Re: umsdos under 2.6

2005-12-12 Thread Iñaki Silanes
Martin Lefebvre wrote:

 On 12/9/05, Iñaki Silanes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a USB pendrive formatted as umsdos (I think), and I just can't
 mount it with my Debian Etch 2.6 kernel machine.

 Try vfat... works with my 2 usbdrives

Thanks, Martin. I mention in my post that I have tried -t msdos and it
doesn't work. -t vfat gives the very same error:

Bart:~# mount /dev/autousb /mnt/usb/ -t msdos
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/autousb,
   missing codepage or other error
   In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
   dmesg | tail  or so

which gives:

Bart:~# dmesg | tail -2
FAT: invalid media value (0xb9)
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdf1.

Any suggestion?

Iñaki Silanes / Chemistry Faculty UPV-EHU Donostia
On Intelligent Design:

Re: umsdos under 2.6

2005-12-12 Thread Martin Lefebvre
On 12/12/05, Iñaki Silanes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, Martin. I mention in my post that I have tried -t msdos and it
 doesn't work. -t vfat gives the very same error:

 Bart:~# mount /dev/autousb /mnt/usb/ -t msdos
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/autousb,
missing codepage or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail  or so

 which gives:

 Bart:~# dmesg | tail -2
 FAT: invalid media value (0xb9)
 VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdf1.

 Any suggestion?

Well if -t vfat gives you the same error, you can try redoing the
filesystem on the USB drive. I've seen that happen when the device is
not properly unmounted, or if something bad happened to it (mine was
dropped... still works, but I had to redo the FS)

Martin Lefebvre

Registered Linux #349269

Version: 3.12
GAT dpu s:-- a- C+++ UL P-- L E--- W+++ N++ o-- K- w---
O- M-- V-- PS PE Y PGP-- t+++ 5- X R- tv++ b+ DI-- D+
G-- e h++ r++ y**

Re: umsdos under 2.6

2005-12-12 Thread Martin Lefebvre
On 12/12/05, Martin Lefebvre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well if -t vfat gives you the same error, you can try redoing the
 filesystem on the USB drive. I've seen that happen when the device is
 not properly unmounted, or if something bad happened to it (mine was
 dropped... still works, but I had to redo the FS)

Yikes! memory segfaulted there for a sec

Before you do something so drastic, at least confirm that your
kernel has msdosfs and VFAT support by checking in /lib/modules.

Does the USB thingy work on other machines or with Windows for example?

Martin Lefebvre

Registered Linux #349269

Version: 3.12
GAT dpu s:-- a- C+++ UL P-- L E--- W+++ N++ o-- K- w---
O- M-- V-- PS PE Y PGP-- t+++ 5- X R- tv++ b+ DI-- D+
G-- e h++ r++ y**

umsdos under 2.6

2005-12-09 Thread Iñaki Silanes
Hi all,

I have a USB pendrive formatted as umsdos (I think), and I just can't mount
it with my Debian Etch 2.6 kernel machine.

The pendrive mounts flawlessly under a Slakware 2.4 kernel machine, with a
fstab entry of:

/dev/sda1   /mnt/flash  autonoauto,user 0 0

So, auto for fs.

Im the Slackware machine the dmesg entry reads:

WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
USB Mass Storage device found at 9
SCSI device sda: 501760 512-byte hdwr sectors (257 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
 sda: sda1
UMSDOS 0.86k (compatibility level 0.4, fast msdos)
usb.c: USB disconnect on device 00:1d.7-7 address 9

So, it says something about UMSDOS fs, right?

But in my machine I get the following (I have an udev rule that creates the
autousb dev for this pendrive):

Bart:~# mount /dev/autousb /mnt/usb/ -t umsdos
mount: unknown filesystem type 'umsdos'


Bart:~# mount /dev/autousb /mnt/usb/ -t msdos
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/autousb,
   missing codepage or other error
   In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
   dmesg | tail  or so

which gives:

Bart:~# dmesg | tail -2
FAT: invalid media value (0xb9)
VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdf1.

(sdf is synonym for autousb in this case). Also fdisk says the following:

Bart:/boot# fdisk /dev/autousb

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 7943412.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/autousb: 2082.3 GB, 2082317979648 bytes
16 heads, 32 sectors/track, 7943412 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 512 * 512 = 262144 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/autousb1   *   1 980  250864e  W95 FAT16 (LBA)

Aside from the 2082.3 GB thing (cfdisk says it's free space, which it
isn't, because there isn't such space, of course), it means that -t vfat
or -t msdos should work... right?

Is there any issue with umsdos and the 2.6 kernel (it's deprecated or
something)? Because searching for umsdos in the packages gives the

Bart:/boot# wajig whichpkg umsdos
File Path   Package  

Some more lines with 2.4 stuff have been omitted, but no line with 2.6 stuff

I have also found that there is an umsdos package for stable and
oldstable, but not for Etch... has it been deprecated/superseded? If so, by

I have also tried to find the kernel .config settings for umsdos, an got the

Bart:~# grep -i umsdos /boot/*

So there's some umsdos module (configured as manually loadable in this case)
for my 2.4.27-2-686-smp kernel, but not for my 2.6 kernel. I also found out
about it by:

Bart:~# modprobe umsdos 
FATAL: Module umsdos not found.

So, please, anyone knows how to mount the damned thing in my computer?

Iñaki Silanes / Chemistry Faculty UPV-EHU Donostia
On Intelligent Design:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: umsdos under 2.6

2005-12-09 Thread Martin Lefebvre
On 12/9/05, Iñaki Silanes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have a USB pendrive formatted as umsdos (I think), and I just can't mount
 it with my Debian Etch 2.6 kernel machine.

Try vfat... works with my 2 usbdrives

Martin Lefebvre

Registered Linux #349269

Version: 3.12
GAT dpu s:-- a- C+++ UL P-- L E--- W+++ N++ o-- K- w---
O- M-- V-- PS PE Y PGP-- t+++ 5- X R- tv++ b+ DI-- D+
G-- e h++ r++ y**

Re: /home na umsdos ??

2003-11-19 Thread Grzegorz Szyszlo
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, PLum wrote:

 Hello Daniel,

 DK zainstalowalem koledze knoppixa i chcialem zrobić /home jako umsdos zeby
 DK miał mozliwość odwrotu ale jakbym nie próbował to zawsze mam /home jako
 DK xwr--r--r i normalnego użytkownika pakuje do / bo nie ma mozliwosci
 DK czytania /home a niemoge zmienic praw do tego katalogu - jedynie
 DK zamontowac z innym uid alb gid

 hmm normalne raczej... przeca  partycja msdos nie obsluguje UID i GID
 wiec nie ma mozliwosci zeby tam zakladac rozne konta (z roznymi
 uprawnieniami) jak chcesz zeby jego katalog byl msdos to daj tylko na
 jego ... /home/user a najlepiej /home/user/winda czy cos

na msdos nie ma UID i GID. ale na umsdos jest. w koncu po cos ta
atrapa powstala. ale skoro montowanie pod winda, to czemu
nie vfat ? uid/gid co prawda nie ma, ale mozna wszystkiemu nadac
atrybuty 777 przez odpowiednie zamontowanie partycji.
rownie dobrze mozna tez wkompilowac w kernela obsluge ACL,
ale nie te postfixowa bo ona modyfikuje system plikow (na faty sie nie
nadaje), ale takie inne ACL, ktore sie laduje wylacznie do kernela.
wtedy w jednym pliku ktory ma sie odpalic podczas bootowania, mozna
nadac dodatkowe prawa do takiego fatowskiego systemu plikow.
dziala z kernelami 2.2 i 2.4 . jest tam wersja dla kernela 2.4.20
(dawno zagladalem), ale ja zapakowalem to w kernela 2.4.22 .
niestety z patcha musialem wywalic support do NTFS bo nie chcial
sie zalatac. i tak nie uzywam NTFS :)
ja tego uzywam z powodzeniem od kilku lat ale z innych powodow.
po prostu musze uzytkownikom nadawac prawa, ktore umozliwia im
bezproblemowe wspoldzielenie plikow, tak ze przywiazuje prawa do
katalogow i pliki to dziedzicza (podobnie jak np. w win XP),
prawa do plikow nie sa wogole nadawane. a co ciekawe, jest mozliwosc
kompletnego ignorowania praw unixa.


/home na umsdos ??

2003-11-18 Thread Daniel Kukuła
zainstalowalem koledze knoppixa i chcialem zrobić /home jako umsdos zeby
miał mozliwość odwrotu ale jakbym nie próbował to zawsze mam /home jako
xwr--r--r i normalnego użytkownika pakuje do / bo nie ma mozliwosci
czytania /home a niemoge zmienic praw do tego katalogu - jedynie
zamontowac z innym uid alb gid

Re: /home na umsdos ??

