I have a small LAN; two Linux boxes and two Macs. One of the Linux boxes
is used as a workstation, and one is used to provide common services.
The services are ppp, printing, backup, etc. I have had it working for
about a year.

Now I am working on converting the Linux boxes from Red Hat to Debian. I
have the workstation conversion done. I need advice on the conversion of
the common services box. I have installed Debian on it, and have
configured diald, but diald doesn't work (it did under Red Hat). My
questions are:

1> What is the best order for installing/configuring the various
deamons? Should I expect diald to work with other deamons/services not
yet configured?

2> While doing the initial install of Potato, I learned of pon, the
program that starts ppp. Is there some way to use pon in the connect
script of diald? I see that the edits that I had to make to the connect
script are entirely concerned with giving it information that I have
already provided to pon. It seems to me that good sys-admin proctice
should be to have these two functions working off the same database.
And, in my case, pon works but diald start never activates the modem.

3> I have already learned that Debian often (always?) has a way of
setting up that does not conform to the non-Debian information at
various web sites. How can I identify advise/information that is
specifically Debian, so that I avoid being confused by stuff that
doesn't apply?

4> Back to topic 2, above: I have read and followed the README.Debian
file in diald documentation. I have done the three steps indicated
there, and ppp does not come up when I try to use dselect to get new
packages. What am I missing?

I'm sending this email from the box that I am trying to configure, so
should understand that it is not entirely a basket case.


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