Re: SOLVED: Re: Glitchy sound in Steam games after hard drive upgrade

2024-04-23 Thread eben

On 4/24/24 00:46, Charlie Gibbs wrote:

On 2024-04-22 16:50, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

What are the old and new hard drive model numbers and specs?

Correction: the 4TB drive is a Western Digital WD40EFPX.  I was reading
it by shining a flashlight through a gap in the frame and squinting from
a wide angle because I didn't want to take the box apart yet again.

Note for the future: hdparm -i can give you that info.  If you think that's
changed since boot, hdparm -I reads it from the drive.

SOLVED: Re: Glitchy sound in Steam games after hard drive upgrade

2024-04-23 Thread Charlie Gibbs

On 2024-04-22 16:50, Jeffrey Walton wrote:

What are the old and new hard drive model numbers and specs?

Correction: the 4TB drive is a Western Digital WD40EFPX.  I was reading
it by shining a flashlight through a gap in the frame and squinting from
a wide angle because I didn't want to take the box apart yet again.

I've trying several of the suggestions people have kindly posted here.
The /etc directory on the new drive was getting messed up badly enough
that I decided to try copying the 500GB drive's root partition to the
4TB drive using dd.  The machine hung partway through the subsequent
boot.  So I wiped the root partition and re-installed Debian from
scratch, leaving the /home partition intact.

But the real magic was the re-installation of the Steam launcher.
Since my Portal icons were on my desktop, and clicking them made it
run (sort of), I was fooled into thinking everything was still there.
But I found a detailed set of instructions for installing Steam at and followed them.  This installed or
overlaid the missing or broken parts and presto! my sound is now clean.

Many thanks to everyone for your help.  This a good lesson to not take
too many things for granted, and also to be a bit more adventurous.
(A full Debian re-install really doesn't take that long...)

/~\  Charlie Gibbs  |  You can't save the earth
\ /|  unless you're willing to
 X   I'm really at ac.dekanfrus |  make other people sacrifice.
/ \  if you read it the right way.  |-- Dogbert the green consultant