Re: Future of JavaHelp (or a replacement) in NetBeans?

2018-09-23 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke
Jep, agree. I also tried DocBook and broke my neck on it. Did cost too 
much time.

Too keep it simply we could go with the standard Online help but with an 
offline option so the help can be read if not connected. Conversion 
would be minimal as one "only" would need to migrate the control XML 
files deciding the book order (topics etc.) but most of the core text 
stays the same as they already are in HTML.


On 9/23/2018 8:55 AM, Tim Boudreau wrote:

On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 5:18 AM Oliver Rettig  wrote:

Hi Jan,

this sound interesting for me. In the past I have also thought about

Having written two books using DocBook, one word: Don't.

Something simple and text-based, especially something you can fill the gaps
in with HTML markup if you've just GOT to do something fancy, is more than
enough. Markdown or one of the many cousins it has is simple and noise free.

With DocBook, on the other hand, you get

  - A gargantuan DTD you have to pick a subset of to keep your sanity, and
then police that uses stay within that subset - you don't need something
that includes every subvariant of a footnote or endnote ever invented for
an academic paper
  - Last time I dealt with it, there were no Java XML parsers that could
actually handle the stylesheets
  - Markup that is far less suggestive of what the end result is going to
look like

You could do most of the structuring of help with a simple convention for
naming and nestling subfolders, with a very simple markup language.

DocBook for this is kind of like launching an aircraft carrier to swat a


. Can you share

the XSLT stylesheets to get an idea how it works and how looks?

There exist some ant tasks

maybe based on we can create some default procedure to integreate help
into our platform

At the moment I also use docuwiki to make documentation for my patform
apps availble:

There is a plugin to create the tox.xml and map.xml file from java-help

So at the moment I create my documentation by dokuwiki ant than I create
my java-help
based on this.  The advantage is that some custumers inclusive me can easy
write together
on the documentation and from time to time I update ma java-doc from this.

Any ideas are welcome:-)

best regards

Btw, not NB related, we switched from JavaHelp to a set of static HTML


(generated using custom XSLT stylesheets from DocBook XML source): + no
internet access is required
+ preserving context help linking
+ easier styling
+ responsive layout
- limited search capabilities (keywords processed by lucene are exported
into simple text file, no complex queries can be used)

That search can be hardly improved without serving HTML pages via local
webserver (which was rejected by lead developers). Without webserver


are many security constraints like inability to load external content
dynamically or problematic cookie/local storage management.

We also publish same document to online CMS portal, here with the full
search capabilities. It is available there as a set of pages with


navigation (outline, breadcrumbs, prev/next buttons), but also as a


PDF file (which is stil requested by many users - it can be stored as
single file and printed easily). These outputs we produce again from


DocBook XML source.

It is up to the user if he choose online/offline (context) help. The


option is online help. That offline variant is considered as a fallback


case of none or poor internet connection.


-Original Message-----
From: Bernd Ruehlicke 
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2018 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: Future of JavaHelp (or a replacement) in NetBeans?

Uh ... my application is often used in areas without any network
connection. Even though the UI is not the most beautiful in the world


is a very helpful tool and I use JavaHelp quite extensively. Of course


am in line with Time, a chance is needed but we should have the case in
mind for off-line users. With JavaHelp I like that it is integrated to
my application and not some website - it ships with it integrated
nicely. This could of course be solve easy by simply add a Help->Update
Offline Help and it simply dumps the current online help to disk for
offline usage. Maybe even automatically avoiding a menu item, using the
same idea as the Update Server that on startup the app is checking of
the online documentation has been updated and pops up a suggestion to
the user to "Want to update offline documentation", i.e. the online


Re: Future of JavaHelp (or a replacement) in NetBeans?

2018-09-22 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke
Uh ... my application is often used in areas without any network 
connection. Even though the UI is not the most beautiful in the world it 
is a very helpful tool and I use JavaHelp quite extensively. Of course I 
am in line with Time, a chance is needed but we should have the case in 
mind for off-line users. With JavaHelp I like that it is integrated to 
my application and not some website - it ships with it integrated 
nicely. This could of course be solve easy by simply add a Help->Update 
Offline Help and it simply dumps the current online help to disk for 
offline usage. Maybe even automatically avoiding a menu item, using the 
same idea as the Update Server that on startup the app is checking of 
the online documentation has been updated and pops up a suggestion to 
the user to "Want to update offline documentation", i.e. the online help 
always has a offline copy by default.


On 9/22/2018 9:48 AM, Antonio wrote:

+1 to online help.

On 22/09/18 16:16, Tim Boudreau wrote:
I've been thinking for at least a decade and a half that javahelp 
needs to
die. It's basically a clone of the Windows 3.1 help system. Evidence 

last I knew, that it was rarely used by real users.

Online help would, IMHO, be fine in this era.


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Re: My Personal UI Rant, Was: Think Java, not Electron! was: Apache HTML/Java UI instead of

2018-03-13 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke
Scott, you are writing what my heart also was telling me. Still, it 
never occurred to me to look at anything which had he letters "HTML" in 
their api's as I always link this to "web" and my app is super heavy 
thingy. Though the "What is the HTML/Java project goal? To be a portable 
abstraction over such pipeline!" is exciting and I now know that this 
is/could be the way forward. Thank for the good discussion - lots of the 
comments were an eye-opener to me as I live in my little desktop 
Swing/AWT/JavaFX world.


On 3/13/2018 10:06 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:

Sometimes I think the world has gone crazy.

