Thx for help

2021-08-06 Thread Gunnar Gervin
Seeing that reason of troubles with crashes, malfunctions, cursor delay etc
with my exmac was simply that Polyna might be right; that my mac 2,1 uses
EFI not Bios to boot. Why? Cos it works with Linux Mint that only uses EFI
in the distro I'm using. I've dual booted the machine to be able to test
out Mint contra  Debian contra Devuan, with EFI.
And: 1 swallow doesn't make a summer, so 1 asshole doesn't make this
helpsite a shithole. Excuse my French, sir, but that is the best
description I can give to that behavior of yours, calling a row of people
possible trolls out of relatively thin air. Should I be tolerant to an
intolerant or shallow thinker? Yes. But not when those thoughts comes out
in slandering words partially behind my back and partially into my face.
But there should also be consequences to my behaviour of abusing this site
for entire articles that mostly talk a LOT about close to zero.
And then slander quite harshly at a guy who just pointed out a possibility
based on logic a la " If it walks, talks & looks like a duck, it's
probably a duck." Added some "Unusual = Crazy"; which probably is
And can lead to an idea that "Low Linux knowledge=Unusual (here)=Craziness
& should be adjusted or told off." Resembles Adolf Hitler's paranoias, or
not ?
Back to my slanders: I take a break to learn enough to be able to define an
IT challenge before I ask for help; at least read a bit to see if I already
have the answer to my question/s. I recall from a recent course I failed:
If I hadn't read the obligatory text/s before the lecture on it, I was all
questions; totally unteachable. If I was prepared (default modus), I was
listening; all. teachable.
So I'll sit back for reading up, training (ex-broken back; can't much sit,
a challenge as reader), or work in some real production.

See you in 2023 we'll be free

Thx for Help, problem with links in mails remains

2007-05-18 Thread mad4linux

First i'd like to thank you for the help concerning the problem with email-adresses opening in evolution when using iceweasel on kde. 
This problem is now fixed after selectingthe right entries in /usr/share/applications/default-applications.desktop

But i've got a similar problem when clicking on links in my mails in icedove. 
This links always open in Konqueror, altough i've set the standard browser in 
kde's configuration screen to iceweasel. The standard browser for gnome is now 
iceweasel as well (set in /usr/share/applications/default-applications.desktop).

But links still open in Konqueror, when klicking on them in icedove (or the kde 
helpsystem per example).

Any hints?

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Re: Thx for Help, problem with links in mails remains

2007-05-18 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

mad4linux wrote:
 First i'd like to thank you for the help concerning the problem with
 email-adresses opening in evolution when using iceweasel on kde. This
 problem is now fixed after selectingthe right entries in
 But i've got a similar problem when clicking on links in my mails in
 icedove. This links always open in Konqueror, altough i've set the
 standard browser in kde's configuration screen to iceweasel. The
 standard browser for gnome is now iceweasel as well (set in
 But links still open in Konqueror, when klicking on them in icedove (or
 the kde helpsystem per example).
 Any hints?

AFAIK, your problem is likely related to the alternatives that Debian
uses.  I would check what your default x-web-browser is with the
update-alternatives command.  This is most likely set to Konqueror.

You can see which are available by issuing the command (as root)

update-alternatives --list x-www-browser

To change the default browser for the system, use:

update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/iceweasel

That should take care of your problem.


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