Unable to run t/ssl tests.

2005-07-22 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
On Win32...

Using openssl 0.9.8, httpd 2.1-dev (current) and perl-framework
(current)... and I end up in a loop between running t/TEST -clean
and t/TEST -apxs g:/path/to/apxs with this error, every time;

The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
countryName   :PRINTABLE:'US'
stateOrProvinceName   :PRINTABLE:'California'
localityName  :PRINTABLE:'San Francisco'
organizationName  :PRINTABLE:'ASF'
emailAddress  :IA5STRING:'test-dev@httpd.apache.org'
Certificate is to be certified until Jul 22 21:36:28 2006 GMT (365 days)

Write out database with 1 new entries
unable to rename serial to serial.old
reason: File exists
[  error] configure() has failed:
system ca -policy policy_anything -in csr/server_des3_dsa.csr -out certs/server_
des3_dsa.crt -passin pass:httpd -config conf/server_des3_dsa.cnf -batch 
extensions comment failed (exit status=1) at 
G:\built\perl-framework\blib\lib/Apache/TestSSLCA.pm line 172.

[warning] forcing Apache::TestConfig object save
[warning] run 't/TEST -clean' to clean up before continuing

Does this look familiar to anyone?


Re: Unable to run t/ssl tests.

2005-07-22 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 05:20 PM 7/22/2005, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
On Win32...

Using openssl 0.9.8, httpd 2.1-dev (current) and perl-framework
(current)... and I end up in a loop between running t/TEST -clean
and t/TEST -apxs g:/path/to/apxs with this error, every time;

Ok - I lie - now -clean ... -apxs ... results in no ssl certificate
generation whatsoever, although mod_test_ssl.so is generated.  Clues?


Re: Unable to run t/ssl tests.

2005-07-22 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
Well now; rm -rf t , and svn up, gives me the original error
attempting to create 'serial', a 'serial.old' lingers during
the config phase.

Again, any help appreciated.  Joe Orton would like me to try
to reproduce his segv, and perl-framework is not cooperating :)


At 05:33 PM 7/22/2005, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
At 05:20 PM 7/22/2005, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
On Win32...

Using openssl 0.9.8, httpd 2.1-dev (current) and perl-framework
(current)... and I end up in a loop between running t/TEST -clean
and t/TEST -apxs g:/path/to/apxs with this error, every time;

Ok - I lie - now -clean ... -apxs ... results in no ssl certificate
generation whatsoever, although mod_test_ssl.so is generated.  Clues?


Re: Unable to run t/ssl tests.

2005-07-22 Thread Geoffrey Young

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 Well now; rm -rf t , and svn up, gives me the original error
 attempting to create 'serial', a 'serial.old' lingers during
 the config phase.

after nuking t/ make sure to nuke ~/.apache-test (or whatever it is on
win32) and run with APACHE_TEST_NO_STICKY_PREFERENCES=1 from now on to make
sure that things aren't lingering around when they shouldn't.

other than that, I'll have a look on monday, but I'm not a win32 guy :)


Re: Website

2005-07-22 Thread Joe Schaefer
Philip M. Gollucci [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Would it be worthwile for me to invest some time
 in designing a website in the syle of the httpd/apr

Sorry, I think I misunderstood your question earlier.
(I think our section of the httpd site blows, and am 
always eager to fob off that responsibility to someone
else :-).

 From which we could link to the
 doxygen docs like apr/apr-util do ?

Sounds cool to me.  Got more details?

Joe Schaefer

Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-22 Thread Parin Shah
Thanks Ian, Graham and Sergio for your help. 

for past couple of days I am trying to figure out how our
mod-cache-requester should spawn thread (or set of threads).
Currently, I am considering following option. please let me know what
you think about this approach.

- mod-cache-requester would be a sub-module in mod-cache as Graham had
suggested once.

- it would look similar to mod-mem-cache. it would have provider
(mod-cache-requester-provider, for lack of any better word for now)

- mod-cache (cache_url_handler to be precise)  will do lookup for this
provider and will use this provider's methods to push any page which
is soon-to-be-expired in the priority queue.

