Re: Can't find informatin on passwdqc, pwqcheck or cracklib

2024-03-22 Thread Loïc Grenié
On Fri March. 22, 2024, at 03:39, NC wrote:

> I'm wanting to upgrade my security, and like to use some of the
> suggested tools. I've installed some of the tools, but can't find man
> pages on them.  Similarly there's no results to be had from googling.
> I must be missing something..

As far as I can tell, passwdqc package installs man pages for



Re: Can't find informatin on passwdqc, pwqcheck or cracklib

2024-03-22 Thread Michael Kjörling
On 22 Mar 2024 13:16 +1100, from
> I'm wanting to upgrade my security, and like to use some of the suggested
> tools. I've installed some of the tools, but can't find man pages on them.

You can see the files installed by a package by running:

$ dpkg -L 

For example:

$ dpkg -L coreutils

man pages will typically be under /usr/share/man:

$ dpkg -L coreutils | grep ^/usr/share/man/

dpkg -L == dpkg --listfiles

Note that this will not list files generated during installation (for
example a kernel module package that triggers a DKMS build would
likely show the source code but _not_ the built binaries) or
configuration files created later; but that shouldn't be an issue with
man pages.

Michael Kjörling 
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

Re: Can't find informatin on passwdqc, pwqcheck or cracklib

2024-03-21 Thread tomas
On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 01:16:13PM +1100, wrote:
> I'm wanting to upgrade my security, and like to use some of the suggested
> tools. I've installed some of the tools, but can't find man pages on them.
> Similarly there's no results to be had from googling.
> I must be missing something..

As far as I can see [1], cracklib comes with man pages...



Description: PGP signature

Re: Can't find informatin on passwdqc, pwqcheck or cracklib

2024-03-21 Thread David
On Fri, 2024-03-22 at 13:16 +1100, wrote:
> I'm wanting to upgrade my security, and like to use some of the  
> suggested tools. I've installed some of the tools, but can't find man  
> pages on them.  Similarly there's no results to be had from googling.  
> I must be missing something..

Information, basically.
What 'tools'?

Re: Can't find informatin on passwdqc, pwqcheck or cracklib

2024-03-21 Thread David
On Fri, 2024-03-22 at 13:16 +1100, wrote:
> I'm wanting to upgrade my security, and like to use some of the  
> suggested tools. I've installed some of the tools, but can't find man  
> pages on them.  Similarly there's no results to be had from googling.  
> I must be missing something..

In short: cracklib? cracklib2?
Not all pkgs are covered by man pages, but there are plenty of other information sources.

Can't find informatin on passwdqc, pwqcheck or cracklib

2024-03-21 Thread n
I'm wanting to upgrade my security, and like to use some of the 
suggested tools. I've installed some of the tools, but can't find man 
pages on them.  Similarly there's no results to be had from googling.

I must be missing something..


Re: Bug in libpam-cracklib

2004-09-22 Thread Jan Kesten
Hash: SHA1
Dirk Salva wrote:
Hallo, Dirk!
| Ich versteh nicht so ganz, was Du mir sagen willst.
Ich wollte eigentlich auf die auskommentierte erste Zeile hinaus -
aber Du kannst natürlich auch versuchen, mal anstellen von minlen
minlength einzutragen, vielleicht geht es dann?
Die Zeilen stammen wie gesagt aus meinem einen Rechner und dort
klappt das wunderbar..
- --
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Re: Bug in libpam-cracklib

2004-09-22 Thread Dirk Salva
On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 08:04:39AM +0200, Jan Kesten wrote:
 Ich wollte eigentlich auf die auskommentierte erste Zeile hinaus -
 aber Du kannst natürlich auch versuchen, mal anstellen von minlen
 minlength einzutragen, vielleicht geht es dann?

Du kannst mir das ruhig nur hier in der ML senden, zusaetzlich als
Mail ist nicht wirklich vonnoeten.

 Die Zeilen stammen wie gesagt aus meinem einen Rechner und dort
 klappt das wunderbar..

