I have just moved which means I did not have any Internet access for a
few days. When I moved, however, my computer was working but did not
have a connection which lead me to notice two things (at bootup):
First of all, the DHCPDISCOVER messages took a really long time not
finding anything (which, of course, is to be expected) and the
Starting System Log Daemon message took an obnoxious time to load
(around 10 minutes). I am not sure what syslogd is, so I suspected
that it might be due to lack of Internet access, but now I have
Internet access and the syslogd message is still as obnoxious as ever.

After doing man syslogd, I discovered that it uses a configuration
file, /etc/syslog.conf. I decided to try something out, and commented
all the lines out, but the ones that were not commented, I commented
with ## as opposed to # so I can remember them later. After rebooting
I found that the syslogd message goes by a lot quicker which means
that it is getting stuck somewhere in the file.

The file is uncommented at present but can anybody tell me why it is
getting stuck and what I can do about it? Is it OK to comment it out
like I did?

Thank you,
Leonid Grinberg

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