pppoe'
   at boot/ifup time?
   Evidently something has changed that has made that stop happening...
  Put it in /etc/modules. I hope that is still the place. BTW, a quick
  google should have helped with this ... was Google unhelpful in this
 A quick google tells me that there are all sorts of places:

So, did you try /etc/modules?



too long; didn't read? ... um ... what was?

 1. It was working; and unexpectedly stopped
 2. I would file a bug-report; not sure against what... pppoeconf maybe?
 3. I suspect -- with insufficient evidence! -- systemd 

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 12:32 AM, Rusi Mody wrote:
 On Friday, August 1, 2014 12:10:02 AM UTC+5:30, Rusi Mody wrote:

 After some recent upgrades (this is on jessie)
 auto starting of ppp has stopped working.

 So every time after booting I now have to run pppoeconf.

 Some progress... and a different question:


 # pon dsl-provider

 I get:

 Plugin loaded.
 Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No such file or directory
 Linux kernel does not support PPPoE -- are you running 2.4.x?

 # modprobe pppoe

 pulls in pppox and ppp_generic as well.

 After that
 # pon dsl-provider


 So now the question is:

 What is the 'modern' way of automatically doing 'modprobe pppoe'
 at boot/ifup time?

 Evidently something has changed that has made that stop happening...

Either /etc/modprobe.d/filename.conf or in /etc/modules if the
former isn't early enough.

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Tom H
On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 2:49 AM, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 09:32:08PM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:

 So now the question is:

 What is the 'modern' way of automatically doing 'modprobe pppoe'
 at boot/ifup time?

 Evidently something has changed that has made that stop happening...

 Put it in /etc/modules. I hope that is still the place. BTW, a quick
 google should have helped with this ... was Google unhelpful in this

Since /etc/modules is a Debianism, for systemd in Debian, there's a
symlink from /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf to /etc/modules.

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Rusi Mody
On Friday, August 1, 2014 1:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 12:13:43AM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
  On Friday, August 1, 2014 12:20:02 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Bannister wrote:
   On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 09:32:08PM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
So now the question is:
What is the 'modern' way of automatically doing 'modprobe pppoe'
at boot/ifup time?
Evidently something has changed that has made that stop happening...
   Put it in /etc/modules. I hope that is still the place. BTW, a quick
   google should have helped with this ... was Google unhelpful in this
  A quick google tells me that there are all sorts of places:

 So, did you try /etc/modules?

Of course if modprobe is working putting it into /etc/modules should also.

I thought I explained why I find that an unsavoury solution. Let me try again.

The kernel is the innermost core of the system
The user is the outermost peel of the onion
Networking is somewhere in between.
This part was working and has stopped is part of the networking subsystem.
A good solution should be in that same arena.
Ideal would be (something like):
Install such--such package. It takes care of this

Slightly less but still acceptable would be:
Add such--such line to /etc/networking (or one of the other networking
config files)

Since I cant seem to find any such solutions, I prefer the following user-level
bandaid to a kernel level one:

$ cat ~/bin/pon
sudo modprobe pppoe
sudo pon dsl-provider 



 too long; didn't read? ... um ... what was?

My own post 'above' is what the 'tl;dr' referred to :-)

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 02:04:45AM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
 On Friday, August 1, 2014 1:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Bannister wrote:
  too long; didn't read? ... um ... what was?
 My own post 'above' is what the 'tl;dr' referred to :-)

What does tl;dr stand for in that case?

BTW, it makes little sense having a summary at the end of the post as
one has to read all the contents first! :-D

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing. --- Malcolm X

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Rusi Mody
On Friday, August 1, 2014 3:30:02 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Bannister wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 02:04:45AM -0700, Rusi Mody wrote:
  On Friday, August 1, 2014 1:10:02 PM UTC+5:30, Chris Bannister wrote:
   too long; didn't read? ... um ... what was?
  My own post 'above' is what the 'tl;dr' referred to :-)

 What does tl;dr stand for in that case?

Umm... It stands for (thats the usage Ive seen often enough anyway...)
If you, dear reader, have tl;dr-ed the above, then here's a summary

Here is what wikipedia says:

| tl;dr can range from a brilliant and informative disquisition being
| given up due to a reader's lack of endurance, interest, or
| intelligence, to a clustered composition of such utter failure to
| communicate that it has left the capable reader with a headache;
| judging this range is very subjective.

 BTW, it makes little sense having a summary at the end of the post as
 one has to read all the contents first! :-D

Yes, admittedly what Ive seen (often though not always) is a indicator
at the top pointing to a summary at bottom.

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Michael Biebl
Am 31.07.2014 20:27, schrieb Rusi Mody:
 After some recent upgrades (this is on jessie)
 auto starting of ppp has stopped working.
 So every time after booting I now have to run pppoeconf.
 Any ideas?

This is a sysvinit specific problem [1].
Spefically, udev no longer creates dead devices notes which are used to
trigger the auto-loading of kernel modules.

Under systemd this is done properly, for sysvinit, we will need a
workaround as in [2].

The solution is *not* to add the module to /etc/modules.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-08-01 Thread Rusi Mody
On Saturday, August 2, 2014 4:10:02 AM UTC+5:30, Michael Biebl wrote:
 Am 31.07.2014 20:27, schrieb Rusi Mody:
  After some recent upgrades (this is on jessie)
  auto starting of ppp has stopped working.
  So every time after booting I now have to run pppoeconf.
  Any ideas?

 This is a sysvinit specific problem [1].
 Spefically, udev no longer creates dead devices notes which are used to
 trigger the auto-loading of kernel modules.

 Under systemd this is done properly, for sysvinit, we will need a
 workaround as in [2].

 The solution is *not* to add the module to /etc/modules.


Thanks Michael

I see that that bug links to

which is exactly my problem (now I can call it a bug!)

Since I currently have a bandaid solution I guess best to wait for the
dust around systemd to settle a bit... What do you think?

