Module proposal: Gjs

2010-04-07 Thread Johan Dahlin
I'm having mail delivery from desktop-devel disabled, so please include
me in the cc.

 Gjs a language binding for Spidermonkey, the original JavaScript engine.
 It provides access to GObject based libraries such as Gtk+, Clutter and
 GStreamer though gobject-introspection and it also contains native bindings
 for cairo and dbus, Gjs is currently being used by GNOME Shell and that's
 why it's proposed here.

Target: Desktop Release Set

 spidermonkey: JavaScript engine used by firefox  thunderbird.
 gobject-introspection: Will either be proposed as a desktop release
 set module or used as an external dependency
 cairo: already an external dependency
 dbus: ditto

Spidermonkey is a part of the xulrunner platform which is packaged by
most distributions shipping GNOME. In the current situation it means that
to be able to build Gjs on one of the distributions you would have to install
a large part of firefox. This is the main way Mozilla supports Spidermonkey as
there are no recent (~12 months) tarballs released, users of Spidermonkey are
encouraged to stick by a specific version by forking it. [citation needed]
In short-term Spidermonkey will depend on xulrunner, in the future it'll be made
to work on top of the occasional standalone tarballs released by Mozilla.

Resource usage:
 source control: git://
 bugzilla:, gjs product

 Gjs is a dependency of GNOME Shell for which packages exist for most
 major Linux distributions; since GNOME Shell has not yet had a stable release,
 no distribution is shipping it by default.

GNOME-ness, community:
 Gjs was originally developed by litl LLC for it's client user
interfaces, it has
 since been picked up by GNOME shell and is slowly being picked up by
 others. Development of Gjs happens openly and there has been 17 people
 commiting (8 outside of litl).

Other notes:
 Gjs vs Seed or in extensions Gecko/Xulrunner vs WebKit is not going be a
 productive discussion. Both seed and gjs has their strengths and merits.
 Gjs is a mature binding, which is used in production, shipped software
 (see, a refusal to accept Gjs would force the GNOME Shell
 team to rewrite its javascript parts to run on top of Seed would not be
 very productive at this point. I strongly encourage tempted list members
 to avoid that discussion for reasons mentioned above.

Johan Dahlin
desktop-devel-list mailing list

JavaScript engines

2009-01-06 Thread Johan Dahlin

We need to have this discussion sooner or later, seems like sooner
is now required as Robert proposed to have Seed included in Gnome.

First of all, I think most of us agrees that it would be a mistake to depend 
on two different JavaScript bindings in GNOME, we need to chose one and 
stick to that one.

What we currently have are the following two engines:

* Gjs - binding for Spidermonkey, part of Gecko/Mozilla
* Seed - binding for JSCore, part of Webkit/Apple

Before attempting to list the different reasons for using one over the other 
we need to decide what are the requirements for an engine using JavaScript.

For instance, points such as:

- External dependencies
- Interpretor implementation language
- Memory usage
- Speed
- APIs (Extending  Embedding)
- Documentation
- License
- Feature completeness
- API stability (both in JS engine  bindings)
- JavaScript language extensions

Would be useful to help out in this discussion.

[Note: I have contributed patches to Gjs]

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: New Module Proposal: libseed

2009-01-06 Thread Johan Dahlin

[Robert and list moderators: I sent a copy from another mail address,
 please ignore that mail and reply to this]

Robert Carr wrote:

I was not planning to do this until .28, however a nice Clutter game
written in Seed was merged in to gnome-games today, and there is some
interest in being able to include this in .26.

I would like to propose Seed ( as a beta -bindings module for .26 
For those not following, Seed is a set of bindings between WebKit's

JavaScriptCore interpreter, and GObject (through GObject introspection).
Seed provides a standalone interpreter, and a library with a clean API
for embedding Seed as a scripting language. Through GOBject-introspection 
Seed automatically provides bindings to dozens of libraries, in a
convenient fashion where individual bindings do not have to be maintained 
(but just the core library). Seed provides no platform of it's own

(unlike say Python) and builds instead on the large GNOME platform, in a
similar fashion to Vala. In short, Seed provides a way to write GNOME
applications in JavaScript, and to easily embed JavaScript as an
extension language in your application (similar to Guile, but perhaps
more accessible, as JavaScript is often cited as the language with the
most programmers).

