
2023-11-14 Thread Mike McClain
If anyone on the list is using masqmail I'd be interested in hearing
how well it works and how easy it is to set up for a single user
system that's not online 24/7.
Spirit is an invisible force made visible in all life.
- Maya Angelou

masqmail error

2018-10-19 Thread Pierre Frenkiel

after a system upgrade, I'm no more able to send mails with masqmail.
my masqmail.conf contains lines like

   online_routes.gmail_gmail = "/etc/masqmail/gmail_gmail.route"

Nevetheless, I get error messages like this one:

 var 'online_routes.gmail_gmail' not (yet) known, ignored

has anybody an idea on how to fix that?

best regards,
Pierre Frenkiel

prob masqmail

2005-04-15 Thread Alexandre gerussi
Salut à tous,
j'ai un petit problème de config avec masqmail.
Les messages d'erreur/avertissement que masqmail envoie pour avertir 
qu'un problème d'acheminement a eu lieu ne partent pas et restent dans 
la file d'attente.

La raison (me semble-t-il) est que ces messages écrits par le démon 
masqmail ne comportent pas de nom d'expéditeur.
Or dans le fichier .route, j'utilise allowed_mail_locals pour spécifier 
les utilisateurs qui ont le droit d'envoyer un mail, et du coup,
le démon n'a pas l'autorisation !

Est-ce le bon diagnositic et quelqu'un a-t-il une solution (autre que 
d'autoriser l'envoi à tout le monde) ?

Merci d'avance.
Pensez à lire la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :
Pensez à rajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To:
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

masqmail + smtp + ssl

2004-10-16 Thread Michael Unterkalmsteiner
Hi Leute,

Kurze und schnelle Frage: hat jemand von euch masqmail zum Versenden
ber ssl am laufen? In den docs steht zwar, dass es ber einen
wrapper funktionieren soll, in debug.log befindet sich folgendes:

2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] Starting online queue run.
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] detected online configuration gmx
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] read_route, filename = /etc/masqmail/unibz.route
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] read_route, filename = /etc/masqmail/gmx.route
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] deliver_route_msg_list()
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] route-allowed_rcpt_domains == NULL
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] 1CIX1l-60B-00 using '/etc/masqmail/unibz.route'
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] rcpts for routed delivery, route = 
/etc/masqmail/unibz.route, id = 1CIX1l-60B-00
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] rcpt for routed delivery: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] setting return path to (null)
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] rewrite_headers() returning
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] deliver_route_msgout_list entered, route-name = 
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] protocol = smtp
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] smtp_out_open_child entered, cmd =/usr/bin/openssl  
s_client -debug -ssl2 -no_tls1 -connect 2/dev/null
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] socket: name.sin_addr =
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] failed to look up own host name.
2004-10-15 20:43:19 [23260] helo_name = []

Ab hier hngt der Prozess, d.h. masqmail bricht nicht ab, aber es
passiert auch nichts weiter. Es liegt wahrscheinlich an der oben
hervorgehobenen Fehlermeldung, wei aber nicht wie ich den Fehler
beheben kann.


So, ich hab jetzt noch ein bichen nachgeforscht (hab mich mittels:
usr/bin/openssl  s_client -debug -ssl2 -no_tls1 -connect
am Server eingelogt und folgendes entdeckt: Microsoft ESM TP MAIL
Service, Version: 6.0.37 90.0 ready) -- also ein M$-Server :-(.
In masqmail.route steht, dass man bei buggy servern folgendes noch
setzen kann:
do_correct_helo = false
do_pipelining = false

Die obige Fehlermeldung ist verschwunden, masqmail -qo gmx liefert
aber folgendes und hngt:

read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = mbox_default
lval = mbox_default
rval = mda
rval = mda
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = mda
lval = mda
rval = /usr/bin/procmail -d ${ident}
rval = /usr/bin/procmail -d ${ident}
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval =
lval =
rval = /etc/masqmail/unibz.route
rval = /etc/masqmail/unibz.route
parsing list /etc/masqmail/unibz.route
item = /etc/masqmail/unibz.route
parsing list 1h;4h;8h;1d;2d;3d
item = 1h
item = 4h
item = 8h
item = 1d
item = 2d
item = 3d
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = allowed_return_paths
lval = allowed_return_paths
parsing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = wrapper
lval = wrapper
rval = /usr/bin/openssl  s_client -quiet -ssl2 -no_tls1 -connect 2/dev/null
rval = /usr/bin/openssl  s_client -quiet -ssl2 -no_tls1 -connect 2/dev/null
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = do_correct_helo
lval = do_correct_helo
rval = false
rval = false
parse_boolean: false
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = do_pipelining
lval = do_pipelining
rval = false
rval = false
parse_boolean: false
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = auth_name
lval = auth_name
rval = cram-md5
rval = cram-md5
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = auth_login
lval = auth_login
rval = 
rval = 
read_statement() 1
read_lval() 2
lval = auth_secret
lval = auth_secret
rval = *
rval = *

Ab hier geschieht gar nichts mehr. Sorry fr das lange posting, hier
sieht man aber ganz gut, welche Konfiguration ich benutze.
Ich wei jetzt ehrlich nicht mehr weiter, vielleicht kann mir ja
jemand einen Tip geben, wie ich weiter debuggen kann, oder
vielleicht wei jemand ja sogar eine Lsung :-).