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auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-07-31 Thread Rusi Mody
After some recent upgrades (this is on jessie)
auto starting of ppp has stopped working.

So every time after booting I now have to run pppoeconf.

Any ideas?

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Re: auto starting of ppp has stopped working

2014-07-31 Thread Rusi Mody
On Friday, August 1, 2014 12:10:02 AM UTC+5:30, Rusi Mody wrote:
 After some recent upgrades (this is on jessie)
 auto starting of ppp has stopped working.
 So every time after booting I now have to run pppoeconf.

Some progress... and a different question:


# pon dsl-provider

I get:

Plugin loaded.
Couldn't open the /dev/ppp device: No such file or directory
Linux kernel does not support PPPoE -- are you running 2.4.x?

# modprobe pppoe

pulls in pppox and ppp_generic as well.

After that
# pon dsl-provider


So now the question is:

What is the 'modern' way of automatically doing 'modprobe pppoe'
at boot/ifup time?

Evidently something has changed that has made that stop happening...

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Re: Problemas Con server PPP

2014-06-27 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 26 Jun 2014 20:05:15 -0400, Frank Andres Saches Calzada escribió:

Hola, has secuestrado un hilo, abro uno nuevo y corrijo el formato html.

 Hola estoy montando un server de conexion ras sobre debian con  mgetty
 ppp pero cuando los usuarios se estan conectando los desconecta en
 registrando su equipo en la red.Saludos Frank 

Das muy pocos datos para que te puedan ayudar.

En cualquier caso, el origen/motivo de la desconexión lo tendrás en los 
registros (log) del servidor ppp por lo que convendría que lo subieras 
(omitiendo los datos sensibles) a o lo adjuntaras/
incrustaras en el correo si no son muy extensos.



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Problemas Con server PPP

2014-06-26 Thread Frank Andres Saches Calzada
Hola estoy montando un server de 
conexion ras sobre debian con  mgetty ppp pero cuando los usuarios se 
estan conectando los desconecta en registrando su equipo en la red.Saludos 

Re: sobre mgetty+ppp+freeradius

2013-04-30 Thread Camaleón
El Mon, 29 Apr 2013 13:00:26 -0400, Ariel escribió:

 hola lista tengo implementado un servidor ras con el objetivo que
 algunos usuarios accedan a su correo mediante un modem, hasta ahora esta
 funcionando pero necesito varias cosas o al menos aclararlas por ejemplo
 segun lei en algunos manuales caseros es posible identificar llamadas
 entrantes mediante mgetty por su puesto con el servicio contratado con
 mi proveedor, tambien tengo entendido que en los logs de freeradius
 aparece el numero telefonico de donde se origina la llamada entre otros
 datos de interes.


Esta pregunta me suena haberla leído por la lista pero no localizo el 
hilo en el archivador. De todas formas, tienes documentación en la web de 
cómo configurar el caller id (identificador de llamadas) en mgetty:



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sobre mgetty+ppp+freeradius

2013-04-29 Thread Ariel
hola lista tengo implementado un servidor ras con el objetivo que 
algunos usuarios accedan a su correo mediante un modem, hasta ahora esta 
funcionando pero necesito varias cosas o al menos aclararlas por ejemplo 
segun lei en algunos manuales caseros es posible identificar llamadas 
entrantes mediante mgetty por su puesto con el servicio contratado con 
mi proveedor, tambien tengo entendido que en los logs de freeradius 
aparece el numero telefonico de donde se origina la llamada entre otros 
datos de interes.

es decir yo tengo el servicio funcionando solo me hace falta que mgetty 
me identifique las llamadas entrantes y las refleje en el log de 
freeradius o en algun log, preferiria en el de freeradius puesto que ahi 
es donde tengo casi toda la informacion que me interesa.

los datos de interes serian estos:

pplataforma: debian squeeze

mgetty+ppp+freeradius+mysql (los usuarios estan contenidos en una base 
da datos mysql la cual consulta freeradius.)

el modem que tengo es un multitech 5634ZBZ-USB.

si necesitan datos adicionales me los piden.

gracias de antemano

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Not able to access anything beyond the PPP server.

2012-09-25 Thread sai
Hi All,

I'm Sai Krishna. I have a very fundamental problem. I'm trying to establish
a connection from a client to LAN using PPP, where my machine is the
client. Actually, I was able to ping the PPP server but not able to ping
other machines in that network beyond the PPP server. I have done route
add -net -.-.-.- dev ppp0, once the connection is established. Also, I was
just able to ping to the PPP server and when I tried ssh, the PPP
connection is getting lost. Even the traceroute was unsuccessful. I will be
grateful to you if you help me come over this problem. Eagerly waiting for
your reply.

Thank you,

Sai Krishna.

Connexion M2M SFR via wvdial et ppp

2012-09-11 Thread yann


Je rencontre un problème avec un modem USB ercogener et une connexion 
m2m en gprs/3G : le lien ppp ne tient pas et le modem raccroche.

Il me semble que l'ensemble des paramètres sont correctes. J'ai réussi 
(il y a deux ans) à faire fonctionner ce type de configuration mais 
aujourd'hui plus rien. À ce moment là il fallait recompiler le driver 
sierra. mais aujourd'hui je n'ai pas trouvé de sources adapté au noyau 
3.2 d'une wheezy.

J'ai essayé avec une clé SFR USB vodafone (Huawei) mais même constat...

qqu'1 a-t-il résolu de pareils pb ?

Linux trafic 3.2.0-3-486 #1 Mon Jul 23 02:47:49 UTC 2012 i586 GNU/Linux

Bus 001 Device 011: ID 1199:683c Sierra Wireless, Inc.

