Re: OFBIZ Manufacturing

2012-04-10 Thread Integrin
Pierre -

While I do not claim to be an expert in Manufacturing, I'm helping
customize Ofbiz for a Food Sevices Industry in a Franchise Model where
Ofbiz Manufacturing be the food kitchen; Additionally the following
modules, being used
- MyPortal  : Dashboard
- Order Manager: Purchase , Sales Orders, Transfer Orders
- Party Manager : Suppliers, Users  Customers
- SFA : Sales Forecast
- Facility : Inventory  Shipping
-Manufacturing: MRP in Manufacturing, very handy for automating
Requirements management

As far as ESB integration goes, Ofbiz being based on Service based
Architecture, should come very handy; I'm guessing you will have some
work to do to be able to make individual modules, loosely coupled
using ESB

Goodluck with your efforts!

- Regards

On 4/10/12, Pierre Smits wrote:
 Dear all,

 Currently I am participating in the collaboration project IMAGINE -
 Innovative End-to-End Management of Dynamic Manufacturing Networks, that
 resides under the theme  Virtual Factories and Enterprises as part of the
 FP7 Programme of the EU.

 The goal of this project is to enable SME Manufacturing Enterprises in the
 EU market space to shorten the time-to-market of their product by assisting
 manufacturing customers in forming partnerships with suppliers and a better
 exchange of information and data throughout the lifecycle of the

 During methodology studies it is envisioned that exchange of information
 and data entails 4 interlocking areas, namely:

1. Partner blueprints - All static information (and data) re
organization and human entities, including connection mechanisms
and such) of the participating organization
2. Manufacture blueprints - All static information (and data) re
products (e.g. pricing, QoS re delivery, mBOM's, eBOM's and such)
3. End-2-End blueprints - All dynamic information (and data) re inputs
and output of the process segments, in customer to supplier end-2-end
processes while manufacturing the goods (but also including process
definitions in BPEL, BPMN and xPDL)
4. QA blueprints - All information (and data) relating to maintaining
the QoS requirements of the organization and establishing/enhancing trust
between (potential) partners (encompassing org. certification, e.g. ISO
9000, but also product certification, and more)

 All to be facilitated through established Open Standards and Technolgies.

 In the methodology studies it was also envisioned that, while initial
 profiling should start by registering company and lead contact persons and
 their mechanisms in a portal solution (currently intended OS product:
 Liferay, part of the envisioned IMAGINE platform), as soon as the
 connection mechanisms regarding service adapters are setup and verified
 systems like CRM, Manufacturing, ProjectMgt and Warehousing connect through
 the IMAGINE platform (mainly OS ESB like Servicemix - while providing
 dashboard functionalities in the portal for participants that are not (yet)
 at the highest level of maturity regarding partnering - e.g. uploading data
 through spreadsheets and info via PDF and such).

 As this project still has a lifespan of approx 2 years left and system
 integration has no started yet, it is my belief that OFBiz could be in the
 front runner position and create a name in the EU market space regarding
 Open Source ERP in general and Manufacturing in particular combined with
 info and data exchange through ESBs. Which is a huge opportunity for us.

 Thinking of the possibilites I foresee following use-cases (amongst others)
 to be applicable:

- When the initial registration of the company has been realized and the
connection mechanism regarding the ESB connectivity has been setup and
verified the information relating the Partner blueprint is provided by
means of the data available/maintained in the Party component
- When potential suppliers are identified through the search
capabilities in the portal the data contained there (Party data et all)
pulled/delivered into the SCM (through the ESB)
- When potential customers are identified through the seach capabilities
in the portal the data contained thee is pulled/delivered into the CRM
(through the ESB)
- When potential suppliers are initially contacted and a connection is
being negotiated more data is pullled from and/or delivered to Product
Catalog and Manufacturing (through the ESB)
- When an agreement is concluded this is also pulled/delivered in the
system of the participant(s)
- When proces segments are started, executed and concluded information
(date) thereabout are pulled/delivered into the ERP system of the
(also through the ESB) and send to the portal for dashboarding purpopes.