PS: Port 2500 ist offen
PPS: Bei gmx funktioniert die bertragung mit ssl
PPPS: Die Frage wurde nun doch etwas lnger ;-)

Ein tolles Jubilum: 50 Jahre Fischstbchen! Fischstbchen sind
auch ein beliebter Lesestoff fr unsere Senioren. Haben Sie schon
beobachtet? Stundenlang an der Tiefkhltruhe, die Brille
hochgeschoben, es riecht schon, das Fischstbchen luft schon
flssig unten raus. Und dann: Ach nee, ist ja gar kein Eis!
-- Harald Schmidt


Re: masqmail + smtp + ssl

2004-10-16 Thread Michael Unterkalmsteiner

ich hab mir mal swaks angeschaut, ein perl-skript zum Testen von
smtp-Servern. Dabei hab ich herausgefunden, dass
anscheinend nur fr [EMAIL PROTECTED] relayed (eine mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wurde nicht angenommen).
Folgendes hat aber funktioniert:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ swaks -s -p 2500 -t \
=== Trying
=== Connected to
-  220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version:
6.0.3790.0 ready at  Sat, 16 Oct 2004 15:47:15 +0200
 - EHLO shamrokk.corps
 - Hello []
 -  250-TURN
 -  250-SIZE 3072
 -  250-ETRN
 -  250-DSN
 -  250-8bitmime
 -  250-CHUNKING
 -  250-VRFY
 -  250-TLS
 -  250-STARTTLS
 -  250-X-EXPS=LOGIN
 -  250-AUTH=LOGIN
 -  250-X-LINK2STATE
 -  250-XEXCH50
 -  250 OK
 -  250 2.1.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] OK
 -  250 2.1.5 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -  354 Start mail input; end with CRLF.CRLF
 - Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 15:49:44 +0200
 - Subject: test Sat, 16 Oct 2004 15:49:44 +0200
 - X-Mailer: swaks v20040404.1
 - This is a test mailing
 - .
 -  250 2.6.0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Queued
 mail for delivery
 -  221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
=== Connection closed by foreign host.

Was mich jetzt aber wundert, ist, dass ich mich nicht
authentifizieren musste! (Dies ist keine Aufforderung, mich jetzt
zuzuspammen :-). 
Wenn ich mittels -au *** -au *** User und password mitgebe, bekomme
ich folgendes:

~  334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
~ TVVudGVya2FsbXN0ZWluZXI=
~  334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
~ bWx1bGFtJWVy
~* 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful.
*** No authentication type succeeded

Nja, ich finds krass, dass der Server es zulsst, ohne
Authentifizierung mails an [EMAIL PROTECTED] zu schicken.
Any comments?


Die Evolutionsbiologen nennen dies Genetischer Einkaufsbummel.
Und es ist wirklich wie beim Einkaufen: Es wird angeguckt, es wird
mitgenommen - und der Mann zahlt!
-- Harald Schmidt

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: masqmail + smtp + ssl

2004-10-16 Thread Patrick Cornelien
Michael Unterkalmsteiner wrote:
Nja, ich finds krass, dass der Server es zulsst, ohne
Authentifizierung mails an [EMAIL PROTECTED] zu schicken.
Any comments?
Also du hast versucht eine Mail an eine Mailadresse, fr die der Server 
zustndig ist einzuliefern und wunderst dich, da es funktioniert?
Oder hab ich dich da jetzt falsch verstanden?

Wenn ich richtig lag, muss ich dir sagen, da es normal ist, sonst 
msste ich ja fr jeden Server, der Mail bei mir einliefert einen 
Account anlegen ;-)
Das einzige was nicht funktionieren darf ist, da eine Mail mit einem 
Empfnger ausserhalb des Servers bzw. seiner Domains versendet wird ohne 

 Patrick Cornelissen
Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: masqmail + smtp + ssl

2004-10-16 Thread Michael Unterkalmsteiner
On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 05:16:56PM +0200, Patrick Cornelißen wrote:
 Michael Unterkalmsteiner wrote:
 Nja, ich finds krass, dass der Server es zulässt, ohne
 Authentifizierung mails an [EMAIL PROTECTED] zu schicken.
 Any comments?
 Also du hast versucht eine Mail an eine Mailadresse, für die der Server 
 zuständig ist einzuliefern und wunderst dich, daß es funktioniert?
 Oder hab ich dich da jetzt falsch verstanden?
 Wenn ich richtig lag, muss ich dir sagen, daß es normal ist, sonst 
 müsste ich ja für jeden Server, der Mail bei mir einliefert einen 
 Account anlegen ;-)
 Das einzige was nicht funktionieren darf ist, daß eine Mail mit einem 
 Empfänger ausserhalb des Servers bzw. seiner Domains versendet wird ohne 

Ich will über (Uni-Server bei dem ich einen Mail-Account
habe) mails verschicken. Dieser Server verlangt ssl-Verschlüsselung.
Masqmail kann ssl ,über einen wrapper, funktioniert zumindest bei
gmx. Masqmail verweigert aber den Dienst, wenn ich über
eine Mail verschicken will (an meinen Uniaccount z.B.). 
Deshalb hab ich swaks benutzt, um den smtp-server von
zu testen (z.B. hab ich herausgefunden, dass es ein M$-Server ist,
der keine CRAM-MD5 Authentifizierung kann, sondern GSSAPI, NTLM, LOGIN).

Ich war der Meinung, wenn ich über ein smtp-relay (
relayed zwar nur für [EMAIL PROTECTED]) mails verschicken will, dass ich mich
dort authentifizieren muss. 

Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: test Sat, 16 Oct 2004 18:56:43 +0200
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 Oct 2004 16:54:18.0807 (UTC)
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.61 ( on shamrokk.corps
X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.3 required=5.0 tests=NO_REAL_NAME autolearn=no 

This is a test mailing

swaks -s -p 2500 -t \

Hab ich hier in meinem jugendlichen Leichtsinn die Absenderadresse


Was in Poesiealben von Prominenten steht:
Bei Ulrich Wickert

Lieber Uli
Bist Du groß, wirst Du zum Retter
der Moral und jetzt: Das Wetter
Deine Klassenlehrerin Ingrid Müller-Peters
-- Harald Schmidt

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Masqmail: child got signal:11

2004-01-23 Thread Michael Weinmann
Danke Christian.

nun habe ich es nochmal mit Exim versucht, und wenn ich keinen Fehler
gemacht habe, kommt diese Mail auch an. Schade, Masqmail war so schön 
einfach. Leider mußte ich vorher noch schnell unsubscriben, weil 
mir das mailkonto außer Kontrolle geriet. 


