Hello everybody,

I have posted that on syslog-ng mailing-list, but i don't have any answer
for now...
I try to submit my problem to debian's experts ;)


I work for a lange society, and we use syslog-ng for 5 years now.
We have a centralized server with storage tank to keep logs securly.

Concretely, we have 2 centralized servers syslog-ng in chrooted
environement, and 50 clients servers.

Since we use TLS transport in place of stunnel workaround, we have many
issues :
- First of all, many logs aren't writen in $HOST folder but in IPADDRESS
folder. So, to be clear, this is an exemple :
# ls
drwxr-x---   8 root adm      4,0K  1 mars  00:07
drwxr-x---  53 root adm      4,0K 19 mars  00:35 host1

I assume that host1 have IP address and

# tree
├── 02-user-
├── 06-user-
├── 07-user-
├── 08-user-
├── 09-user-
├── 12-user-
├── 13-user-
├── 14-user-
├── 15-user-
├── 16-user-
└── 19-user-

# tree host1/2012-03/ |grep 19-
├── 19-apache.access-host1.log
├── 19-apache.error-host1.log
├── 19-authpriv-host1.log
├── 19-auth-host1.log
├── 19-cron-host1.log
├── 19-daemon-host1.log
├── 19-kern-host1.log
├── 19-mail-host1.log
├── 19-nagios-host1.log
├── 19-puppetd-host1.log
├── 19-syslog-host1.log
└── 19-user-host1.log

(we have this problem with many servers)
In facility "user" for host in fact i have log for snmptrapd...
But why ??

We have config for snmpd but not for snmptrapd...
So i have tried to define a default facility => failed
After i have tried many dns and hostnames options => failed

As anyone here have a way to search for me ?
If you need more details, i'm your's.

Kind regards.

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