Trace wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
-- Cannot get information for serial port.
-- Initializing modem.
-- Sending: ATZ
-- Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
-- Sending: at+CPIN?
-- Sending: at+creg?
+CREG: 0,1
-- Sending: at+csq
+CSQ: 19,99
-- Sending: AT+CGDCONT=1,IP,m2mpremium
-- Modem initialized.
-- Sending: ATDT*99#
-- Waiting for carrier.
CONNECT 115200
-- Carrier detected.  Starting PPP immediately.
-- Starting pppd at Tue Sep 11 13:56:11 2012
-- Pid of pppd: 19956
-- Using interface ppp0
-- pppd: A0E58A @܊
-- pppd: A0E58A @܊
-- pppd: A0E58A @܊
-- pppd: A0E58A @܊
-- pppd: A0E58A @܊
-- pppd: A0E58A @܊
-- Disconnecting at Tue Sep 11 13:56:12 2012
-- The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)
-- man pppd explains pppd error codes in more detail.
-- Try again and look into /var/log/messages and the wvdial and pppd 
man pages for more information.

-- Auto Reconnect will be attempted in 5 seconds
-- Cannot get information for serial port.

Trace /var/log/messages
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: Using interface ppp0
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyUSB3
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: Terminating on signal 15
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: Connection terminated.
Sep 11 13:56:18 trafic pppd[19965]: Exit.

Sep 11 14:28:41 trafic kernel: [20576.288100] usb 1-3: new high-speed 
USB device number 17 using ehci_hcd
Sep 11 14:28:42 trafic kernel: [20576.422743] usb 1-3: New USB device 
found, idVendor=12d1, idProduct=14b7
Sep 11 14:28:42 trafic kernel: [20576.422768] usb 1-3: New USB device 
strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
Sep 11 14:28:42 trafic kernel: [20576.422789] usb 1-3: Product: 
Vodafone Mobile Broadband (Huawei)
Sep 11 14:28:42 trafic kernel: [20576.422826] usb 1-3: Manufacturer: 
Vodafone Group (Huawei)
Sep 11 14:28:42 trafic kernel: [20576.433204] scsi8 : usb-storage 
Sep 11 14:28:42 trafic usb_modeswitch: switching device 12d1:14b7 on 
Sep 11 14:28:42 trafic kernel: [20577.068473] usb 1-3: USB disconnect, 
device number 17
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20580.948095] usb 1-3: new high-speed 
USB device number 18 using ehci_hcd
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.083102] usb 1-3: New USB device 
found, idVendor=12d1, idProduct=14cc
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.083127] usb 1-3: New USB device 
strings: Mfr=4, Product=3, SerialNumber=0
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.083149] usb 1-3: Product: 
Vodafone Mobile Broadband (Huawei)
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.083185] usb 1-3: Manufacturer: 
Vodafone Group (Huawei)
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.103557] option 1-3:1.0: GSM modem 
(1-port) converter detected
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.104897] usb 1-3: GSM modem 
(1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.124137] option 1-3:1.4: GSM modem 
(1-port) converter detected
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.124631] usb 1-3: GSM modem 
(1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic kernel: [20581.140124] scsi9 : usb-storage 
Sep 11 14:28:46 trafic logger: usb_modeswitch: switched to 12d1:14cc on 
Sep 11 14:28:47 trafic kernel: [20582.141894] scsi 9:0:0:0: 
Direct-Access Vodafone Storage (Huawei) 2.31 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2
Sep 11 14:28:47 trafic kernel: [20582.151207] sd 9:0:0:0: Attached scsi 
generic sg2 type 0
Sep 11 14:28:47 trafic kernel: [20582.151693] sd 9:0:0:0: [sdc] 
Attached SCSI removable disk

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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-12 Thread Jon Dowland
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 05:02:31AM +0100, elbbit wrote:
 myhost$ adduser ricky dialout

Furthermore, the user created by the debian installer (uid 1000)
is automatically in this group.

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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-12 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 11 May 2012 22:39:49 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:


 I just installed Debian 6.0.4 using Synaptic to add gnome-ppp. My first
 attempt to configure my modem failed *SILENTLY* (but's another gripe;)
 Being inherently suspicious, I chose 'root terminal'. Then executed
 All went fine.

You call that paranoia but it can be a simple bug.

 That established I had a permissions issue : I then did
man gnome-ppp
 Received *NO _USEFUL_ info!!!*

That's also something historical. Programmers are not usually very much 
interested -nor have the time- in documenting their babies.

 I'm the _*ONLY*_ person to have physical access to the system. How do I
 force Debian to achieve functionality of CPM-80? [me date self ;/   LOL!

You better force yourself to find a solution for your problem in the 
proper way.



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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-12 Thread Brian
On Sat 12 May 2012 at 05:02:31 +0100, elbbit wrote:

 As wvdial uses a system-wide configuration file, I should imagine that a
 regular system user just needs to be added to the dialout group, with
 myhost$ adduser ricky dialout

Why does a user need direct access to the serial port to run a script?

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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-12 Thread Brian
On Sat 12 May 2012 at 09:06:30 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:

 On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 05:02:31AM +0100, elbbit wrote:
  myhost$ adduser ricky dialout
 Furthermore, the user created by the debian installer (uid 1000)
 is automatically in this group.

I'd be inclined to say she isn't. If ppp is installed she'd be in
group dip.

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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-12 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Fri, 11 May 2012 22:39:49 -0500, Richard wrote in message

 I understand that historically Linux's roots are in a 
 *MASSIVELY* multi-user environment.


 *BUT* I'm a single user on an inherently physically secure occupy Bouvet Island??? ;o)

 single user laptop.

..wrong, you have a multi user system on your laptop.

..and, you're getting useful support for free from people
who knows how to debug ppp and gnome-ppp, which is the only 
_useful_ fact in my post here. ;o)

-- vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-12 Thread Jon Dowland
On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 12:24:53PM +0100, Brian wrote:
 On Sat 12 May 2012 at 09:06:30 +0100, Jon Dowland wrote:
  On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 05:02:31AM +0100, elbbit wrote:
   myhost$ adduser ricky dialout
  Furthermore, the user created by the debian installer (uid 1000)
  is automatically in this group.
 I'd be inclined to say she isn't. If ppp is installed she'd be in
 group dip.