As a maintainer of gobject-introspection I'm strongly objecting inclusion
of modules in GNOME using it at this point.

gobject-introspection is currently not promising neither ABI or API
stability, the best would be for application authors to wait until it's
included in the platform, at which point it can be used in GNOME itself.
It's just not ready to be included yet in my opinion.

The Vala comparision is bogus as the generated .c code can be committed to
svn and thus avoids any external dependencies. Depending on a library
linking directly to libgirepository is a whole different matter.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: JavaScript engines

2009-01-06 Thread Johan Dahlin

Jason D. Clinton wrote:

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 9:12 AM, Johan Dahlin wrote:

We need to have this discussion sooner or later, seems like sooner
is now required as Robert proposed to have Seed included in Gnome.

First of all, I think most of us agrees that it would be a mistake to depend
on two different JavaScript bindings in GNOME, we need to chose one and
stick to that one.

Actually, I do disagree. The JavaScript interpreter/JIT wars are just
now heating up and its still way to early to call a winner. 2-3 years
from now, there could be a distinct winner in the JS VM battle and it
would be unfortunate if we picked the wrong horse, so to speak. I
think we need to support bindings for both front-runners. After all,
both implementations run the same language with the same syntax and
they are *both* using the same underlying GObject bindings so the
API's will be the same.

The language is pretty different, SpiderMonkey supports quite a few 
/language/ extensions which JSCore doesn't.[1][2][3]

I don't see any harm in using both for the short to medium term.

What you're saying is essentially the same as saying that we should support 
more than one toolkit as well. Why don't we go ahead and support Qt next

to Gtk in GNOME as well?

My point is that you can write an application which supports both but it'll
be a lot of extra work to little benefit.

Using different JS engines for different applications can also be compared 
to toolkits. Can certainly be done, but will create similar inconsistencies. 
Engine 1 supports features A, B, C, but Engine 2 supports
features D, E and F. People will just ask; No to mention trying to answer 
the obvious Which engine should I use in my application? question.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: JavaScript engines

2009-01-06 Thread Johan Dahlin

Jason D. Clinton wrote:

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Johan Dahlin wrote:

The language is pretty different, SpiderMonkey supports quite a few
/language/ extensions which JSCore doesn't.[1][2][3]

s/doesn't./doesn't yet./g

I don't think JSCore is going to implement all features present in 
Spidermonkey since they have a different use case. WebKit/JSCore uses 
javascript mainly to run scripts found on web pages. Spidermonkey is
different as it's in addition to that is used to develop native applications 
(firefox, thunderbird etc). In other words, JSCore (V8  JScript etc) will 
reasonably only support what web pages actually uses. So sure, the language 
extensions present in Spidermonkey might eventually be supported in other 
engines, but /only/ if web pages actually start to use them.

Anyway, what subset of JS that's going to be used in the newest and fanciest 
web pages seems like a less than ideal criteria to use to select a 
javascript engine for GNOME. Instead we should compare what's available, 
which will help developers to write great applications *today*.

desktop-devel-list mailing list


2008-10-28 Thread Johan Dahlin

Zeeshan Ali Khattak wrote:

Hi everyone!
  I remember that at GUADEC, we were seriously thinking about
migrating to git but the decision was postponed on Mark Shuttleworth's
request. It's been some months since that and we are still stuck with
SVN. AFAIK both git and bazaar have very strong supporters in our
community so the only way I see out of this is:

1. Get someone (known and trusted) to volunteer to set-up and maintain
the repository. I think Olav likes bazaar so he would volunteer for
2. Assuming that we get volunteers for both the repository types, we
simply vote amongst the top 50 contributers (i myself most probably
don't count :))


  Lets not turn this into yet another bazaar vs. git war cause we
already had plenty of that and nothing good comes out of that.

