Re: Why are there multiple ways to do things in Debian? (Was Re: package managers problem)

2023-06-17 Thread Andy Smith

On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 08:55:24AM -0400, wrote:
> Debian's capable of deciding that systemd is installed by default,
> etc, even if such decisions occur after monumental
> discussions/arguments.

It took literally years and is still hotly revisited from time to
time by various aggrieved parties on both sides.

It's highly unlikely you will get enough people to care about there
being one true package management frontend to do the same thing for

If you think I'm wrong, good news: Debian does have a procedure for
making such decisions - the General Resolution! So just find a Debian
Developer who's willing to call a GR on this subject and five others
who are willing to second their call, and off we go. It will be
interesting if that happens, and I will only hate it if it causes
"apt" to change how it works in any way whatsoever. 

However, another of those tricky core principles of Debian is that a
GR can't force volunteers to do work, so even if someone did succeed
in passing a GR that said that there would be one way of package
management, or that Synaptic has to have X, Y and Z done to it (I
don't know anything about Synaptic, so can't give any concrete
examples of missing features), it STILL won't happen without
agreement by the upstream developer(s) of those packages.

Debian has passed GRs before that tried to make people do things,
and found that no one wanted to do them, so despite there allegedly
being project consensus that "Something Must Be Done", the thing did
not get done after all.

> I'm not suggesting there should be one package manager to rule them
> all. But when the various tools resolve dependencies in different ways,
> we clearly have a problem.

I guarantee you that there are people reading this who enjoy
that their package management frontend of choice resolves things the
way it does and would be bitterly upset if that were to change. But
even they are not the ones who decide. The authors of the software
decide. Once the upstream authors and the Debian package maintainers
(these two groups may or may not overlap) have decided something,
there is basically no authority within Debian that can overrule

This is currently happening with dpkg by the way - its author
objects to merged-/usr.

This is a fundamental aspect of the Debian project and butting your
head against it will leave you in the same place you started at, but
with a hurt head.

> A problem which could be resolved, at least in theory, by a
> concerted effort on the part of Debian leadership.

A read into the history of merged-/usr may be enlightening. Right
now we have a project-wide consensus that it should be done, but the
dpkg author fundamentally disagrees with it [being done in dpkg], so
the dpkg patches that Ubuntu and other derivatives have carried for
literally years are not in Debian. External means have had to be
implemented to convert existing systems to merged-/usr because the
dpkg author won't co-operate with the process and no one can force
them to do so.

So if Debian, with a project-wide consensus, can't carry out a major
change that has already been done in its biggest derivative years
ago, do you really think that it would be any easier to start
mandating how package management frontends work, over the wishes of
multiple upstream authors?

> Getting someone to implement the solution would require an eager
> volunteer.

You understand that the eager volunteers that Debian has already are
what resulted in there being multiple package management frontends,

And that there isn't just one of them because there is no authority
within Debian to tell the other n-1 of them that their ideas are

As mentioned, a GR could do it in theory, but you will never get the
support because of the ethos of Debian. It's just not that kind of

> I'm not here to snipe at Debian.

You are asking a lot of "Why can't Debian behave in ways it never
has and would be a dramatic departure for it to start doing now?"
style questions though.

> As regards Synaptic, based on the discussion here, I'm guessing that
> whoever is maintaining it has no particular desire to craft a Wayland
> version, and that's why it hasn't been done. Still, Debian leadership
> could put out a call for volunteers to work on this. It *could* be
> done.

Again, I don't use Synaptic so am not aware of what functionality is
missing exactly, but yes, in general if there are volunteers and the
upstream authors are amenable then of course it's just a simple matter of
programming! You won't get a mandate from Debian leadership because
Debian leadership doesn't tell volunteers what to work on.

That it hasn't happened already suggests that there aren't any
sufficiently motivated and skilled volunteers (or that there are and
the author is blocking it for some reason - haven't looked).