You are probably right: my desktop user is in dialout and I don't remember
adding them but I must have done.  A fresh squeeze install on a mac mini
yesterday yields a user in dip but not dialout. Thanks for correcting me!

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Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-11 Thread Richard Owlett
I understand that historically Linux's roots are in a 
*MASSIVELY* multi-user environment.
*BUT* I'm a single user on an inherently physically secure 
single user laptop.

[As an aside to an ongoing thread, my primary internet 
access is via a analog 56K dial-up modem ;]

I just installed Debian 6.0.4 using Synaptic to add gnome-ppp.
My first attempt to configure my modem failed *SILENTLY* 
(but's another gripe;)

Being inherently suspicious, I chose 'root terminal'.
Then executed gnome-ppp.
All went fine.

That established I had a permissions issue :
I then did
  man gnome-ppp
Received *NO _USEFUL_ info!!!*

I'm the _*ONLY*_ person to have physical access to the system.
How do I force Debian to achieve functionality of CPM-80? 
[me date self ;/   LOL!

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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-11 Thread elbbit
On 12/05/12 04:39, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Being inherently suspicious, I chose 'root terminal'.
 Then executed gnome-ppp.
 All went fine.
 That established I had a permissions issue :
 I then did
   man gnome-ppp
 Received *NO _USEFUL_ info!!!*

As wvdial uses a system-wide configuration file, I should imagine that a
regular system user just needs to be added to the dialout group, with

myhost$ adduser ricky dialout



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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-11 Thread terryc

On 12/05/12 13:39, Richard Owlett wrote:

I'm the _*ONLY*_ person to have physical access to the system.
How do I force Debian to achieve functionality of CPM-80? [me date self

Basically you need to (as root) add your user to the dialup group.

grep dialout /etc/group

man addgrp --gid ??? your-user

Even on a dialup system, it is advisable not to break the basic system 
security. it isn't so long ago that dialout malware  was common (albeit 
no on *nix).

While you are at it, try
less /etc/group
and see what other groups you might also want to add your-user to,
e,g audio, cdrom, floppy, tape, sudo, scanner, saned.


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Re: Overcoming Debian(Linux?) paranoia - a gnome-ppp example

2012-05-11 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 12/05/12 13:39, Richard Owlett wrote:
 I understand that historically Linux's roots are in a *MASSIVELY*
 multi-user environment.
 *BUT* I'm a single user on an inherently physically secure single user
 [As an aside to an ongoing thread, my primary internet access is via a
 analog 56K dial-up modem ;]
 I just installed Debian 6.0.4 using Synaptic to add gnome-ppp.
 My first attempt to configure my modem failed *SILENTLY* (but's another

It may be relevant - it would be useful if you could post any relevant
output, info from logs etc.

 Being inherently suspicious, I chose 'root terminal'.
 Then executed gnome-ppp.
 All went fine.
 That established I had a permissions issue 

Could you be more specific please?

Generally your user should be in the dip group (and the dialup group for
connection scripts).

 I then did
   man gnome-ppp
 Received *NO _USEFUL_ info!!!*

Sorry, can't help you there (no GNOME).
When I'm stuck for local documentation I try locate (mlocate as a user
whos a member of the group).

$ mlocate ppp | grep /share/man
$ mlocate ppp | grep README | grep /share/doc


If you could tell us what your modem[*1] is some of the GNOME users
could help you get gppp configured. Or there's wvdial, or pon/poff, if
you don't need a gui tool.

I promise, despite the unfortunate experiences of a few - for many
dialup networking in Debian is simple and reliable. :-)

Most cases like yours - where setting up a connection wasn't simple to
begin with, are usually fairly simple to resolve.

[*1] make and model, interface (eg, serial, pci/internal, USB), ISP,
If it's a wireless modem (3G) has it been initialised, does it use a
PIN, and, is it prepaid or postpaid?

Kind regards

Iceweasel/Firefox/Chrome/Chromium/Iceape/IE extensions for finding
answers to questions about Debian:-

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RESOLVED - was [Re: NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE]

2012-04-27 Thread Richard Owlett

Richard Owlett wrote:

DEBIAN 6.0.3 with GNOME desktop
2. initial attempt to use gnome-ppp failed
[snip synopsis of original troubleshooting

It was a permissions issue.
I was not a member of 'dialout' group.

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Re: NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE

2012-04-25 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 24 Apr 2012 20:38:10 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:


 You better be sure about what you install as your OS, sir, or you can
 encounter bad suprises... Have you verified the md5sum of the media to
 know it comes from a trusted source?
 chuckle My phrasing was poor - posted way past my bedtime. What I
 meant was I was unsure of the version number. It IS 6.0.3.
 It was downloaded from a link given on (don't recall which
 Today I compared the MD5 of the ISO to that given on
 . It checked OK.

Ooo-kay :-)

 2. initial attempt to use gnome-ppp failed

 What did you do or how did you run it?
 At first I tried tried running it from sub-menu
 (Applications-Internet-GNOME ppp).
 Failure message was Can not open modem. The logfile expanded it saying
 Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied.

And have you checked if your modem is detected by your system at that 
port (/dev/ttyS3)? dmesg | grep -i ttys will tell more about the 
available ports.

Anyway, what kind of modem do you have (external rs-232, external USB, 
internal pci, embedded-whatever-linmodem-crap) :-)

 gnome-ppp is just a GUI frontend
 for Wvdial.
 I had used System-Administration-Software Center to install a
 gnome-ppp was the only option offered - so I loaded it.

Yes, and that's right. I only wanted to point you another option to get 
the job done, in the event gnome-ppp fails at some point.

 What was the exact output you got?
 root@debianowl:/home/richard# gnome-ppp --version
 (gnome-ppp:2629): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment
 with non-zero page size is deprecated
 (gnome-ppp:2629): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment
 with non-zero page size is deprecated WVCONF: /root/.wvdial.conf
 Got the same response whether or not as root.

