[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-22 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Thanks - it's only being near to a release that makes it of significance.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-22 Thread xristy
Github user xristy commented on the issue:

I haven't updated the documentation yet - which I plan to do over the next 
couple of days. I'm happy to mark 
[JENA-1556](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-1556) resolved now.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-22 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Staging now has links on the "Contributing" page to the workflow and to the 
release process.

One last thing : can 
[Jena-1556](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JENA-1556) be resolved or do 
you want to keep it open for something?  If it is marked "resolved", the during 
release it will be closed. This helps tracking all the changes in a release.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-20 Thread xristy
Github user xristy commented on the issue:

Thanks everyone. I seemed to have finally merged PR#436. I ended up using 
@rvesse plus a bit from the commit workflow (which I agree should be linked on 
the Contributing page):

> git checkout master
> git pull apache master
> git merge Jena-1556-MutilingualEnhancements-3.8.0
> mvn clean install -Pdev
> git push apache master

I put the proper defns in the jena/.git/config for the remotes


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-20 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

The docs look really good! Only feedback I have:

* It's possible to avoid the empty commit, by amending the last commit 
adding "this closes #123". That's what I normally do when I work in other 
* Should we also merge + --no-ff, or is fetch/rebase all right too? I've 
done it a few times, but happy to do merge + --no-ff instead if desirable 
* Perhaps a link in the website for it, under Contributing? Or a new page? 
It's probably related to 
http://jena.apache.org/getting_involved/reviewing_contributions.html too? (or 
maybe there's already a link somewhere?)



[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-20 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

I have a copy of Jena cloned from git-wip-us.apache.org = a added second 
remote for github (this is so it is called as "github", not the full URL 

To merge, I have been using that one, merge from github (--no-ff) into 
local master and push to origin/master.

Is there anything we can do to improve 


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-20 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Committer workflow:



[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-20 Thread rvesse
Github user rvesse commented on the issue:

@xristy I think you can just merge as you would normally though you 
probably need to be explicit about the remote and branch you are using for 
remote operations:

> git checkout master
> git pull apache-origin master
> git merge Jena-1556-MutilingualEnhancements-3.8.0
> git push apache-origin master


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-19 Thread xristy
Github user xristy commented on the issue:

@kinow Thank you very much for the pointers. I think I'm closer. 

I added a remote apache-origin (should have called it jena-origin I 

Then did:

git push apache-origin

and got encouraging result:

Counting objects: 3316, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (1017/1017), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3316/3316), 795.73 KiB | 99.47 MiB/s, done.
Total 3316 (delta 1505), reused 3218 (delta 1453)
remote: jena git commit: added auxIndex unit test
remote: jena git commit: added searchFor unit tests
remote: jena git commit: various cleanup per @kinow
remote: jena git commit: cleanup per comments from afs
remote: jena git commit: JENA-1556 implementation
To https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/jena.git
 * [new branch]JENA-1556-MutilingualEnhancements-3.8.0 -> 

unfortunately I don't know how to merge the new branch into `master`. This 
is my first time working directly with the Apache git repo.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-19 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

@xristy if you'd like to merge it, and you cannot use the GitHub interface, 
then you can

* Add a remote in your git repository using the developerConnection URL 
from the pom.xml (https://github.com/apache/jena/blob/master/pom.xml) but 
without the scm:git part (i.e. https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/jena.git)
* Merge the work and push to master
* If the commit tree is OK, GitHub should understand this branch was 
merged. But if you changed or didn't rebase the code, you can still close it 
manually, or amend a commit and add somewhere in the message "This closes 



[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-19 Thread xristy
Github user xristy commented on the issue:

@afs I don't have write access to this github mirror repo and don't 
immediately see how work in the `git-wip-us.apache.org` so I'm not sure how to 
proceed with merging


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-17 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Just checking in - when this is ready, merge it in.

I don't have an opinion on @kinow's comments - I don't work closely with 
this area of the code - but I would say that simplifying/refactoring can happen 
as a second PR.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-15 Thread xristy
Github user xristy commented on the issue:

@kinow I think the configuration and results reflect the `text:searchFor` 
functionality; however, in the analyzer defn for the tag `jp`:

 text:analyzer [
   a text:GenericAnalyzer ;
   text:class "org.apache.lucene.analysis.ja.JapaneseAnalyzer" ;
   text:tokenizer <#tokenizer> ;

the `text:tokenizer <#tokenizer> ;` is not effective. Tokenizer specs work 
with `ConfigurableAnalyzer` and are ignored in `text:GenericAnalyzer`. Perhaps 
a warning should be logged but that means checking for the presence of 
unsupported predicates?

> the complexity put on TextIndexLucene. A few methods are getting a 
boolean flag to change their behaviour. And when that happens too much, 
sometimes it may feel like the method has two behaviours, and writing tests or 
changing it may be challenging. Maybe it could extend it in some other way.

I'm not sure how to improve this. The flag in `highlightResults` affects 
the value of the `effectiveField` in the context of a larger method, and the 
flag in `getQueryAnalyzer` conditions whether any useful work is done or not. I 
factored that as a method rather than leaving it inline in `query$` to reduce 
the clutter in that principal routine.

> it's not a batteries-included feature, if I understand correctly. You 
still need to prepare the other part of the solution, be it a tokenizer that 
gets a value such as "kinou", then searches some dictionary, and finally create 
tokens for :ex3 dc:title "昨日" and "きのう", or change the data a bit. 
Maybe this could be a separate project, or an extension of sorts.

I'm not sure what you are recommending here. The `text:searchFor` and 
`text:auxIndex` functionalities are ways of configuring the _application_ of 
appropriate analyzers that have been separately defined. So yes the features 
are not self-contained in that analyzers do have to be supplied.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-14 Thread xristy
Github user xristy commented on the issue:

@afs I will work on unit tests over the next couple of days. I wanted to 
get the main code in for review. It would be great to get into 3.8.0 pending 
@kinow and others reviews.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-14 Thread kinow
Github user kinow commented on the issue:

This weekend I'm working on Commons, but planning on trying this pull 
request if time allows, so hopefully providing feedback if that worked with the 
Japanese example discussed in JIRA soon.


[GitHub] jena issue #436: JENA-1556 implementation

2018-06-14 Thread afs
Github user afs commented on the issue:

Much cleaner!

I don't see tests.

Do you want to get this into the 3.8.0 release? I'm happy to hold off the 
release for a short while so this PR can be discussed and merged. (I'd like to 
get 3.8.0 done this month but we don't have a hard deadline.)

@xristy What's your guidance here?
