Re: Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-30 Thread Dima
Thalia L. Hooker wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I tried the kernel package and compilation went fine except it didn't seem
 > to compile any of the new modules even though I requested SCSI support,
 > SCSI disk support, and the driver AHA152x. I say this because when I
 > noticed it had not detected any scsi hosts, I searched for a file:
 > aha152x.o and didn't see anything like it on the whole hard drive.



Looks like you've compiled it in, shouldn't it be "M" for module?
It still doesn't explain why SCSI is not being detected, perhaps
you need to add some command-line options? 

 > - If I add new RAM to my system, do I need to recompile the kernel for it
 > to be able to use all of it?

You may need to tell kernel mem=24M (see LILO docs) if your bios doesn't
report > 16 Mb.


emaziuk at curtin dot edu dot au
Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem

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Re: Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-29 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Thalia" == Thalia L Hooker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thalia> Hi, I finally got over my signal 11 problems and can now
Thalia> recompile a kernel. The problems seem to have been due to bad
Thalia> RAM. I reinitialized my partitions because I was afraid I
Thalia> would run into filesystem problems due to the numerous times
Thalia> my computer froze when I was trying to recompile a kernel.

Thalia> I tried the kernel package and compilation went fine except it
Thalia> didn't seem to compile any of the new modules even though I
Thalia> requested SCSI support, SCSI disk support, and the driver
Thalia> AHA152x. I say this because when I noticed it had not detected
Thalia> any scsi hosts, I searched for a file: aha152x.o and didn't
Thalia> see anything like it on the whole hard drive. 

The modules should have been installed under
 /lib/modules/2.0.30. (you did install the new kernel using dpkg -i,

If you wish to test whether the modules are in the new kernel
 without installing it, you can try:
% dpkg -c kernel-image-2.0.30_custom.1.0_i286.deb
 and look if there is anything in /lib/modules.

Another thing to look for, after installation of the new
 kernel, is if depmod -a (run as root) succeeds. 

Thalia> The only thing I did different from below was that I used
Thalia> 'make config'

That should be fine.

Thalia> Could this have anything to do w/answering NO to the question
Thalia> about modules version numbers?

Hmm. This _should not_ make a difference, but I have not
 answered no for about a year now, and my meory is going. 

Thalia> Couple other "newbie" questions for you: Since my kernel isn't
Thalia> working right yet, can I recompile a new kernel from the same
Thalia> directory I compiled the previous one? Do I need to change the
Thalia> numbering in custom.1.?

Remember to do a make-kpkg clean (not a make distclean, that
 wipes your config file) before you do anything. And yes, do bump up
 the number every time you put in a new kernel.

However, people have reported a problem upgrading the same
 kernel version as they are running. See, suppose you are running
 2.0.30, and you have module xyz.o in there. You reconfigure the
 kernel (using make config (or xconfig or menuconfig), and instead of
 module xyz.o, you choose abc.o. Possibly because you have choosen to
 have xyz.o as a builtin, rather than a module.

When you install the new version of the kernel-image,
 dpkg shall remove xyz.o and add abc.o. Now, if you need xyz.o (which
 your running kernel thinks is there as a module), there shall be a
 problem, since your new kernel knows better than to try to load
 xyz.o, your old kernel was used to doing so, and it does not like you
 siping the module from under it's fingers. 

It gets worse. The new modules may not load into the old
 kernel (I think they should, they just don't seem to want to). Your
 old kernel may no longer be very stable once you install the new

So it is a good idea to always reboot imeediately if you have
 installed a kernel with the same version as the one you were

Me, I keep a few different versions around, and I boot to
 2.1.X, purge kernel-image-2.0.30, install the new 2.0.30, and reboot
 into 2.0.30. Cumbersome, but I've never had a crash. (this may also
 be overkill).

Thalia> - Since I didn't limit the kernel to 16 MB & kernel-kpkg
Thalia> defaults to bZimage, should my new kernel detect 24 MB? My
Thalia> boot messages say 16MB after recompiling.

I think so. My kernel correctly reports my 96MB. 

Thalia> - If I add new RAM to my system, do I need to recompile the
Thalia> kernel for it to be able to use all of it?

You do not need to recompile the kernel. Your BIOS, on the
 other hand, may need to be changed, and make sure your BIOS does
 report the new memory (or else reseat the RAM and try again).

I hope this helps.