2003-11-18 Thread PLum
Hello Daniel,

Tuesday, November 18, 2003, 4:48:40 PM, you wrote:

DK zainstalowalem koledze knoppixa i chcialem zrobić /home jako umsdos zeby
DK miał mozliwość odwrotu ale jakbym nie próbował to zawsze mam /home jako
DK xwr--r--r i normalnego użytkownika pakuje do / bo nie ma mozliwosci
DK czytania /home a niemoge zmienic praw do tego katalogu - jedynie
DK zamontowac z innym uid alb gid

hmm normalne raczej... przeca  partycja msdos nie obsluguje UID i GID
wiec nie ma mozliwosci zeby tam zakladac rozne konta (z roznymi
uprawnieniami) jak chcesz zeby jego katalog byl msdos to daj tylko na
jego ... /home/user a najlepiej /home/user/winda czy cos

Best regards,

msdos has umsdos and vfat has ?????

2002-06-18 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi Guys n Gals,

I would like to have umsdos with the long file name ability. Does anyone
have such a setup ? If so, how ?

My googling brought up uvfat (from around 1997-1998) but that seems to
have disappeared altogether from most everywhere.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: umsdos and vfat works but no uvfat - any ideas?

2002-06-16 Thread Osamu Aoki
On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 04:36:28PM +0100, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've been trying to get uvfat working and it says that I just need to
 enable umsdos and vfat (which I have) and they both work fine.
 However, when I do 
 mount -t uvfat /dev/hda11 /mnt
 it tells me that uvfat is not supported by the kernel.
 Anybody get uvfat working and if so, how ? Im running kernel 2.4.18 BTW
 on Deb Woody.
root # modprobe umsdos
root # modprobe vfat
root # cat /proc/filesystems
nodev   rootfs
nodev   bdev
nodev   proc
nodev   sockfs
nodev   tmpfs
nodev   shm
nodev   pipefs
nodev   devfs
nodev   devpts
nodev   autofs

Looks like no support for uvfat.  But I do not see uvfat in manual
page of mount.  I see no occurance of uvfat in 2.4 kernel source.

Where did you get idea for uvfat?

~\^o^/~~~ ~\^.^/~~~ ~\^*^/~~~ ~\^_^/~~~ ~\^+^/~~~ ~\^:^/~~~ ~\^v^/~~~ +
 Osamu Aoki @ Cupertino CA USA
 See User's Guide:
 See Debian reference:
 Debian reference Project at:

 I welcome your constructive criticisms and corrections.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: umsdos and vfat works but no uvfat - any ideas?

2002-06-16 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Sun, 2002-06-16 at 20:03, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 04:36:28PM +0100, Shri Shrikumar wrote:
  Hi All,
  I've been trying to get uvfat working and it says that I just need to
  enable umsdos and vfat (which I have) and they both work fine.
  However, when I do 
  mount -t uvfat /dev/hda11 /mnt
  it tells me that uvfat is not supported by the kernel.
  Anybody get uvfat working and if so, how ? Im running kernel 2.4.18 BTW
  on Deb Woody.
 root # modprobe umsdos
 root # modprobe vfat
 root # cat /proc/filesystems
 nodev   rootfs
 nodev   bdev
 nodev   proc
 nodev   sockfs
 nodev   tmpfs
 nodev   shm
 nodev   pipefs
 nodev   devfs
 nodev   devpts
 nodev   autofs
 Looks like no support for uvfat.  But I do not see uvfat in manual
 page of mount.  I see no occurance of uvfat in 2.4 kernel source.
 Where did you get idea for uvfat?

just google for it (I was originally looking for vfat with unix meta
information like umsdos for msdos)

It looks like it existed at least at some point. Any ideas where I might
be able to get more info on it - couldn't really find any email
addresses in my hunt.

All help appreciated.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

umsdos and vfat works but no uvfat - any ideas?

2002-06-15 Thread Shri Shrikumar
Hi All,

I've been trying to get uvfat working and it says that I just need to
enable umsdos and vfat (which I have) and they both work fine.

However, when I do 

mount -t uvfat /dev/hda11 /mnt

it tells me that uvfat is not supported by the kernel.

Anybody get uvfat working and if so, how ? Im running kernel 2.4.18 BTW
on Deb Woody.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problema con UMSDOS y FAT32

2001-09-03 Thread TuaReG

Tengo un problema al usar UMSDOS sobre una partición FAT32, y es q cuando 
cambio un uid o los permisos de un fichero al cabo de un rato vuelve a tener 
los originales.

Alguien sabe pq es esto?
Alguien a usado UMSDOS sobre FAT32?

Gracias de antemano y saludos a todas

umsdos/loopback with debian

2001-04-27 Thread Saqib Shaikh

hi all,

what i want to do is convert my existing linux 
partition into an umsdos or loopback filesystem to send to a friend. i have done 
the opposite - converted umsdos to ext2, but could someone tell me how to go the 
other way?

thanks, saqib

Re: umsdos/loopback with debian

2001-04-27 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 07:10:53AM +0100, Saqib Shaikh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 hi all,
 what i want to do is convert my existing linux partition into an
 umsdos or loopback filesystem to send to a friend. i have done the
 opposite - converted umsdos to ext2, but could someone tell me how to
 go the other way?

First:  why?

Second:  what are you trying to accomplish?  If you're sending a umsdos
image, he will need GNU/Linux to access it, ditto a loopback image.
You're not trying to give this to someone running Legacy MS Windows to
see what GNU/Linux looks like are you?

Third:  archive formats -- tar, cpio, afio, etc., are far preferable for
transferring sets of files, directory trees, or partitions, in general.

That said, if you're trying to image a partition, the way to do it in
raw format is, assuming /dev/hda1 as the device the partition is on, and
'mypartition.img' as the image file:

# Image partition via dd:
$ dd if=/dev/hda1 of=mypartition.img bs=1024 

...this partition can be mounted as a loopback filesystem.

To create an arbitrary filesystem as an image file, and copy content
into it.  Note that I'm not sure umsdos can be created in this fashion.

# Create a zeroed-out file of sufficient size to save to:
$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=size of image in KB of=image.img
$ mkfs.fstype image.img
$ mkdir /tmp/mount.point
$ mount -o loop -t fstype image.img /tmp/mount.point
# copy data into the new partition via perferred method.  E.g.:
$ cd /mypartition; tar cvf - . | ( cd /tmp/mount.point; tar xvf - )

...I think.


Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian umsdos

2001-02-09 Thread antonioangel . sanzarrospide

En debian no he hecho nada sobre eso, pero sí he probado una
minidistribución llamada doslinux que no necesitas particionar (creo que no
usa umsdos). Crea un dichero gordo de lo que tú digas (a mí con 80 megas me
cabían hasta las Xwindows y el wmaker). Si ves que te falta sitio, se le
corre una utilidad (ya no me acuerdo muy bien cual) y te hace el fichero
gordo más grande. Está basada en slackware y el mc lo da configurado para
instalar y desinstalar los paquetes de slackware muy fácilmente. Yo lo usé
en un 486 con 450 Mb 33MHz y me funcionó muy bien. Las Xwindows algo lentas
pero la máquina no daba para más.
En umsdos creo que funciona la minidistribución microlinux (mulinux), pero
no te la recomiendo porque creo que iba con libc5 y era bastante cerrada en
cuanto a la instalación de otros paquetes y iba en el mismo PC bastante más
lenta que doslinux. Pero de esto hace 2 años y ahora parece que tiene
muchas más cosas. Trae hasta 8 addons (8 diskettes de utilidades)

La dirección de doslinux es

Otra dirección donde vienen muchas minidistribuciones es
busca en minidistribuciones.

La más completa dentro de minidistribuciones me parece doslinux.


Debian umsdos

2001-02-08 Thread Lluis Vilanova
Holas lista!!
Hace un tiempo tuve una version de slink que permitia hacer una
instalacion en un disco usando el formato umsdos.

El caso es que ahora mi hermana tiene un 486 con un hd no muy grande y
windows instalado (que conste que yo ya le dije que le iria lent...),
y como no puedo particionar pq no se cuanto disco va a necesitar, me
gustaria instalarle debian en un formato umsdos (si no pudiera ser debian,
pues otra, pero entonces ya no sera con mi querida espiral...)

Corolario de Farnsdick
- Después que las cosas hayan ido de mal en peor,
  el ciclo se repetirá por sí mismo.

Re: [Q] Debian with UMSDOS part.

2001-01-02 Thread Elias Athanasopoulos

On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 wrote:

 Not that I'm aware of.

Too bad. :-(
 SuSE GNU/Linux had an option to install onto a UMSDOS partition some
 time back, as well as a live CD installation.  There's also PHAT
 Linux, as well as a number of other GNU/Linux distributions which were
 intended for installation under Legacy MS Windows.  

Yes I know. I have already an UMSDOS installation of Peanut Linux, but I
just wanted to give a try to Debian.

 Why do you want to do this?  In general, you get much better
 performance, functionality, and safety, running on a standard ext2fs
 (or similar) partition.

Actually I have a 100% Linux Box (RedHat) and a 100% FreeBSD box, home.
However, in my work they don't let me to install Linux (I really don't
know why), so I have to use Winblows. I tried to explain that an UMSDOS
installation is a kind of Linux emulation (sic), although I know that this
is not true, and they believed it! :-) 

Thanx for your answer. Best wishes for the new year!


Elias Athanasopoulos | I bet the human brain is |   H.E.P  Apps. Lab. | a kludge. -Marvin Minsky | University Of Athens

Re: [Q] Debian with UMSDOS part.