Don't run it as root but as normal user. Anyway, the version does not 
come out :-?

 How do I use gnome-ppp as normal [NOT super] user?

 I'd would start by launching the application from the GNOME menu, it
 should come up a wizard.
 I tried that. That was first hint something was wrong ;

If something is wrong you have to try to solve it first :-)

 Then I tried in normal terminal getting richard@debianowl:~$
 (gnome-ppp:2737): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment
 with non-zero page size is deprecated
 (gnome-ppp:2737): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment
 with non-zero page size is deprecated WVCONF: /home/richard/.wvdial.conf
 GNOME PPP: Connecting...
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Ignoring malformed input line: ;Do NOT edit this
 file by hand!
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied 

That's good. I mean, at least you know where to look at and I would start 
by knowing where is the modem detected and how about its perms. 

 Then I tried in normal terminal getting root@debianowl:/home/richard#
 (gnome-ppp:2819): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment
 with non-zero page size is deprecated
 (gnome-ppp:2819): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment
 with non-zero page size is deprecated WVCONF: /root/.wvdial.conf
 GNOME PPP: Connecting...
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Ignoring malformed input line: ;Do NOT edit this
 file by hand!
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot get information for serial port. 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Initializing modem. 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Modem initialized. 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Sending: ATM1L3DT999- 
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Waiting for carrier.
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: Caught signal 2:  Attempting to exit gracefully...
 GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Disconnecting at Tue Apr 24 19:58:54 2012

Okay, that log gives us many useful info:

1/ First, you go further when running from root so it can be something 
wrong with the modem permissions (is your user added to the dialout 

2/ And second, your modem is initialized but somehow it hangs. You will 
have to look at the configuration settings you have defined for your 
provider (connection settings) and modem (init strings).

 Notice that when *NOT* asking for version, it's available.

I'm afraid that's Wvdial version, not gnome-ppp :-)

 How do I create clickable icon to dial into my ISP as a 'normal' user?

 I can't tell for gnome-ppp but this can be usually done in wvdial by
 definining different ISPs profiles [sections] and then passing it as

Re: NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE

2012-04-25 Thread Rob Owens
On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 08:38:10PM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Apr 2012 23:46:22 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
 OK already -- I've written both UNread manuals and MISread test
 procedures ;/
 What am I using - I'm not sure:
 1. the *HAND written* label on CD I used to load
 identified it as
DEBIAN 6.0.3 with GNOME desktop
 You better be sure about what you install as your OS, sir, or you can
 encounter bad suprises... Have you verified the md5sum of the media to
 know it comes from a trusted source?
 chuckle My phrasing was poor - posted way past my bedtime.
 What I meant was I was unsure of the version number. It IS 6.0.3.
 It was downloaded from a link given on (don't recall
 which mirror)
 Today I compared the MD5 of the ISO to that given on
 . It checked OK.
 2. initial attempt to use gnome-ppp failed
I tried about 6 months ago to get gnome-ppp working, and I was never
satisfied with it.  It seemed like maybe when I changed settings, they
didn't take effect until I logged out/in again.  Anyway, I dumped it for
wvdial launched from the gnome panel.

You could probably google wvdial and my name and find the thread I
started on this list.


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Re: NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE

2012-04-25 Thread Indulekha
Richard Owlett wrote:

 At first I tried tried running it from sub-menu 
 (Applications-Internet-GNOME ppp).
 Failure message was Can not open modem. The logfile 
 expanded it saying Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied.

FIRST, find out what kind of modem you have, where it is, 
and whether it's supported or not. Lots of them are not, or
are but you have to manually install some 3rd party driver.
Then install pppconfig and create your connection with 
'sudo pppconfig' run in the terminal, then start the connection
with ppp-on-boot or manually using pon. 
That's the simple, easy, reliable way to do it, and it doesn't 
require any particular desktop (or even a desktop at all).
Also, do make sure your user is a member of the dip group.

❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤   

❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤   

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Re: NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE

2012-04-25 Thread Go Linux
--- On Wed, 4/25/12, Indulekha wrote:

 Then install pppconfig and create your connection with 
 'sudo pppconfig' run in the terminal, then start the
 with ppp-on-boot or manually using pon. 
 That's the simple, easy, reliable way to do it, and it
 require any particular desktop (or even a desktop at all).
 Also, do make sure your user is a member of the dip group.

I was going to suggest pppconfig.  Until very recently I was on dialup with an 
internal USR serial modem.  While I didn't have problems with gnome-ppp, I 
preferred using pppconfig. 

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Re: NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE

2012-04-24 Thread Richard Owlett

Camaleón wrote:

On Sun, 22 Apr 2012 23:46:22 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

OK already -- I've written both UNread manuals and MISread test
procedures ;/

What am I using - I'm not sure:
1. the *HAND written* label on CD I used to load
identified it as
   DEBIAN 6.0.3 with GNOME desktop

You better be sure about what you install as your OS, sir, or you can
encounter bad suprises... Have you verified the md5sum of the media to
know it comes from a trusted source?

chuckle My phrasing was poor - posted way past my bedtime.
What I meant was I was unsure of the version number. It IS 
It was downloaded from a link given on (don't 
recall which mirror)
Today I compared the MD5 of the ISO to that given on 
. It checked OK.

2. initial attempt to use gnome-ppp failed

What did you do or how did you run it?

At first I tried tried running it from sub-menu 
(Applications-Internet-GNOME ppp).
Failure message was Can not open modem. The logfile 
expanded it saying Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied.

gnome-ppp is just a GUI frontend
for Wvdial.

I had used System-Administration-Software Center to 
install a dialer.

gnome-ppp was the only option offered - so I loaded it.

3. I then did
man gnome-ppp

The man page is very brief because the goal of gnome-ppp is very simple:
create a working file for wvdial, no more no less.