 "Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?" he asked.  "Begin at the
 beginning," the King said, gravely, "and go on till you come to the
 end: then stop." _Alice's Adventures in Wonderland_, Lewis Carroll
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Re: Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-29 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Mike" == Mike Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> I'm thinking of starting a Debian custom kernel faq that would
Mike> address issues such as Ignus' questions and my own experience
Mike> with pcmcia and the kernel.  Any one interested in contributing?

Please include the Problems file from kernel-package (I'm
 including a copy below, in case you don't have access to the latest

You may be able to reuse bits of the kernel-package README
 (which I posted here recently) for the FAQ. And, if you feed the FAQ
 back to me, I'll include it in the next kernel-package package so the
 information is right there for people to use.

Also, feel free to ask me any time you have a question about
 the compilation itself (others can help more than I can about
 indvidual drivers and patches).

 Knowing that one is dear to oneself, one should guard oneself
 well. For one out of the three watches of the night a wise man should
 keep watch. 157
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

$Id: Problems,v 1.4 1997/10/22 07:47:57 srivasta Exp $

 This is an (incomplete) list of problems that people have encountered
 in the past while using kernel-package. Please remember to configure
 the kernel for your machine using make menuconfig, and to clean the
 source tree before compiling a new image using make-kpkg clean.

 a) Failure to format a floppy disk while installing kernel image.

fdformat from the obsolete package miscutils sometimes has problems 
formatting floppies.  Install the package fdutils instead.
Also, sometimes the new fdformat fails for /dev/fd0 unless the
parameters are set using setfdprm -- in short, make sure that you can
format floppies manually before asking the kernel image postinst to do

 b) warning, 'debian/tmp-image/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field
dpkg-deb: unable to create  '..': is a directory

The problem is actually that the version of dpkg being used is
 too old for kernel-package; kernel-package version 3.X needs dpkg at least.

 c) dpkg-gencontrol fails with the error message 
failure: chown new files list file: Illegal seek

This is an error in older versions of dpkg-dev. Upgrading to version should help.

 d) install: debian/changelog: No such file or directory
 Remember to do make-kpkg clean with a patched/old kernel source tree
 (if this is not a clean tree, clean it first).

 e) make-kpkg goes into an infinite loop when trying to make oldconfig.

This is _not_ a bug with kernel-package, it is a well known
incompatibility between the new version of expr (which has suddenly
become POSIX compliant) and the kernel sources (which did not expect
expr to behave this way).

The fix is to apply the following patch to the kernel sources. 

--- scripts/Configure.dist  Mon Jan 20 14:43:24 1997
+++ scripts/Configure   Tue Jan 21 05:41:30 1997
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
while :; do
  readln "$1 ($2) [$def] " "$def" "$old"
- if expr "$ans" : '0$\|-?[1-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then
+ if expr "$ans" : '0$\|-\?[1-9][0-9]*$' > /dev/null; then
define_int "$2" "$ans"
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
while :; do
  readln "$1 ($2) [$def] " "$def" "$old"
-if expr "$ans" : '[0-9a-fA-F]+$' > /dev/null; then
+if expr "$ans" : '[0-9a-fA-F]\+$' > /dev/null; then
   define_hex "$2" "$ans"

  f) % depmod -a
 modprobe: error reading ELF header: No such file or directory

 This is a problem with the newly changed behavior of depmod and
 friends, who suddenly stopped liking non .o files in
 /lib/modules/. Newer versions of kernel package, like this
 one, handle that right. For older image packages, the test is:

 % find /lib/modules/2.0.30/ -type f -exec file {} \; | grep -v 'ELF 32-bit'
 /lib/modules/2.0.30/modules.dep: ASCII text

 Anything other than modules.dep showing up is something that depmod
 can no longer tolerate. Remove those files, and things should be fine.

   g) dpkg-gencontrol fails if LC_ALL is set to de_DE.  Actually, I can't
  really confirm this works for anything except en_US. This is true as of
  dpkg/dpkg-dev The error actually reported seems to be
  either that debian/substvars file can not be found, or that the
  changelog file is empty (eben when the file is not empty). 