On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 05:05:24PM +0100, Christian Schmidt wrote:
 Hallo Michael,
 Michael Weinmann, 22.01.2004 (d.m.y):
  Ich benutze Masqmail auf Debian 3.01, weil es mir nicht gelingen wollte,
  von zwei pop3 konten bei dem selben Prov. mit Exim mails abzuschicken,
  die Authentizierung klappte immer nur für einen user. 
 Klickst Du:
 Leitfaden durch die Phraseologie wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen:
   The results suggest that
   wir glauben, daß

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Masqmail: child got signal:11

2004-01-23 Thread Christian Schmidt
Hallo Michael,

Michael Weinmann, 23.01.2004 (d.m.y):

 Danke Christian.

Gern geschehen - aber danke lieber Uwe, der die Informationen so gut
nachvollziehbar ins Netz gestellt hat. ;-)

 nun habe ich es nochmal mit Exim versucht, und wenn ich keinen Fehler
 gemacht habe, kommt diese Mail auch an. Schade, Masqmail war so schön 

Dafuer kann exim soviiiel mehr. ;-)

Ich bin froh, denn mein Po paßt genau auf euer Klo.

Description: PGP signature

Masqmail: child got signal:11

2004-01-22 Thread Michael Weinmann
Hallo und Hilfe!

Ich benutze Masqmail auf Debian 3.01, weil es mir nicht gelingen wollte,
von zwei pop3 konten bei dem selben Prov. mit Exim mails abzuschicken,
die Authentizierung klappte immer nur für einen user. 
Aber nun hat masqmail bereits zum 2. mal bei einer bestimmten mail mit
der Meldung 

2004-01-22 12:41:46 [846] child got signal: 11

in der logdatei den pop3 Kontakt regelmäßig abgebrochen. Ich hab es
nicht gleich gemerkt. Schließlich wurden
keine Mails auf dem Server mehr gelöscht, der Rest kam mehrfach an und
alles lief über..  
Beim ersten Mal war die gewisse Mail von t-online, (eine retour wegen
überfüllter Mailbox des Empfängers hi) beim zweiten mal konnte ich es
nicht mehr herausfinden bei 501 mails auf dem konto!!
Vielleicht habe ich mich ungeschickt angestellt, aber googeln und die
masqmailseiten haben mir leider auch nicht geholfen.
Warum hier Signal 11 ?? Oder hat das was mit Procmail zu tun?

Haeufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten (FAQ):

Zum AUSTRAGEN schicken Sie eine Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mit dem Subject unsubscribe. Probleme? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] (engl)

Re: Masqmail: child got signal:11

2004-01-22 Thread Christian Schmidt
Hallo Michael,

Michael Weinmann, 22.01.2004 (d.m.y):

 Ich benutze Masqmail auf Debian 3.01, weil es mir nicht gelingen wollte,
 von zwei pop3 konten bei dem selben Prov. mit Exim mails abzuschicken,
 die Authentizierung klappte immer nur für einen user. 

Klickst Du:

Leitfaden durch die Phraseologie wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen:
  The results suggest that
  wir glauben, daß

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mutt+Masqmail

2003-05-11 Thread Jacek Kawa
Jak podają anonimowe źródła, przepowiedziano, że Tomasz Jakub Skrynnyk napisze:

 'set-language-env' jak wiadomo lokalizuje otoczenie wstawiając między
 innymi do .muttrc ustawienia dot. kodowania i takie tam. I to on (chyba)
 wstawia też
 folder-hook debian-user-polish \
   'set index_format=%5C %Z %[%d %b %H:%M]  %-65.65s  %35.35F\
   ignore * \
 Nie potrafiłem stwierdzić w którym miejscu jest błąd, który powoduje, że
 w trakcie wczytywania tego folderu Mutt stwierdza 'set: nieznana
 zmienna' :((

Ja bym wyrzucił ' na początku i końcu i rozdzielał średnikami
poszczególne instrukcje

 ignore * ; \

Poza tym zawsze możesz testować po jednej i znaleźć błąd.


Jacek Kawa  **Waiting for the miracle to come [Cohen]**

Re: Mutt+Masqmail

2003-05-10 Thread Rafa³ Cz³onka
Dnia Sat, May 10, 2003 at 03:02:25AM +0200, Tomasz Jakub Skrynnyk napisał(a):


 Na czytałem się dokumentacji pol-ang w różnej formie i w krótkim czasie
 a efekt jest taki, że trochę to wszystko mi się pomieszało. :(

Ja też się naczytałem, ale trochę praktyki i zrozumiałem ;-).

 Czy można Mutta zmusić do tego, aby sam sortował pocztę? I pytanie
 pomocnicze - Czym się różni 'save-hook' od mbox-hook'?
 U mnie nie działa. A może to tylko wtedy, jak to właśnie Muttem ściągam

Ostatnio (tydzień temu) też szukałem takiego rozwiązania. Przy okazji
robienia porządków z pocztą, zamianie mailboxów na maildiry ;-).
Szukałem w googlach i z tego co znalazłem mogę stwierdzić - nie da się,
przynajmniej w ten sposób jak byś(my) chci(ał/eli). Save-hook na
podstawie wyrażenia regularnego (regexp) ustawia domyślną skrzynkę w
której możesz zapisać wiadomości, które spełniają to wyrażenie, lecz nie
robi tego automatycznie tylko po naciśnieciu s. Mbox-hook przenosi po
prostu wiadomości z jednej skrzynki do drugiej.

 Procmail doskonale sprawdza się w tej roli, ale chciałbym to zrozumieć.

Ja też radzę sobie procmailem - w sumie do tego służy ;-).

 Czy Mutt sprawdza wszystkie warunki (te w .muttrc) dot. jednej
 rzeczy i wybiera z nich jakąś wypadkową? Czy - 'O co chodzi?' ;)))

O jaka rzecz konkretnie Ci chodzi?

