help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-02 Thread Ken Gaugler
I had no luck getting X to run on my first installation of Debian
1.1 from the Gold cd from I-connect.

So I completely re-loaded the distribution, taking extra care to
resolve the dependency conflicts.

When I got to the configure packages section, I noticed in the
error message
  "dpkg - Configure returned error exit status 1"
that there were still a couple of things not installed right.

So I went back and fixed that, and everything configured fine
except the X server setup.  After fixing a problem with the
mouse in XF86Config, I got X up and running fairly well.  I think it
is giving me fvwm as the default window manager, and the middle mouse
button doesn't work right ( the menu flashes a lot and I cannot select
anything on that menu).

I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
/usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the
Linux openwin logo, but before the screen turns blue, the X-server
exits with the message
lwm: can't find library ''

That library exists in the openwin/lib hierarchy, so I think there must
be a link missing somewhere, possibly between /usr/X11/lib and somewhere.
Do you know anything about this, or can I give you any more information
to help me solve this?


Ken Gaugler  URL:
"The life of a Repo Man is ALWAYS INTENSE..."

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Wichert Akkerman
> > Linux openwin logo, but before the screen turns blue, the X-server
> > exits with the message
> > lwm: can't find library ''

[.. snap ..]

> This is a shared library and for libraries to be found you have to run
> ldconfig as root after moving or installing libraries.

Also make sure /usr/openwin/lib is mentioned in /etc/ldconfig.

Another option is to add /usr/openwin/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH using
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/openwin/lib
if you use bash, or
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/openwin/lib
if you use tcsh or csh.


Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Bill Woodall
>> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
>> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
>> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the
>As a Sun workstation user, I also prefer running openwin.  I was under the
>impression that this product was owned by Sun and not available for other
>platforms but I heard that some Linux distributions provided it (Redhat). 
>I've looked on the internet for openwin, but could never find anything. 
>Where can I find a version that will run under Debian? - something that is
>easily transportable.   Can we expect to see a Debian distribution of
>openwin anytime soon?

First, correct if I am wrong, Bruce, but the xview toolkit does not
currently have a maintainer and therefore no Debian packages as
of yet.
 (I have been thinking about since I have used xview for
 several years, but I have been swamp to give it what is due)

Second, Openwin is a desktop environment. The OpenLook (tm)
window manager is olwm or olvwm.

With the last release of xview (3.2p1) you roughly get the WM and


Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Sven Rudolph
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Jim Worthington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> > /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> > to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the
> As a Sun workstation user, I also prefer running openwin.  I was under the
> impression that this product was owned by Sun and not available for other
> platforms but I heard that some Linux distributions provided it
> (Redhat).

A long story ...

OpenLook is a user interface specification, looking like what Sun
offered years ago (pre-X11 times) as SunView.

XView is an implementation of the SunView API (with enhancements) and
looks very much like OpenLook. In order to say that it looks like
OpenLook you need a licence from Sun, this seems to cost money.

XView is available under a BSD-style licence. The XView distribution
includes the library and some client programs, the most advanced are
texttool and cmdtool.

OpenWindows is the whole toolset as offered by Sun. This includes
XView and more client programs (filetool, some calender and
others). It isn't freely available.

(Mistakes are mine ...)
> I've looked on the internet for openwin, but could never find
> anything. 

You should have looked for XView, since OpenWindows isn't freely

> Where can I find a version that will run under Debian?

On, but you have to wait some days. I will upload xview
including the XView-included client programs next week. 

Sven Rudolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; WWW :

Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Erick Branderhorst

> So I went back and fixed that, and everything configured fine
> except the X server setup.  After fixing a problem with the
> mouse in XF86Config, I got X up and running fairly well.  I think it
> is giving me fvwm as the default window manager, and the middle mouse
> button doesn't work right ( the menu flashes a lot and I cannot select
> anything on that menu).

In /etc/X11 there are a few files and dirs which you might want to
modify a bit.

> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the
> Linux openwin logo, but before the screen turns blue, the X-server
> exits with the message
> lwm: can't find library ''
> That library exists in the openwin/lib hierarchy, so I think there must
> be a link missing somewhere, possibly between /usr/X11/lib and somewhere.
> Do you know anything about this, or can I give you any more information
> to help me solve this?

This is a shared library and for libraries to be found you have to run
ldconfig as root after moving or installing libraries.


Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Jim Worthington
> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  I can get openwin to start, display the

As a Sun workstation user, I also prefer running openwin.  I was under the
impression that this product was owned by Sun and not available for other
platforms but I heard that some Linux distributions provided it (Redhat). 
I've looked on the internet for openwin, but could never find anything. 
Where can I find a version that will run under Debian? - something that is
easily transportable.   Can we expect to see a Debian distribution of
openwin anytime soon?


Re: help getting X and openwin to work?

1996-08-01 Thread Sven Rudolph
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Gaugler) writes:

> I really prefer running openwin, so I created the directory
> /usr/openwin and copied all the stuff from my Slackware system over
> to there (bin, lib, etc.)  

FYI: I will upload a xview package including the openwin-like programs
next week.

Sven Rudolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; WWW :