2000-12-30 Thread kmself
on Thu, Dec 28, 2000 at 03:13:24PM +0200, Elias Athanasopoulos ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Is there an installation image in order to have Debian Linux installed
 under an MS-DOS partition? Any sources are welcomed. 

Not that I'm aware of.

SuSE GNU/Linux had an option to install onto a UMSDOS partition some
time back, as well as a live CD installation.  There's also PHAT
Linux, as well as a number of other GNU/Linux distributions which were
intended for installation under Legacy MS Windows.  

At a minimum, you'd need msdos, vfat, and/or umsdos support in the
kernel (compiled-in, not a module).  I'd start poking around through the
the HOWTOs and possibly some of the Linux-on-DOS distributions to see
how they're configured.

Why do you want to do this?  In general, you get much better
performance, functionality, and safety, running on a standard ext2fs
(or similar) partition.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc.
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?  There is no K5 cabal

[Q] Debian with UMSDOS part.

2000-12-28 Thread Elias Athanasopoulos


Is there an installation image in order to have Debian Linux installed
under an MS-DOS partition? Any sources are welcomed. 


PS. Please 'cc' me, as I am not subscribed.

Elias Athanasopoulos | I bet the human brain is |   H.E.P  Apps. Lab. | a kludge. -Marvin Minsky | University Of Athens

Installing Debian into dos filesystem (umsdos)

2000-08-16 Thread Maisenbacher Matthias \(K3/EMW4\) *
Yes, I know it's better to have an own partition for Linux
as i do for my private Linux box.
But here at work I can't delete or shrink partitions.
Therefore I'd like to install Debian (slink or potato)
into an already existing dos filesystem with umsdos.

What I have:

PII 300 / 64 Mb 
100 Mb free space in the target filesystem. (enough for me)
I can boot from CD (and have a [pre]potato-cd).
I already installed systems from this CD.
I could copy the umsdos module into the msdos filesystem.
I could create bootdisks.
I could compile a modified kernel.

- Is it possible?
- How do I proceed?

As usual, any hint is very appreciated

Matthias Maisenbacher

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-16 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 03:40:13PM +0100, Graeme Mathieson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Subject says all.  Has anyone successfully installed Debian on a UMSDOS
 Well,  can't say that I have.  Another solution which (I've heard) is
 workable.  Installing on a loopback filesystem.  I've never heard of it
 being done with Debian, but it'd be worth investigating...

I did loopback instalation. I simply installed looplinux distribution and
used Debian install from disk.


Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Steve Lamb
Subject says all.  Has anyone successfully installed Debian on a UMSDOS

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 Subject says all.  Has anyone successfully installed Debian on a UMSDOS
is this a is it possible at all or how difficult is it question?
the answer to the first one is yes, to the second one no idea *g*.
i've made this some years ago with an old redhat. it wasn't funny. an
umsdos /dev directory with 2000 nodes is slow.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Steve Lamb
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 03:45:19PM +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
 is this a is it possible at all or how difficult is it question?
 the answer to the first one is yes, to the second one no idea *g*.
 i've made this some years ago with an old redhat. it wasn't funny. an
 umsdos /dev directory with 2000 nodes is slow.

The latter.  I know I can get Slackware onto UMSDOS fairly easy as well as
a few others (Monkey Linux comes to mind).  I much prefer Debian however.
Easier to have the dreaded Win98 (Asheron's Call, mmm) and Linux on a
single partition for multi-booting that to juggle different partitions.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Subject says all.  Has anyone successfully installed Debian on a UMSDOS

Well,  can't say that I have.  Another solution which (I've heard) is
workable.  Installing on a loopback filesystem.  I've never heard of it
being done with Debian, but it'd be worth investigating...

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 The latter.  I know I can get Slackware onto UMSDOS fairly easy as well as
 a few others (Monkey Linux comes to mind).  I much prefer Debian however.
 Easier to have the dreaded Win98 (Asheron's Call, mmm) and Linux on a
 single partition for multi-booting that to juggle different partitions.
ok ...
i don't know, if the boot floppies offer the install on umsdos option.
i guess no, otherwise you probably would not ask.
so you would have to go that way (only my ideas, i didn't try that):
make a directory c:\linux
boot linux. load the umsdos fs driver module.
define /dev/hda1 as your / partition; set the type to umsdos;
mount it (all this _should_ be possible in the setup program - if not,
you have to go to the second console (ALT-F1) and do 
mount -t umsdos /dev/hda1 /target). if everything works as expected,
you should be able to to install lunux now (i hope, the partition does not
require a initial setup - if it does, you have a problem).
now comes the hard part: you need a kernel with umsdos support compiled
in. i don't think, you will find that in the standard kernels. would be
nice, if somebody could tell a place to get such thing, otherwise i can
compile a kernel for you (you would have to tell me something about your

final notes:
1) these are only thoughts! they may be total bullshit!
2) it is no good idea to install linux and windoze on one partition. it is
a performance (umsdos is slow by nature, if it was not drastically
improved since the 2.0.0 kernel *g*) and security issue (a stupid windows 
virus might delete all your linux files, you have no protection while in
windoze). however ...

good luck!

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 you have to go to the second console (ALT-F1) and do 
ALT-F2, of course, but you know, don't you? ;-)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Mike Werner
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 07:38:41AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 Easier to have the dreaded Win98 (Asheron's Call, mmm) and Linux on a
 single partition for multi-booting that to juggle different partitions.

When I got my laptop a few months ago, I set it up to dual-boot
Win98 and Debian.  Win98 and Debian exist on seperate partitions,
and the booting is handled through LILO.  It was actually quite
easy to do.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-15 Thread Steve Lamb
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 02:46:09PM -0400, Mike Werner wrote:
 When I got my laptop a few months ago, I set it up to dual-boot
 Win98 and Debian.  Win98 and Debian exist on seperate partitions,
 and the booting is handled through LILO.  It was actually quite
 easy to do.

I know it is easy to do.  I don't feel like resizing the partitions and
trying to keep the two partitions with enough free space to be viable.  I'd
much rather keep them on a single large partition so the free space is
shared between them.  I mean I'm the guy who was sick enough to have Win95,
WinNT, OS/2 and Linux all on one machine.  :)

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Can UMSDOS support long filenames on FAT32?

1999-12-11 Thread John Ericson

I have a fat32 partition which I mount by typing 'mount -t umsdos /dev/hdb3
/mnt'. On this partition I have files with names longer than 8 letters and
now when I make a 'umssync .' all the files with long filenames get renamed
to 8.3 format. Is there someway I can make Umsdos support long filenames?

/ John

Instalar debian desde UMSDOS

1999-09-13 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
¿Alguno de vosotros ha conseguido/intentado instalar Debian en UMSDOS?

Estuve peleándome el fin de semana para instalarla en UMSDOS (un directorio
de una partición DOS), con resultados ... bueno, más bien sin resultados y
punto ;D (lo estuve intentando con RedHat y con Debian).
En teoría basta con montar el raiz en el umsdos desde la consola que tienes
en tty2 cuando arranca la instalación de debian y pasar de las opciones del
menú de debian para crear y activar la partición de swap y crear la
partición root (se crea desde esa consola cuando montas el sistema umsdos). 

El problema inicial es que los kernels que traen los CDs no reconocen el
sistema umsdos, y la cosa es que no tengo acceso a un módulo umsdos que
concuerde con el kernel que trae el instalador.

Supongo que luego, a la hora de arrancar el sistema, habría otro problema y
es que el kernel tiene que tener umsdos no como módulo, sino linkado
estáticamente, ya que si no, al arrancar pegará un petardo que pá qué (pasa
lo mismo si tienes el root en ext2, tienes que tener el fs ext2 linkado

Una solución sería compilar un kernel con el soporte que necesite, pero me
gustaría saber si un usuario que no tenga linux podría instalarlo en umsdos

Estuve mirando en las imágenes de boot disks de debian, pero sólo tienen el
1440, el 1440tecra y poco más :-m (y ninguno de ellos viene con un kernel
con soporte umsdos). Igual tendría que mirar los kernels de la slackware,
que suele traer un montón de boot disks con kernel de lo más variopinto.

Antonio Tejada Lacaci   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depto. Análisis y Programación
Banca March S.A.

Debian on UMSDOS

1999-09-10 Thread Steve Lamb
Does anyone have any experience with installing Debian on a UMSDOS

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Problemas con UMSDOS

1999-07-18 Thread xxx
Quiero poner Linux en un 486 pero sin reparticionar el HD (solo
particion swap), pero no se como
instalarlo para usar umsdos
¿Alguien puede ayudarme?



 Cada día, un nuevo día
 Y cada noche a dormir (¿o no?)

Problemas con UMSDOS

1999-07-08 Thread xxx
Quiero poner Linux en un 486 pero sin reparticionar el HD (solo particion 
swap), pero no se como
instalarlo para usar umsdos
¿Alguien puede ayudarme?