 W .muttrc mam jeszcze ustawienia dot. tej listy (to wpisuje chyba
 'set-language-env'). Niestety, przy wchodzeniu do folderu/pliku, gdzie
 są posty tej listy Mutt zgłasza błąd o nieznanej zmiennej.
 Gdzie jest ten robak?

Spracyzuj co ma wspólnego ta lista i set-language-env?

Rafał Członka

e-mail/JID  rafi[at]

Re: Mutt+Masqmail

2003-05-10 Thread Tomasz Jakub Skrynnyk
On Sat, May 10, 2003 at 09:52:22AM +0200, Rafał Członka wrote:

 Ja też się naczytałem, ale trochę praktyki i zrozumiałem ;-).
Tyle, że mnie pomieszało się to co dot. Mutta, Masqmail, Procmail i
jeszcze paru innych. Ale jestem spokojny - to zawsze po jakimś czasie
przechodzi ;)))
 której możesz zapisać wiadomości, które spełniają to wyrażenie, lecz nie
 robi tego automatycznie tylko po naciśnieciu s. Mbox-hook przenosi po
No i właśnie to stwierdziłem, ale myślałem, ze namieszałem w regexp-ach

  Czy Mutt sprawdza wszystkie warunki (te w .muttrc) dot. jednej
  rzeczy i wybiera z nich jakąś wypadkową? Czy - 'O co chodzi?' ;)))
 O jaka rzecz konkretnie Ci chodzi?
To było pytanie ogólne :). W manach jest, że wybiera z pasujących te
najbliższe, ale dla mnie jego zachowanie jest czasem zagadkowe...

  W .muttrc mam jeszcze ustawienia dot. tej listy (to wpisuje chyba
  'set-language-env'). Niestety, przy wchodzeniu do folderu/pliku, gdzie
  są posty tej listy Mutt zgłasza błąd o nieznanej zmiennej.

 Spracyzuj co ma wspólnego ta lista i set-language-env?
'set-language-env' jak wiadomo lokalizuje otoczenie wstawiając między
innymi do .muttrc ustawienia dot. kodowania i takie tam. I to on (chyba)
wstawia też

folder-hook debian-user-polish \
'set index_format=%5C %Z %[%d %b %H:%M]  %-65.65s  %35.35F\
ignore * \
set unignore From: To: Date: Subject: Cc: Bcc: \
set pager_index_lines=8 \
bind index r list-reply \
bind pager r list-reply \
macro pager m \
macro index m \
set score \
score ~d1w 1 \
score ~d1w 10 \
set score_threshold_delete=1'

Nie potrafiłem stwierdzić w którym miejscu jest błąd, który powoduje, że
w trakcie wczytywania tego folderu Mutt stwierdza 'set: nieznana
zmienna' :((


Tomasz Jakub Skrynnyk


2003-05-09 Thread Tomasz Jakub Skrynnyk

Na czytałem się dokumentacji pol-ang w różnej formie i w krótkim czasie
a efekt jest taki, że trochę to wszystko mi się pomieszało. :(

Czy można Mutta zmusić do tego, aby sam sortował pocztę? I pytanie
pomocnicze - Czym się różni 'save-hook' od mbox-hook'?
U mnie nie działa. A może to tylko wtedy, jak to właśnie Muttem ściągam

Procmail doskonale sprawdza się w tej roli, ale chciałbym to zrozumieć.

Czy Mutt sprawdza wszystkie warunki (te w .muttrc) dot. jednej
rzeczy i wybiera z nich jakąś wypadkową? Czy - 'O co chodzi?' ;)))

W .muttrc mam jeszcze ustawienia dot. tej listy (to wpisuje chyba
'set-language-env'). Niestety, przy wchodzeniu do folderu/pliku, gdzie
są posty tej listy Mutt zgłasza błąd o nieznanej zmiennej.
Gdzie jest ten robak?

A teraz Masqmail:

Przy ściąganiu poczty Masqmail staje na listach, gdzie w nagłówku jest
' \ Janek Jakistam\ '
i przy kolejnym ściąganiu dubluje wcześniej ściągniętą pocztę.
Nie działa 'do_keep=false' i nie pomaga 'do_uidl_dele=true' :(((, a w
dokumentacji stoi, że to ma pomóc, jak Masqmail nie dojdzie do końca.
Co muszę jeszcze ustawić?

Na koniec dodam, że przerobiłem Masqmaila tak, żeby przy podłączeniu do
LAN zachowywał się jak przy połączeniach modemowych (w ogóle z nich nie
korzystam). Może macie jakieś inne propozycje - inne programy, które
miałyby funkcjonalność Masqmail i przeznaczenie: laptop bez stałego
podłączenia korzystający z netu przez LAN.


Tomasz Jakub Skrynnyk

Re: MTA ligero (ssmtpm nullmailer masqmail nail...)

2002-11-07 Thread Aritz Beraza Garayalde
 ¿Has probado a enviarlo con el propio mutt? Por ahí tengo las líneas
 necesarias para el muttrc. Lo único que has de hacer es indicarle un
 servidor smtp saliente.
 Bueno, creo que ya lo sabrás porque si has configurado la opción de
 correo imap...

Me habias abierto los ojos, pero mue puse a leer el muttFAQ,  y allí dice
claramente que mutt no puede enviar correo, necesita un mta. La linea que
dices es set sendmail=. Pero de algo ha servido...

Parece ser que si, ssmtp puede acceder con nombre de ususario y password a
un servidor smtp
he añadido la line set sendmail=/usr/sbin/ssmtp -auMiLogin -apMiPassword
en el /etc/Muttrc. Pero mi problema es como configuro el ssmtp. He probdo a
invocarlo desde la linea de comandos a ver si da información, pero no dice
nada, y se queda colgadisimo.

Si alguien usa SSMTP, plis!! una ayudita para configurarlo, llevo mucho
leido, y soy un pobre estudiante agobiado...

