Re: Parameters in request get lost when using servlet: protocol

2007-04-03 Thread Alexander Klimetschek

Rice Yeh schrieb:

Thank you for your solution. But I still feel weird for a brand new request
being created for a called block (servlet), at least for a super block
(servlet). Having a look at the source code, each new brand request and
response are supposed to be stored in its call frame (actually, this 

is not implemented yet, but api for retrieving these two objects are
provided). If such design is intended, why not just treat request and
response as part of servlet (block) context. And a way for passing a
request's attributes or parameters must be provided. My real opinion is 

request should be pass through all servlets invoked, instead of creating a
new one.

You are right, as far Cocoon's internal blocks with Sitemap servlets are 
involved. In that case one can optimize the calls and provide the original 
context (request, sitemap parameters etc.) to the callee. The only problem 
you have is how to handle the different parameter levels you have: you might 
want to have global but sometimes only local parameters, eg. when setting 
some value in a called block, you don't want it to override a parameter with 
the same name in the calling block.

The advantage of the servlet protocol internally is that you can mount any 
servlet as a block, not only cocoon's sitemap servlet. We for example have 
mounted the Solr servlets (for indexing and searching with lucene) as normal 
blocks. This is a nice feature that allows you to manage your complex web 
application solely with Cocoon and Spring.


Alexander Klimetschek

Re: [result][vote] Move CachingSource to cocoon-core

2007-04-03 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Because of dependencies on the event-cache block, the caching source 
was added to the repository block when it moved out from scratchpad. 
After some refactorings I should be able now to move it to cocoon-core 
without having to add any new depenendencies there.

As a caching source is of general interest for many of our users (see 
several requests on the users list) I want to propose to move it to 

The proposal has been accepted. It got 7 binding +1 votes and no -1. I 
will move  the CachingSource to core as soon as time permits.

Done. I also removed all depenencies on Avalon. The CachingSourceFactory can be 
configured as Spring bean now. I added two default configurations cached and 
async-cached which both inherit from the abstract configuration 
org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceFactory/cached::abstract which is also a 
good starting point for custom configurations (e.g. you want to switch the used 
cache or the validity strategy).

The tests run through but I don't know what the coverage is. I guess not to 
high. Unfortunatly it isn't particularily easy to write tests for the async 
mode. Since I need the CachingSource in my own apps very soon, I will hopefully 
find any problems caused by my refactorings very soon.

  - o -

The only behavioural change that I'm aware of was, that I had to remove the 
possibility of inline configurations of the source refresher. The problem is 
that Spring doesn't make free-style configurations as simple as Avalon does. 
Altough it would be possible to mimick it, it is too much work for something 
that can be done using a configuration file IMO.

  - o -

There were two reasons why the CachingSourceFactory wasn't already in 
cocoon-core: First, it supports InspectableSources and second, it supports 

If you want to use InspectableSources, you can use the 
InspectableSourcesAwareCachingSourceFactory* from the repository block.

If you want to use an EventAwareCache you can configure the caching source using 
the EventAwareCachingSourceValidityStrategy in combination with a cache that 
implements EventAware. The strategy can be found in the event-cache block.

* cool name, isn't it? I know that we can do as good as Spring in inventing 
lng class names ;-)

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer  (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Servlet Services + Shielding

2007-04-03 Thread Alexander Klimetschek

Hi Servlet Hackers,

I am switching from our old block servlet config to the current servlet 
services in trunk and have problems with the configuration. I have two problems:


I changed the spring configuration to look like the following snippet, but I 
get an exception (see below). Debugging showed that the embeddedServlet 
field in ServletFactoryBean is null. But it should be of type 
o.a.c.sitemap.SitemapServlet, the declared class of the bean??

bean id=com.mindquarry.dforms.dforms-block
  servlet:context mount-path=/dforms
  entry key=resources
 value-ref=com.mindquarry.webapp.resources-block /
  entry key=teams
 value-ref=com.mindquarry.teamspace.teamspace-block /
  entry key=tasks
 value-ref=com.mindquarry.tasks.tasks-block /

Caused by: org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException: Can't proxy 
null object


How to configure the ShieldingServletService (my little baby...)? Since you 
no longer explicitly define the wrapper class for the servlet, I don't see a 
way to use the ShieldingServletService instead of the standard one.