Debain and FAT32/UMSDOS

1999-06-03 Thread Sean

Can I install Debain/GNU linux on a FAT32/UMSDOS 
partition like Zip Slackware?

using umsdos

1998-12-16 Thread LOPARIC Marko

Is there anyone using debian with umsdos? Is there a documentation
somewhere of how to install a Debian umsdos root filesystem? The umsdos
howto is pretty old...

I have a PC with NT borrowed for some weeks and I don't want to
repartition the disk... Is there a better solution? Is it possible to
create my root filesystem in a single DOS file and boot from a diskette?

Thanks in advance,


Re: UMSDOS as root

1998-08-28 Thread Steve Byrne
I've been trying to run UMSDOS as my root partition for the last week or so.
I posted to the debian-user list to see if anyone knew about how to make
this work, but I haven't received a reply yet.

Debian definitely doesn't support UMSDOS as root out of the box.  I can get
tantalizingly close to having a working system, but odd things are 
happening (like perl disappearing, or shrinking down to 24 bytes or losing its
executable status).  Normally, UMSDOS has been quite robust for me, so I
that somehow when used as the root partition under Debian it has some

If you don't specifically want to run Debian (which I do), you should check
the IronWing distribution (do a search; I don't have the URL handy).  It's
to run out of a UMSDOS root partition, and it works quite well.  It's a
Slackware derivative, but it knows how to handle RedHat RPMs, so you should
be able
to install what you need.


running linux UMSDOS(?)

1998-08-27 Thread Rick

Am i correct in thinking that linus can be run from a UMSDOS 
(??) partition (??) - i.e from a folder mounted on a dos drive (or fat 32 to be 
more specific).

this called umsdos? i am a little unsure.



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Help installing Debian on UMSDOS file system?

1998-08-25 Thread Steve Byrne
I'm trying to install Debian on my wife's laptop that's currently
running Windows 95.  She's afraid that if I repartition it to make space
for Linux, that she won't be able to reinstall all the Win95 software
that's on the disk (it's a Compaq, and they don't ship Win95 installation
CDs with their boxes).

So, I'm trying to make a UMSDOS partition and set up Debian using that.
The Debian installation system doesn't seem to support UMSDOS based 
installation directly, although I've managed to put a UMSDOS-aware kernel
on the rescue disk and get it to boot.  I  untarred the base_2.0.tgz file
into a top level target directory that I'vecalled linux, as that's
what loadlin and the UMSDOS-aware kernels seem to want for their root file

The Debian installation system wants to mount a partition itself; I tried
mounting my UMSDOS partition by hand, but Debian didn't like it (though 
I don't know the magic to get /dev/hda1/linux mounted directly as a 
UMSDOS partition; so this may be why Debian doesn't see it).  Debian said
your system is unconfigured and maybe 
you need to install your rescue disk into the floppy drive and reboot.

I've been using Debian since late '93, and have it installed on all my
other computers, but this one has me stumped.

Hopefully, someone can tell me:

a) what the Debian does when configuring the base system so that I can 
   do that by hand?
b) how and where to mount the /linux directory UMSDOS partition so that
   the Debian installation system recognizes it as a valid Debian system
   that I can then complete the configuration on?
c) is there some other way to install onto a UMSDOS paritition?
d) there used to be dpkg.tar that you could use to bootstrap the installation
   process with; I can't find it it still in existence?

I tried installing the IronWing distribution which does run out of the
box in a UMSDOS partition and then upgrading it to Debian, but I got 
stuck when trying to install the Debian glibc (IronWing is Slackware 
based, and is somewhat behind the times in the versions of software that
are available for it; also, its /etc files use the different rc.d setup 
(no init.d), so installing .deb packages tends to lose
when they try to set up their rc files).

I appreciate any help that you can provide.



UMSDOS on Debian

1998-07-23 Thread Salvador Bosque i Puy
I would like to install Debian without partitioning a disk. 
Is it possible to install Debian on a UMSDOS filesystem? Has anybody
some hints or can post any pointer regarding this issue? 

Salvador Bosque

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Re: Instalar Debian sobre UMSDOS

1998-07-15 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Jul 14, 1998 at 09:19:54PM +0200, Alberto Ruiz wrote:
 Hola a todos!
 ¿Como se podria instalar Debian 1.3.1 sobre umsdos?
 Quiero instalar Debian sobre umsdos y habia pensado en creal el sistema de
 ficheros con los diskettes de instalacion de una Slackware que deja
 instalar en umsdos y una vez creado el sistema de ficheros instalar Debian
 indicando como destino de instalacion la particion umsdos. Pero no
 funciona. ¿Podria hacerse lo que yo quiero?

Actualmente el sistema de instalación no contempla la instalación sobre
UMSDOS. No es un fallo, es una característica. El UMSDOS es un sistema
poco eficiente y con bastante problemas, así que no está previsto usarlo,
ni ahora ni en un futuro, hasta que se mejore (y el propio autor no lo
tiene muy claro). Eso no quita para que puedas hacer la instalación 
a mano, pero es una tarea algo compleja.

Hay mucha gente que desea probar el Linux sin reparticionar su disco.
Aunque el sistema resultante es tremendamente ineficiente (lo que puede
dar lugar a que piensen que el Linux, cualquier Linux, es ineficiente),
puede ser interesante atender a esa demanda y ofrecer esa posibilidad,
de hecho es una de las cosas en la lista por-hacer del sistema de
instalación de Debian. 

Aprovechando una conversación paralela en el proyecto Debian GNU/Hurd he
estado jugando con la idea de instalar Debian en una partición ext2fs
virtual, contenida en un fichero en la partición MS-DOS. Esto elimina la
necesidad de reparticionar, y cuando el usuario se canse del Linux
(¡imposible!) ;-) borramos el fichero desde el DOS y yasstá. En cualquier
caso no es algo que vaya a estar listo en poco tiempo.

Enrique Zanardi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Instalar Debian sobre UMSDOS

1998-07-14 Thread Alberto Ruiz
Hola a todos!

¿Como se podria instalar Debian 1.3.1 sobre umsdos?

Quiero instalar Debian sobre umsdos y habia pensado en creal el sistema de
ficheros con los diskettes de instalacion de una Slackware que deja
instalar en umsdos y una vez creado el sistema de ficheros instalar Debian
indicando como destino de instalacion la particion umsdos. Pero no
funciona. ¿Podria hacerse lo que yo quiero?

Un saludo, Alberto.

¦ ¿Telefónica nos Estafa?  (recogida de firmas)  ¦
¦ Y también las nuevas tarifas de Telefónica...¦
¦  ¦
¦ ¦

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Re: umsdos run on fat32 ?

1998-06-09 Thread Rev. Joseph Carter
On Mon, Jun 08, 1998 at 01:33:40PM -0400, R. Chris Ross wrote:
   I have recently gotten a laptop at work that I need to run Win95
 and later, likely NT.  It would be great to also load Linux in the same
 partition.  Can Debian be installed using an umsdos file system in a fat32

NT can't read FAT32 anyway, but I don't think it'd work.  I may be wrong.

Description: PGP signature

umsdos run on fat32 ?

1998-06-08 Thread R. Chris Ross
I have recently gotten a laptop at work that I need to run Win95
and later, likely NT.  It would be great to also load Linux in the same
partition.  Can Debian be installed using an umsdos file system in a fat32

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Installing UMSDOS

1998-02-17 Thread Bujtar Janos
HEllo !

Can anybody tell me an URL or any other docu. when i can find more
information how to install UMSDOS on DOS partition?

thnx ! 


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Re: Installing UMSDOS

1998-02-17 Thread Sen Nagata
i believe there is a UMSDOS howto at:

i found this to be pretty helpful when installing umsdos for
my machine.


at some point around Tue, 17 Feb 1998 12:37:21 +0100
Bujtar Janos [EMAIL PROTECTED] mentioned:

 HEllo !
 Can anybody tell me an URL or any other docu. when i can find more
 information how to install UMSDOS on DOS partition?

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Re: umsdos

1997-12-12 Thread Martin Str|mberg
Jason Ish said

 I have to install Linux onto a umsdos file system on one of my computers,
 even though I know it isn't a suggested practice.

 What steps should I take to install a fresh debian system onto umsdos.  I
 have a up and running Debian system to make a new kernel and what not.

 Thanks for any info or pointers to info.

I've asked the same myself, and got some feedback:

- Forwarded message from Giuliano Procida -

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sat Aug 23 15:02:52 1997
To: Martin Str|mberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: UMSDOS support for boot-floppies
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 14:02:48 +0100
From: Giuliano Procida [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have done this already. However, there are bugs in UMSDOS [yes, the
Linux kernel] which make it impossible to use reliably.

In particular there is one bug of unknown origin that completely
crashes Linux (it never returns from a syscall). This bug is triggered
during dpkg -i ncurses-term* . Another bug caused dpkg -i libc* to
fail [but this has been isolated].

For the moment, I have suspended further development work on UMSDOS
support. It is possible that the UMSDOS stuff may be cleaned up when
it is converted to work with new dcache scheme in the 2.1 kernels.

If you are interested in my work to date, please feel free to take a
look at boot-floppies/*patch* and
current/PROBLEMS .

I can make a more recent patch available if you are interested.


- End of forwarded message from Giuliano Procida -

Please note that this info is somewhat dated, but the ftp directory is
still there.