- in the post config of the mod-cache-requester our pqueue would be
initialized along with mutexes and other stuff.

- now, we would create new thread (or set of threads) in the post
config which would basically contain an infinite loop. it (or they)
will keep checking pqueue and would make sub requests accordingly.

Does this make sense? 

If this approach is correct then I have some questions regarding
thread vs process implementation. I would start discussing it once we
have main architecture in place.


On 7/20/05, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Parin Shah wrote:
  2. how mod-cache-requester can generate the sub request just to reload
  the content in the cache.
 Look inside mod_include - it uses subrequests to be able to embed pages
 within other pages.

[PATCH] SetenvIf OID(2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) (.*) NetscapeComment=$1

2005-07-22 Thread Martin Kraemer
Hi everybody,

Based on a discussion with David Reid and Dirk-Willem van Gulik
since yesterday it is possible to allow or deny access
based on the (string) values of arbitrary X509 extension fields in an
SSL certificate, identified by their object oid (OID):

  # Require the user to have a certain NsComment in the cert, or be ASF 
  SSLRequire TinyCA Generated Certificate in Oid(2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) \
|| committers   in Oid(

This allows flexible control to extension fields for which there
is no standard name (as for the SSL_CLIENT_I_DN_x509 values).

In another discussion with Mads Toftum we talked about how to pass
such an OID information to a backhand program (e.g., a ProxyPass
server) or just to any Apache module that might want to check
access (or do anything else) based on the OID values.

I then came up with the idea of extracting the values of
SSL certificate extensions into environment variables, so that
their value could be used by any module aware of environment
variables, as in:

   SetenvIf Oid( committers svnaccess=rw
   Directory /my/repos
 LimitExcept GET POST
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from env=svnaccess

or similar would for instance allow to check the environment
variable $svnaccess for allowing/denying read/write access.

  SetEnvIf OID(2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) (TinyCA) Generated (Certificate) 

or if you want the var to be set to the oid's value directly, use
  SetenvIf OID(2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) (.*) NetscapeComment=$1

Note that it is technically allowed to have multiple instances
of an extension field, all with the same oid. In this case, the
environment variable will be set to the list of all fields, separated
by commas.

Nice things can be done with environment variables, see
in the docs.

Do you think this is useful?

The [PATCH] uses a cross-module call from mod_setenvif to
mod_ssl (the latter may also be missing: in this case the
variable will never be set). It calls a common function
in the ssl module that returns the list of OID extension
values as an apr array. That same function is also used for
the SSLRequire directive's test.

Index: modules/metadata/mod_setenvif.c
--- modules/metadata/mod_setenvif.c (Revision 220078)
+++ modules/metadata/mod_setenvif.c (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@
 typedef struct {
 char *name; /* header name */
@@ -120,6 +121,12 @@
 } sei_cfg_rec;
 module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA setenvif_module;
+#include mod_ssl.h
+APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(apr_array_header_t *, ssl_extlist_by_oid, (request_rec 
*r, const char *oidstr));
+static APR_OPTIONAL_FN_TYPE(ssl_extlist_by_oid) *ssl_extlist_by_oid_func = 
  * These routines, the create- and merge-config functions, are called
@@ -345,6 +352,31 @@
 else if (!strcasecmp(fname, server_addr)) {
 new-special_type = SPECIAL_SERVER_ADDR;
+else if (!strncasecmp(fname, oid(,4)) {
+ap_regmatch_t match[AP_MAX_REG_MATCH];
+new-special_type = SPECIAL_OID_VALUE;
+/* Syntax check and extraction of the OID as a regex: */
+new-pnamereg = ap_pregcomp(cmd-pool,
+/* this can never happen, as long as pcre works:
+  if (new-pnamereg == NULL)
+return apr_pstrcat(cmd-pool, cmd-cmd-name,
+   OID regex could not be compiled., 
+ */
+if (ap_regexec(new-pnamereg, fname, AP_MAX_REG_MATCH, match, 0) 
+return apr_pstrcat(cmd-pool, cmd-cmd-name,
+   OID syntax is: oid(\\); 
error in: ,
+   fname, NULL);
+new-pnamereg = NULL;
+/* The name field is used for the stripped oid string */
+new-name = fname = apr_pstrdup(cmd-pool, fname+match[1].rm_so);
+fname[match[1].rm_eo - match[1].rm_so] = '\0';
 else {
 new-special_type = SPECIAL_NOT;
 /* Handle fname as a regular expression.
@@ -475,6 +507,8 @@
  * same header.  Remember we don't need to strcmp the two header
  * names because we made sure the 