Das Problem ist ja nicht, dass sie nicht beachtet werden. Wuerden sie
das nicht, wuerde nicht aufs dictionary verwiesen und es wuerde auch
nicht ueber ein zu kurzes Passwort gemeckert. Er nimmt halt nur nicht
den Wert aus der Zeile, sondern einen darunterliegenden Wert.
BTW: die Zeilen standen da vorher schon so drin und sind nur nochmal
von mir auskommentiert/einkommentiert worden. Ausserdem decken sie
sich mit diversen secure-howtos. Da kann ich bisher keine Fehler

ciao, Dirk
|  Akkuschrauber-Kaufberatung and AEG-GSM-stuff   |
|   Visit my homepage:   |
| FIDO: Dirk Salva 2:244/6305.10 Internet: |
|The Ruhrgebiet, best place to live in Germany! |

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Re: Bug in libpam-cracklib

2004-09-21 Thread Jan Kesten
Hash: SHA1
Dirk Salva wrote:
| Was ist da los? Ist das ein Bug? Ist libpam-cracklib so nicht
| irgendwie nutzlos? Wie soll ich denn herausfinden, wie ich die
Wie sieht denn deine common-password aus? Man kann nämlich auf eine
nicht auskommentierte Zeile reinfallen, hier mal aus einer meiner
- -- SNIP --
# password   required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5
password required retry=3 minlength=6 difok=3
password required use_authtok md5
- -- SNIP --
Etwas weiter 'oben' steht hier die alte Zeile für die Prüfung ohne
cracklib und dort steht min=4 und unten minlength=6 (genau zwei
Zeichen unterschied).
Hab's zwar nicht nachgeprüft ob das was ausmacht, aber vielleicht
hilft's Dir ja..
- --
GPG-KeyID: 82201FC4
Available at my public keyserver
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
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Re: Bug in libpam-cracklib

2004-09-21 Thread Dirk Salva
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 09:05:00AM +0200, Jan Kesten wrote:
 | Was ist da los? Ist das ein Bug? Ist libpam-cracklib so nicht
 | irgendwie nutzlos? Wie soll ich denn herausfinden, wie ich die
 Wie sieht denn deine common-password aus? Man kann nämlich auf eine
 nicht auskommentierte Zeile reinfallen, hier mal aus einer meiner
 # password   required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5
 password required retry=3 minlength=6 difok=3
 password required use_authtok md5

 Etwas weiter 'oben' steht hier die alte Zeile für die Prüfung ohne
 cracklib und dort steht min=4 und unten minlength=6 (genau zwei
 Zeichen unterschied).

Ich versteh nicht so ganz, was Du mir sagen willst.
Die Zeilen sehen fast genauso aus, nur das bei mir minlen statt
minlength steht. Aber von Anfang an, da habe ich nix dran rumgemacht.
Das libpam_cracklib verwendet wird steht fest, sonst wuerde kein
Fehler Passwort ist in dictionary (sinngemaess) kommen.

ciao, Dirk
|  Akkuschrauber-Kaufberatung and AEG-GSM-stuff   |
|   Visit my homepage:   |
| FIDO: Dirk Salva 2:244/6305.10 Internet: |
|The Ruhrgebiet, best place to live in Germany! |

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Re: Bug in libpam-cracklib (was: Passwort-Mindestlaenge wird ignoriert;-()?

2004-09-20 Thread Dirk Salva

vor kurzem habe ich hier das geschrieben:

On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 09:03:15PM +0200, Dirk Salva wrote:
 ich habe hier auf einem Sarge-Rechner ein Problem: die eingestellte
 Passwort-Mindestlaenge wird ignoriert;-(
 Installiert ist libpam-cracklib, die entsprechenden Zeilen sind in
 /etc/pam.d/common-password ergaenzt. Dort steht minlen=8
 Trotzdem ist ein normaler User in der Lage, sein Passwort mittels
 passwd gegen ein Passwort mit nur sechs Zeichen auszutauschen. Soeben
 Any hints, woran das liegen kann!?

