
I just got my first debian installation done (1.3.1), but would have
needed only half the time if the following Problem hadn't occured:

I started from dos drive hda1 the rescue system and tried to configure the
drivers. My ethernetcard is a SMC 8216C, etherEZ says it is on io=0x220,
irq=10, mem=0xc8000 .. 0xcbfff. When I insert the module first
this is recognized fine, but the message:

Executing module post-install script 'cdrom-symlink'
script -ultra
-ultra not found
Executing shell_smc -ultra failed

appears. After menu netconfiguration (ifconfig??) I get very fast endless
lines saying

eth0: mismatched read page pointers 0 vs c.

(always "0 vs c"). This is on all pseudo terms, but everything seems to
work despite that. (You must be fast to work with the menus from now on;-)

Afer rebooting with the freshly created bootdisk same happens...

1. The ethernet-HOWTO 3.7.4 says this happens sometimes with 8390 based
cards (to which mine belongs) with nexgen cpu (I used a P90).

2. Another user reported this here for an smc 8416 card with debian 1.2
and a 2.0.27 kernel..., but I found no answers.

My solution: A kernel with builtin network support did the job (taken from 
another distribution). After building a customized kernel I hopefully can
forget about this.

However, since I had to install via ftp, for a linux-newcomer this would
not have been nice.

Michael Taeschner

who needs gates in a world without fences...  (author ?)

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