  The work around seems to be to set the LC_ALL to en_US while compiling
  the kernel. This should be fixed soon.

h) dpkg upgrades the custom kernel to a new standard kernel. This

Re: Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-29 Thread Thalia L. Hooker

I finally got over my  signal 11 problems and can now recompile a kernel.
The problems seem to have been due to bad RAM. I reinitialized my
partitions because I was afraid I would run into filesystem problems due to
the numerous times my computer froze when I was trying to recompile a

I tried the kernel package and compilation went fine except it didn't seem
to compile any of the new modules even though I requested SCSI support,
SCSI disk support, and the driver AHA152x. I say this because when I
noticed it had not detected any scsi hosts, I searched for a file:
aha152x.o and didn't see anything like it on the whole hard drive.
Lines from my .config file:

The only thing I did different from below was that I used 'make config'

Could this have anything to do w/answering NO to the question about modules
version numbers?

>I am still having a lot of trouble!  I have no trouble running:
>'make xconfig', followed by
>'make kpkg-clean',
>'make-kpkg -r custom.1.0 kernel_image'
>'dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image-2.0.30_custom.1.0_i386.deb

Couple other "newbie" questions for you:
- Since my kernel isn't working right yet, can I recompile a new kernel
from the same directory I compiled the previous one? Do I need to change
the numbering in custom.1.?

- Since I didn't limit the kernel to 16 MB & kernel-kpkg defaults to
bZimage, should my new kernel detect 24 MB? My boot messages say 16MB after

- If I add new RAM to my system, do I need to recompile the kernel for it
to be able to use all of it?


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Re: Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-29 Thread Manoj Srivastava
>>"Ignus" == Ignus Fast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ignus> I am still having a lot of trouble!  I have no trouble running:
Ignus> 'make xconfig', followed by
Ignus> 'make kpkg-clean',

This is the wrong order. Try 
 make-kpkg clean, 
followed by
 make xconfig

Ignus> 'make-kpkg -r custom.1.0 kernel_image'
Ignus> 'dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image-2.0.30_custom.1.0_i386.deb'

This makes and installs the modules for you. You are
 done. make-kpkg does more than you thought ;-)

Ignus> 'make  modules' 'make modules_install'

This may be your problem. You compiled and installed a kernel
 and modules, and you then clobbered modules with another set. *Don't*
 do this. The .deb file is all you need.

Ignus> to create a custom kernel boot disk.  But I tried specifying
Ignus> mouse/serial/parallel support as modules, and during boot the
Ignus> system bitches that there are no modules/drivers available.
Ignus> Then the systems init xdm and the screen goes black (though the
Ignus> computer still responds to keyboard input.)

Ignus> If anyone has any additional help, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Hope this helps

 "If anything can go wrong, it will." Edsel Murphy
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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Re: Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-29 Thread Mike Miller
You might have better success it you make your modules using
make-kpkg rather than make-ing in the source directory.  Try
executing `make-kpkg --targets' to get a list of targets (which
includes modules).

Caveat - I haven't made modules with make-kpkg myself, so I don't
know what pitfalls might await you along the way...

I'm thinking of starting a Debian custom kernel faq that would
address issues such as Ignus' questions and my own experience
with pcmcia and the kernel.  Any one interested in contributing?

Regards, Mike

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Re: Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-29 Thread Joost Kooij
On Tue, 28 Oct 1997, Ignus Fast wrote:

> I am still having a lot of trouble!  I have no trouble running:
> 'make xconfig', followed by
> 'make kpkg-clean',
> 'make-kpkg -r custom.1.0 kernel_image'
> 'dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image-2.0.30_custom.1.0_i386.deb'


> 'make modules'
> 'make modules_install'

AFAIK, this is already done by the first 4 commands
Just run 
  'dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image-2.0.30_custom.1.0_i386.deb'
again to fix the modules.

>   to create a custom kernel boot disk.  But I tried specifying
> mouse/serial/parallel support as modules, and during boot the system
> bitches that there are no modules/drivers available.  Then the systems
> init xdm and the screen goes black (though the computer still responds
> to keyboard input.)

Do you mean that X doesn't start properly anymore since you built this new

You can read back the startup messages with the `dmesg` command.



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Thanks for the help with compiling a new kernel... BUT!

1997-10-29 Thread Ignus Fast
I am still having a lot of trouble!  I have no trouble running:

'make xconfig', followed by
'make kpkg-clean',
'make-kpkg -r custom.1.0 kernel_image'
'dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image-2.0.30_custom.1.0_i386.deb'
'make modules'
'make modules_install'

to create a custom kernel boot disk.  But I tried specifying
mouse/serial/parallel support as modules, and during boot the system
bitches that there are no modules/drivers available.  Then the systems
init xdm and the screen goes black (though the computer still responds
to keyboard input.)

If anyone has any additional help, I'd greatly appreciate it!


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