Right, let's avoid that. No technical discussion in this thread please.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: External Deps: Minimal Python dependency

2008-07-23 Thread Johan Dahlin

Sebastian Pölsterl wrote:

Vincent Untz schrieb:

Le mardi 22 juillet 2008, à 17:56 +0200, Sebastian Pölsterl a écrit :


As mentioned in [1] sqlite is a blessed external dependency now. I 
want  to use sqlite for Deskbar-Applet, too. Because, Python 2.5 has 
a  built-in sqlite module I suggest increasing the minimal version to 
2.5  from currently 2.4.3 . Of course, Python 2.5 has more benefits [2].



(heh, I should read ddl before replying to mails)

So, I took a quick look at the second link. That's all cool, but can we
get an overview of what is really useful in there for us?


* Various speed improvements regarding re module, sets, unicode 
operations (substring, split, en-/decode) and handling exceptions [1].

I don't understand why optimizations is an argument in bumping the minimum 
required version. Sure, those who want to make their python program
can upgrade, but is the intention really to tell users of 2.4 that they 
can't use it because we think it's too slow?

* New ElementTree package for processing XML. It's easy to understand 
and fast.

Available as an external module.

 * New hashlib package which supports previously unsupported SHA-224,
 SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.

I bet this is not useful for any GNOME applications.

* New ctypes package which lets you load libraries and calling functions 
in them.

Available as an external module.

Which leaves us with the 'with statement' as a new feature worthwhile to 
upgrade for.

Is it worth telling users of RHEL5, Debian Etch etc that they can't use the 
GNOME release because you want to use the with statement in your code? Is it 
really that difficult to write code without using it?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Using vala in GNOME

2008-07-07 Thread Johan Dahlin

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:

On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 15:07 +0100, Alberto Ruiz wrote:


Plus, CMake is getting more mature and stable and it already supports
VisualStudio and XCode project files conversion, lack of proper
extensibility being its only downside at the moment.

Lack of extensibility, and use of another arcane custom made programming
language (if we can call it that) for everything.

No, CMake is not an answer.  It is not significantly better than
autotools to justify a switch to it IMHO.

CMake *is* considerably better. Xcode/VisualStudio are killer features which 
alone would make a switch worth it.

Can we please start to organize ourselves and try to move forward with 
switching to another build system?

- Decide features we need to do a migrate
- Create a table of proposed build systems x features
- Check the KDE build system migration and see what we can learn[1]
- An obvious option will eventually appear
- Start migrate some modules

[1]: Tim has some notes on this:

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Using vala in GNOME

2008-07-07 Thread Johan Dahlin

Jason D. Clinton wrote:
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro 

I watched the CMake transition in KDE with interest. It was very painful 
for them. A search of Planet KDE for the word cmake will return no end 
of complaints about it.

That should not be an argument against CMake as we have the chance to from 
their experiences before we start doing a migration.

IMO, the only hope that we can get away from autofoo is the Quagmire effort.

Quagmire would be another option to evaluate.
Could you download it and check if it would meet the (still somewhat fuzzy) 
requirements described on the wiki page Alberto just required?

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: build system alternatives (Was: Using vala in GNOME)

2008-07-01 Thread Johan Dahlin

Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:

On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 12:19 -0400, David Malcolm wrote:


Also, I find it funny that people that do not actually use either XCode
or Visual Studio claim that supporting them is crucial.  Again, I don't
trust that judgement without proof (statistics).  Now, I do know a few
developers that use Visual Studio and can't live without it.  But among
GNOME developers I have serious doubts anyone uses one of those IDEs.

Exactly because we don't have Visual Studio/XCode integration.
But adding them we would increase the developers that would be able to 
contribute to GNOME significantly. How do you expect Mac/Windows developers 
to contribute to GNOME if they can't even build it in their environment?

