Re: Plans for switching to logback 1.3.x/1.4.x?

2024-01-15 Thread Michael Shuler
Although I have not searched jira, I'd bet plans could use help, if they 
exist. I recall the jog4j -> logback transition, and it was not super 
complex, and reading through the logback docs, some defaults were 
updated and the project gained a nice feature bump. I would think a 
minor version rev of logback should be straightforward. I would suggest 
dropping in a new version, fix what needs fixing (if anything, read the 
upstream changelog), and if you get it to work, push a branch for a pull 
request. License updates, etc can get updated with a reviewer, if you 
miss any details. Sounds like a good contribution :)

Kind regards,

On 1/15/24 03:22, Alexander Shusherov wrote:

Hello Cassandra Developers!

Recently we explored the behavior of logback in Cassandra 4.1 (there
was a hypothesis about a bug in SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy, however
it was not confirmed).

As part of this activity it was noticed that there exist some logback
issues that were fixed in 1.3.x/1.4.x, but still present in 1.2.x

At this moment Cassandra 4.1 and 5.0 still use logback 1.2.x and I
haven't found any tickets addressing switching to logback 1.3.x/1.4.x.
Could you please share if there are any plans for switching to logback


Re: [Discuss] CQLSH should left-align numbers, right-align text (CASSANDRA-19150)

2024-01-15 Thread shailajakoppu
Hi Brad,

While I prefer the indentation style that Postgres following for better 
readability of text, if we are changing it, this may break existing scripts of 
users/operators if tightly coupled with the current format/spaces etc (Ideally 
shouldn’t be, but as Cassandra being used all over the world, such scenarios 
are possible). To avoid breaking such existing scripts, I believe either these 
changes need to happen in a major release or under a feature flag (which can be 
deprecated over the time), for existing scripts to continue without breaking 
until they are fixed.


> On Jan 9, 2024, at 5:23 PM, Derek Chen-Becker  wrote:
> Actually, now that I'm looking at the original email on my browser and not my 
> phone (and can see the formatting properly), I think we have the nomenclature 
> backward here. Left-alignment in the printing world means that text in each 
> cell starts at the left-most column for the cell, but in your examples you're 
> calling that right-aligned (and vice-versa). Along the lines of what Stefan 
> said, I think this probably came about more as a "we'll just keep things 
> simple and use the same alignment everywhere" rather than an intentional 
> right-alignment of text for a specific purpose. I would actually be fine with 
> left-aligning text to fit what appears to be standard practice in other 
> systems.
> Cheers,
> Derek
> On Tue, Jan 9, 2024 at 7:34 AM Brad  > wrote:
>> CQLSH currently left-aligns all output, affecting both numbers and text.  
>> While this works well for numbers, a better approach adopted by many is to 
>> left align numbers and right align text.
>> For example, both Excel and Postgres shell use the later:
>> psql
>> # select * from employee;
>>  empid |  name   |dept
>> ---+-+
>>  1 | Clark   | Sales
>>200 | Dave| Accounting
>> 33 | Johnson | Sales
>> while CQLSH simply left aligns all the columns 
>> cqlsh> select * from employee;
>>  empid | dept   | name
>> ---++-
>> 33 |  Sales | Johnson
>>  1 |  Sales |   Clark
>>200 | Accounting |Dave
>> Left aligned text looks much worse on text values which share common prefixes
>> cqlsh> select * from system_views.system_properties limit 7 ;
>>  name   | value
>> +
>>   JAVA_HOME |  
>> /Users/brad/.jenv/versions/17
>>cassandra.jmx.local.port |
>>cassandra.logdir | 
>> /usr/local/cassandra-5.0-beta1/bin/../logs
>>cassandra.storagedir | 
>> /usr/local/cassandra-5.0-beta1/bin/../data
>> |
>>   false
>> |  
>> /etc/cassandra/jmxremote.password
>> io.netty.transport.estimateSizeOnSubmit |
>>   false
>> The Jira CASSANDRA-19150 
>>  discusses this in 
>> further detail with some additional examples.
>> I wanted to raise the issue here to propose changing CQLSH to right-align 
>> text while continue to left-align numbers.
>> Regards,
>> Brad Schoening
>> Reply
>> Forward
>> Add reaction
> --
> +---+
> | Derek Chen-Becker |
> | GPG Key available at and   |
> | |
> | Fngrprnt: EB8A 6480 F0A3 C8EB C1E7  7F42 AFC5 AFEE 96E4 6ACC  |
> +---+

Plans for switching to logback 1.3.x/1.4.x?

2024-01-15 Thread Alexander Shusherov
Hello Cassandra Developers!

Recently we explored the behavior of logback in Cassandra 4.1 (there
was a hypothesis about a bug in SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy, however
it was not confirmed).

As part of this activity it was noticed that there exist some logback
issues that were fixed in 1.3.x/1.4.x, but still present in 1.2.x

At this moment Cassandra 4.1 and 5.0 still use logback 1.2.x and I
haven't found any tickets addressing switching to logback 1.3.x/1.4.x.
Could you please share if there are any plans for switching to logback