Dazu habe ich jetzt etwas ziemlich seltsames herausgefunden:
ich kann als User Passwoerter angeben, die um genau zwei Zeichen
kuerzer sind als die erlaubte Minimallaenge laut minlen=
Auf einem anderen Rechner hier betraegt die Differenz drei Zeichen,
sprich, ich stelle minlen=10 ein und kann Passwoerter mit 7 Zeichen
Laenge eingeben.

Was ist da los? Ist das ein Bug? Ist libpam-cracklib so nicht
irgendwie nutzlos? Wie soll ich denn herausfinden, wie ich die
Mindestlaenge korrekt setze, wenn der Parameter minlen= so

ciao, Dirk
|  Akkuschrauber-Kaufberatung and AEG-GSM-stuff   |
|   Visit my homepage:   |
| FIDO: Dirk Salva 2:244/6305.10 Internet: |
|The Ruhrgebiet, best place to live in Germany! |

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cracklib dla usera shellowo - potrzebny pomysl

2004-05-25 Thread Marcin

jest mozliwosc udostepnienia / skompilowania (skad wziac zroda?)
crackliba by byl dostepny dla jakiegos usera ? pisze programik do
testowania hasel, ale dziala na prawach zwyklego usera i nie ma dostep
do bibliotek systemowych w szczegolnosci /var/cache/cracklib/

Moze ktos cos poradzic jak by zrobic testowanie hasel ?


Re: cracklib dla usera shellowo - potrzebny pomysl

2004-05-25 Thread Marcin
 crackliba by byl dostepny dla jakiegos usera ?
 Moze ktos cos poradzic jak by zrobic testowanie hasel ?

moze doprecyzuje:
zwyklyjuzer$ echo asdfasdf | crack_testlib
enter potential passwords, one per line...
/var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict.pwd: Permission denied
PWOpen: Illegal seek

potrzebuje dostepu do plikow:

chcialbym aby te biblioteki byly osobne dla tego programu a osobne dla
Jak wymusic zmiane katalogu ?

 i nadal to samo.


Re: cracklib dla usera shellowo - potrzebny pomysl

2004-05-25 Thread /Wojciech Ziniewicz/
Calkiem fajna opcja jest puszczenie John the crackera ablo czegos takiego w tle.

cracklib w debianowym php...

2004-05-24 Thread m

wie ktos moze co zrobic by miec biblioteke cracklib dostepna z poziomu
PHP ? (safe_mode=on,debian woody, php z paczki).

po probie uzycia przykladu ze strony:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: crack_opendict() in
/home/juzer/public_html/cracklibtest.php on line 3

Nie wiem czy to jest takie trudne czy po prostu mam jakis zawias
umyslowy :( a dosc sie spiesze z robota ... :/

In order to use these functions, you must compile PHP with Crack support by 
using the --with-crack[=DIR] option.
jak to jest w debianie ?


cracklib tunning

2004-03-04 Thread Frédéric Dreier

I just installed the cracklib pam module, and try to configure it 

I have installed some additional dictionaries :

american-english  british-english  dansk  french  italian ngerman  
spanish  swedish
bokm?ldanish   dutch  german  nederlands  nynorsk  
svenska  words

and have re-run the cracklib script.

But after some tries I found that it still accept a passowrd like 
qwertz (swiss-keyboard) .

How can I improve it?

Thanks for your hints,


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Re: Heimdal and cracklib

2003-12-18 Thread Anton Emmerfors
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 01:04:57PM +0100, Anton Emmerfors wrote:
 I'm looking to incorporate password quality control in my Heimdal KDC
 using cracklib. I found the following in the Heimdal manuals:

Sorry, this was not the appropriate list for this question. I have
reposted it on the Kerberos list.


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Heimdal and cracklib

2003-12-17 Thread Anton Emmerfors

I'm looking to incorporate password quality control in my Heimdal KDC
using cracklib. I found the following in the Heimdal manuals:

check_library = library
check_function = function

The function function in the shared library library will
be called for proposed new passwords. The function
should be declared as: 

const char * function(krb5_context context,
krb5_principal principal, krb5_data *pwd);

The function should verify that pwd is a good password
for principal and if so return NULL. If it is deemed to
be of low quality, it should return a string explaining
why that password should not be used. 