These arguments applies to the part of the stack that are usable outside of 
Linux/X11 which are not all of them. But we are starting to see more and 
more applications (Gimp, Evolution etc) that are ported to non-X11 platforms.

From my point of view, Gtk+  the stack below dominates the platform.
What they will use will eventually be propagated up in the upper part of the 
platform stack.

The contribution barrier for GNOME is way to high as it is today, I'm merely 
trying to reduce it by allowing developers from other (as in non-unix) 
backgrounds be able to contribute.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: build system alternatives (Was: Using vala in GNOME)

2008-07-01 Thread Johan Dahlin

Colin Walters wrote:

On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 16:02 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote:

The contribution barrier for GNOME is way to high as it is today, I'm merely 
trying to reduce it by allowing developers from other (as in non-unix) 
backgrounds be able to contribute.

Strategically speaking, while I think it makes sense for GNOME to invest
in the fundamentals (core GTK+ windowing, DBus) of running on platforms[1], developer time is better spent pushing
the free platform as a whole forward.  Competing with
Qt/Swing/Windows.Forms/XULRunner/AIR (Qt in particular) for this is a
big project.

Great success for me would be to have people chose GTK/GNOME technologies to 
develop cross-platform applications. I don't really see that as negative 
impact on the development of the GNOME platform, rather the opposite by 
helping it to be even more successful by deploying it on more systems.

There are two different strategies of pursuing our agenda. Either using 
completely free systems or having free programs running on what is non-free 
systems below. Not completely unlike comparing the Top-down or Bottom-up 
kind of designs.

Let's do both, trying all possible ways of making people use our software.

So in this particular case, our target audience for GTK+ on Windows/OS X
is experienced developers familiar with the free desktop stack who at
least somewhat understand autotools, etc.

My interest is mainly the GTK+ part of the stack, which should be 
considerably easier to support. I'm not talking about taking away developer 
time from already busy developers. Just widening the developer base and 
allowing more expertize to contribute to the platform.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: PyGIO?

2008-03-03 Thread Johan Dahlin
Matteo Settenvini wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 does anyone have any news on some PyGIO bindings? They should
 complement the PyGtk and PyGObject stack, but googling for it didn't
 bring up any result.

There's the beginning of python bindings for GIO in PyGObject SVN (trunk),
but be aware as they arefar from finished

Any kind of contribution is greatly appreciated!

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving gnome-vfs to to-be-deprecated part of our platform

2008-01-24 Thread Johan Dahlin
Vincent Untz wrote:
 Since we now have gio, I guess everybody agrees that we can move
 gnome-vfs (and gnome-mime-data, which is a dependency for gnome-vfs) to
 the to-be-deprecated part of our platform.
 To make it clear, it means we're still shipping gnome-vfs in our
 platform. It's just a way to tell people: you shouldn't use this in new
 I'm also wondering about libglade, since we now have GtkBuilder. Should
 it be moved there too?

There's no support for saving to the GtkBuilder format in glade-3.
While there is a script to convert from what glade-3 outputs, there might
be better to wait until glade-3 supports it properly.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Moving gnome-vfs to to-be-deprecated part of our platform

2008-01-24 Thread Johan Dahlin
Matthias Clasen wrote:
 On Jan 24, 2008 8:35 AM, Bastien Nocera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's no support for saving to the GtkBuilder format in glade-3.
 While there is a script to convert from what glade-3 outputs, there might
 be better to wait until glade-3 supports it properly.
 Same here. As an early adopter of GtkBuilder (in Totem), I think this is
 the single biggest reason to keep on using libglade unfortunately.
 The second biggest reason is that we don't have support for a11y properties
 in GtkBuilder yet. We really need to land that in the next GTK+
 release, Johan...

I will try to finish that tonight. It's mostly done, mainly testing and 
updating gtk-builder-convert left.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: State of gvfs in Gnome 2.21

2008-01-23 Thread Johan Dahlin
Sebastian Pölsterl wrote:
 Are there any plans for providing python bindings?