I think those questions and the answers should be documented. As long as the 
docs are not finished (and public and searchable...), I'd like to put all 
important information in the Wiki:


Alexander Klimetschek

RE: StoreJanitor (was: Re: Moving reduced version of CachingSource to core | Configuration issues)

2007-04-03 Thread Ard Schrijvers
 Ard Schrijvers wrote:
  i would be glad to share the code and my ideas, for example 
 about this whole 
 StoreJanitor idea :-)  )
 Just curious, what did you mean by this whole StoreJanitor idea?

Before I say things that are wrong, please consider that the StoreJanitor was 
invented long before I looked into the cocoon code, so probably a lot of 
discussion and good ideas has been around which I am not aware of. But still, 
my ideas about the StoreJanitor (and sorry for the long mail, but perhaps it 
might contain something useful):

1) How it works and its intention (I think :-) ):  The StoreJanitor is 
originally invented to monitor cocoon's memory useage and does this by checking 
some memory values every X (default 10) seconds. Beside the fact that I doubt 
users know that it is quite important to configure the store janitor correctly, 
I stick to the defaults and use a heapsize of just a little lower then JVM 

Now, every 10 seconds, the StoreJanitor does a check wether 
(getJVM().totalMemory() = getMaxHeapSize()  (getJVM().freeMemory()  
getMinFreeMemory()) is true, and if so, the next store is choosen (compared to 
previoud one) and entries are removed from this store (I saw a post that in 
trunk not one single store is chosen anymore, but an equal part of all of them 
is being removed, right?...probably you can configure which stores to use, i 
don't know)

2) My Observations: When running high traffic sites and render them live (only 
mod_cache in between which holds pages for 5 to 10 min) like [1] or [2], then 
checking every X sec for a JVM to be low on memory doesn't make sense to me. At 
the moment of checking, the JVM might be perfectly sound but just needed some 
extra memory for a moment, in that case, the Store Janitor is removing items 
from cache while not needed. Also, when the JVM is really in trouble, but the 
Store Janitor is not checking for 5 more secthis might be too long for a 
JVM in a high traffic site when it is low on memory. Problems that result from 
it are:

- Since there is no way to remove cache entries from the used cache impl by the 
cache's eviction policy, the cache entries from memory are removed by starting 
from entry 0, whatever this might be in the cache. There is a very likely 
situation, that at the very next request, the same cache entries are added 

- Ones the JVM gets low on memory, and the StoreJanitor is needed, it is quite 
likely that from that moment on, the StoreJanitor runs *every* 10 seconds, and 
keeps removing cache entries which you perhaps don't want to be removed, like 
compiled stylesheets. 
1) suppose, from one store (or since trunk from multiple stores) 10% 
(default) is removed. This 10% is from the number of memory cache entries. I 
quite frequently happen to have only 200 entries in memory for each store ( I 
have added *many* different stores to enable all we wanted in a high traffic 
environment) and the rest is disk store. Now, suppose, the JVM which has 512 Mb 
of memory, is low on memory, and removes 10% of 200 entries = 20 entries, 
helping me zero! These memory entries are my most important ones, so, on the 
next request, they are either added again, or, from diskcache I have a hit, 
implying that the cache will put this cache entry in memory again. If I would 
use 2000 memory items, I am very sure, the 200 items which are cleaned are put 
back in memory before the next StoreJanitor runs.
2) I am not sure if in trunk you can configure wether the StoreJanitor 
should leave one store alone, like the DefaultTransientStore. In this store, 
typically, compiled stylesheets end up, and i18n resource bundles. Since these 
files are needed virtually on every request, I had rather not that the 
StoreJanitor removes from this store. I think, the StoreJanitor does so, 
leaving my critical app in an even worse state, and on the next request, the 
hardly improved JVM needs to recompile stylesheets and i18n resource bundles.
3) What if the JVM being low is not because of the storesFor 
example, you have added some component which has some problems you did not 
know, and, that component is the real reason for you OOM. The StoreJanitor, 
sees your low memory, and starts removing entries from your perfectly sound 
cache, leaving you app in a much worse situation then it already was. Your 
component with memory leak has some more memory it now can fill, and hapily 
does this, making the StoreJanitor remove more and more entries from cache, 
untill it ends up with an empty cache. You could blame the wrong component for 
this behavior. One of these wrong components in use is the event registry for 
event caching, which made our high traffic sites with 512 Mb crash every two 
days. Better that I write in another mail what I did to the event cache 
registry, why I did not yet post about it, and if others are interested and how 
to include it in the trunk. Bottom line is that there was a 