RE: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-22 Thread Sergio Leonardi
The basic approach is ok for me, I just make a note.
I think that mod_cache should put each cached page in the queue at the time
its entry in the cache is created (or when its expire time has been
changed), setting the proper regeneration time in the queue (e.g.
regeneration time = page expire time - time spent for last page generation).

In such a way there's no need to lookup for what's expiring, just sleep
until something needs to be regenerated.


-Original Message-
From: Parin Shah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: venerdì 22 luglio 2005 8.02
To: dev@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

Thanks Ian, Graham and Sergio for your help. 

for past couple of days I am trying to figure out how our
mod-cache-requester should spawn thread (or set of threads).
Currently, I am considering following option. please let me know what
you think about this approach.

- mod-cache-requester would be a sub-module in mod-cache as Graham had
suggested once.

- it would look similar to mod-mem-cache. it would have provider
(mod-cache-requester-provider, for lack of any better word for now)

- mod-cache (cache_url_handler to be precise)  will do lookup for this
provider and will use this provider's methods to push any page which
is soon-to-be-expired in the priority queue.

- in the post config of the mod-cache-requester our pqueue would be
initialized along with mutexes and other stuff.

- now, we would create new thread (or set of threads) in the post
config which would basically contain an infinite loop. it (or they)
will keep checking pqueue and would make sub requests accordingly.

Does this make sense? 

If this approach is correct then I have some questions regarding
thread vs process implementation. I would start discussing it once we
have main architecture in place.


On 7/20/05, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Parin Shah wrote:
  2. how mod-cache-requester can generate the sub request just to reload
  the content in the cache.
 Look inside mod_include - it uses subrequests to be able to embed pages
 within other pages.

Re: Dispatching MPM

2005-07-22 Thread Nick Maynard

Feedback greatly appreciated...

Hello Michal,

This sounds like a great idea!  Obviously, perchild is dead, so needs a 
replacement.  MetuxMPM doesn't handle SSL at all, which is a serious 
limitation for anyone who wants to use it seriously (after all, who uses 
a perchild model for security and doesn't use SSL?).

Something to throw into the mix - mod_php.  As we all know mod_php 
doesn't like threaded environments (dependencies on non threadsafe 
libraries), and as such admins are limited to using process-based MPMs. 
 Can I suggest you consider making the MPM thread/process agnostic? 
This way two MPMs, one process-based and one thread-based, could be 
created from the same codebase, allowing admins to select the one that's 
best for their setup.  Forgive me if I've hit on a technical 
impossibility - my coding skills have sadly deteriorated since university.



Nick Maynard

Re: svn commit: r219940 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: docs/manual/mod/mod_ssl.xml modules/ssl/ssl_expr.h modules/ssl/ssl_expr_eval.c modules/ssl/ssl_expr_parse.y modules/ssl/ssl_expr_scan.l

2005-07-22 Thread Joe Orton
On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 04:42:59PM -, Martin Kraemer wrote:
 Author: martin
 Date: Wed Jul 20 09:42:58 2005
 New Revision: 219940
 URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs?rev=219940view=rev
 Collaborative work: (Thanks, dreid!)
 Implement OID checking for mod_ssl. This code allows for checking of 
 arbitrary client
 certificate extensions by OID, in a syntax like:
SSLRequire BaDCA Generated Certificate in Oid(2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) \
   || committers   in Oid(
 Note the following:
 * A given OID can occur multiple times in one cert, with different values. 
   the OID function compares the left-hand string against each of the OID 
   until a complete match is found. If none patches, the result is FALSE
 * The left hand side can be another expression, so can be a reference to a 
   or an file() invocation etc.
 * The OID is also just a reference to a string, or function, or whatever.
 * My manual description is very short. Someone else please help improve the 

1) this is a pretty specific to way to code it.  Is there no way to make 
it more general so that OID() is just a function like file() and can be 
used e.g. in regex matches too?