4. It said there was an option for
gnome-ppp --version
4A. it yielded NO version information, but brought up
attempt to dial
screen which failed if not super user

What was the exact output you got?

root@debianowl:/home/richard# gnome-ppp --version

(gnome-ppp:2629): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an 
adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

(gnome-ppp:2629): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an 
adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

WVCONF: /root/.wvdial.conf

Got the same response whether or not as root.

How do I use gnome-ppp as normal [NOT super] user?

I'd would start by launching the application from the GNOME menu, it
should come up a wizard.

I tried that. That was first hint something was wrong ;

Then I tried in normal terminal getting
richard@debianowl:~$ gnome-ppp

(gnome-ppp:2737): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an 
adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

(gnome-ppp:2737): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an 
adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

WVCONF: /home/richard/.wvdial.conf
GNOME PPP: Connecting...
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Ignoring malformed input line: ;Do 
NOT edit this file by hand!

GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS3: Permission denied

Then I tried in normal terminal getting
root@debianowl:/home/richard# gnome-ppp

(gnome-ppp:2819): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an 
adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

(gnome-ppp:2819): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an 
adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

WVCONF: /root/.wvdial.conf
GNOME PPP: Connecting...
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Ignoring malformed input line: ;Do 
NOT edit this file by hand!

GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Cannot get information for serial port.
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Initializing modem.
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 

GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Modem initialized.
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Sending: ATM1L3DT999-
GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Waiting for carrier.
GNOME PPP: STDERR: Caught signal 2:  Attempting to exit 

GNOME PPP: STDERR: -- Disconnecting at Tue Apr 24 19:58:54 2012

Notice that when *NOT* asking for version, it's available.

How do I create clickable icon to dial into my ISP as a 'normal' user?

I can't tell for gnome-ppp but this can be usually done in wvdial by
definining different ISPs profiles [sections] and then passing it as
argument when calling the binary, e.g., wvdial my_first_isp.

Anyway, if you get no satisfaction with gnome-ppp, try another dialer ;-)
(I, for myself, prefer to use the plain wvdial).

I disagree with that philosophy. I may not end up using 
gnome-ppp. But ignoring a problem does not solve it. There 
*IS* a bug. It may be in the _operator_ ;/

After those questions are answered, how do I download and install
SeaMonkey such that clicking an ICON will dial into my ISP and launch
SeaMonkey -ICEweasel is FROZEN out as acceptable method.

Mmm... whaaat?!

Not on technical grounds.
Just on some very strong idiosyncratic personal

Re: NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE

2012-04-23 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 22 Apr 2012 23:46:22 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 OK already -- I've written both UNread manuals and MISread test
 procedures ;/
 What am I using - I'm not sure:
1. the *HAND written* label on CD I used to load
 identified it as
   DEBIAN 6.0.3 with GNOME desktop

You better be sure about what you install as your OS, sir, or you can 
encounter bad suprises... Have you verified the md5sum of the media to 
know it comes from a trusted source?

2. initial attempt to use gnome-ppp failed 

What did you do or how did you run it? gnome-ppp is just a GUI frontend 
for Wvdial.

3. I then did 
man gnome-ppp

The man page is very brief because the goal of gnome-ppp is very simple: 
create a working file for wvdial, no more no less.

4. It said there was an option for
gnome-ppp --version
4A. it yielded NO version information, but brought up
 attempt to dial
screen which failed if not super user

What was the exact output you got?

 How do I use gnome-ppp as normal [NOT super] user? 

I'd would start by launching the application from the GNOME menu, it 
should come up a wizard.

 How do I create clickable icon to dial into my ISP as a 'normal' user?

I can't tell for gnome-ppp but this can be usually done in wvdial by 
definining different ISPs profiles [sections] and then passing it as 
argument when calling the binary, e.g., wvdial my_first_isp.

Anyway, if you get no satisfaction with gnome-ppp, try another dialer ;-) 
(I, for myself, prefer to use the plain wvdial).

 After those questions are answered, how do I download and install
 SeaMonkey such that clicking an ICON will dial into my ISP and launch
 SeaMonkey -ICEweasel is FROZEN out as acceptable method.

Mmm... whaaat?!

Once you're connected to the Internet, you open Synapctic and select 
Seamonkey (here renamed to Iceape for the suite or iceape-browser for 
the browser+composer) to download.

And what happens with Iceweasel? :-?

 NOTE BENE: WEB references needed as Linux not working too well now ;/

Mmm... it's not clear what[who]'s not working here :-P



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NEWBIE sanity check re gnome-ppp PLEASE

2012-04-22 Thread Richard Owlett
OK already -- I've written both UNread manuals and MISread 
test procedures ;/

What am I using - I'm not sure:
  1. the *HAND written* label on CD I used to load 
identified it as

 DEBIAN 6.0.3 with GNOME desktop
  2. initial attempt to use gnome-ppp failed
  3. I then did
 man gnome-ppp
  4. It said there was an option for
  gnome-ppp --version
  4A. it yielded NO version information, but brought up 
attempt to dial

  screen which failed if not super user

How do I use gnome-ppp as normal [NOT super] user?
How do I create clickable icon to dial into my ISP as a 
'normal' user?

After those questions are answered, how do I download and 
install SeaMonkey such that clicking an ICON will dial into 
my ISP and launch SeaMonkey -ICEweasel is FROZEN out as 
acceptable method.

NOTE BENE: WEB references needed as Linux not working too 
well now ;/

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Re: kppp dialing process hang up on 'starting pppd'. (was: bug in ppp - grave)

2011-09-27 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hi Scott,

of course, this shall not change to my problem. As you suggest, I will change 
from umtsmon to kppp and see, if this will work with latest ppp. If it 
doesn't, I will be pleased to help as well as I can. 

And sorry for my statements, I just wanted to explain, why I stated ppp to be 
buggy. Hope, the operators problem will be soon to be fixed. 

