I'm running Debian "potato" as my firewall/lan gateway/diald server.
The box is running diald 0.99.1-1.

Diald works almost as expected (connects to the Internet, hangs up
after timeout).  Diald dials and gets PPP up and running rather
quickly.  However, the connection that triggered diald has to timeout
and retry before it does anything useful.

Here's a concrete example: diald runs on septictank, my workstation is
sewage.  On sewage, I try to do a google search.  Immediately the
modem dials, and after a few seconds, the PPP connection is up and
running---I can use any Internet protocol except http.  I have to wait
for the browser to timeout trying to reach google, then retry the
search.  But during that waiting period, I could do a fetchmail.

The diald FAQ addresses this and says to try the option
"buffer-packets on".  I've tried with this option both on and off, and
the problem persists both ways.  Another suggestion I found on the
'net was to set /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr to 1.  I did this on
septictank, and it also had no effect.

Does anyone have a fix for this or any suggestions?

Are there any alternatives to diald for Linux?  I used to use OpenBSD
for septictank, and it's dial-on-demand program didn't suffer this

Any thoughts?

Thanks for your help!

``I ain't never seen no whiskey, the blues made my sloppy drunk!''
        -- Sleepy John Estes, ``Leaving Trunk''

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