> I just purchased a new computer so I wouldn't have to dual boot anymore.
> I must use Windows for MS Office (Excel) and games.  Problem is that I
> have only one monitor.  I have Exceed 6 but I can't seem to get it
> working.  Does someone who has done this have time to walk me through
> this?
> What do I installed and configured on my slink box?  What needs to be done
> on the Windows side?  Ideally, I'd like to be able to have a few RXVTs and
> probably xemacs for programming.
> If some one has the time to help me I am grateful.
> Thanks.

Well I work for Hummingbird, though not on the Exceed side. If you have problems
email me and I can find a support address for you.

Exceed is just an X server. It provides services to display windows, do X
graphics, etc. When it is running on Windows, it is just sitting there waiting
for X clients (ie, UNIX programs that show windows) to connect and do stuff with

So once Exceed is installed, and you have set permission to map windows to it
(ie, "xhost +"), telnet/rlogin to your linux box and set your DISPLAY
environment variable to your windows box. Then, if you launch any X programs,
they will open their windows on and interact with the display on your windows
box. Which coincidentally happens to be Exceed on Windows.

Then, you can run your linux box without a monitor, and your Windows box with
the monitor, and network the boxes. You can have all your Windows programs on
the monitor, and all your X programs on your monitor as well with Exceed.

I helped develop most of our BI UNIX stuff that way, working on 4-5 computers
but with everything on different virtual desktops on a Solaris box. It's
convenient to not have to change desks all the time. I've only seen Exceed in
action once or twice, but it looks like a good X server. I saw it handle a
Solaris CDE session identical to what I normally see on console (before I got E
running on my UltraSPARC...).

MINION Project:       http://www.cgocable.net/~mlepage/
RTS Game Programming: http://www.cgocable.net/~mlepage/rts/

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