2) you must always check in the regenerated generated scanner source 
along with changes to the lex file.



Re: svn commit: r219940 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: docs/manual/mod/mod_ssl.xml modules/ssl/ssl_expr.h modules/ssl/ssl_expr_eval.c modules/ssl/ssl_expr_parse.y modules/ssl/ssl_expr_scan.l

2005-07-22 Thread Joe Orton
On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 11:12:07AM +0100, Joe Orton wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 04:42:59PM -, Martin Kraemer wrote:
  Author: martin
  Date: Wed Jul 20 09:42:58 2005
  New Revision: 219940
  URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs?rev=219940view=rev
  Collaborative work: (Thanks, dreid!)
  Implement OID checking for mod_ssl. This code allows for checking of 
  arbitrary client
  certificate extensions by OID, in a syntax like:
 SSLRequire BaDCA Generated Certificate in 
  Oid(2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) \
|| committers   in Oid(
  Note the following:
  * A given OID can occur multiple times in one cert, with different values. 
the OID function compares the left-hand string against each of the OID 
until a complete match is found. If none patches, the result is FALSE
  * The left hand side can be another expression, so can be a reference to a 
or an file() invocation etc.
  * The OID is also just a reference to a string, or function, or whatever.
  * My manual description is very short. Someone else please help improve the 

and since I can't update to fix (2) myself, here's another...

3) oid() is a terrible name for this; it's simply the type of the 
parameter.  It would be like calling malloc() size().  The function 
expands (conceptually) to the values of an extension in the peer's 
certificate, identified by OID; so call it peerext() or something 
meaningful like that.

Re: svn commit: r219940 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: docs/manual/mod/mod_ssl.xml modules/ssl/ssl_expr.h modules/ssl/ssl_expr_eval.c modules/ssl/ssl_expr_parse.y modules/ssl/ssl_expr_scan.l

2005-07-22 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 12:02:29PM +0100, Joe Orton wrote:
 and since I can't update to fix (2) myself, here's another...

Try again.  All should be operational again.  -- justin

Re: svn commit: r219936 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk/modules/aaa: mod_authz_dbm.c mod_authz_groupfile.c mod_authz_user.c

2005-07-22 Thread Justin Erenkrantz

--On July 21, 2005 6:30:36 PM +0200 Rich Bowen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry. This is actually my very first code patch in all the years I've
been working with Apache. Picking a nit. Will fix.

No worries - by all means, feel free to commit!  Just expect that we'll treat 
your commits with the same scrutiny as everyone else.  ;-)  -- justin

Re: svn commit: r220307 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk/modules: metadata/mod_setenvif.c ssl/mod_ssl.c ssl/mod_ssl.h ssl/ssl_expr_eval.c

2005-07-22 Thread Joe Orton
On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 12:11:56PM -, Martin Kraemer wrote:
 Author: martin
 Date: Fri Jul 22 05:11:55 2005
 New Revision: 220307
 URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs?rev=220307view=rev
 Allow extraction of the values of SSL certificate extensions into
 environment variables, so that their value can be used by any
 module that is aware of environment variables, as in:

So what is the point in posting patches for review if you don't actually 
wait for anyone to review them before committing?

   SetEnvIf OID(2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) (.*) Generated (Certificate) ca=$1

-1 on the naming since OID is completely entirely meaningless in this 

  module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA setenvif_module;
 +#include mod_ssl.h

unnecessary for trunk code to care about the MMN, it can always rely on 
mod_ssl.h being available.

