> Also, there's supposedly a way to add your own entries to the Debian
> menus, but I don't yet know how exactly that works :-)

Yes and usually it works very well. If you install a .deb then the menu
item should appear on your menus automatically. If you want to add your
own menu item then you need to add a file to ~/.menu/, or to /etc/menu/
if you want the new item to be on all users' menus.

A typical file would look like this:

?package(local.mystuff):needs="x11" \
        section="Apps/Net" title="Ishmail" \

Pretty self-explanatory really.

Once you have created the file and saved it, just run 'update-menus' and
you should see the new menu items. Sometimes I have needed to run
update-menus as root too.

Not sure if the Debian menu system applies to all WMs, I have a feeling
that it doesn't - I have used it successfully with Icewm and Window
Maker, and a Debian section is added to Gnome and KDE. The latter two,
though, are clumsy in that the sum total of all your installed apps are
relegated to one item on the menu (sometimes duplicated on two items)
and the Gnome or KDE apps get categorised. I *hate* that! You could, of
course, change that manually. 

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 

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