Hope someone can help here...

I've been testing out Arkeia as a backup system (it's free for small 
configurations - server plus two clients - now). I've got a SCSI 
DLT4000 (Quantum).

I think my problem happened when a cron job tried to write to the 
tape at the same time as I was playing with Arkeia. Now I get:

ns1:~> sudo mt -f /dev/nst0 status
mt: /dev/nst0: Input/output error

The machine is remote so I've tried a soft reboot but to no avail. I 
don't think it's Arkeia's fault because it happened once before and a 
poer down reboot did the trick. Is there any way I can clear the 
fault without physically visiting the machine? I've searched the WWW 
and, while there are quite a few reports of people havign similar 
problems, there doesn't seem to be any workable solutions.

Thanks in advance.


Liam Ward
t: +353 1 672 7250
w: www.dv4.com

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