Code for a password quality checking function that uses
the cracklib library can be found in
kpasswd/sample_password_check.c in the source code
distribution. It requires the cracklib library built
with the patch available at

Now I'm wondering if the code mentioned in the Heimdal docs incorporated
and does Debian cracklib2 have the proper patch? If so, what do I need
to put in my krb5.conf entry to make it work?

I've got rm -rf and I'm not afraid to use it

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PAM-Authentifizierung mit cracklib funktioniert nicht

2003-03-01 Thread Frank Niedermann

wenn ich in der Datei /etc/pam.d/passwd von
# password   required nullok obscure min=4 max=8 md5
# password required retry=3 minlen=8 difok=3
# password required use_authtok nullok md5
umstelle bekomme ich eine Fehlermeldung beim passwd-Befehl:

passwd fbn
Changing password for fbn
(current) UNIX password:
passwd: Critical error - immediate abort

Die cracklib-Pakete sind installiert, was mache ich falsch?

Frank Niedermann

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2002-08-20 Thread goga-goga
meczylem sie nieco z pam-cracklib i passwd i do tej pory nie rozwiazalem
tego tzn.
w pam.d/login odhaszowalem wpisy dla craklib, zahaszowalem wczesniejszy
i pojawia mi sie przy probie zmiany hasla taki komunikat:
passwd: Critical error - immediate abort
zaczalem szukac troche w sieci i na jest ten bug:#141052
datowany na kwiecien 2002. (dodam ze wszystkie mozliwe crackliby mam
zainstalowane )
czy u kogos to dziala?

Re: passwd-cracklib

2002-08-20 Thread goga-goga
On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 08:21:17PM +0200, goga-goga wrote:
problem nieaktualny,
niewidziec czemu mialem puste pliki w /var/cache/cracklib mimo, ze codziennie
w cronie mialem aktualizacje tych slownikow od ladnych paru tygodni.

cracklib problem

2002-03-18 Thread David Wright

Whenever I insert
  password required retry=3 minlen=6 difok=3
at the top of my /etc/pam.d/passwd stack, I get
  passwd: Critial error - immediate abort
whenever I try to change a password. Am I misusing this module (running 

I notice that the PAM documentation says that the module requires that 
/usr/lib/cracklib_dict exist, but no package contains any cracklib_dict 
file. Could this be the problem? How do I make a cracklib_dict?

Looking for .deb containing *_dict.* for cracklib

2002-02-24 Thread Xeno Campanoli
Perhaps I wasn't clear before with my headlines.  Sorry.  Does anyone
know why I might not be getting these *_dict.* files installed?

Xeno Campanoli wrote:
 Okay, (Doh!) it looks like I don't have the cracklib_dict.pwd file
 installed on the system where PAM doesn't work with cracklib.  I've
 tried apt-get remove-ing and re-installing any crack-related packages
 I've been able to find using apt-cache, but still no *_dict.* files.
 I've also searched the old mailing list archives for this, so either
 this is a bug or anomaly in the progression of packages, and in either
 case there's no evidence anybody has known about it up until now.  I'm
 betting it's a part of some normal package I'd put in on a complete
 install but which I just cannot presently think of.  At any rate, I'd
 like two forms of feedback:
 1)  What is the stable package I need to install to get these *_dict.*
 2)  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to better search for this
 kind of problem using the apt-* facilities?
 TIA.  I'll forward the final results to the pam-list, as I presume most
 of you are not on that.  See Igmar's comments below for more
 Sincerely, Xeno
  Igmar Palsenberg wrote:
  This is the actual problem :
  stat(/var/cache/cracklib/cracklib_dict.pwd, 0xbfff9a1c) = -1 ENOENT
  It's also consitent with the code (pam_cracklib.c) :
  if (!stat(buf,st)  st.st_size)
  return PAM_SUCCESS;
  else {
  if (ctrl  PAM_DEBUG_ARG)
  _pam_log(LOG_NOTICE,dict path '%s'[.pwd] is invalid,
  return PAM_ABORT;
  In other words : It can't find your dicts file. What I do find strange it
  the path it is looking for : /var/cache/cracklib. On all RH systems I've
  been on it's in /usr/lib
  You have two options : Make a symlink, copy the files, etc, or recompile
  the cracklib module.
 Physically I'm at:  5101 N. 45th St., Tacoma, WA, 98407-3717, U.S.A.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Physically I'm at:  5101 N. 45th St., Tacoma, WA, 98407-3717, U.S.A.