In progress;

Unlikely to hit GNOME 2.22 though.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Online Desktop and GNOME 2.22

2007-10-30 Thread Johan Dahlin
Rui Tiago Cação Matos wrote:
 On Ter, 2007-10-30 at 17:10 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 (Though, I do think python is questionable for tray icons and daemons, 
 since for whatever reason each python / pygtk process is so huge.
 Well, last I checked, the cpython implementation *never* releases memory
 back to the OS. This is why I can't really understand why so many things
 in gnome are done in python. I mean, check your rhythmbox before and
 after you load a python plugin. I really like python's philosophy and
 syntax but this memory use behavior continues to drive me away from it
 and from apps written in it. Anyway, yea, this is quite a tangent here.

This changed in Python 2.5 which is now widely distributed.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk_show_help and gtk_show_url

2007-10-08 Thread Johan Dahlin
Havoc Pennington wrote:
 I had a random thought at the summit; what if we add a new library in 
 the stack (perhaps shipping with GLib or GTK tarball, I don't know). 
 Call it libgapplication. It would contain:
   - GApplication
   - GSettings
   - dbus main loop hooks
   - ...

Session management?

 It would depend on GObject, dbus, gvfs, dconf but be below GDK, Cairo, 
 and Pango (i.e. no graphics).

Do we want to push other parts of what we have in GTK+ today down to that 

 I guess this is a direct analog of libgnome, really.
 Maybe a bad idea; we can cram all this stuff elsewhere, either in GTK or 
 in dbus or in gvfs.

Not necessarily a bad idea, at least as long as a CORBA and Bonobo 
dependency can be avoided, which I hope is not planned.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: MAINTAINERS in svn -- have it or no commit for you

2007-09-10 Thread Johan Dahlin
Murray Cumming wrote:
 Could you please turn this off now? I can't commit to either libsigc++
 (I emailed you about that already) or gconfmm. For instance:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/svn/gnome220/gconfmm$ more MAINTAINERS
 Murray Cumming
 Userid: murrayc

It's in the wrong directory, it must be in the /trunk directory of your 

I guess the administrator scripts are not compatible with the directory
layout of gnomemm.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: [pygtk] Python 3.0 plans

2007-09-02 Thread Johan Dahlin
Fernando San Martín Woerner wrote:
 El mié, 29-08-2007 a las 23:36 +0200, Andi Albrecht escribió:
 2007/8/29, Johan Dahlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Johan and all,

 in general I think it is a very good idea to port PyGTK to Python 3.x
 as soon as possible. The api must not be stable with the fist alpha
 release, but it need to be stable at least with one of the first
 betas. We'll have to port a bunch of things: First of all the
 bindings, but the examples and maybe the documentations too.

 On the other hand, please don't forget win32 port, for many developers
 are very relevant too!
PyGTK is already ported and works fine under win32, the missing piece of 
the puzzle is binary distribution which is something neither GNOME or 
PyGTK traditionally are willing to do. Interested parties needs to step 
up and work on a solution. Most developers of PyGTK do not have access 
to a windows development environment.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Python 3.0 plans

2007-08-29 Thread Johan Dahlin
Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 12:37 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote:

 Couple thoughts:
   - Do things more Pythonesque.  Looking at Pango bindings, for example
 replace all to_string() methods with __str__.  Same for compare(),
 equal(), etc.  Or should it be in addition?

This can already be done as it is, there's no need to break the API, it's 
just syntactic sugar. eg __str__ can be implemented to as to_string().
Is it actually worth the pain to remove the old names?
Perhaps, I'm unsure.

   - Finish and use gobject-introspection.

gobject-introspection isn't quite finished yet, but hopefully it'll be ready 
before Python 3.0 is finished.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: gtk+ API change; who should fix it? (A.k.a. Why isn't GNOME 2.19.4 released yet?)

