Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-98: Exactly Once Delivery and Transactional Messaging

2017-01-30 Thread Eugen Dueck

> The PID and sequence numbers are totally transparent to applications.

Now that you say it, the cwiki makes that point already pretty clear by 
the way the Producer API is (not) being changed. Sorry for taking your 
time on this.

In other words, at the point where messages enter the Kafka system for 
the first time, KIP-98 does not provide exactly-once guarantees across 
producer sessions.

This all makes sense, and what I am trying to do is probably best 
tackled on the business layer - where it needs to be done anyway if one 
cares about end-to-end guarantees - so I will just resend all 
potentially unsent messages when a producer fails, and use a 
business-level id inside the message to de-duplicate messages further 

This also exhibits good performance (no additional persisting to disk of 
seq-id information). As de-duplication processing is stateful, a 
consumer might want to maintain (and persist to another topic) an x-hour 
"LRU business ids" cache - but that seems straightforward with Kafka.

Anyway, this is no longer of interest to KIP-98. Thanks for the 


On 2017年01月31日 04:39, Apurva Mehta wrote:

Eugen, moving your email to the main thread so that it doesn't get split.

The `` is a prerequisite for using transactional APIs.
And only messages wrapped inside transactions will enjoy idempotent
guarantees across sessions, and that too only when they employ a
consume-process-produce pattern.

Say I have a producer, producing messages into a topic and I only want to
guarantee the producer cannot insert duplicates. In other words, there's no
downstream consumer/processor to be worried about - which, when considering
the correctness of the data only, is all I need for idempotent producers,
as every message has a unique id (offset), so downstream processes can take
care of exactly once processing by any number of means. (If you need
transactional all-or-none behavior, which KIP-98 also addresses, that's of
course a more complex story)

I was under the impression that KIP-98 would fulfill above requirement,
i.e. the prevention of duplicate inserts of the same message into a topic
per producer, without using transactions, and guaranteed across tcp
connections to handle producer/broker crashes and network problems.

The KIP-98 idempotent producer solution only protects against duplicates in
the stream when there are broker failures and network problems. For
instance, if a producer writes a message, and the leader commits and
replicates the message but dies before the acknowledgement is sent to the
client. Today, the client will resend the message which will be accepted by
the new leader, hence causing duplicates. Also, the offsets of the
duplicate messages in this case will be unique, so they can't be de-duped
downstream based on the offset.

If the client application itself dies, it needs to know which messages were
previously sent so that it doesn't resend them when it comes back online.
The proposed solution to this situation is to use transactional APIs and
the consume-process-produce pattern. If you do so, partially processed
previous inputs will be discarded, and processing will resume from the last
committed state.

In other words, producers where the `` is specified will

not enjoy idempotence across sessions unless their messages are
transactional. ie. that the sends  are wrapped between `beginTransaction`,
`sendOffsets`, and `commitTransaction`.

From the KIP-98 wiki and the design document, I understand that AppIDs,
PIDs, and sequence numbers are enforced regardless of their being wrapped
in a transaction or not. Is that not so?

The PID and sequence numbers are totally transparent to applications. If
you enable idempotent production, these will be created and managed by

AppIds only need to be specified if you use the four new transactional
APIs. This is enforced at runtime.

Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-98: Exactly Once Delivery and Transactional Messaging

2017-01-29 Thread Eugen Dueck

Thanks Apurva - replies inline.

On 2017年01月27日 15:19, Apurva Mehta wrote:

Eugen, moving your email to the main thread so that it doesn't get split.

The `` is a prerequisite for using transactional APIs.
And only messages wrapped inside transactions will enjoy idempotent
guarantees across sessions, and that too only when they employ a
consume-process-produce pattern.

Say I have a producer, producing messages into a topic and I only want 
to guarantee the producer cannot insert duplicates. In other words, 
there's no downstream consumer/processor to be worried about - which, 
when considering the correctness of the data only, is all I need for 
idempotent producers, as every message has a unique id (offset), so 
downstream processes can take care of exactly once processing by any 
number of means. (If you need transactional all-or-none behavior, which 
KIP-98 also addresses, that's of course a more complex story)

I was under the impression that KIP-98 would fulfill above requirement, 
i.e. the prevention of duplicate inserts of the same message into a 
topic per producer, without using transactions, and guaranteed across 
tcp connections to handle producer/broker crashes and network problems.

In other words, producers where the `` is specified will
not enjoy idempotence across sessions unless their messages are
transactional. ie. that the sends  are wrapped between `beginTransaction`,
`sendOffsets`, and `commitTransaction`.

