Re: [ANNOUNCE] Aleksandar Vidakovic as a new Fineract PMC Member

2020-10-14 Thread Frank Nkuyhaga
Congrats Aleks!!

Well deserved!

Frank Nkuyahaga | Tech Lead
m: +256-752503147

> On 14 Oct 2020, at 11:26, Awasum Yannick  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am happy to announce that the Fineract PMC has voted to add Aleks to the 
> PMC and it is good to inform you that He has accepted the invitation to join 
> the PMC.
> Aleks has been a long time production implementer for Fineract and 
> Mifos(during the old days) for various companies. He was made committer in 
> 2018 and recently he led the community to the release of Apache Fineract 1.4 
> as the Release Manager.
> Leading up to the Fineract 1.4 release, Aleks fixed a couple of important 
> issues 
>  and 
> communicated openly and clearly on what needs to be done at each stage. This 
> made the release process very easy. He collaborated alot on the mailing list, 
> JIRA, PRs etc with Mike, Petri, Ed and Myself towards making the release a 
> success. Doing all that demonstrated his leadership skills and something 
> which is required in this community.
> We are happy to welcome Aleks to the PMC. Join me in Congratulating Aleks
> Thanks.
> Awasum Yannick
> VP of Apache Fineract

Re: Mifos Community App - First Repayment Date Issue

2020-07-06 Thread Frank Nkuyhaga
Hi Sharon,

This issue has already been fixed (see PR merge below). Please get the latest 
version from GitHub.

Please let me know if you still have issues after updating

Frank Nkuyahaga | Tech Lead
m: +256-752503147

> On 6 Jul 2020, at 07:42, Sharon Moniz  wrote:
> Hi team,
> We are trying to modify a loan application on the community app and the dates 
> after "22nd June 2020" are disabled for the field 'First Repayment On'.
> We are using the latest community-app version of Mifos. 
> We tried to reproduce the same issue on the online demo community-app Mifos 
> link and noticed the same issue. Could you please take a look and let us know 
> what's the immediate fix for this? 
> /
> Attaching the screenshot for the issue noticed on the demo version.
> Awaiting your reply as it is impacting our live client loan applications. 
> Would like to know the immediate fix/workaround for this.
> Regards,
> Sharon

Re: CI/CD now always automatically deploys the latest Fineract develop branch

2020-05-17 Thread Frank Nkuyhaga
Good stuff Michael! This is a great stride!

> On 17 May 2020, at 14:45, Yemdjih Kaze Nasser  wrote:
> Nice work. Thanks again for your great contributions. 
> On Sun, May 17, 2020, 12:33 Awasum Yannick  > wrote:
> Congratulations Mike. This is very good work and will improve the project as 
> a whole. This is the way to run Enterprise Applications in the 2020s. 
> On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 12:20 PM Michael Vorburger  > wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm happy to share that  
> now always automatically updates itself from the very latest source code 
> available on the develop branch of Fineract! (I actually used to manually 
> update it before.)
> New deployments take about 15’ after any of our great committer merges Pull 
> Requests from you - our contributors. Something that is pretty cool is that 
> on 
>  anyone can now 
> actually see the exact Git commit revision that is currently running (this is 
> based on FINERACT-883 ).
> If you are curious about some of the technical details involved here behind 
> the scenes, 
>  may interest you. You can see one part of what my blog post describes in 
> live action on 
>  - note the new "Deploy to 
> " workflow, driven by 
> .
> Something perhaps worth pointing out here is that this is based on modern 
> cloud native CI/CD... to users, it's made to look like the "server" never 
> "stops". Incoming API HTTP traffic is transparently switched over from old to 
> new runtimes. So as you use , it's now 
> entirely possible that, following the merge of a Pull Request, in one instant 
> you hit "old" code, but your next API request hits "new" code that just got 
> deployed! Cool, right?
> I'm hoping this makes even more useful to the community, and 
> will serve both as a showcase for the project, as well as be of value e.g. 
> for your QA. (Should you have an interest in a non-demo more stable hosted 
> instance of Apache Fineract, please reach out to me privately - I'm 
> interested in learning more about the need and expectations in this space.)
> Stay safe & keep hacking and contributing!
> Best,
> M.
> ___
> Michael Vorburger

Unauthenticated endpoint

2019-06-04 Thread Frank Nkuyhaga
Hi Devs,

I’m trying to add an endpoint to Fineract 1.x that doesn’t require 
authentication. How can I go about this? I’ve tried to add an intercept-url 
entry in the securityContext.xml file but that doesn’t seem to work.

Has anyone done this before? I would appreciate any pointers on how I can 
achieve this. Thank you


How to backup Mifos X db hosted in docker

2019-01-16 Thread Frank Nkuyhaga
Hi Devs

How can I take a backup of a Mifos X database for an instance hosted in docker. 
Any pointers are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Interest Recalculation

2018-11-12 Thread Frank Nkuyhaga
Hi Devs,

Is there an implementation of Mifos X that supports interest recalculation 
whereby the interest is re-computed based on actual date of repayment. I would 
like to achieve something like the attached repayment schedule where a late 
payment triggers interest recalculation such that the interest in the 
instalments prior to the repayment date are payed off.

I would appreciate if anyone would point me in the right direction or possibly 
let me know which parts of the codebase can be tweaked to achieve this quickly.