Por cierto por que no se escriben minihotos en castellano con todo lo
que se escribe en esta lista??? realmente hay mensajes que merecen ser
publicados como howto


Description: PGP signature

Re: MTA ligero (ssmtpm nullmailer masqmail nail...)[SOLUCIONADO]

2002-11-07 Thread Aritz_Beraza_Garayalde
Ya lo tengo funcionando!! Mutt+ssmtp

La configuración es muy sencilla.

tras instalar el ssmtp:

# Config file for sSMTP sendmail
# The person who gets all mail for userids  1000

# El servidor smtp al que queremos conectar para mandar el mail

# De donde quieres que parezca que viene el mail? es decir, aunque lo envie
# con el servidor telefonica puedo hacer que parezca q lo envio desde otro
# servidor

# El nombre de tu ordenador

# Pon esto a Yes si quieres que el mail se envie con el campo From que da el
# MUA (Mutt en este caso). Como quiero que parezca que encio desde
# [EMAIL PROTECTED], pues pongo que si

y esto ya está, ahora falta el mutt

Al instalar ssmtp te ha desinstalado cualquier otro mta. así que en
/etc/Muttrc ponemos la linea:

set sendmail=/usr/sbin/ssmtp -auMilogin -apMipassword
sin espacio entre -au y el login de mi cuenta (en, ni
-ap y el password. si el servidor no usa auth, no es necesario usar au y ap

y comenta o borra la linea
unset use_from
por ultimo soloqueda tu .muttrc local

añade o edita las lineas:
set realname = tunombreautentico
set from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#de aqui es de donde parecera q envias el email

y ya esta todo funcionando. Seguro que no necesitas el exim para nada!


MTA ligero (ssmtpm nullmailer masqmail nail...)

2002-11-06 Thread Aritz Beraza Garayalde
Hola lista!

Estoy buscando un MTA para enviar el correo saliente de mi ordenador a
internet, pero quiero que sea lo mas ligero posible. Para leer el correo uso
mutt con acceso imapm así que el mta no ha de recibir mail, ni enviar correo
local. Tampoco quiero que se ejecute como demonio, solo quiero que salte
cuando envie el mail, y se apague cuandotermine de enviarlo.

He probado con ssmtp, pero no se si es lo que necesito, pues pongo como
mailhub el servidor smtp de mi isp y no lo acepta (requiere auth). Estoy
pensando en usar nail, que especifica que aunque no puede recibir correo si
puede enviarlo.

Alguien podría decirme que opciones tengom y cual se ajusta mas a mis
necesidades? (nullmailes ssmtp nail, etc) Si os sirve de guia, mi mua es
mutt. Si ssmtp sirve para esto...alguien me puede ayudar a configurarlo?
(servidor smtp del isp:, login:login, password:password)(el
error que me tira mutt al enviar, tras unlaargo rato d espera
es: Error al enviar mensajem proceso hijo termino).

Gracias a todos


Description: PGP signature

Re: MTA ligero (ssmtpm nullmailer masqmail nail...)

2002-11-06 Thread Armando Paz
On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 09:11:40PM +0100, Aritz Beraza Garayalde wrote:
 Hola lista!
 Estoy buscando un MTA para enviar el correo saliente de mi ordenador a
 internet, pero quiero que sea lo mas ligero posible. Para leer el correo uso
 mutt con acceso imapm así que el mta no ha de recibir mail, ni enviar correo
 local. Tampoco quiero que se ejecute como demonio, solo quiero que salte
 cuando envie el mail, y se apague cuandotermine de enviarlo.

¿Has probado a enviarlo con el propio mutt? Por ahí tengo las líneas
necesarias para el muttrc. Lo único que has de hacer es indicarle un
servidor smtp saliente.

Bueno, creo que ya lo sabrás porque si has configurado la opción de
correo imap...

En fin, por si acaso.


---  Armando Paz   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ---
---  Debian (Woody) GNU/Linux 2.4.19  ---
---  Usuario Linux Registrado  #189304---

Re: masqmail problem

2002-05-13 Thread andrej hocevar
On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 04:55:49PM -0700, Brian Schramm wrote:
 trouble getting my email.  So much so that I have set
 up the family on yahoo.  I decided that I need to get

Haven't I heard the rumours yahoo won't support POP3 access anymore?
A friend of mine migrated from yahoo mail to something else just
because of that -- I can't test it, however. But if you say you
*can still* (not only could) access your mailbox and get mail with
fetchmail, then the you know better. 

As for the masqmail configuration, the same friend also had problems
with sending mail, so again I cannot really say; besides that, you
didn't tell anything whatsoever about the nature of your problems,
your configuration, the logs etc. 

If you'd like, I can show you my configuration.


echo ${girl_name}  /etc/dumpdates

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

masqmail problem

2002-05-12 Thread Brian Schramm
OK.  I have changed the mailer from sendmail to
masqmail.  I had a problem with sendmail not working
right on my machine.  I tried exim and that did not
work either.  My needs are simple.  I have one phone
line dedicated as a modem line for my computer's
internet access.  I have had this type of a setup for
years and never had any trouble with it.  In the past
year I had some hardware problems so I fixed them and
got a fresh install of Debian Woody on the machine. 
It is update every week.  

To make a long story short, I have had a lot of
trouble getting my email.  So much so that I have set
up the family on yahoo.  I decided that I need to get
my mail up on my machine so I installed masqmail.  As
soon as I did, fetchmail started pulling mail into my
system!  But I cannot get it to send now.  I am
figureing that I do not have a setting right but I
have not found that setting yet.  

Can someone help with the settings?  I figure that is
all I need to change and I will have my email working

Thank you in advance for any help rendered.

Brian Schramm


Do You Yahoo!?
LAUNCH - Your Yahoo! Music Experience

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

anyone for masqmail?

2001-10-07 Thread andrej hocevar
is anyone here using masqmail?

i've installed masqmail on my potato and it works okay as far as
delivering mail to myself (localhost) is concerned. it also stores mail
that's meant for any outside connections and silently waits for my to
to deliver it, i have to do masqmail -qo[connection], right?

but i get segfaults all the time when i try that! does anyone know what's


Re: anyone for masqmail?

