i did a fresh install of slink last night (& also tonight) and i possibly
found a bug in smail,when i did the installation,the smailconfig command
used when dselect install thing did not have the same behavior than the
one used in a bo installation (i.e.i choosen the no.4 option,local mail
delivered only) but it did not ask to which user to send root mail and my
/etc/aliases was empty,after the installation,i choosed to download all my
e-mail waiting on my isp mail server,the mail downloaded properly but then
there where no mail in both 2 account on my computer,i fired up ircii,go
to the irc.debian.org server and asked for help,with the help of a very
good user,whe both troubleshooted my installation of smail but
unfortunately,this hasn't given much result,i ended up downloading exim
tonight,it installed right (& asked the right questions <grin>) and i
could download mail properly,now my /etc/aliases file look right.


p.s.BTW there could be a very real possibility that some mail messages was
bounced so excuse me if such messages ended up on this list.

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