 +extern apr_array_header_t *ssl_extlist_by_oid(request_rec *r, const char 

and don't export the function as well as the optional function.

Re: svn commit: r220307 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk/modules: metadata/mod_setenvif.c ssl/mod_ssl.c ssl/mod_ssl.h ssl/ssl_expr_eval.c

2005-07-22 Thread Sander Striker

Joe Orton wrote:

On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 12:11:56PM -, Martin Kraemer wrote:

Author: martin
Date: Fri Jul 22 05:11:55 2005
New Revision: 220307

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs?rev=220307view=rev
Allow extraction of the values of SSL certificate extensions into
environment variables, so that their value can be used by any
module that is aware of environment variables, as in:

So what is the point in posting patches for review if you don't actually 
wait for anyone to review them before committing?

That would be my fault.  We're here at ApacheCon and when Martin said
he posted to the list first I asked him why he didn't commit to trunk
directly, since that is C-T-R.  It's a reasonable smallish patch, with
little impact on existing functionality; hence the nudge.


bw_mod : How to do some stuff.

2005-07-22 Thread Ivan Barrera A.

  I've been working on this mod since a time now. I've done most of the
work before, but i'm working on improve and fix some bugs.

  This started as an ugly hack to bandwidth_mod for apache 1.x (really
ugly). Then looking at some other code, i learn how to do it the right
way (using buckets, and splitting them). As simple as it may sound,
there is a complication. Using non-threaded MPM, i must use some sort of
shared memory resource to share the stats of the bandwidth used by each
client within the vhost context. This is exactly the way i implemented
it, but i have some issues :(
  I cant do bw configuration on .htaccess files, as i need to allocate a
different space of memory to hold that configuracion and stats. (or
maybe i can, but i dont know how).
  There is another catch. I'm not able to know the exact speed a client
is downloading something, as i just split the buckets, and send each
with certain delay. I think i may need to write another output filter
(final in the chain) which will write to the client, and get the real
speed he is using, so the can give a more accurate speed to each one.
(currently it just splits the total speed with the number of clients).

  Some pointers, recommendations, and even better, if someone knows some
code that does something similar, would be useful. My idea is to have a
complete bandwidth control mod for use. (bw throttle, bw limiting, bw
per period, bw accounting). My main trouble, is the shm part (as i need
to reallocate pools of memory)

  The code to bw_mod is on http://ivn.cl/apache , version 0.6. It works
pretty stable, some minor glitches, on lots of platforms (linux, BSD,
Win, Solaris, MacOSX, etc) on many archs (x86,ppc,mips,sparc).

Feedback greatly appreciated.


SSI for gzipped files

2005-07-22 Thread - Barry -
I have an idea for someone to implement and give me credit for. I recently 
needed to have my SSI work from a gz file. The server-intensive way to make 
that work is to decompress the file to read the SSI, make the changes, then 
optionally compress it again before sending it to the client. There's are 
better ways, which browsers would have to be developed to support, in some 
cases with no change to the servers. Since the www-html list has been giving 
me trouble, I'm posting the idea to this list. The best solution requires 
server support anyway.

Have the server store SSI directives and the names of the files that contain 
them separately from the files when the files are compressed on the server. 
If the files were uploaded already compressed, then any SSI and file names 
should be uploaded separately, uncompressed. When a compressed shtml file 
(with SSI) is requested by a browser, the server would process the SSI 
without having to decompress the file that contains it, and would send a 
supporting browser the processed SSI in addition to the main file for the 
browser to combine after decompression. This could also be a security 
feature because the file name could be omitted from a virtual-include 
directive, and the text virtual-include alone could be the marker for 
where the markup gets inserted, so even if the browser can't include the 
markup from the SSI directive, the URL from the include won't be visible.

If the server doesn't support that and the browser receives a gzipped file 
with SSI in it, the browser should check for alternative support for gzipped 
SSI, which would be for the server to send an ID code with the gzipped file, 
which the browser would send back to the server along with the uncompressed 
SSI directive, so if the ID is correct, the server would process the SSI and 
send it to the browser to be combined with the webpage.