There might be some info in the debian-user mailing list archives as well.



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Re: umsdos

1997-12-10 Thread Adrian Bridgett
On Tue, Dec 09, 1997 at 01:27:20PM -0600, Jason Ish wrote:
 I have to install Linux onto a umsdos file system on one of my computers,
 even though I know it isn't a suggested practice.
 What steps should I take to install a fresh debian system onto umsdos.  I
 have a up and running Debian system to make a new kernel and what not.

Youch! I tried doing this a while ago and when I finally had it working, I
tried to shrink it down in size and then broke it and gave up. I used a
normal Debian box and mounted the directory etc.

Maybe there is a cunning way to do this using a looped? filesystem?


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Re: umsdos

1997-12-10 Thread emaziuk
On Tue, Dec 09, 1997 at 01:27:20PM -0600, Jason Ish wrote:
 I have to install Linux onto a umsdos file system on one of my computers,
 even though I know it isn't a suggested practice.
 What steps should I take to install a fresh debian system onto umsdos.  I
 have a up and running Debian system to make a new kernel and what not.

First, you have to roll a kernel with umsdos compiled in.  I don't remember
how exactly Slack does it, but the idea is to have root in a umsdos dir and
to use swapfile on dos fs.  Details should be in UMSDOS-HOWTO I guess.

You'll also want to go through /etc/init.d/scripts and hunt down calls to
e2fsck etc.

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reply to emaziuk at curtin dot edu dot au
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implied warranties of the suitability of the views for any purpose.

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1997-12-09 Thread Jason Ish
I have to install Linux onto a umsdos file system on one of my computers,
even though I know it isn't a suggested practice.

What steps should I take to install a fresh debian system onto umsdos.  I
have a up and running Debian system to make a new kernel and what not.

Thanks for any info or pointers to info.

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debian in umsdos

1997-10-14 Thread Francesco Tapparo
   I'm trying to install debian in a umsdos partition (it's for my father,
which cannot repartition the hard-disk). This my plan:
1) install doslinux in /dev/hda1 (DOS partition);
2) go to my Linux system in /dev/hdc1;
3) mount -tumsdos /dev/hda1 /mnt;
4) rm -r /mnt/linux/*;
5) cd /mnt/linux;
6) gzip -cd ~/debian.tar.gz | tar -xf -; (debian.tar.gz is a debian base system
7) put the doslinux kernel zimage.dos in the new linux system and modify the
loadlin script supplied with doslinux.
8) edit /etc/fstab etc.
9) go to DOS and make a ZIP archive of /linux
10) deZIP the archive over the hard-disk of my father.

but after step 6, I've a problem:
if I go to dos and call loadlin the kernel start, begin to mount the
filesystem and then it hang; this happen before of the INIT message.

With doslinux the system start normally. I've used a debia 1.3 system.
Can anyone en-light me on the problem?

Please CC the answer to me: I cannot stand the mail traffic of



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Debian over MS-DOS (UMSDOS distribution)

1997-09-05 Thread John Lines
Does anyone have experience of running Debian as a UMSDOS system - I have
used a Slakware based system built on UMSDOS as a gentle introduction to
Linux for people who dont like the idea of partitioning their hard disks,
just to try Linux.

They pull a big tar file off the network, and a copy of gnu tar for DOS,
untar it and use Bootlin to reboot into Linux, where they automatically pick
up their IP address etc through BOOTP and they can then install anything
outside the base system via an NFS mounted Slakware distribution.

The whole process takes about 10 minutes and they can get rid of Linux from
Windows file manager very quickly if they want. (Very few people do get rid
of it, but it is much easier to persuade someone to try it if they know they
can get back to where they started very easily.)

John Lines

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Re: Debian over MS-DOS (UMSDOS distribution)

1997-09-05 Thread Joey Hess
John Lines wrote:
 Does anyone have experience of running Debian as a UMSDOS system

I'm cc'ing this to a friend who runs 3 debian systems over top of umsdos. I
wouldn't reccommend it, but if you have to do it, maybe he can help you.

 - I have
 used a Slakware based system built on UMSDOS as a gentle introduction to
 Linux for people who dont like the idea of partitioning their hard disks,
 just to try Linux.

 They pull a big tar file off the network, and a copy of gnu tar for DOS,
 untar it and use Bootlin to reboot into Linux, where they automatically pick
 up their IP address etc through BOOTP and they can then install anything
 outside the base system via an NFS mounted Slakware distribution.
 The whole process takes about 10 minutes and they can get rid of Linux from
 Windows file manager very quickly if they want. (Very few people do get rid
 of it, but it is much easier to persuade someone to try it if they know they
 can get back to where they started very easily.)
   John Lines
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see shy jo

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Re: umsdos and df command

1997-07-30 Thread David Wright
On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Jim Foltz wrote:
 Anyway, it uses umsdos. I am using a bastardized version of
 /etc/init.d/boot and have prety much left the filesystem checking as it is
 by default. The umsdos filesystem (root) is mounted and sync'd ok, but the
 df command does not show that /dev/hda1 was mounted, although it obviously
 is because the system boots. 
 Can anyone offer a clue as to why this might be?

I ran slackware over umsdos just to try out linux, but I've since chucked
all the documentation away. I think what you observe is just a feature of
the way umsdos works. C:\LINUX gets promoted to / and C:\ is made visible
to linux as /DOS, IIRC. Quite where one would expect to see /dev/hda1
mounted is a complete mystery to me! (Presumably, you can't see /DOS/linux
either, even though you know C:\LINUX exists. I don't remember.)
David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
U.K.  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  tel: +44 1908 653 739  fax: +44 1908 655 151

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umsdos and df command

1997-07-29 Thread Jim Foltz
Hello everyone

I have made a small (3.5M) Linux installation for DOS users so they can 
use the network services of our local community network. (free PPP 
limited to an hour per day; not bad for nuthin' huh?)

Anyway, it uses umsdos. I am using a bastardized version of
/etc/init.d/boot and have prety much left the filesystem checking as it is
by default. The umsdos filesystem (root) is mounted and sync'd ok, but the
df command does not show that /dev/hda1 was mounted, although it obviously
is because the system boots. 

Can anyone offer a clue as to why this might be?


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Re: Debian generic kernal w/umsdos?

1997-06-11 Thread Roberto Ruiz Cantu


If you only want to do backup's, i can recomend you to have an ext2
partition, i do my backup's from dos too, but i generate the linux files
with tar, what i do is the following:

tar -cf archi.tar dir1 dir2 dir3
// this creates archi.tar with directories dir1 dir2 dir3 and all
//  it's subdirectories
gzip -9 archi.tar
// this zip's the file with maximum compresion and generates
// archi.tar.gz
mv archi.tar.gz archi.tgz
// this creates an 8.3 dos style file name to copy to one dos
// partition
cp archi.tgz /dos/c/direndos/subd-dos
// this copies the file to a dos subdirectorie in my particular
// setup of partitions, i mount mine dos partitions by default
// in /etc/fstab

There are only two drawbacks as i see it, one is that you need write
permision to the dos partitions to do this, and for that you must do the
final copy as root, the rest can be done with your normal user. And the
second is that you must have i lot of free diskspace if you want to backup
a directory with lots of files in it.

And if you have Windoze 95, then you could mount it's partitions with the
vfat filesystem, and could have even long filenames.

To mount a dos partition in linux, just do the following:

mkdir /dos
mkdir /dos/c
{this is the way i like it, you could use a single dir}

mount /dev/hdaX /dos/c -t msdos
{where X is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, which ever is your dos partition}


mount /dev/hdaX /dos/c -t vfat
{for windoze 95 file system with long file names, to access names with
 spaces in it, as Program files, you could do:

 cd /dos/c/Program files

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Robin Rowe wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. I guess I have to make my own kernal.
 The main reason I want to run Debian on a dos partition is so that I can
 see unix files from the Win95 side (backups and other conveniences). The
 umsdos faq says that I shouldn't expect any degradation in speed or
 reliability, only size. Was this a false claim?

As for the degradation, i have used a linux distribution (don't remember
it's name), that run's under dos with umsdos, and in it documentation it
say's it only run on umsdos because of the convenience for new user's to
try it before decide on partitioning his hard disk, and i was realy
disapointed in the terms of speed, i could always expect that slackware or
debian run on my 486dx 100 with 8 mb of ram twice as fast as windoze 95,
(which slows the machine to a 386sx 25mhz), but it run's just the same
speed, because my machine does not have enought memory i think, and use a
lot of swaping, but with ext2 it's so fast i almost can't notice it. :)

Roberto Ruiz

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Re: Debian generic kernal w/umsdos?

1997-06-11 Thread Robin Rowe

This may be a trade-off you're willing to make - it just needs (IMNSHO) to
be an informed decision.

I think I can live with it. This is for a primarily Win95 box, not a unix
server. If umsdos will work decently I should be able to be happy w/o ext2.

I'm not having much luck with the UMSDOS kernal I compiled. When I use
loadlin to bring it up it hangs trying to load root.bin. It says VFS error.
This is the generic root.bin, which works fine loading with the generic
kernal. I'm using the loadlin parameters from the debian install FAQ.

