Sendmail not receiving mail

2000-06-10 Thread Dr. Orange

I just noticed that after the upgrade from slink to potato, sendmail is no
longer receiving messages, or something to that extent - i can't send
emails to the server. Sending from the server works fine. 
I imagine this problem could be due to a number of issues, but I thought
i'd ask if anyone had the same problem when upgrading, or might know
off-hand what its cause is. 
If the mc or any other config file would be of help, please let me know
and i'll send it. (I didn't want to send an attach to the whole list) 

Thanks :))


Re: Sendmail not receiving mail

2000-06-10 Thread Dr. Orange

Doh! I wrote the previous email before having seen an error message that
is surely very important. Sorry about that. Here it is from
/var/log/ and from the return receipts:

Jun 10 06:33:55 saxa sendmail[8685]: KAE23583: SYSERR(daemon): Cannot exec
/usr/sbin/sensible-mda: No such file or directory
Jun 10 06:33:55 saxa sendmail[8672]: KAE23583: to=root, delay=19:59:58,
xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=$local, stat=Operating system error

Some ppl in this list asked if I could telnet port 25. Ps had indicated
that sendmail was accepting messages here. I tested it and sent an email
through there. It gave no errors. 

Thanks for the help up to now. I imagine those error messages might shine
some more light on the subject. 


Re: Sendmail not receiving mail

2000-06-10 Thread Dr. Orange

I reinstalled sendmail and it all works fine now. 