The final backup method would require no special server support at all. The 
browser would just decompress the file, request the page at the URL that's 
in the SSI directive, and if HTML is served, the browser would insert it 
into the webpage.


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Re: SSI for gzipped files

2005-07-22 Thread Jem Berkes
 I have an idea for someone to implement and give me credit for. I
 recently needed to have my SSI work from a gz file. The server-intensive
 way to make

Interesting, I've wanted to accomplish the same thing but couldn't figure 
out a good way to do it. Maybe there are a lot of people who need this?

Re: SSI for gzipped files

2005-07-22 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.
At 04:17 PM 7/22/2005, Jem Berkes wrote:
 I have an idea for someone to implement and give me credit for. I
 recently needed to have my SSI work from a gz file. The server-intensive
 way to make

Interesting, I've wanted to accomplish the same thing but couldn't figure 
out a good way to do it. Maybe there are a lot of people who need this?

I think we need a slightly more intellegent hook insertion
schema; something that a hook can identify what C-L/C-T/T-E that
it can grok (SSI would play stupid, of course) and httpd would
inject appropriately registered filters in front, and afterwards.

The exact schema and syntax escapes me at the moment, but this is
something that interested Nick Kew, refactoring our filter ordering
and registration schema.  You raise a good point for the crowd to


bad liblucene4c.la while building lucene4c

2005-07-22 Thread steve johnson
I am trying to build lucene4c to use with mod_mbox for
a SoC project.  I have checked out the gcj-backend
branch of lucene4c, checked out the trunk version of
apr and built it with the experimental library
enabled, and built  lucene4c with gcj4.  The resultant
liblucene4c.la file looks like this:


I have never used libtool before but that .la doesn't
look like any others I have seen and mod_mbox doesn't
like it either:

libtool: link: `/usr/local/lib/liblucene4c.la' is not
a valid libtool archive

Anyone have a suggestion?  

Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-22 Thread Parin Shah
This would definitely relieve mod-cache from checking the status of
page every time. But then, we would not be able to keep track of the
popularity of the pages.

But yes, this is a good observation. If we could come up with a
mechanism where we could keep track of popularity of pages (# no of
requests, and last access time) without mod-cache's interference, than
that would be a better approach.


On 7/22/05, Sergio Leonardi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The basic approach is ok for me, I just make a note.
 I think that mod_cache should put each cached page in the queue at the time
 its entry in the cache is created (or when its expire time has been
 changed), setting the proper regeneration time in the queue (e.g.
 regeneration time = page expire time - time spent for last page generation).
 In such a way there's no need to lookup for what's expiring, just sleep
 until something needs to be regenerated.
 -Original Message-
 From: Parin Shah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: venerdì 22 luglio 2005 8.02
 To: dev@httpd.apache.org
 Subject: Re: mod-cache-requestor plan
 Thanks Ian, Graham and Sergio for your help.
 for past couple of days I am trying to figure out how our
 mod-cache-requester should spawn thread (or set of threads).
 Currently, I am considering following option. please let me know what
 you think about this approach.
 - mod-cache-requester would be a sub-module in mod-cache as Graham had
 suggested once.
 - it would look similar to mod-mem-cache. it would have provider
 (mod-cache-requester-provider, for lack of any better word for now)
 - mod-cache (cache_url_handler to be precise)  will do lookup for this
 provider and will use this provider's methods to push any page which
 is soon-to-be-expired in the priority queue.
 - in the post config of the mod-cache-requester our pqueue would be
 initialized along with mutexes and other stuff.
 - now, we would create new thread (or set of threads) in the post
 config which would basically contain an infinite loop. it (or they)
 will keep checking pqueue and would make sub requests accordingly.
 Does this make sense?
 If this approach is correct then I have some questions regarding
 thread vs process implementation. I would start discussing it once we
 have main architecture in place.
 On 7/20/05, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Parin Shah wrote:
   2. how mod-cache-requester can generate the sub request just to reload
   the content in the cache.
  Look inside mod_include - it uses subrequests to be able to embed pages
  within other pages.