2001-10-07 Thread Hartmut Figge
andrej hocevar wrote:

 is anyone here using masqmail?

yes. a good choice for an dial-up account.

 i've installed masqmail on my potato and it works okay as far as
 delivering mail to myself (localhost) is concerned. it also stores mail
 that's meant for any outside connections and silently waits for my to

did you have properly edited /etc/masqmail/masqmail.conf? in this file
are many configuration examples.

 to deliver it, i have to do masqmail -qo[connection], right?
 but i get segfaults all the time when i try that! does anyone know what's

have a look at the manpage masqmail.conf(5), especially the line with
´online_detect =´. you also have to study the manpages of masqmail(8)
and masqmail.route(5).

a good start for using masqmail is

there you can find informations, howto´s, can browse a mailing-list and
even ask your question on this list. probably the maintainer of masqmail
will read your question and answer it.


masqmail y glib

2001-08-06 Thread José Luis Triviño
Estoy intentando instalar masqmail en un ordenador sin conexión
permanente a internet para que emvíe automáticamente todo el correo a
una hora determinada. He conseguido que reparta el correo de forma local
(masqmail -q), pero cuando intento enviar el correo al resto de internet
(masqmail -qo internet) el programa da el siguiente error:

GLib Error: Cannot allocate -65 bytes

Ya he probado a actualizar masqmail a la última versión que he
encontrado en También he actualizado libc6 y todas las
librería de las que depende masqmail y el error sigue apareciendo.

Es un bug del programa o estoy haciendo algo mal? Alguien podría
hecharme un cable?


Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

fetchmail, mutt, masqmail

2001-07-20 Thread Schoppitsch Dieter
This sounds smart, small and fast - since Heather told me to use a
lot of customized fetchmail-scripts.

Can you tell me (newbie) how to configure and command masqmail to read
and send mails while on a dialled-in-connection (pppd, pop3, smtp).
As MUA I use mutt.


 Hi all,
 Get rid of fetchmail and use masqmail to fetch your mails as well as to 
 que and deliver them.  I do this and have no problems retrieving mail from 
 two different mail servers.  Masqmail also supports apop which does not 
 send your mail password unencrypted like pop3 does.  You can use 
 authenticated smtp with cram-md5 encryption to send mails to your 
 smarthost, thus minimizing the possibility of someone sniffing your 
 password and misusing your mail account.
   Paul T Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fetchmail, mutt, masqmail

2001-07-20 Thread Paul Wright
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 10:40:16 +0200, Dieter wrote:

 This sounds smart, small and fast - since Heather told me to use a
 lot of customized fetchmail-scripts.
 Can you tell me (newbie) how to configure and command masqmail to read
 and send mails while on a dialled-in-connection (pppd, pop3, smtp).
 As MUA I use mutt.

Look at /usr/share/doc/masqmail/examples.  Pretty much all you need to 
know is in there.  If you still need help after customizing the examples 
and placing them in /etc/masqmail, post back with your questions.

Also, there are manpages for the different masqmail configuration files 
that are of some help in understanding the examples.  See man masqmail 
and scroll down to the SEE ALSO section.

Mutt should not be effected by the MTA you choose, so you don't need to 
worry about that.


   And, strange to tell, among the Earthen Lot
   Some could articulate, while others not:
  And suddenly one more impatient cried --
   Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?
-- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --

fetchmail, mutt, masqmail

2001-07-19 Thread Schoppitsch Dieter

due to your hints to a similar question (thanks) two weeks ago I am now able to 
send myself (root) a mail - but fetching mails form my ISP does not work.

I am using fetchmail, mutt as MUA and finally as MTA (I tried many) masqmail.

My data:
* hostname: boneless
* local mailaddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* command: fetchmail -v -S boneless
* error message after ... reading message 1 of 2 (25915 octets):
- SMTP connect to boneless failed
- This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand.

Due to a similar problem in another mailing-list the answer should be the MTA 
is not listening while fetchmail tries to contact it - but masqmail is running 
(and hopefully listening) on my PC.

Thanks in advance for any help

Re: fetchmail, mutt, masqmail

2001-07-19 Thread Joost Kooij
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 10:02:19AM +0200, Schoppitsch Dieter wrote:
 My data:
 * hostname: boneless
 * local mailaddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * command: fetchmail -v -S boneless
 * error message after ... reading message 1 of 2 (25915 octets):
 - SMTP connect to boneless failed
 - This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand.
 Due to a similar problem in another mailing-list the answer should be
 the MTA is not listening while fetchmail tries to contact it - but
 masqmail is running (and hopefully listening) on my PC.

Try telnetting to the smtp port on localhost and see what happens if you
manually send a message into the mta.  Perhaps it thinks that you are
attempting to relay.  Maybe you also need to convince fetchmail to deliver
to a different address than the one set in the email header, which is 
likely your address at your isp.  Try reading rfc821, rfc822 and the
fetchmail manpage.  It helps to understand.



Re: fetchmail, mutt, masqmail

2001-07-19 Thread Heather
 due to your hints to a similar question (thanks) two weeks ago I am now able 
 to send myself (root) a mail - but fetching mails form my ISP does not work.
 I am using fetchmail, mutt as MUA and finally as MTA (I tried many) masqmail.
 My data:
 * hostname: boneless
 * local mailaddress: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * command: fetchmail -v -S boneless
 * error message after ... reading message 1 of 2 (25915 octets):
 - SMTP connect to boneless failed
 - This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand.
 Due to a similar problem in another mailing-list the answer should be 
 the MTA is not listening while fetchmail tries to contact it - but 
 masqmail is running (and hopefully listening) on my PC.

Masqmail is for *sending* mail... when it can tell, by way of the script 
fragments you give it, that the connection is live.

(Yes, normal MTAs both send and receive mail, but masqmail is designed to
queue your outbound mails for a later push, and sometimes-disconnected systems
should NOT be an MX record on the open internet.)

fetchmail is for *fetching* mail ... but without some sort of wrapper 
script, it does not have any way to tell when the connection is live.

