
I am using Debian 2.2r0 and wdm. Often when I log out of an X
session, and return to the wdm login screen, the keyboard dies.
The mouse would be still fine, but I cannot login again because
the keyboard wouldn't be working. It starts working again only
after the machine is rebooted. Sometimes it takes two or three
reboots to get the keyboard going again.

The keyboard section of my XF86Config file looks like this:

        Section "Keyboard"
           Protocol        "Standard"
           XkbKeymap       "xfree86(us)"

(I disabled the XKEYBOARD extension because I thought that may
have been the cause, but the problem still persists, though it
doesn't happen as frequently now.)

The board has 104 keys. Any help is appreciated.


N. Raghavendra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | In summer cool
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | Ambling down my road
        GnuPG public key at:        | To hell.
http://riemann.mri.ernet.in/~raghu/ |          -- Kobayashi Issa

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