
I've been quiet, as I got sound and my ppa (imm) zip drive working!

For the past couple days, I've tried everything I could find on
the web the Thinkpad 560, and it's APM problems.  I even downgraded
my BIOS to the 1.1 version.  I built many kernels, even 2.2.0 on
the slink CD. (Which has the new "ignore multiple sus/res cycles")
I went back to 2.0.36 as everything else (CDROM,etc.) works OK
with that kernel.

The machine will suspend/resume OK (multiple times) when plugged
in, but when running off battery, it always logs "can't enter
requested state" when I close the display.

The "APM" patch posted on one site appears to be already included
in the 2.0.36 version of apm_bios.c from what I can determine by
comparing the (old?) patch with the source.

As it works PERFECTLY when on AC, I am still persuing this.  I
am wondering if perhaps there are other "variables" in this picture
that I am overlooking.  In other words, is "apm_bios.c" the only
thing that I should have to muck with to fix this?  Or could
the "apmd" daemon be at fault possibly?

I really want to get this working.  ANY help or advise is welcome!


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