Using cracklib for passwd (in /etc/pam.d/passwd)

2001-08-26 Thread calyth
I've came across the last two lines in /etc/pam.d/passwd involving the cracklib.
I wanted to use it, but it says uncomment the next two lines.

#password required retry=3 minlen=6 difok=3
#password required use_authtok md5

I'm wondering a few things, what does difok and use_authtok means, and if md5 
is there, won't that enable md5 passwords?
If so do I need to make new ones?

Thanks in advance



1999-09-07 Thread John Davis

I get messages in my root mailbox about cracklib. It always prints the
same two numbers.  What does this mean?

Re: cracklib

1999-09-07 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Tue, 7 Sep 1999, John Davis wrote:

 I get messages in my root mailbox about cracklib. It always prints the
 same two numbers.  What does this mean?

This is the output from the /etc/cron.daily/cracklib file.  I've
fixed this in the potato release of cracklib-runtime so you could
try installing that version.  Alternately, edit the cron.daily
script to redirect the output of crack_packer to /dev/null.

Jean Pierre
Debian cracklib-runtime maintainer.

Re: email from cracklib cron

1999-05-01 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On 29 Apr 1999, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:

 My question is why hasn't this been fixed? Or perhaps it has and
 somehow my system just isn't up-to-date? Or was it deemed too simple a 
 fix to warrant a new version of cracklib-runtime?

It has been fixed and uploaded to potato.  There has since
been another bug found which I've tracked down to a bug in
the find package.  A new upload should be coming shortly.

I'm not clear on when its ok to upload a fix to a stable
distribution.  This is clearly not a security issue or even
a serious problem.  Would it still be appropriate to upload
to slink?

Jean Pierre

Re: email from cracklib cron

1999-05-01 Thread Pete Harlan
 I'm not clear on when its ok to upload a fix to a stable
 distribution.  This is clearly not a security issue or even
 a serious problem.  Would it still be appropriate to upload
 to slink?

It's the eternal debate about what the word 'stable' means in a
software distribution.  One definition is, non-experimental, but up
to date.  Another is, Changes only for security reasons.

Debian seems to use the latter definition.  Perhaps the package
developer has some say; I'm not sure how that works.

Pete Harlan

Re: email from cracklib cron

1999-04-30 Thread Phillip Deackes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary L. Hennigan) wrote:
 I have a system that I hadn't bothered adding  dev/null to the
 appropriate place in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib to avoid the email
 (slink distribution). It's on a seldom used system and I just never
 bothered. I had hoped that the simple fix would be quickly uploaded
 and I wouldn't need to bother. Well, it finally got to the point that
 it was driving me crazy so I looked in the Debain mailing list archive
 and applied the  /dev/null. 

Sorry to be a little dense, but where in the /etc/cron.daily/cracklib
file do I put  /dev/null?

This is the first I have heard about the problem, though I have noticed
a lot of mail on my system for root originating from the cracklib cron

Many thanks.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.1 

Re: email from cracklib cron

1999-04-30 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Phillip Deackes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary L. Hennigan) wrote:
|  I have a system that I hadn't bothered adding  dev/null to the
|  appropriate place in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib to avoid the email
|  (slink distribution). It's on a seldom used system and I just never
|  bothered. I had hoped that the simple fix would be quickly uploaded
|  and I wouldn't need to bother. Well, it finally got to the point that
|  it was driving me crazy so I looked in the Debain mailing list archive
|  and applied the  /dev/null. 
| Sorry to be a little dense, but where in the /etc/cron.daily/cracklib
| file do I put  /dev/null?
| This is the first I have heard about the problem, though I have noticed
| a lot of mail on my system for root originating from the cracklib cron
| entry.