Do I need to make a custom root.bin to go with my custom kernal? How?



Robin Rowe, PM  SAIC San Diego [EMAIL PROTECTED] 619-225-3107
RD in Internet video and speech recognition using Java and C++

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Re: Debian generic kernal w/umsdos?

1997-06-10 Thread Nils Rennebarth

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, Robin Rowe wrote:

The umsdos faq says that I shouldn't expect any degradation in speed or
reliability, only size. Was this a false claim? 
No. Nowadays this is true. In the past (1.2 kernels) UMSDOS was rather

Ext2 however still is more stable I believe.


- -- 
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--* WINDOWS 42 *--   | Schillerstr. 61 
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   Micro$oft's final answer  |

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Debian generic kernal w/umsdos?

1997-06-09 Thread Robin Rowe
Hi. I want to install Debian on a system without an ext2 partition. I can
boot the install program using loadlin, but can't mount my umsdos partition
because the generic kernal doesn't support umsdos. My intention, perhaps
wrongly, is to 'mount -t umsdos /dev/hdc2 /target'.

I have Debian installed on another partition that is ext2, but am looking
for a general procedure that won't require that. Is there a generic Debian
kernal I can download with umsdos support, or is there some other procedure
to allow me to install Debian directly on a dos partition?



Robin Rowe, PM  SAIC San Diego [EMAIL PROTECTED] 619-225-3107
RD in Internet video and speech recognition using Java and C++

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Re: Debian generic kernal w/umsdos?

1997-06-09 Thread Robin Rowe

Thanks for the reply. I guess I have to make my own kernal.

The main reason I want to run Debian on a dos partition is so that I can
see unix files from the Win95 side (backups and other conveniences). The
umsdos faq says that I shouldn't expect any degradation in speed or
reliability, only size. Was this a false claim?


I do not believe that there is a kernel with umsdos support compiled in.
 . . .
The biggest question I have for you is Why do you want to run Linux on a
umsdos partition?  The performance penalty is going to be severe.  Also
I'm not sure that the DOS FAT is as robust as ext2.

Robin Rowe, PM  SAIC San Diego [EMAIL PROTECTED] 619-225-3107
RD in Internet video and speech recognition using Java and C++

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Re: does debian 1.2.x support umsdos

1997-03-24 Thread Rick

 I have an ATT globalyst 362TPC comuter with a s3 trio 64 chip set. I 
 am now using slackware 2.2 running linux 1.2.1 kernel as a umsdos 
 file system. It is working fine except I can't get xfx86 running. I 
 want to upgrade the linux kernel to 2.*. I am interested in using 
 debian as my linux because I had heard good reports on debian. I am 
 interested in a new book from  Linux Installation 
  Getting Started, Version 3 which contains cd-rom with debian Linux 
 1.2.x. Does debian support umsdos? Does it have xf86? What version of 
 the  linux kernel is in debian 1.2.x? I like umsdos because you don't 
 need lilo which can cause problems because it can mess up your MBR 
 and it is hard to configure. I also use loadlin to boot up from my 
 dos partition. umsdos also lets you access all your dos files as it 
 can coexist with dos. Please answer by email. Thanks in advance,


Yes umsdos can be good if you want a slower system.  Not that noticable but 
I'm picky that way.  Debian does have all of the above and a better install 
interface than slackware (I've had it).

You should be aware that the new modules for the kernel enable you to read 
msdos and the vfat that windows95 uses for long file names.  From the linux 
partition I can read any msdos or win95 file I want without a problem.

The present kernel in the Debian package is 2.0.27.  

Lilo doesn't mess up your MBR.  To configure it just run the liloconfig.  It's 
really pretty easy.  There's even a quickstart script to get you up and 
running.  And you can still use loadlin to boot across to linux without a 

If you want a perfect linux system one of the steps is having it in it's own 
filing system.

Running a 3 year old distribution I can understand the confusion.  Linux has 
grown quite a bit since that, a.out, antique version you're using.  You 
probably can't run X because you have half ELF and half a.out files that WON'T 
talk to eachother.

Upgrade and move on to better days.


does debian 1.2.x support umsdos

1997-03-22 Thread Joseph Zieniewicz
I have an ATT globalyst 362TPC comuter with a s3 trio 64 chip set.
I am now using slackware 2.2 running linux 1.2.1 kernel as a umsdos
file system. It is working fine except I can't get xfx86 running.
I want to upgrade the linux kernel to 2.*.
I am interested in using debian as my linux because I had heard good
reports on debian.
I am interested in a new book from  Linux
Getting Started, Version 3 which contains cd-rom with debian Linux
Does debian support umsdos? Does it have xf86? What version of the 
linux kernel is in debian 1.2.x? I like umsdos because you
don't need lilo which can cause problems because it can mess up your MBR
and it is hard to configure. I also use loadlin to boot up from my dos
partition. umsdos also lets you access all your dos files as it can
coexist with dos.
Please answer by email.
Thanks in advance,


Re: does debian 1.2.x support umsdos

1997-03-22 Thread Perry Piplani
On Fri, 21 Mar 1997, Joseph Zieniewicz wrote:

 Does debian support umsdos? 

Debian does not support umsdos although with a liitle hacking you can
create a umsdos partition, umsync it, and put the debian base distribution
on it.

However, I do not reccomend this. The performance is cruddy, and it's not

 Does it have xf86? 


 What version of the 
 linux kernel is in debian 1.2.x? 

Last I checked... 2.0.27

 I like umsdos because you
 don't need lilo which can cause problems because it can mess up your MBR
 and it is hard to configure. I also use loadlin to boot up from my dos

You do not need to use umsdos just to use loadlin in leiu of lilo. Loadlin
can boot linux on an ext2 partition just as easily.

 umsdos also lets you access all your dos files as it can
 coexist with dos.

Linux on an ext2 can also access your dos partions. In fact if you have
win95 it can access your long filenames.

Time flies like arrows, but fruit flies like bananas

Perry Piplani

Fresh Debian on UMSDOS?

1997-03-05 Thread Giuliano Procida

Brian K Servis wrote:

 So the question is how can he install a fresh Debian to his DOS/VFAT
 internal using UMSDOS?

By using my experimental Debian installation software.

I would rather not make this generally available yet as there are some
known problems to be ironed out and some of the extra features may be
integrated into the standard disk sets in due course. Beside myself, I
have a report of one mostly successful installation onto a SCSI ZIP
drive with a DOS file system.

If you would like to help with testing or just want to try it out then
let me know by email and I will send details. You will need to
download 9Mbyte of files.

Giuliano Procida.

A note on VFAT. The long file names used by Linux will be provided
completely separately from those under Win95 which uses a different
technique. Thus long file names on one system will be a mess on the
other. There is apparently a UVFAT fs in progress which integrates the
two better.

Re: Fresh Debian on UMSDOS?

1997-03-04 Thread Dale Scheetz
I have been working with a small kernel patch that allows the kernel to
use the loop device to mount the root file system contained as an image in
a file. You simply copy; rootfs, vmlinuz, loadlin.exe, and linux.bat to
/linux on your C: drive; cd /linux and run the batch job. This is a
read/write root file system in ext2 file format. It is my intention to
provide enough of a system to build a custom kernel (about 60 meg), so
that if the delivery kernel doesn't suit your machine, you can build one
that does, if you can find 60 meg of free space on a dos machine. The
beauty of this approach over umsdos is that you can install the rootfs
file on any partition, not just a dos one, so you can use it to upgrade
another distribution as well as install a new Debian one.
I hope to have the kinks out by the 1.3 release and intend to provide it
on my gold CDs.

On Tue, 4 Mar 1997, Scott Barker wrote:

 Brian K Servis said:
  So the question is how can he install a fresh Debian to his DOS/VFAT
  internal using UMSDOS?
 I can't provide any easy answers to your specific question, but I would like
 to say that your friend should use ext2 filesystems on his SCSI disk. Tell him
 to absolutely not, under any circumstances, use UMSDOS on SCSI disks. There is
 currently a bug somewhere between UMSDOS and SCSI disks which causes kernel
 stack overflow, and can cause severe filesystem corruption. Up to kernel
 2.0.29, I still haven't seen a fix.
 Scott Barker
 Linux Consultant
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)
 [ I try to reply to all e-mail within 3 days. If you don't   ]
 [ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail. ]
 [ Unsolicited commercial and junk e-mail will be proof-read for US$100 ]
 What do they call a comedian who doesn't get any laughs?  A philosopher.
- Phil Proctor



aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

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Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 14:45:26 -0500 (EST)
From: System Account [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-Users-List
Subject: Scanner Help/Info
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Hi there all :)

I posted a few weeks ago for info on scanners.  I haven't recieved
any replies on this matter so i'll ask again.  Is there any support for
the use of scanners with Debian?  If so where is it?  The only thing i
have seen is the hpscanpbm package but this is for the Hewlett-Packard
ScanJet series scanners only. 

Last month i purchased a ScanTak scanner that uses the TWIAN
drivers.  It seems to be a great scanner for a low price (selling for
around 200.00 US).  I've seen it at a few shows and they seem to be
selling quite will. 

