At 04:04 PM 10/12/00 +0200, you wrote:
does anyone know whats on port 1002. I can't find it in the
/etc/services and a nmap on the IP says unknown.

To find out what is running on a port (as opposed to what a port is supposed to be for) (example uses port 2064)

As root run
  fuser -n tcp 2064

Which returns
2064/tcp:              222

That means PID 222 is bound to port 2064.

Then do a
  ps auxw | grep 222

Which returns
root 222 0.0 0.8 1608 532 ? S Jul20 1:33 /usr/local/proxy/proxyper root 1270 0.0 0.6 2220 436 ? S Jul30 0:57 /usr/sbin/nmbd -D
root     22144  0.0  0.6  1112  440 pts/5    S    07:19   0:00 grep 222

^          ^
User      PID

As you can see, /usr/local/proxy/proxyper is PID 222, and therefor is using port 2064.


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