I deleted and recreated two partitions on /dev/hda. Things went ok for one of
them, but now I find I can't do anything with cfdisk at all. Whenever I try
and write the disk partition table, I get the error:
Writing partition table to disk...File size limit exceeded
The disk is a 40GB IBM Deskstar (dmesg output for disks at the end of this
mail). I have one windows98 partition as /dev/hda1, the remaining partitions
are ext2 and reiser. I've had this disk a long time, and not had any problems
I've just noticed from the dmesg output that the disk geometry is different
for /dev/hda - there are four identical disks so I've used cfdisk to correct
the geometry on hda, and rebooted. The geometry now looks ok, but I still
can't update the partition table.
What's my problem?
FilesystemTypeSize Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8 ext2463M 404M 35M 92% /
/dev/hda6 ext23.7G 908M 2.5G 26% /potato
/dev/hda7 ext21.4G 652k 1.3G 1% /tmp
/dev/hda9 ext22.8G 1.5G 1.1G 56% /usr
/dev/hda10ext23.2G 1.7G 1.4G 53% /var
/dev/hda11ext22.8G 1.2G 1.4G 45% /home
reiserfs 11G 3.4G 7.2G 32% /development
/dev/hdb1 reiserfs 38G 29G 10G 74% /tbird6
/dev/hdc1 reiserfs 38G 36G 3.2G 92% /backups
/dev/hdd1 reiserfs 38G 27G 12G 68% /backups/guestw/mp3
/dev/hda1 vfat6.0G 468M 5.5G 8% /98
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hda: IBM-DTLA-305040, ATA DISK drive
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hdb: IBM-DTLA-305040, ATA DISK drive
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hdc: IBM-DTLA-305040, ATA DISK drive
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hdd: IBM-DTLA-305040, ATA DISK drive
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hda: 80418240 sectors (41174 MB) w/380KiB
Cache, CHS=5005/255/63
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hdb: 80418240 sectors (41174 MB) w/380KiB
Cache, CHS=79780/16/63
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hdc: 80418240 sectors (41174 MB) w/380KiB
Cache, CHS=79780/16/63
Feb 18 09:58:35 tbird2 kernel: hdd: 80418240 sectors (41174 MB) w/380KiB
Cache, CHS=79780/16/63