Any info/help in this matter would be greatly appreciated as I
hate rebooting to use windows to do any scanning.


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These people keep sending unsuscribe notices, but they are replying to do 
it.  I figured if the unsuscribes are being done by hand, nobody is going 
to notice them.  Just thought I would make their desires a little clearer.


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Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 10:45:06 -0800
From: Kevin  Lara Olfert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian-user,
'Ioannis Tambouras' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: make config, [486] or [586]



Re: Debian on an umsdos zip disk

1997-02-23 Thread Robert Varley
Hi Gertjan

I made myself a system like this, just to see.  Debian detects the ZIP
drive on startup, so you must have the drive attached AND a disc in the
drive at this time.

You can then proceed as for a 'normal' installation.  The big drawback is
that the parallel port drive is so slow, at least with the current driver.
I'm going to follow up the recent post about a faster one!  I would
recommend the SCSI version for performance, though.

Also, there's only about 80-90M free if you put a swap partition of the
disk as well.

Interesting exercise, though. Best of luck!

Robert Varley
Trowbridge, Wilts

On Fri, 14 Feb 1997, Gertjan Klein wrote:

   How can I convince Debian to install itself on an umsdos ZIP disk? The
 kernel on the rescue disk doesn't have the umsdos filesystem built-in. I
 would like to try and create a small Debian system that I can boot with
 loadlin, on a ZIP disk that I can transport to other computers. Is this
 Gertjan Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The Boot Control home page:
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Re: Umsdos support?

1997-02-19 Thread Gertjan Klein
Giuliano Procida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It is possible to fool the installation process roughly as follows:

  You need a DOS partition, say /dev/hda1, umssync, and perhaps other
  things (it's been a while). Replace the boot-floppy kernel with one
  that has FAT and UMSDOS compiled in.

  Ah, you make it sound so easy ;-)  I can't seem to get this right. I
copy the kernel to the file linux and run ./ This script tries
to run rdev /mnt/linux /dev/ram0 - and there is no /dev/ram0. Why does
the script ask for something Debian doesn't supply? Anyway, if I ignore
this error or run the command manually with /dev/ram (which I do have),
and boot the floppy, it stops here:

RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0
VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem)
Root is mounted from /dev/ram
/etc/rc done.

And then it just sits there. I can get a shell at Alt-F2, but obviously
something must be wrong so I didn't try going any further. What could
cause this?  The other instructions you gave seem easy enough to follow,
but unfortunately I didn't get that far :-(

  Unfortunately, after a message of VFS: Mounted umsdos
  filesystem as root (or similar), the system hangs in an endless loop
  continuously reading the harddisk.

  You seem to have got most of the way. What messages does it give?

  Just that. Perhaps this was caused by the remounting in
/etc/init.d/boot? I didn't know I had to change that. In the mean time I
deleted the test harddisk partition so I can't easily try again.

  As an alternative, you could try my modifications to the boot-floppies
  package to handle UMSDOS installs. There has just been a new
  boot-floppies release, so I'll have do some merging before I have a
  proper set of patches ready. Have a look at if you are interested (patches against
  boot-floppies 1.2.5).

  My mirror doesn't carry 1.2.5, only 1.2.4. It seems there's some stuff
specific to your system in the patch (I saw some copying of loadlin);
was I too early downloading it?

  In your other message you mentioned a ZIP drive, can't you format a
  disk as ext2? Or is that not a possibility for you?

  Not really. I want Debian to run from the ZIP disk so I can take it to
my father's place and run Linux there. This way, I don't need a special
boot floppy, or files on his harddisk. I just insert the ZIP disk and
get Linux. This is only possible using umsdos. (I am a bit surprised,
actually, that Debian doesn't support installation to umsdos).

  Thanks for your help,

The Boot Control home page:

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1997-02-19 Thread Giuliano Procida
Gertjan Klein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Ah, you make it sound so easy ;-)  I can't seem to get this right. I

Nor could I for a long time!

 copy the kernel to the file linux and run ./ This script tries
 to run rdev /mnt/linux /dev/ram0 - and there is no /dev/ram0. Why does
 the script ask for something Debian doesn't supply? Anyway, if I ignore
 this error or run the command manually with /dev/ram (which I do have),
 and boot the floppy, it stops here:
 RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0
 VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem)
 Root is mounted from /dev/ram
 /etc/rc done.

I have to say I'm not sure what's going wrong. This looks like it
_might_ be a corrupted root fs image. ALT F3 gives a log of all
process deaths with error messages so any frantic activity should be
reflected there.

   As an alternative, you could try my modifications to the boot-floppies
   package to handle UMSDOS installs. There has just been a new
   boot-floppies release, so I'll have do some merging before I have a
   proper set of patches ready. Have a look at if you are interested (patches against
   boot-floppies 1.2.5).
   My mirror doesn't carry 1.2.5, only 1.2.4. It seems there's some stuff
 specific to your system in the patch (I saw some copying of loadlin);
 was I too early downloading it?

Oh dear, 1.2.4 is the current stable version, 1.2.6 is the current
unstable version. The boot-floppies package needs to reflect current
locations of packages needed for the install. To use it you will also
need an NFS mount (or whatever) of (parts of) a Debian distribution.
It is probably not worth your while for the moment.

I'll try and make up some new boot 'floppies' (actually just three
files to download onto your ZIP drive). They contain everything needed
to install the current _un_stable base packages; it would be nice to
see if one other person can get through a UMSDOS install. I'll let you
know when it's available by ftp from my machine. Let me know if you
need anything peculiar in the kernel (besides fat, umsdos, parallel
port?, scsi, etc, etc!)


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Umsdos support?

1997-02-18 Thread Giuliano Procida

   I've posted this question here before and didn't receive a single
 reply. Hopefully I'm more lucky this time.. I want to install Debian
 to an Umsdos partition. The installation disks don't seem to allow
 me to do that.

That's right.

   - Does Debian not support installing to umsdos partitions?
   - If not, is there a work around to get it working anyway?

It is possible to fool the installation process roughly as follows:

You need a DOS partition, say /dev/hda1, umssync, and perhaps other
things (it's been a while). Replace the boot-floppy kernel with one
that has FAT and UMSDOS compiled in.

Create a directory 'linux' in the msdos fs on /dev/hda1 and umssync it.

During the install process open the shell (alt f2) and:

rm -rf /target
mkdir /DOS
mount -t umsdos /dev/hda /DOS
ln -s /DOS/linux /target
create a swap file and swapon

Follow the rest of the installation procedure, but DO NOT run the make
bootable option as LILO will fry the MSDOS boot sector if you are not

The /target system is not quite ready, make sure fstab is set up
correctly (RW root partition and swap file set up OK). Modify
/etc/init.d/boot so that the root partition is never remounted (mount
seems very unhappy with pseudo roots).

   I've even created a small partition to install Debian to,
 installed the base disks, and copied everything to the umsdos
 partition (changing /etc/fstab to reflect the new partition). Then I
 compiled a kernel with umsdos support built-in and booted it with
 loadlin. Unfortunately, after a message of VFS: Mounted umsdos
 filesystem as root (or similar), the system hangs in an endless loop
 continuously reading the harddisk.

You seem to have got most of the way. What messages does it give?

As an alternative, you could try my modifications to the boot-floppies
package to handle UMSDOS installs. There has just been a new
boot-floppies release, so I'll have do some merging before I have a
proper set of patches ready. Have a look at if you are interested (patches against
boot-floppies 1.2.5).

In your other message you mentioned a ZIP drive, can't you format a
disk as ext2? Or is that not a possibility for you?


ps Do let me know how you get on with your UMSDOS install.

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Re: Formatting umsdos partitions

1996-12-18 Thread Allan Anderson
Try using the vfat filesystem type.  I think that this should work...I
have it running (as a module) and it let me download a lot of stuff onto a
FAT partition under NT 4.0 that saved everything with those nice swimmingly.

In the absence of an effective general mythology, each of us has his
private, rudimentary, yet secretly potent pantheon of dream.
--- Joseph Campbell

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Re: Formatting umsdos partitions

1996-12-18 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Tue, 17 Dec 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have Debian packages on a Win95 formatted disk
 and need to transfer them to a Linux formatted
 disk. These packages have the long filenames, they
 were not downloaded from the msdos directory. However
 when I try to access the files directly from Linux,
 it converts the files to the 8.3 dos convention
 thus losing the long filenames.

How did you mount your Win95 partition? That is, what did you use for the
-t parameter?




aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

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Formatting umsdos partitions

1996-12-17 Thread gbh
I have Debian packages on a Win95 formatted disk
and need to transfer them to a Linux formatted
disk. These packages have the long filenames, they
were not downloaded from the msdos directory. However
when I try to access the files directly from Linux,
it converts the files to the 8.3 dos convention
thus losing the long filenames.

The Linux formatted disk has a spare partition
I can work with to help transfer these files.
I am wondering, if I format the spare partition
to the umsdos format, will Win95 be able to recognize
it - letting me copy the files there, and preserve
the long filenames. Then could I copy/install the
files through Linux from the umsdos partition to the
ext2 partition keeping the filenames intact?

If this is possible, how do I format the partition
to the umsdos format? The mkfs command seems to have
only msdos but not umsdos.