My advice would be to have a script that gets used when you bring the link
up, which puts fetchmail into daemon mode (so it auto fetches).  And a matching
script that gives fetchmail the quit signal when the interface is being torn

Since you have copied both -users and -laptops I cannot tell if this would be
in the regular ifup/ifdown sequence (builtin ethernet) or it would be in
the insert/eject sequence under pcmcia 

For PC Card/Cardbus, see /etc/pcmcia/network.opts - the original has an 
example empty command that gets run on establish and another for teardown.
Make sure the return; part stays in there, and your life will be much 

 Thanks in advance for any help

Best of luck

* Heather Stern * star@ many places...  in this case debian-laptops

Re: fetchmail, mutt, masqmail

2001-07-19 Thread Paul Wright
Hi all,

Get rid of fetchmail and use masqmail to fetch your mails as well as to 
que and deliver them.  I do this and have no problems retrieving mail from 
two different mail servers.  Masqmail also supports apop which does not 
send your mail password unencrypted like pop3 does.  You can use 
authenticated smtp with cram-md5 encryption to send mails to your 
smarthost, thus minimizing the possibility of someone sniffing your 
password and misusing your mail account.


   And, strange to tell, among the Earthen Lot
   Some could articulate, while others not:
  And suddenly one more impatient cried --
   Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?
-- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --

Re: printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-15 Thread robin
On Fri, Apr 13, 2001 at 02:46:21AM +0200, Andre Berger wrote:
 * robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-13 02:06 +0200:
  Andre Berger wrote:
   * robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-11 19:02 +0200:
 Do you really print to _two_ printers at once??

I have loosed your latest mail (I had problem with my mail )

Sorry I did an error I wanted write :

set print_commande=lpr nothing printed
set print_commande=lpr -lp1 %%[ ...  ] nothing  else

set print_commande=lpr -Plp2 nothing printed
set print_commande=lpr -Plp3 ok but without accents in french
I have applied your advices and now all is realy correct except
%%[ :currentdevice is not stcolor -ignored]%%
which is always printed on the top of my page.
In fact I have the same problem with potato r0 but 
%%[ :currentdevice is not stcolor -ignored]%%
is not write but I loose the first line of each page with
mutt or xemacs and now I uderstand why.

I try to use magicfilter but without succes.
Problem of transmission between spool and printer ?

Finaly I mean that if I get the good driver for my printer
all will be ok.

Many thanks to those who have helped me with this problem. 


Re: printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-14 Thread robin
Andre Berger wrote:
 * robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-13 02:06 +0200:
  Andre Berger wrote:
   * robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-11 19:02 +0200:
Pb1: Printer. (I use lpr and apsfilter)
If I want to print a mail with mutt or a file with xemacs nothing is
printed and lpq  tell me : no entries.
   Add to your ~/.muttrc, or better /etc/Muttrc:
   set print_command=a2ps
  set print_commande=lpr -Pmed -Plp1  it's ok after  apt-get install
 Do you really print to _two_ printers at once??

No, according to Andreas (apsfilterconfig) -Pmed give 360x360 dpi 
  and xemacs runs  fine too.

I am sorry, my printer deosn't work fine, when I tried to print it
was late and I did not run my printer (noise) but I printed in the
spool and verified with lpq.

The next day I ran my printer an I had a surprise :

with lyx : my text is printed correctly but in the top of the page I
have %%{ currendrive is not stcolor -ignored]%%

with xfig : idem

with netscape :idem

with ted : it's all right !

with mutt in .muttrc :
 set print_commande=lpr : nothing printed
 set print_commande=lpr -Plp1 : %%[]%%
 set print_commande=lpr nothing printed
 set print_commande=lpr ok but without accent in french

with xemacs : print buffer : nothing printed 
: pretty print buffer : searching for program: not any file
or directory of this type :lpr -Plp3
I have All this problems with potato r2 and that is why I had to 
reinstall potato r0 on an other hard disk and with potato r0 my 
printer runs fine.

So it is a problem with potato r2 and my printer, my printer is epson LQ
100 and the driver st800 works fine with my printer with potato r0. 

Is it possible to obtain the same result with potato r2 without changing 
my printer ?

Thanks for ideas


Re: printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-14 Thread Andre Berger
* robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-14 17:29 +0200:
 with mutt in .muttrc :
  set print_commande=lpr : nothing printed
  set print_commande=lpr -Plp1 : %%[]%%
  set print_commande=lpr nothing printed
  set print_commande=lpr ok but without accent in french

It work and works not at once? ;)

 with xemacs : print buffer : nothing printed 
 : pretty print buffer : searching for program: not any file
 or directory of this type :lpr -Plp3

I can't make sense of the whole thing. I suspect your /etc/printcap is
somehow messed up. You could rename it (just to have it around for
reference), wipe out the spool dirs in question, purge and reinstall
apsfilter. Personally, I'd prefer and suggest magicfilter, but I've
never tried it with Epson myself. I've set up some Epson printer with
CUPS however...

 I have All this problems with potato r2 and that is why I had to 
 reinstall potato r0 on an other hard disk and with potato r0 my 
 printer runs fine.

Shouldn't have been necessary, this is not Windows... What happens if
you take the r0 /etc/printcap, install it on the r2, restart lpd?

 So it is a problem with potato r2 and my printer, my printer is epson LQ
 100 and the driver st800 works fine with my printer with potato r0. 

Did you do an apt-get dist-upgrade? Tried another filter?

 Is it possible to obtain the same result with potato r2 without changing 
 my printer ?

Should be.

Good luck.


Description: PGP signature

Re: printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-14 Thread Adam James
  I can't make sense of the whole thing. I suspect your /etc/printcap is
  somehow messed up. You could rename it (just to have it around for
  reference), wipe out the spool dirs in question, purge and reinstall
  apsfilter. Personally, I'd prefer and suggest magicfilter, but I've
  never tried it with Epson myself. I've set up some Epson printer with
  CUPS however...