RE: StoreJanitor (was: Re: Moving reduced version of CachingSource to core | Configuration issues)

2007-04-03 Thread Ard Schrijvers

?? my mail got sended by accident :Sfinishing it now

 be implemented quite easily, but might take long start up times)
 6) JCSCache has a complex configuration IMO. Therefor, I 
 added default configurations to choose from, for example:

parameter name=region-name value=store/  
parameter name=size value=small/  

where size might be small, medium, large or huge. 

I think we have created with in this way a setup for cocoon, where it is harder 
for unexperienced users to have memory problems when trying to implement larger 

Hopefully somebody read my mail until here :-) I am curious about what others 


Re: Servlet Services + Shielding

2007-04-03 Thread Alexander Klimetschek
Further debugging shows that the method ServletFactoryBean.getObject() is 
called by Spring (DefaultListableBeanFactory.getObjectFromFactoryBean(...)) 
*before* the embeddedServlet or any other property was set. So 
embeddedServlet is null, which makes the code inside getObject() fail:

public Object getObject() throws Exception {
ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(this.embeddedServlet);
proxyFactory.addAdvice(new ServiceInterceptor());
if (this.mountPath != null) {
proxyFactory.addAdvisor(new MountableMixinAdvisor());
proxyFactory.addAdvisor(new ServletServiceContextMixinAdvisor());
return proxyFactory.getProxy();

We have lots of spring config files now, so I don't see if we have any 
special config which triggers this problem. Any idea?


Alexander Klimetschek schrieb:


I changed the spring configuration to look like the following snippet, 
but I get an exception (see below). Debugging showed that the 
embeddedServlet field in ServletFactoryBean is null. But it should be of 
type o.a.c.sitemap.SitemapServlet, the declared class of the bean??

bean id=com.mindquarry.dforms.dforms-block
  servlet:context mount-path=/dforms
  entry key=resources
 value-ref=com.mindquarry.webapp.resources-block /
  entry key=teams
 value-ref=com.mindquarry.teamspace.teamspace-block /
  entry key=tasks
 value-ref=com.mindquarry.tasks.tasks-block /

Caused by: org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException: Can't 
proxy null object


Alexander Klimetschek

Circular deps in servlet connections (was Re: Servlet Services + Shielding)

2007-04-03 Thread Alexander Klimetschek
Oh, I got it: there was a circular dependency in the servlet connections (A 
using B, B using A as super). It did work with the old block servlets, but 
now you get the very unhelpful exception. I don't think we actually need 
this circular connection in particular. But generally, two solutions are 

Is it possible to allow circular dependencies in the servlet connections?

If not, there should be at least some kind of check that prints a better 


Alexander Klimetschek

Re: Circular deps in servlet connections (was Re: Servlet Services + Shielding)

2007-04-03 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Alexander Klimetschek napisał(a):
Oh, I got it: there was a circular dependency in the servlet connections 
(A using B, B using A as super). It did work with the old block 
servlets, but now you get the very unhelpful exception. I don't think we 
actually need this circular connection in particular. But generally, two 
solutions are available:

Is it possible to allow circular dependencies in the servlet connections?

If not, there should be at least some kind of check that prints a better 

My opinion is that circular dependencies should not be allowed and I 
agree that more meaningful exception is needed here.

Could you please create an issue for this? Providing a patch would be 
even more appreciated. If you are going to work on it please let me know 
to not duplicate the effort.

Grzegorz Kossakowski

[jira] Created: (COCOON-2036) Handle circular dependencies in servlet connections

2007-04-03 Thread Alexander Klimetschek (JIRA)
Handle circular dependencies in servlet connections

 Key: COCOON-2036
 Project: Cocoon
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: - Servlet service framework
Affects Versions: 2.2-dev (Current SVN)
Reporter: Alexander Klimetschek

Circular dependencies in servlet connections lead to a Spring exception [1]  in 
[2] that does not provide any help. The previous implementation (block:) did 
allow circular dependencies because they were not handled by spring but by 
custom code.