I mean, is there even a bug report for this and did the maintainers
engage with it? That is the proper way to proceed 

Re: Why are there multiple ways to do things in Debian? (Was Re: package managers problem)

2023-06-17 Thread John Hasler
Paul writes:
> As regards Synaptic, based on the discussion here, I'm guessing that
> whoever is maintaining it has no particular desire to craft a Wayland
> version, and that's why it hasn't been done. Still, Debian leadership
> could put out a call for volunteers to work on this. It *could* be
> done.

Then do it.

> But when the various tools resolve dependencies in different ways, we
> clearly have a problem.

Why?  The database is always left in a consistent state.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

Re: Why are there multiple ways to do things in Debian? (Was Re: package managers problem)

2023-06-17 Thread paulf
On Sat, 17 Jun 2023 11:45:06 +
Andy Smith  wrote:

> Hello,
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 11:03:59PM -0400,
> wrote:
> > Why isn't there a ONE WAY for packages to be managed?
> Because of the fundamental philosophies that underpin how Debian is
> developed. Debian is not the sort of place where a top-down
> authority declares that there is One Way to do a given thing and
> has the remit to force developers to work on it, and users to
> accept it.

Well, *someone(s)* said, "This is the back end database and here are the
rules for manipulating it, here is the data which must be contained in
it." Debian's capable of deciding that systemd is installed by default,
etc, even if such decisions occur after monumental

I'm not suggesting there should be one package manager to rule them
all. But when the various tools resolve dependencies in different ways,
we clearly have a problem. A problem which could be resolved, at least
in theory, by a concerted effort on the part of Debian leadership.
Getting someone to implement the solution would require an eager

I'm not here to snipe at Debian. I've been using it for 20 years. I
recently tried Arch, and it only took me a few weeks to decide the
Debian way was better for me.

As regards Synaptic, based on the discussion here, I'm guessing that
whoever is maintaining it has no particular desire to craft a Wayland
version, and that's why it hasn't been done. Still, Debian leadership
could put out a call for volunteers to work on this. It *could* be

I get that Debian doesn't want to mandate how VLC or Firefox handle
their software, but Debian-exclusive package management is a different


Paul M. Foster
Personal Blog:
Company Site:
Software Projects:

Re: Why are there multiple ways to do things in Debian? (Was Re: package managers problem)

2023-06-17 Thread Roberto C . Sánchez
On Sat, Jun 17, 2023 at 11:45:06AM +, Andy Smith wrote:
> One person's long-overdue deprecation is another person's unwelcome
> change. See any of the great Debian controversies such as systemd or
> merged-/usr. Things would be vastly simpler in a project where a
> small group of people get to decide quickly about such things, but
> that's not Debian's way. There would be a lot of unhappy people on
> the other side of any such decision.
In my own case, I have a server at home that I first installed more than
20 years ago. It is now in its third case/PS, on its fourth motherboard
and processor, on its second hardware architecture (having moved it from
x86 to amd64 some time back), its (probably) 7th and 8th hard drives,
and so on and so on.

When I first installed it, it was running Debian woody. Now, I value
progress as much as many in the F/OSS world. However, having worked
professionally on RHEL systems for some years in the past, I can tell
you that I prefer the Debian way. I prefer the range of choice that
Debian affords and I really like the way that Debian as a project goes
to lengths to make sure that there is always an upgrade/migration path
whenever possible. You see, in the RHEL world, it wasn't until fairly
recently (probably 5 years, IIRC), that Red Hat changed their stance
from "there are no in-place upgrades from one major RHEL release to
another, the way to upgrade is to throw out your hardware and put the
new RHEL on the new hardware" (which, mind you, is not terrible when
your target marget is enterprises that use commodity hardware and
re-capitalize the hardware in 3-5 year increments) to something more
like what Debian (and others) do with officially supporting in-place

All of that to say, Andy, that you are 100% right that if someone wants
things the Debian way, they can use Debian and if someone wants things
not-the-Debian way, there are a great multitude of non-Debian options
out there.



Roberto C. Sánchez