2007-06-22 Thread Johan Dahlin
Joseph Sacco wrote:
 The currently available version of pygtk is the stable branch.  I would
 expect the development branchof pygtk to adapt.
I'm ready to adapt but only if the general consent is that API changes 
are okay.

My personal opinion is that the API shouldn't be allowed to change, once 
an API is added it should stay stable until the major version is bumped 
(3.0 in the case of gtk+).

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Glade 3.0 stable branched

2006-10-10 Thread Johan Dahlin
Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
 Vincent Untz wrote:
 Le vendredi 29 septembre 2006, à 22:46, Tristan Van Berkom a écrit :

 to say do we want glade as part of some gnome module set ? any ideas 
 on that ?
 Straight question: if we integrate an interface builder in GNOME, how
 can we choose between glade, gazpacho and stetic?

 I guess a reply on my behalf is called for here ;-)
 A few points I guess I'll raise in the favor of Glade;
 o Support for all widgets in gtk+ including depricated ones

Depends on what supported means;
GtkTreeView, GtkIconView  friends are not really supported by glade.

Nor by Gazpacho, Stetic or anything else...

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Glade 3.0 stable branched

2006-10-10 Thread Johan Dahlin
Vincent Untz wrote:
 Le vendredi 29 septembre 2006, à 22:46, Tristan Van Berkom a écrit :
 to say do we want glade as part of some gnome module set ? any ideas 
 on that ?
 Straight question: if we integrate an interface builder in GNOME, how
 can we choose between glade, gazpacho and stetic?

I'd go for Glade3, since:

* Gazpacho is not really developed these days and is until GtkBuilder has
  landed specific for Python.
* Stetic is specific for Mono.


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Contribution

2006-08-25 Thread Johan Dahlin
Maxim Udushlivy wrote:

 I want to change GuiLoader license to LGPL and contribute Gideon and 
 GuiLoader to Gnome.

There's already a couple of ui designers for gnome, glade-2, glade-3,
gazpacho, stetic.

The GuiLoader in Gideon is also completely different from libglade and
gtkbuilder which is going to be included in gtk+.

I'm not sure I see the point of one more ui designer and one more ui loader...

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Deprecating Bug-Buddy versions before 2.16.0

2006-08-14 Thread Johan Dahlin
Olav Vitters wrote:
 [ Please keep discussion (if any) in desktop-devel-list; not
   gnome-hackers that devel-announce-list might point to ]
 With the release of Bug-Buddy 2.16 I am going to deprecate the email
 interface used by older Bug-Buddy versions. It will still be supported
 for at least a year after bug-buddy has been released. After that the
 official support will be over.
 In practice this means that I will not add the email interface Bug-Buddy
 support to the first after around Sep 2007. So it
 could be that the support goes on until 2010. Or that it ends on 10 Sep
 Of course, if there is a person really wanting to have the interface
 stay alive, then I'll gladly make them maintainer of the existing
 interface when 2.16.0 is out. Note that it has lots of issues
 (readability of the code being just one of them) and it is only reliable
 when bug-buddy mails to it. Plus it requires a Bugzilla part that
 needs changing every time Bugzilla is upgraded.

I'd like to see it alive, at least until we can upgrade our bug
submission process for Gazpacho.

Is there a protocol specifications somewhere of the new interface bug-buddy

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Gtk# in the bindings suite

2006-07-21 Thread Johan Dahlin
  * Should we include Gtk# in the Bindings suite?
   - short term
   - it hasn't been proposed for 2.16, but we could grandfather it in
   - the release management issues have largely been solved, aside from Gtk#
 not being split between Platform and Desktop (stable and unstable) APIs
 which is pretty important in terms of ISV/ISD communication and so on
   - bindings are a very important part of GNOME, and our value proposition
   - it seems that few people are concerned about Gtk# adopting the release
 process and other standards, then being included in our Bindings suite
   - a social/business/non-technical issue may persist regarding GNOME using
 or endorsing a Microsoft derived technology; some users/vendors may not
 appreciate that, to the point that they may choose to disassociate from
 the GNOME project (this shouldn't be dismissed out of hand)


They're already widely used and they seem to be mature enough to be included
 in the suite.