If this idea will not work, are there any ways to
transfer these files to my Linux file system and
preserve the long filenames?


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Re: Formatting umsdos partitions

1996-12-17 Thread Bruce Perens
Use mount -t vfat  when you mount that partition and Linux will
recognize Windows 95 long filenames. You might have to load the
vfat module. You don't need to use UMSDOS, nor will it help.

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Re: Formatting umsdos partitions

1996-12-17 Thread Simon Martin
Try mount -t vfat /dev/hd?? /??. This mounts the filesystem with long name

Simon Martin | Old software engineers never die,
 |  they just fail to boot
 | Any Trademarks used in this document are recognized 
 | as Registered Trademarks of their respective owners.

Subject: Formatting umsdos partitions
Date: 17 December 1996 14:04

I have Debian packages on a Win95 formatted disk
and need to transfer them to a Linux formatted
disk. These packages have the long filenames, they
were not downloaded from the msdos directory. However
when I try to access the files directly from Linux,
it converts the files to the 8.3 dos convention
thus losing the long filenames.

The Linux formatted disk has a spare partition
I can work with to help transfer these files.
I am wondering, if I format the spare partition
to the umsdos format, will Win95 be able to recognize
it - letting me copy the files there, and preserve
the long filenames. Then could I copy/install the
files through Linux from the umsdos partition to the
ext2 partition keeping the filenames intact?

If this is possible, how do I format the partition
to the umsdos format? The mkfs command seems to have
only msdos but not umsdos.

If this idea will not work, are there any ways to
transfer these files to my Linux file system and
preserve the long filenames?


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UMSDOS partition and debian

1996-12-06 Thread David_Oswald
 Hello all...
I have gathered that it is possible to run the debian installation 
 in a dos fat partition. I am hoping that this configuration would 
 resemble the slakware installation running over the dos fat partition.
I've not seen any documentation about how this has to be setup.
 ??? Does there exist a set of installation disks that will allow me to 
 build the op. sys. over my existing dos file system(s) ??? I have 
 several students / colleagues here that would like to try the os but 
 cant / won't commit themselves to repartitioning disks so close to the 
 end of the semester. (I'm not going to ask them to bring their boxes 
 in so that I can fibs their disks for them - and run the risk ...)
I would specifically like to have a drv_letter:\linux\... on a 
 MS-DOg filesystem and would like to use the dos executable loadlin.exe 
 to light the debian install at my convenience.
I like the slakware install because they have made this install 
 completely painless. However I prefer to run with the debian 
 installation because:
1) slakware did not support my scsi controller that is 
 integrated into my Hewlett Packard Vectra XV 5/133C. I _think_ its 
 an AMD scsi controller. I'd have to reboot to be sure...
2) IMHO - while the dselect package needs a facelift - it 
 is functional. I prefer the debian OS - I just think the Debian linux 
 variant is a better system than the others.
 Please help,
 keep up the great work,
 and Thanks in advance...

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Re: UMSDOS partition and debian

1996-12-06 Thread Dale Scheetz
Take a look at dilinux

It's a very good example of what you want.

On Fri, 6 Dec 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hello all...
 I have gathered that it is possible to run the debian installation 
  in a dos fat partition. I am hoping that this configuration would 
  resemble the slakware installation running over the dos fat partition.
 I've not seen any documentation about how this has to be setup.
  ??? Does there exist a set of installation disks that will allow me to 
  build the op. sys. over my existing dos file system(s) ??? I have 
  several students / colleagues here that would like to try the os but 
  cant / won't commit themselves to repartitioning disks so close to the 
  end of the semester. (I'm not going to ask them to bring their boxes 
  in so that I can fibs their disks for them - and run the risk ...)
 I would specifically like to have a drv_letter:\linux\... on a 
  MS-DOg filesystem and would like to use the dos executable loadlin.exe 
  to light the debian install at my convenience.
 I like the slakware install because they have made this install 
  completely painless. However I prefer to run with the debian 
  installation because:
 1) slakware did not support my scsi controller that is 
  integrated into my Hewlett Packard Vectra XV 5/133C. I _think_ its 
  an AMD scsi controller. I'd have to reboot to be sure...
 2) IMHO - while the dselect package needs a facelift - it 
  is functional. I prefer the debian OS - I just think the Debian linux 
  variant is a better system than the others.
  Please help,
  keep up the great work,
  and Thanks in advance...
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aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: UMSDOS partition and debian

1996-12-06 Thread Scott Barker
 I have gathered that it is possible to run the debian installation 
  in a dos fat partition. I am hoping that this configuration would 
  resemble the slakware installation running over the dos fat partition.

Do not, repeat DO NOT use UMSDOS filesystems with 2.0.x kernels up to 2.0.23.
There are at least two problems I'm aware of. I believe one of them has been
fixed in the 2.0.27 kernel, but I haven't verified that yet. The other problem
has to do with SCSI disks. As far as I can tell, UMSDOS still does not work
with SCSI disks. Your kernel stack will overflow, which means all kinds of
random, nasty things can happen.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

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Better stop short than fill to the brim.  Oversharpen the blade, and the edge
   will soon blunt.  Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect
   it.  Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow.  Retire when the
   work is done.  This is the way of heaven.
   - Tao Te Ching

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Re: UMSDOS partition and debian

1996-12-06 Thread Scott Barker
Rick Macdonald said:
 I've had /home and my debian mirror and a few other things on a UMSDOS
 filesystem for quite awhile. I just upgraded to 2.0.25 a couple of
 weeks ago. Before that I was running 2.0.6. I never noticed any problems
 compared to 1.2.13 or whatever it was that I used to run.

The real problem is with SCSI, which causes kernel stack overflows. For IDE,
all I could find was a problem with the unlinking of inodes. For normal use,
this wasn't a problem. But, for the convoluted ways in which dselect/dpkg
handle safe package upgrading, this caused a problem in that UMSDOS could not
unlink an inode for a file which was in use (such as /bin/bash when trying to
upgrade bash while using bash as your shell).

I believe I saw something in the Changes for 2.0.26 or 2.0.27 which mentioned
inode removal under UMSDOS (or maybe it was DOS) which may fix the problem,
but I haven't had time (or reason) to check it out yet.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

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You wanna know how to nail Capone?  This is how you nail Capone: he pulls a
   knife you pull a gun, he puts one of yours in the hospital, you send one of
   his to the morgue. THAT'S how you nail Capone.
   - Sean Connery in The Untouchables

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Re: Can Debian install from a UMSDOS filesystem?

1996-11-08 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Tue, 5 Nov 1996, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:

 I imagine that you can do this.  During beta testing of 1.1, I
 copied the entire binary hierarchy to a DOS partiton.  I mounted
 this partition and then ran dselect pointed at the appropriate
 binary directory.  I don't think it matters if you use UMSDOS or
 any other mountable filesystem.  You just need to know how to mount
 it.  If necessary, you might need to execute the insmod command to
 load the appropriate filesystem support.

Since UMSDOS support is a kernel configuration option, I figured
it would depend on what support was compiled into the install
kernel. (Bruce? :-)


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Can Debian install from a UMSDOS filesystem?

1996-11-06 Thread Rick Macdonald

I couldn't find in the FAQ whether or not one can place all the
deb files on a UMSDOS drive and install from scratch with 
the boot floopy sets.

Anybody know one way or another?


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Re: Can Debian install from a UMSDOS filesystem?

1996-11-06 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
I imagine that you can do this.  During beta testing of 1.1, I
copied the entire binary hierarchy to a DOS partiton.  I mounted
this partition and then ran dselect pointed at the appropriate
binary directory.  I don't think it matters if you use UMSDOS or
any other mountable filesystem.  You just need to know how to mount
it.  If necessary, you might need to execute the insmod command to
load the appropriate filesystem support.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

On Tue, 5 Nov 1996, Rick Macdonald wrote:

 I couldn't find in the FAQ whether or not one can place all the
 deb files on a UMSDOS drive and install from scratch with 
 the boot floopy sets.
 Anybody know one way or another?
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Re: Can Debian install from a UMSDOS filesystem?

1996-11-06 Thread Scott Barker
Rick Macdonald said:
 I couldn't find in the FAQ whether or not one can place all the
 deb files on a UMSDOS drive and install from scratch with 
 the boot floopy sets.

Dunno about that, but I *do* know that you should *not* use UMSDOS on a SCSI
device. There is a bug still floating around in the kernel which will cause
massive filesystem corruption on your UMSDOS partition if it is on a SCSI
device. Something to do with a kernel stack overflow somewhere. The UMSDOS
developer is trying to isolate the problem.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

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All animals except man know that the ultimate of life is to enjoy it.
   - Samuel Butler

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Re: Can Debian install from a UMSDOS filesystem?

1996-11-06 Thread Martin Stromberg
 I couldn't find in the FAQ whether or not one can place all the
 deb files on a UMSDOS drive and install from scratch with 
 the boot floopy sets.
 Anybody know one way or another?

Yes. I did exactly that last week. And if you copy base1_1.tgz or what-ever
it is called to the top of the umsdos partition you only need the boot and 
root floppies.

Captain Zoom,


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