In pratica ci ha risposto picche. Ho capito bene?

Da: Michael Marth []
Inviato: domenica 1 maggio 2016 20:30
Cc: Morelli Alessandra <>; Carboniero Enrico 
<>; Diquigiovanni Simone <>
Oggetto: Re: Another question about oak: different storage support

Hi Francesco,

To my knowledge one cannot add (on Oak level) a number of additional discs.
As a workaround one could mount (on OS-level) different discs into the file 
store’s directory. This would somewhat help with increasing disc size. It would 
not help with storing different types of binaries in different locations as the 
binaries are stored content-addressed (so the context of file type etc is lost 
at the datastore level).

In order to have multiple (chained) data stores: I am sure there would be great 
interest in the Oak community for such a feature. IIRC there is such a chained 
implementation in Jackrabbit 2, but I cannot find it right now.
The interesting aspect of a multiple datastores: reading is simple (just go 
along the chain). But rules where to write are more involved because of the 
content-addressed nature of the DS.

There is an improvement issue regarding related work in


From: Ancona Francesco 
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Friday 29 April 2016 18:43
To: "<>" 
Cc: Morelli Alessandra 
<<>>, Carboniero 
Enrico <<>>, 
Diquigiovanni Simone 
Subject: Another question about oak: different storage support

as i explained in other mail, we are building an ECM on top of OAK.

A frequent business question about storage management is the following: in oak 
configuration in which we have mongo as document store and filesystem, we set a 
specific path where we mount the storage; if we have space problem, can we 
mount another storage? In other world, oak can manage multiple BlobStore and so 
use different filesystem path to store binary data ?

It could be useful if i want manage different type of storage linked to 
different type of documents: for example i could store a document type in a NAS 
while another in a SAN if i want better performance.

Thanks in advance,
best regards

Francesco Ancona | Software Dev. Dept. (SP) - Software Architect
tel. +39 049 8979797 | fax +39 049 8978800 | cel. +39 3299060325
e-mail:<> |

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