Best regards


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Re: kppp dialing process hang up on 'starting pppd'. (was: bug in ppp - grave)

2011-09-26 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hi Scott,

you are right, I mentioned umtsmon. But the problem was not beeing umtsmon 
updated, but ppp updated. Umtsmon is just a GUI to call ppp with additional 
parameters, nothing else.

So the problem was IMO in ppp, as the only thing, which was changed, was the 
ppp binary, NOT umtsmon. I tried to explain that to the maintainers, but they 
seemed not to understand. 

So, kppp is just another GUI for ppp, which is just doing the same - calling 
ppp with additional options. BTW, I tried several other GUIs for ppp (also the 
one from Vodafone, the result was NONE of them worked with ppp from testing or 
unstable. Reverting back to the old one, ALL of them worked. 

So IMO it is a fault and a bug in ppp, nothing else. But I do not want to 
quarrel, so I found my solution in using the old stuff and setting it to hold.

Some day another people may havbe the same problem with ppp and may explain 
better than me. No problem, I can wait.

Maybe you now understand, why I pointed to ppp itself.

Best regards


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Re: kppp dialing process hang up on 'starting pppd'. (was: bug in ppp - grave)

2011-09-26 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/09/11 04:39, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 Hi Scott,
 you are right, I mentioned umtsmon. 

I read the log. Even if I hadn't had problems in the past - which were
solved by abandoning UMTSmon, I'd still call UMTSmon the problem *based*
on the errors in your log.

 But the problem was not beeing umtsmon 
 updated, but ppp updated. Umtsmon is just a GUI to call ppp with additional 
 parameters, nothing else.

Well - that's your opinion (and surely you are entitled to it) :-)
It's why I/we stopped using UMTSmon and moved to Kppp. Works for us as
*we* want the fixes from the updated pppd. I gave you the means to test
your assumptions about UMTSmon and pppd (remove UMTSmon from the dialup
process, and if you can connect the problem cannot be pppd).

 So the problem was IMO in ppp, as the only thing, which was changed, was the 
 ppp binary, NOT umtsmon. I tried to explain that to the maintainers, but they 
 seemed not to understand. 
 So, kppp is just another GUI for ppp, which is just doing the same - calling 
 ppp with additional options. BTW, I tried several other GUIs for ppp (also 
 one from Vodafone, the result was NONE of them worked with ppp from testing 
 unstable. Reverting back to the old one, ALL of them worked. 
 So IMO it is a fault and a bug in ppp, nothing else. But I do not want to 
 quarrel, so I found my solution in using the old stuff and setting it to hold.
 Some day another people may havbe the same problem with ppp and may explain 
 better than me. No problem, I can wait.
 Maybe you now understand, why I pointed to ppp itself.

I understand your reasoning (I believe it's flawed) - meanwhile the rest
of the world, including users of the identical modem, are connecting
without problem. As 3G/UMTS is the only means of internet I have I
basically have no choice but to disagree (mine works, everyone I know
has no problems etc).

 Best regards

Hope you solve your problems - though I suspect they won't solve themselves.
Perhaps now we can return the thread to the original poster.


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Re: kppp dialing process hang up on 'starting pppd'. (was: bug in ppp - grave)

2011-09-25 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 25/09/11 17:58, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
 Hi Scott, this is, what I sent to the maintainer of the package and sent to 
 buglist. The answer was: There is no bug in it. So, why do older versions 
 and the other (after his massive changes no more?)

Hi Hans
- you don't seem to be the original poster.
*I just asked for a link to the bugreport*..
Your log indicates a problem with *UMTSmon* - not *ppp(d)*. The OP is
posting about a problem with Kppp - (your logs don't indicate problem
with Kppp *either*.)

Please start a new thread if you'd like to solve your, unrelated,
problem. Suggestions below (Hans):-

Network manager seems to interfere with other programs like Kppp and
UMTSmon broken... try not to install it when you plan on using another
management tool.

To rule out UMTSmon as the problem try:-
# echo echo AT+CPIN=3521^M^M  /dev/ttyUSB0
# pppd ttyUSB0 460800 nodetach defaultroute noipdefault noauth lock
usepeerdns debug debug connect 'chat  at  at OK atf OK
atz OK at+cgdcont=1,'IP','' OK atdt*99# CONNECT'
user  o2 password password

NOTES: change passord to o2 *if* password fails.
You were running:-
idle 7200 noauth asyncmap 0 updetach dump debug debug debug 460800 lock
crtscts modem /dev/ttyUSB0 noipx defaultroute replacedefaultroute
usepeerdns user o2 password o2

I suspect that if you'd upgraded UMTSmon when you upgraded pppd you
would't have had the problem - even though your UMTSmon settings seem
non-optimal. If UMTSmon was a Debian package this might not have
happened - if you are also running networkmanager that's another
possible conflict.

 Hans-J. Ullrich


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help PPP

2011-07-19 Thread Célio Roberto
Fala Marcelo, td blz?

Estou instalando um servidor de firewall que irá distribuir o sinal de
internet em um escritório, e com o Squeeze o PPPOE não funcinou como
funcionava no Lenny.
A saída do modem da GVT ligo em uma das placas do servidor, e para que o
servidor atue como roteador, estou utilizando o rp-pppoe-3.10 que é bem
famoso, baixado do pinguimbrain, no Lenny fiz isso algumas vezes e
funcionava, esse rp-pppoe já é bem antigo, sabe se tem alguma coisa
diferente disso que posso utilizar para esse fim? Sabe se a configuração do
modem precisa estar como bridge?


Woody ... Squeeze, PPP works over a null modem; was Re (2): How to use serial ports?

2011-05-13 Thread peasthope
Date:   Fri, 13 May 2011 09:57:26 -0800
 May 13 08:56:14 dalton pppd[2046]: but I couldn't find any suitable secret 
 (password) for it to use to do so.