I cannot se a reason why they shouldn't if they follow the bindings/platform
stability rules and are prepared to follow the release schedule.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: Time to heat up the new module discussion

2006-07-14 Thread Johan Dahlin
 Jits on the desktop are usually bad not just because they do take more 
 memory but also because you need the build system of mono installed 
 which means more bloat.
 Considering that Gtk# applications consume less memory than PyGtk
 applications am puzzled by this blank statement. 

I'd be interested to see any numbers backing up that statement, otherwise
I'm going to be as puzzled as you by blank statements.

And no, I wouldn't actually count a Hello World like program as a very
representative application.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: First successful build on

2006-05-25 Thread Johan Dahlin
Frederic Peters wrote:
 [posting to desktop-devel-list@ following Luis advice]
 143 modules, not a single failure.
 I am quite happy to announce the first ever really complete and
 successful build published on;


Awesome, thanks a lot for making this work.

Are there any tools available to get a notification when your module(s) break?

And I wonder if we could arrange a policy to have a couple of build sheriffs
that could contact maintainers and/or fix trivial breakage across the whole


desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: First successful build on

2006-05-25 Thread Johan Dahlin
Bastien Nocera wrote:
 On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 12:21 -0300, Johan Dahlin wrote:
 Frederic Peters wrote:
 [posting to desktop-devel-list@ following Luis advice]


 143 modules, not a single failure.

 I am quite happy to announce the first ever really complete and
 successful build published on;


 Awesome, thanks a lot for making this work.

 Are there any tools available to get a notification when your module(s) 
 Should be straight forward, especially now that MAINTAINERS files have
 been added to all the Desktop and Platform modules (or at least should
 have been added).

It's somewhat problematic due to time zone differences.
The question is how much we value a green tree. Should reverting code [for
whatever reason] be accepted?

I'd like to see some checks being run too, such as check or distcheck, which
would make it even easier for people to catch errors.

desktop-devel-list mailing list

PyGTK branched

2006-03-31 Thread Johan Dahlin
PyGTK is branched for gtk-2.10, so it's open for feature additions again.

I've updated jhbuild for gnome 2.12 and gnome 2.14 to use the
2.8 branch (called pygtk-2-8)

Async Open Source
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Re: autotools gives autopain

2005-12-17 Thread Johan Dahlin

Nickolay V. Shmyrev wrote:

В Сбт, 17/12/2005 в 15:03 +0800, Davyd Madeley пишет:

On Fri, 2005-12-16 at 22:26 +, Andrew Sobala wrote:

Sean D'Epagnier wrote:

Isn't it true that scons requires you download and install it as an 
extra program to use it?  Many users may not have scons and may not 
want to install it, but do want to install gnome (by compiling from 
source code).

This is identical to the situation for autotools.

Only to run autogen, not configure.


You are probably not correct here Davyd, current gnome builds do require
pkg-config to be installed.

pkg-config is not tied to any specific build systems.
If we were to switch to SCons it'll still be required.
However, pkg-config provides a few macros to integrate nicely with
autotools, these and quite a few other scripts needs to be rewritten
for SCons.

Johan Dahlin
desktop-devel-list mailing list

Python bindings

2005-11-15 Thread Johan Dahlin

Alexander Larsson wrote:

I've been convinced that proposing Sabayon for inclusion is the right
thing to do. I'm also fully behind splitting it into an admin suite if
it gets accepted.

So, I hereby propose Sabayon for inclusion into the Gnome 2.14 Desktop.
Information about sabayon is available at:
and an example screencast at:

Since sabayon required pygtk, gnome-python (gconf) and pyorbit (for the 
applet) do they need to be proposed for inclusion separately?

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