When I was running Debian Potato on my box, I used lprng and
magicfilter on my Epson Stylus Colour 640, and they seemed to work
quite well together. I had problems with the bog standard lpd however.
I suggest you try wiping your printcap file, installing magicfilter and
lprng, and also possibly Printtool if you have a fetish for GUI admin
tools (magicfilter-config seems to do its job quite well though).

Good luck

Adam James

Beware the one behind you.

Re: printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-12 Thread robin
Andre Berger wrote:
 * robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-11 19:02 +0200:

  Pb1: Printer. (I use lpr and apsfilter)
  If I want to print a mail with mutt or a file with xemacs nothing is
  printed and lpq  tell me : no entries.
 Add to your ~/.muttrc, or better /etc/Muttrc:
 set print_command=a2ps

set print_commande=lpr -Pmed -Plp1  it's ok after  apt-get install

and xemacs runs  fine too.

Many thanks.


Re: printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-12 Thread Andre Berger
* robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-13 02:06 +0200:
 Andre Berger wrote:
  * robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-11 19:02 +0200:
   Pb1: Printer. (I use lpr and apsfilter)
   If I want to print a mail with mutt or a file with xemacs nothing is
   printed and lpq  tell me : no entries.
  Add to your ~/.muttrc, or better /etc/Muttrc:
  set print_command=a2ps
 set print_commande=lpr -Pmed -Plp1  it's ok after  apt-get install

Do you really print to _two_ printers at once??

 and xemacs runs  fine too.



Description: PGP signature

printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-11 Thread robin
I have still two problems after that I have installed potato r2.

Pb1: Printer. (I use lpr and apsfilter)

If I am printing a mail with netscape or a file with lyx (.ps .lyx)
it's all right.
With Gnotepad+ or in terminal it's ok if I put lpr -Plp3.(lpr alone 
gives nothing)
If I want to print a mail with mutt or a file with xemacs nothing is 
printed and lpq  tell me : no entries.

Pb2: Masqmail.

I used mutt, masqmail,fetchmail and procmail with potato r0 and all 
was ok.
Now, all is ok too, except masqmail which doesn't send my messages.
masqmail -bp or mailq display that ~/input/my_login contains the 
messages send by mutt, but masqmail doesn't work automaticaly or 
manualy (masqmail -q)

Can someone help me with these two problems.

Sorry for these problems of newbies and thanks in advance for your help.


Re: printer and masqmail (potato r2)

2001-04-11 Thread Andre Berger
* robin [EMAIL PROTECTED], 2001-04-11 19:02 +0200:
 I have still two problems after that I have installed potato r2.
 Pb1: Printer. (I use lpr and apsfilter)
 If I am printing a mail with netscape or a file with lyx (.ps .lyx)
 it's all right.
 With Gnotepad+ or in terminal it's ok if I put lpr -Plp3.(lpr alone 
 gives nothing)
 If I want to print a mail with mutt or a file with xemacs nothing is 
 printed and lpq  tell me : no entries.

Add to your ~/.muttrc, or better /etc/Muttrc:

set print_command=a2ps

You need to apt-get install a2ps (as root) to make it work.

In Xemacs, try Pretty-Print buffer 

I hope this helps.


Re: masqmail - really a good safe solution for DIP connected box?

2000-06-14 Thread Saisanthosh Balakrishnan

 The problem is however, that the providers' smarthosts complain
 about the sender's hostname (because it contains my unofficial
 domain name), and this results sometimes in rejection of my message
 at the adressee's mail server.

Have a look at rewrite configuration section in /etc/exim.conf 
(incase, you are running exim). You just have to add an entry to 


Re: masqmail - really a good safe solution for DIP connected box?

2000-06-12 Thread Davide Marchignoli

On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Wojtek Zabolotny wrote:

 Hi All,
 Therefore I need to forge the mail headers, to make them reasonable
 for different DIPs. I've heard that masqmail is suitable for such purpose,
 but its version number (0.0.12) makes me a little afraid of it ;-).
 Does anybody has any experiences with this beast?
   Wojciech Zabolotny

Yes I used it for a while with no problems (from a sinle user machine 
so with few or none messages leaving the system); btw I compiled the tgz
since the deb package was an old version that did not deliver mail
locally. I do not know if it has been fixed now.

It is really simple to configure so it is worth a try.


Davide Marchignoli

masqmail - really a good safe solution for DIP connected box?

2000-06-11 Thread Wojtek Zabolotny
Hi All,

I have to set up the reliable MTA for my home network. I use my own DNS
system with unofficial domain name. The mail is transferred to the
Internet by different dialup ISP.
The problem is however, that the providers' smarthosts complain about 
the sender's hostname (because it contains my unofficial domain name),
and this results sometimes in rejection of my message at the adressee's
mail server. (See the headers in this message, to find what is the
problem ;-) )
Therefore I need to forge the mail headers, to make them reasonable
for different DIPs. I've heard that masqmail is suitable for such purpose,
but its version number (0.0.12) makes me a little afraid of it ;-).
Does anybody has any experiences with this beast?
Wojciech Zabolotny

masqmail mserver

1999-12-31 Thread Oki DZ

I have mserver and masqmail running on different hosts. I think masqmail's
doc is not clear enough in explaining what to be done if the
online_detect becomes true (connection established).

I have the following in /etc/masqmail.conf

# online detection:
# for 'mserver' uncomment next 2 lines and optionally change
online_detect = mserver
mserver_iface = bdg:224

unfortunately, when the connection is up, masqmail doesn't flush the
queue; I run it by: masqmail -bd -q1 -qo LightNet
I'm not sure whether -qo option can be done in the background (ie:
masqmail does it in the background). With the command, I'd like to flush
the spool to LightNet connection every one minute when the connection is
up. How should this be accomplished? I have mserver running correctly at
port 224.

Thanks in advance,