From the KIP-98 wiki and the design document, I understand that AppIDs, 
PIDs, and sequence numbers are enforced regardless of their being 
wrapped in a transaction or not. Is that not so?


The comment about the heartbeat was just a passing comment about the fact
that an AppId could be expired if a producer doesn't use transactions for a
long time. We don't plan to implement heartbeats in V1, though we might in
the future.

Hope this clarified things.


KIP-98 says

 > A unique and persistent way to identify a
producer. This is used to ensure idempotency and to enable transaction
recovery or rollback across producer sessions. This is optional: you will
lose cross-session guarantees if this is blank.
which might suggest that a producer that does not use the transactional
features, but does set the, could get cross-session
idempotency. But the design document "Exactly Once Delivery and
Transactional Messaging in Kafka" rules that out:
 > For the idempotent producer (i.e., producer that do not use
transactional APIs), currently we do not make any cross-session guarantees
in any case. In the future, we can extend this guarantee by having the
producer to periodically send InitPIDRequest to the transaction coordinator
to keep the AppID from expiring, which preserves the producer's zombie
Until that point in the future, could my non-transactional producer send a
InitPIDRequest once and then heartbeat via BeginTxnRequest/EndTxnRequest(ABORT)
in intervals less than in order to
guarantee cross-session itempotency? Or is that not guaranteed because
"currently we do not make any cross-session guarantees in any case"? I know
this is would be an ugly hack.
I guess that is also what the recently added "Producer HeartBeat" feature
proposal would address - although it is described to prevent idle
transactional producers from having their AppIds expired.

Related question: If KIP-98 does not make cross-session guarantees for
idempotent producers, is the only improvement over the current idempotency
situation the prevention of duplicate messages in case of a partition
leader migration? Because if a broker fails or the publisher fails, KIP-98
does not seem to change the risk of dupes for non-transactional producers.

Btw: Good job! Both in terms of Kafka in general, and KIP-98 in particular


On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Apurva Mehta  wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Apurva Mehta  wrote:

Hi Jun,

Some answers in line.

109. Could you describe when Producer.send() will receive an Unrecognized


This exception will be thrown if the producer sends a sequence number
which is greater than the sequence number expected by the broker (ie. more
than 1 greater than the previously sent sequence number). This can happen
in two cases:

a) If there is a bug in the producer where sequence numbers are
incremented more than once per message. So the producer itself will send
messages with gaps in sequence numbers.
b) The broker somehow lost a previous message. In a cluster configured
for durability (ie. no unclean leader elections, replication factor of 3,
min.isr of 2, acks=all, etc.), this should not happened.

So realistically, this exception will only be thrown in clusters
configured for high availability where brokers could lose messages.

Becket raised the question if 

Guaranteeing cross-session idempotency with KIP-98

2017-01-26 Thread Eugen Dueck

KIP-98 says

 > A unique and persistent way to identify a 
producer. This is used to ensure idempotency and to enable transaction 
recovery or rollback across producer sessions. This is optional: you 
will lose cross-session guarantees if this is blank.

which might suggest that a producer that does not use the transactional 
features, but does set the, could get cross-session 
idempotency. But the design document "Exactly Once Delivery and 
Transactional Messaging in Kafka" rules that out:

 > For the idempotent producer (i.e., producer that do not use 
transactional APIs), currently we do not make any cross-session 
guarantees in any case. In the future, we can extend this guarantee by 
having the producer to periodically send InitPIDRequest to the 
transaction coordinator to keep the AppID from expiring, which preserves 
the producer's zombie defence.

Until that point in the future, could my non-transactional producer send 
a InitPIDRequest once and then heartbeat via 
BeginTxnRequest/EndTxnRequest(ABORT) in intervals less than in order to guarantee cross-session 
itempotency? Or is that not guaranteed because "currently we do not make 
any cross-session guarantees in any case"? I know this is would be an 
ugly hack.

I guess that is also what the recently added "Producer HeartBeat" 
feature proposal would address - although it is described to prevent 
idle transactional producers from having their AppIds expired.

Related question: If KIP-98 does not make cross-session guarantees for 
idempotent producers, is the only improvement over the current 
idempotency situation the prevention of duplicate messages in case of a 
partition leader migration? Because if a broker fails or the publisher 
fails, KIP-98 does not seem to change the risk of dupes for 
non-transactional producers.

Btw: Good job! Both in terms of Kafka in general, and KIP-98 in particular
