        I have just recently changed my ISP to Bell Atlantic, and have
had to make changes to my pppd options file in order to establish a
working connection.  This info may help in your case, I'm not at all
sure, but it might apply.

>Trying to make a PPP connection to AT&T's Worldnet service, I have
>created a script that will dial.  The modem connection is made, but
>ifconfig never reports a ppp0 route.

In my case, I could never get logged in, since there is no actual prompt
or login process which is much different for me and both of my most recent
ISP's.  I've always had that process scripted with CHAT.  Now that has to
change also...argh!  Anyway, this is what I was able to discover to get 
it working quickly.  By the way, I'm still using Debian 1.1 (yeah, I know,
a little behind the curve, but you now the story...if it works...).

I had to alter the CHAT script of course, but that in itself was an
interesting event.  Since there was no prompt issued, I just ask Chat to
expect the modem connect string....and then let it go.

In the /etc/ppp/options file I had to turn 'passive' off, and enable
'silent'.  The difference is supposed to be that passive mode of LCP means
it solicits the authentication and then sets up the link.  This didn't
work at all with this ISP, and this is the mode I've always used with the
other two over the last three years or so.

In my case, this silent mode of LCP causes a rather pregnant pause in
getting the connection going, but so far it has worked OK, so I haven't
played with it anymore.  Perhaps there's a better way to deal with this.
The pause is about 30-40 seconds during which no traffic passes in either
direction.....It really means silent when it says 'silent'!  Har!

Anyway, once the ISP's LCP process gets tired of waiting around and spits
out a packet, off it goes....and starts up my link.  When my options sets
'passive' the traffic goes back and forth, but the authentication fails
and the line hangs this is what I do.

Now, since they use PAP, I also had to use the '+ua' option (which is
supposed to be obsolete) and bury my login/password in a file which that
option will read during the authentication process, which does, of course

As I said, not sure if any of this applies to your specific problem or
not, but thought it was interesting anyway.  

Hope it does.


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