How can I change or disable the frequent startup of nvi by af, perhaps
as a viewer?  I am using af 2.0-4.  This behavior is irritating, as I
must quit vi in order to continue reading mail.  This only happens on
certain messages.  May mailbox has many messages about files (the
files displayed by nvi, I think) that I had purportedly been editing
with nvi.  I don't use vi/nvi.

Here is the header of one such message (names have been changed...):

Date:    Wed, 20 Jan 1999 21:01:21 +1100
Subject: Whatever
Return-Path: ..............
X-Sender: ...............
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (32)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Length: 493
X-Af-Status: OR

I removed the editor to nvi in /etc/alternatives, but no change in
this behavior---it may have changed behavior while composing messages,
I'm not sure. 

Thanks for any clue.  

Alan Davis

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