Here are a few simple observations:
  - JavaFX is the best UI tech that Java has going for it these days.
  - Swing/AWT has been heading towards obsolescence for several years now. It 
works, but the future of desktop UI with Java is JavaFX.
  - HTML is a HORRIBLE way to render an application.  It works very poorly, if 
at all, and not consistently across browsers. (Look what people have to go 
through to try to get something as simple as a table with scrolling data and 
static column headers, for example.)
  - Javascript is junk.  The interesting thing about stuff like Electron is 
that they managed to get it to work at all.  We give it extra credit simply 
because it was done with technologies that make it so much harder to do. (It 
also tends to be slow IMO.) That’s cute and all, but ultimately wasted time.  
It would be that much better and cheaper to develop if done with better tech 
like Java/JavaFX.
- The popularity of Web UIs has done a disservice to the development community. 
 They have lowered the bar so far that we accept the utter rubbish and awful 
user experience of most web apps as ‘normal’.  We have a generation of 
developers that don’t even understand why Javascript is garbage or how crippled 
applications are that run in a browser. Have you noticed when you see an 
interesting web app that you are more impressed because it is a web app?  If it 
were a desktop app you wouldn’t give it a second thought.
- I don’t know why anyone would want to bring HTML UI into a Java application 
(when they don’t have to) as it is such a massive step backwards.

So stopping running around like the sky is falling.  Swing/AWT, JavaFX aren’t 
going to disappear.  Oracle wasn’t doing anything significant with Swing.  If 
they stop, we aren’t likely to notice.  JavaFX is the greater concern, because 
it is the better tech and still needs feature development.  The community 
around it can keep it going as long as there is a consistent vision for it  
Ideas of using HTML for UI on a desktop app programmed in Java are ridiculously 
insane. We already have a much better cross-platform UI technology, no need to 
put work in to move backwards to an inferior UI tech.


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Re: Apache HTML/Java UI instead of ... Oracle will remove JavaFX from Oracle JDK

2018-03-12 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke
Indeed, lets look forward, I have not looked at JavaScript as always 
being into heavy desktop Swing apps. Over the years it has helped me 
with a demo app showing all kind of features a given system allows me to 
use. Like a toolbox, which I run and say - hey that's the component I 
need. Is there something like this for the HTML+JAVA api ? Or some 
websites showing the current func?

Jaroslav, thanks for also looking forward and suggesting a way out of 
this swamp ... I will start looking into this.


On 3/12/2018 10:59 AM, Jaroslav Tulach wrote:

"Oracle has begun conversations with interested parties in the Java
ecosystem on the stewardship of JavaFX, Swing and AWT beyond the above

referenced timeframes."

The official announcement is here and people are finally starting to
realize the truth: There is no future for JavaFX, AWT and Swing. Nobody
will sponsor development of anything new for these technologies. Even if
they get transfered to their new owners, they will be in maintenance mode:
Bugfixes and little features. No bigger changes - no new rendering
pipelines using new nifty features of graphics cards. Just sustaining. I've
been explaining this would happen since 2012.

To help us out of this situation and save Java as a programming language I
dedicated my days to smoothing out interoperability between Java and
JavaScript with the goal to reuse the most flexible and portable rendering
system of these days: the browser. My work has already been donated to
Apache, see: - let's
use it to build new features of NetBeans and other future Java desktop
applications. Get started by reading Javadoc at

Forget about AWT, Swing and JavaFX - the future is HTML. In case you still
care about Java, then your future should be Apache HTML/Java API!

Re: New NetBeans splash screen? :-)

2018-03-09 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke
Could be cool with a non rectangular splash. A trick - or rather hack 
;-)  to render such a splash without too much brain activity needed and 
leverage existing codebase, is to dynamically screendump the rectangular 
area were the splash would usually, and draw/copy in the non rectangular 
feature on top of that small screendump, then use the usual code to view 
the now rectangular splash which will look to the user as a 
non-rectangular splash (as long as he or she has not moved the window or 
got some popups in that second the whole thing takes). Maybe there is an 
easier way to make a non-rectangular splash ? (FX ? but that will 
include need of much bigger code change) This would allow to splash the 
logo only with some number inside referring to the release version. I 
know wild idea, but would look "different".

On 3/8/2018 1:48 PM, Javier Ortiz wrote:

Yeah, the current one for sure doesn't go along the new logo. Is branding
part of this first release?

On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 1:13 PM, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

Hi all!

Now that we have a new logo and new website — a next logical step would
include a new splash screen.

I.e., parallel to the NetCAT program getting started and moving along well,
we could propose various splash screen designs, featuring our new logo and
maybe some of the styles and colors from the website, followed by a vote

Just an idea,


Re: [VOTE] Apache NetBeans Logo (NETBEANS-145)

2018-03-02 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke

Logo ID 2

Re: NetBeans Apache Site Static Site Generator and Plan; Discussion

2017-05-02 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke
Just my 5 cents:  We cannot afford to split the community. All 
users/developers should be using as primary point of 
entry. As now, there should be an area for IDE and one for the Platform. 
Having both will allow users to possible explore new things they else 
never would see.

On 5/2/2017 7:58 AM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:

will be for Apache NetBeans
developers only or also for Apache NetBeans users,

Editing permissions for Wiki

2016-11-21 Thread Bernd Ruehlicke

Please enable editing permissions for Wiki:   Bernd Ruehlicke (bruehlicke)

Uploaded picture to Confluence on my user. I am happy to see the 
positive atmosphere around this transition. I am for sure very excited.