Here's the whole section. It's toward the end of

  if [ -n ${cracklib_dictpath_src}  -a  -n ${cracklib_dictpath} ]
/usr/sbin/crack_mkdict ${cracklib_dictpath_src} |\
  /usr/sbin/crack_packer ${cracklib_dictpath}  /dev/null


email from cracklib cron

1999-04-29 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
I have a system that I hadn't bothered adding  dev/null to the
appropriate place in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib to avoid the email
(slink distribution). It's on a seldom used system and I just never
bothered. I had hoped that the simple fix would be quickly uploaded
and I wouldn't need to bother. Well, it finally got to the point that
it was driving me crazy so I looked in the Debain mailing list archive
and applied the  /dev/null. 

My question is why hasn't this been fixed? Or perhaps it has and
somehow my system just isn't up-to-date? Or was it deemed too simple a 
fix to warrant a new version of cracklib-runtime?


Re: email from cracklib cron

1999-04-29 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 I have a system that I hadn't bothered adding  dev/null to the
 appropriate place in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib to avoid the email
 (slink distribution). It's on a seldom used system and I just never
 bothered. I had hoped that the simple fix would be quickly uploaded
 and I wouldn't need to bother. Well, it finally got to the point that
 it was driving me crazy so I looked in the Debain mailing list archive
 and applied the  /dev/null. 
 My question is why hasn't this been fixed? Or perhaps it has and
 somehow my system just isn't up-to-date? Or was it deemed too simple a 
 fix to warrant a new version of cracklib-runtime?

Alas, it was a part of Debian for so long that we must now leave it in
for backward compatibility.  It is now a standard macro for configure
to grep the root mailbox for 'cracklib' to determine if the macro
is being run on a Debian system.

The above is both unhelpful and untrue
  --Mitch Blevins

cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Max
I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
following message:

45375 45375

Looking in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib doesn't tell me why it's mailing
me with those two numbers, and neither do the cracklib man pages.  Any


Re: cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Max wrote:

 I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
 following message:
 45375 45375
 Looking in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib doesn't tell me why it's mailing
 me with those two numbers, and neither do the cracklib man pages.  Any

/etc/cron.daily/cracklib reforms cracklib's cached dictionary
database everyday using crack_packer.  In my version, 2.7-5, the
output is redirected to /dev/null.  Which version are you using?

Jean Pierre

Re: cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Max
-- Start of included mail From:  Jean Pierre LeJacq [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Max wrote:
  I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
  following message:
  45375 45375
  Looking in /etc/cron.daily/cracklib doesn't tell me why it's mailing
  me with those two numbers, and neither do the cracklib man pages.  Any
 /etc/cron.daily/cracklib reforms cracklib's cached dictionary
 database everyday using crack_packer.  In my version, 2.7-5, the
 output is redirected to /dev/null.  Which version are you using?

I'm using the same version, and here's the key section of my

/usr/sbin/crack_mkdict ${cracklib_dictpath_src} |\
  /usr/sbin/crack_packer ${cracklib_dictpath}

The man page says that crack_packer creates 3 files, yet there's no
mention of anything being sent to standard output, so I don't know if
adding  /dev/null to the end of the line will do anything, or will


Re: cracklib mail

1998-11-03 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Max wrote:

 -- Start of included mail From:  Jean Pierre LeJacq [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  On Mon, 2 Nov 1998, Max wrote:
   I keep on getting bizarre mail from cracklib every single day with the
   following message:
   45375 45375

 I'm using the same version, and here's the key section of my
 /usr/sbin/crack_mkdict ${cracklib_dictpath_src} |\
   /usr/sbin/crack_packer ${cracklib_dictpath}
 The man page says that crack_packer creates 3 files, yet there's no
 mention of anything being sent to standard output, so I don't know if
 adding  /dev/null to the end of the line will do anything, or will

Ooops ... I have a locally modifed version.  Yes, adding the 
/dev/null at the end of the line will solve this problem.

I'm the maintainer for cracklib2.  I'm planning on a new release in
the next few weeks and I'll fix this bug at the same time. 

Jean Pierre