Solution would be either to allow them (probably difficult to implement with 
spring) or, if not, to provide a helpful warning message, that skips this 
problem. The latter could be a check for embeddedServlet==null and, if not, 
throw an exception saying you might have a circular dependency in 



The exception is thrown after ServletFactoryBean.getObject() tries to create a 
proxy for the embeddedServlet, which is null in the case of a circular 
dependency (one of the circle endpoints is created, but the other will be null).

Caused by: org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException: Can't proxy 
null object

public Object getObject() throws Exception {
ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(this.embeddedServlet);
proxyFactory.addAdvice(new ServiceInterceptor());
if (this.mountPath != null) {
proxyFactory.addAdvisor(new MountableMixinAdvisor());
proxyFactory.addAdvisor(new ServletServiceContextMixinAdvisor());
return proxyFactory.getProxy();

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: Circular deps in servlet connections (was Re: Servlet Services + Shielding)

2007-04-03 Thread Alexander Klimetschek

Grzegorz Kossakowski schrieb:
My opinion is that circular dependencies should not be allowed and I 
agree that more meaningful exception is needed here.

We do need the circular dependency: the basic principle is a super block 
that runs cforms that are mainly defined in a child block - the model lies 
in the child block and it contains a selection-list whose source is 
block:child:/some/matcher - hence the circle, because the selection-list 
will be resolved inside the super block.

Could you please create an issue for this? Providing a patch would be 
even more appreciated. If you are going to work on it please let me know 
to not duplicate the effort.

How could one solve this with spring? Does spring have a mechanism for 
setting circular bean references?


Alexander Klimetschek

Re: StoreJanitor

2007-04-03 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Ard Schrijvers wrote:
 Before I say things that are wrong, please consider that the StoreJanitor was 
invented long before I looked into the cocoon code, so probably a lot of 
discussion and good ideas has been around which I am not aware of. But still, my 
ideas about the StoreJanitor (and sorry for the long mail, but perhaps it might 
contain something useful):

 1) How it works and its intention (I think :-) ):  The StoreJanitor is 
originally invented to monitor cocoon's memory useage and does this by checking 
some memory values every X (default 10) seconds. Beside the fact that I doubt 
users know that it is quite important to configure the store janitor correctly, 
I stick to the defaults and use a heapsize of just a little lower then JVM 

 Now, every 10 seconds, the StoreJanitor does a check wether 
(getJVM().totalMemory() = getMaxHeapSize()  (getJVM().freeMemory()  
getMinFreeMemory()) is true, and if so, the next store is choosen (compared to 
previoud one) and entries are removed from this store (I saw a post that in 
trunk not one single store is chosen anymore, but an equal part of all of them 
is being removed, right?...probably you can configure which stores to use, i 
don't know)

AFAICS there are two freeing algorithms in trunk: round-robin and all-stores.

 2) My Observations: When running high traffic sites and render them live 
(only mod_cache in between which holds pages for 5 to 10 min) like [1] or [2], 
then checking every X sec for a JVM to be low on memory doesn't make sense to 
me. At the moment of checking, the JVM might be perfectly sound but just needed 
some extra memory for a moment, in that case, the Store Janitor is removing 
items from cache while not needed. Also, when the JVM is really in trouble, but 
the Store Janitor is not checking for 5 more secthis might be too long for a 
JVM in a high traffic site when it is low on memory. Problems that result from 
it are:

 - Since there is no way to remove cache entries from the used cache impl by 
the cache's eviction policy, the cache entries from memory are removed by 
starting from entry 0, whatever this might be in the cache. There is a very 
likely situation, that at the very next request, the same cache entries are 
added again.

 - Ones the JVM gets low on memory, and the StoreJanitor is needed, it is 
quite likely that from that moment on, the StoreJanitor runs *every* 10 seconds, 
and keeps removing cache entries which you perhaps don't want to be removed, 
like compiled stylesheets.

yep, that's a problem

 	1) suppose, from one store (or since trunk from multiple stores) 10% 
(default) is removed. This 10% is from the number of memory cache entries. I 
quite frequently happen to have only 200 entries in memory for each store ( I 
have added *many* different stores to enable all we wanted in a high traffic 
environment) and the rest is disk store. Now, suppose, the JVM which has 512 Mb 
of memory, is low on memory, and removes 10% of 200 entries = 20 entries, 
helping me zero!