 Previously, PPP would refer to /etc/passwd but seems to have forgotten that.

In setting up the fresh machine I put this in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets.
*   dalton1*
Should have revised to this when the previous machine was replaced.
*   dalton*

All the documentation in the world can't replace human memory.

So Tapio, a null modem still works.  Start with the simplest configuration 
and check all the details.  Then work your way up to your objective.

Regards, ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.  bcc: peasthope at
Shop pages accessible as long as the old drives survive.
Personal pages .

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Re: latest ppp does not connect

2011-01-23 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Hans-J. Ullrich a écrit :
 I am getting problems with the latest version of running ppp from squeeze. As 
 the version before was running well, I get no success in a connectio with the 
 latest version. I am using umtsmon which is calling ppp with some switches, 
 but it is the same, if I use pon, kppp, kde-ppp or similar - the latest ppp-
 version does not work.

It could be helpful that you provide some pppd logs, preferably with the
'debug' option.

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latest ppp does not connect

2011-01-22 Thread Hans-J. Ullrich
Hi all, 

I am getting problems with the latest version of running ppp from squeeze. As 
the version before was running well, I get no success in a connectio with the 
latest version. I am using umtsmon which is calling ppp with some switches, 
but it is the same, if I use pon, kppp, kde-ppp or similar - the latest ppp-
version does not work.

Maybe someone can help and read the code/changes between the two versions.

Here is the long description with verbose output of each version:

At the moment I solved it for myself by setting ppp on hold.

Needed data:

Computer: EEEPC with debian/squeeze (32-bit)
Modem: Huawei E620
Provider: O2

Hope this helps.

Kind regards


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Problemas no squeeze (beep, cdcd, ppp, octave...)

2010-12-27 Thread Hudson Lacerda


Resolvi boa parte dos problemas da instalação do squeeze (principalmente 
o som), mas ainda há algumas coisas que não consegui fazer funcionar:

1) o beep não funciona no X (nem com 'xset b'), e há uma mensagem de 
erro do linux no boot sobre o módulo 'pcspkr':

[   13.391188] input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input5
[   13.555284] loop: module loaded
[   14.162448] [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
[   14.613456] usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
[   14.778746] osd: LOADED open-osd 0.1.0
[   14.828006] Error: Driver 'pcspkr' is already registered, aborting...

No terminal de texto (console) o beep funciona, assim como o programa 
beep consegue tocar no X. Mas a campainha do sistema não funciona em 
emuladores de terminal, emacs etc. no X.

Também alguns comandos de teclado não funcionam (em especial 
Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace), e os emuladores de terminal (rxvt, xterm etc.) têm 
fontes muito pequenas, que não mudam de tamanho com Ctrl-+ ou Ctrl--)

2) nenhum tocador de cd emite som. Já tentei cdcd, mcdp e cdtools. (O 
cdcd funcionava perfeitamente no etch/lenny, e não mudei nada no hardware.)

3) o ppp carrega no boot, mas de maneira inutilizável. O monitor do ppp0 
inclusive é mostrado no gkrellm, mas a internet não é acessível nem ao 
root. É necessário rodar pppoeconf; ifdown dsl-provider; ifup 
dsl-provider; killall pppd -KILL; pon dsl-provider toda vez para acessar 
a internet (OI Velox).

4) o octave3.2 sempre quebra quando se tenta usar a função plot(). 
(Infelizmente não achei o octave2.9 no repositório. Depois vou tentar 
acessar um repositório antigo (lenny ou etch).)

r...@debian:/home/hudson# uname -a
Linux debian 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Fri Dec 10 16:12:40 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Hudson Lacerda

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balancing 2 ppp-ifs

2010-10-11 Thread Sthu Deus
Good day.

How I can balance 2 ppp connections the easiest way?

Or divide them by protocol usage like 80s go to ppp0 and 21 - to ppp1?

Thank You for Your time.

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Re: converting home network to IPv6; ppp, IPv6, dsnmasq and iptables

2010-06-06 Thread H.S.
Here are the correct settings that seem to work:

Addresses given by my ISP:
HEX2:bb00::/56 -- this is the one used below

2) /etc/network/interfaces file
#for IPv6 config  (note bb01). Goes to LAN switch
iface eth0 inet6 static
address HEX2:bb01::01
netmask 64
network HEX2:bb01::

#for IPv6 config (note bb00). Goes to ADSL modem
iface eth1 inet6 static
 address HEX2:bb00::01
 netmask 64
 network HEX2:bb00::

I also have the +ipv6 option in my dsl-provider file to be used when I
make an ADSL connection.

And added the route:
$ sudo route --inet6 add default dev ppp0

Further, in my /etc/radvd.conf on this router machine, I have the
following(recall that eth0 is connected to a switch on the LAN):
 cat /etc/radvd.conf
interface eth0
AdvSendAdvert on;
AdvLinkMTU 1280;
MaxRtrAdvInterval 300;
MinRtrAdvInterval 30;
prefix HEX2:bb01::/64  # -- note this address and ref. eth0
AdvOnLink on;
AdvAutonomous on;

Now another machine on my LAN is able to get an IPv6 address:
{LAN machine}$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep inet6
$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep inet6
  inet6 addr: HEX2:bb01:HEXblah:/64 Scope:Global
  inet6 addr: fe80::204:75ff:fe8a:d6df/64 Scope:Link

So, I had to assign address from HEX2:bb00::/56 range. One network was
eth1 (HEX2:bb00::) and another was eth0 (HEX2:bb01::). Basically, the
two NICs in the same machine need to be on different IPv6 networks ...
same as in IPv4 (Doh!).

Now, do the above observations mean I am now correctly using my IPv6
networking and ppp connection given by my ISP? Also, what is the
HEX2::/64 address given to me by my ISP for?


Please reply to this list only. I read this list on its corresponding
newsgroup on Replies sent to my email address are just
filtered to a folder in my mailbox and get periodically deleted without
ever having been read.

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