Re: sendmail statistics( not working ?

2001-05-01 Thread aphro
> On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Nate Amsden wrote:
>> define(`confPID_FILE', `/etc/mail/')dnl
> This line will bite you...  you should delete it...
> /etc/init.d/sendmail expects the pidfile to be in /var/run/sendmail -
> the exact name/location varies by release

yes, i changed that file as well. i thought sendmail
created that file as user mail but now that i look at it
its owned by root ..originally did that because /var/run
is not world or group writable ..and i didn't want to change

>> define(`confSEPARATE_PROC', `true')dnl
>> define(`confMAX_DAEMON_CHILDREN', `350')dnl
> Why on earth...  Reduce your interval to something more reasonable, and
> let the queue managers handle deliveries (you can define the
> max runners per queue).

interval where? 

> Yeah, poking about is indeed fun ;)

thanks for the advise! 


Re: sendmail statistics( not working ?

2001-04-09 Thread Nate Amsden
Richard A Nelson wrote:
> Debian, by default, doesn't include the file because keeping those
> stats is a (minor, but unmeasured degradation).
> If you want the stats, simply touch the file as defined in
ok i'll try that! thanks

> Offline, could you send me what kind of modiifications you're doing?
> (I've completely redone the build environment - making real use of
> autoconf - so I'd be happy to add support for extensions).

mostly just configuration changes in also in most of the
systems i integrate relay virus scanning with amavis (
as well as most of my systems use Cyrus to do mail delivery so further
config changes are needed. also on all the systems sendmail runs as 
user mail via RunAsUser, the sendmail 8.11 systems run as user mail
group mail via DefaultUser. my most recent changes to
look something like:

## Custom configurations below (will be preserved)
Rbb + $+ < @ $=w . >$#cyrusbb $: $1
FEATURE(`delay_checks', `hater')dnl
define(`confSMTP_LOGIN_MSG',`$j ')dnl
define(`confRUN_AS_USER', `mail')dnl
define(`confDEF_USER_ID', `mail:mail')dnl
define(`confPID_FILE', `/etc/mail/')dnl
define(`confTRUSTED_USER', `mail')dnl
define(`confREJECT_MSG', `[Access denied] Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
get this resolved')dnl
define(`confMAX_QUEUE_RUN_SIZE', `100')dnl
define(`confNO_RCPT_ACTION', `add-to')dnl
define(`confQUEUE_SORT_ORDER', `time')dnl
define(`confSEPARATE_PROC', `true')dnl
define(`confCONNECTION_RATE_THROTTLE', `20')dnl
define(`confMAX_DAEMON_CHILDREN', `350')dnl
define(`confREFUSE_LA', `10')dnl
define(`confQUEUE_LA', `8')dnl
define(`confTO_HOSTSTATUS', `15m')dnl
define(`confTO_COMMAND', `10m')dnl
define(`confTO_DATAFINAL', `10m')dnl
define(`confTO_DATABLOCK', `10m')dnl
define(`confTO_RCPT', `10m')dnl
define(`confSINGLE_THREAD_DELIVERY', `true')dnl
define(`confAUTO_REBUILD', `true')dnl
define(`confCON_EXPENSIVE', `true')dnl
define(`confMAX_MESSAGE_SIZE', `2097152')dnl
define(`confMIN_FREE_BLOCKS', `250')dnl

im sure i dont need to make that many changes but im having fun learning
it :) its the last of the big 3 daemons(apache, bind, sendmail) that im
learning how it works at the core.

thanks again


ICQ: 75132336

sendmail statistics( not working ?

2001-04-09 Thread aphro


ive been playin with mrtg this weekend and found a config where
i can graph incoming/outgoing mails but it depends on a sendmail 
status file, which none of my systems seem to generate except
1(*). i have the StatusFile set in the cf file, i even tried
setting it in the mc file and they still are not generated,
there is plenty of host status stuff though. i can't find
out by checking on the www if there is something else that
has to be turned on to trigger sendmail stats generation other
then turning it on either in the mc or in the cf. i have checked
5 different systems each using slightly different configurations,
only 1 seems to generate a sendmail stats file, it's a debian 2.1
machine running a self compiled copy of sendmail and a raly
old file(i have no .mc for it so i can't really use it

- 2 of the systems are running a heavily modified sendmail 8.11.3
(compiled from unstable) on debian 2.2 - no status files
- 1 of them is running a heavily modified sendmail 8.9.3(from potato)
on debian 2.2 - no status files
- 1 of them is running a slightly modified sendmail 8.9.3(from potato)
on debian 2.2 - no status files

all of the systems have sendmail running as user mail(via RunAsUser),
and permissions seem to be ok in /var/lib/sendmail (owned by mail.mail)

logs dont show anything ..any ideas ? everything else works great..
never had to bother with until tonight..