 These memory entries are my most important ones, so, on the next request, 
they are either added again, or, from diskcache I have a hit, implying that the 
cache will put this cache entry in memory again. If I would use 2000 memory 
items, I am very sure, the 200 items which are cleaned are put back in memory 
before the next StoreJanitor runs.
 	2) I am not sure if in trunk you can configure wether the StoreJanitor 
should leave one store alone, like the DefaultTransientStore. In this store, 
typically, compiled stylesheets end up, and i18n resource bundles. Since these 
files are needed virtually on every request, I had rather not that the 
StoreJanitor removes from this store. I think, the StoreJanitor does so, leaving 
my critical app in an even worse state, and on the next request, the hardly 
improved JVM needs to recompile stylesheets and i18n resource bundles.


 	3) What if the JVM being low is not because of the storesFor example, 
you have added some component which has some problems you did not know, and, 
that component is the real reason for you OOM. The StoreJanitor, sees your low 
memory, and starts removing entries from your perfectly sound cache, leaving you 
app in a much worse situation then it already was. Your component with memory 
leak has some more memory it now can fill, and hapily does this, making the 
StoreJanitor remove more and more entries from cache, untill it ends up with an 
empty cache. You could blame the wrong component for this behavior. One of these 
wrong components in use is the event registry for event caching, which made our 
high traffic sites with 512 Mb crash every two days. Better that I write in 
another mail what I did to the event cache registry, why I did not yet post 
about it, and if others are interested and how to include it in the trunk. 
Bottom line is that there was a major OOM problem if the registry grows, 
resulting in a StoreJanitor 

Re: [release] Prepare RC1 from trunk (core + many blocks + achetypes + rcl-maven-plugin)

2007-04-03 Thread Jorg Heymans

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

The limiting factor is that nobody has done it yet. It would be great if 
you create the artifact and put it into the Apache snapshot repo. Then 
we have some time to test it and if everything works fine, Marc will 

I've created a 1.3-SNAPSHOT off [1] and put it in 
m1-snapshot-repository. I've tested this locally and it seems to be OK.

You can test it by modifying the cforms-impl pom :

Index: pom.xml
--- pom.xml (revision 525249)
+++ pom.xml (working copy)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
-  versionr683/version
+  version1.3-SNAPSHOT/version

Please have a look and let me know in case of problems.



Re: StoreJanitor

2007-04-03 Thread Reinhard Poetz

Reinhard Poetz wrote:

P.S. Ard, answering to your mails is very difficult because there are no 
line breaks. Is anybody else experiencing the same problem or is it only 

Jörg pointed me to the rewrap function of Thunderbird. Using it fixes all my 
problems with never ending lines. Thanks Jörg!

Reinhard Pötz   Independent Consultant, Trainer  (IT)-Coach 

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


Re: Circular deps in servlet connections (was Re: Servlet Services + Shielding)

2007-04-03 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Alexander Klimetschek napisał(a):

Grzegorz Kossakowski schrieb:

We do need the circular dependency: the basic principle is a super 
block that runs cforms that are mainly defined in a child block - the 
model lies in the child block and it contains a selection-list whose 
source is block:child:/some/matcher - hence the circle, because the 
selection-list will be resolved inside the super block.

Let me tell you how i *imagine* servlet-service-fw should deal super 
calls and tell me how it's different from current situation. This should 
help us both.
Let's have two blocks, one named base and one extending, base is 
super block for extending. I've imagined (before using super calls) that 
it would work that way:
extending block is requested for someResource and suppose it has not 
any matching pattern for it, then super (base in our case) block is 
automatically asked for the same. You don't have to provide any generic 
matcher that redirects processing to super block.
Now someResource is catched by base block but it asks for 
internalResource by calling servlet:internalResource. Given that 
base block is called as super of extending, first extending block is 
asked for this resource (because it may override it) and if it does not 
provide one, it's taken from base block.

In short: I mean that super should work as fallback mechanism. I guess 
it does not work that way now. However, this would eliminate need for 
circular dependencies and give cleaner design.

What do you think?

Grzegorz Kossakowski