 Unfortunately I am not that well experienced in Manufacturing, establishing
 ESB integration for OFBiz and delivering data from one system (like 

Re: svn commit: r1307288 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/order/webapp/ordermgr/order/ applications/order/webapp/ordermgr/quote/ applications/party/webapp/partymgr/WEB-INF/actions/party/ applications/p

2012-04-03 Thread Integrin
Jacques -

Starting the Java process in the background will help here; In Unix /
Linux env, '' to be appended after the command line
 e.g java Start 

- Regards

On 4/3/12, Jacques Le Roux wrote:
 It's simply that it prints running lines in the terminal. So if you close
 the terminal session you also close OFBiz.
 I tested, as I thought ant start does the same.

 Another solution, already suggested by Hans, could be to have only Symbolic
 Links (to tools/start| in root. I think it
 would be the easier solution for everybody. But I did no test the no-print


 From: Jacopo Cappellato
 Jacques, could you please provide more details about the issues you are


 On Apr 3, 2012, at 12:57 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

 OK I had to revert my  tools/ changes in Else it runs in
 the terminal and I have no more time to spend on this
 today. So I used the good old ./ like before. Note that OOTB ant start
 (or later ofbiz start) should generate the same issue.

 We could of course change that but I finally think Hans is right with his
 *pragmatic* approach of keeping at least
 start/ in OFBiz root... I will avoid much issues for people
 running under Linux, ie almost all of OFBiz users...
 Then this *should be documented* (why it's there and not with other
 scripts in tools) and we could remove start/ from
 tools to keep only one version of each start/ scripts.

 Note that this is not a problem for Windows users: startofbiz.bat scripts
 works the same from tools


 From: Jacques Le Roux
 When the start/ will be removed from root and renamed, remember to change the related demo scripts

 I already done for tools and load-demo in

 Will be soon restarting


 From: Jacques Le Roux
 From: Jacques Le Roux
 OK I think it's not a code issue but only a conflict in

 I really wonder how that is possible, but anyway I'm handling it

 Certainly someone used the label manager and we then got a conflict



 From: Jacopo Cappellato
 are we using the system ant?


 On Apr 3, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

 Also got this there

 $ ant svninfo
 Buildfile: build.xml

 /home/ofbiz/trunk/build.xml:25: The following error occurred while
 executing this line:
 /home/ofbiz/trunk/macros.xml:186: taskdef class
 org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc cannot be found

 I will try to rebuild by hand to more clearly see what happens


 From: Jacques Le Roux
 Actually it seems that Markus had a good intuition about

 We got this in trunk demo console.log.

 14898505 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.webapp.control.ControlServlet -
 [[[viewprofile(Domain:] Request
 Begun, encoding=[UTF-8]- total:0.0,since
 14898509 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestHandler - Rendering View
 14898580 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenFactory - Got 37 screens in 0.069s
 14898709 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.service.eca.ServiceEcaRule - For Service ECA
 [partyBasePermissionCheck] on [return] got false for condition:
 14898712 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.service.eca.ServiceEcaRule - For Service ECA
 [partyBasePermissionCheck] on [return] got false for condition:
 14898714 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.service.eca.ServiceEcaRule - For Service ECA
 [partyBasePermissionCheck] on [return] got false for condition:
 14898717 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.service.eca.ServiceEcaRule - For Service ECA
 [partyBasePermissionCheck] on [return] got false for condition:
 14898741 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.service.eca.ServiceEcaRule - For Service ECA
 [partyBasePermissionCheck] on [return] got false for condition:
 14898777 [ajp-bio-] INFO
 org.ofbiz.widget.screen.ScreenFactory - Got 23 screens in 0.01s
 14899015 [ajp-bio-] ERROR freemarker.runtime -
 14899061 [ajp-bio-] ERROR

Re: Alternatives to using UserLoginId as a primary key

2012-02-17 Thread Integrin Solutions
Brett -
My thoughts -
- System generated UserIds might be hard for the users to remember;
- Changing UsersIds of a Person is not that difficult afterall; You
might want to assign a new UserId to the User from PartyManager and
disable the existing one;

- Sakthi

On 2/17/12, Brett Palmer wrote:
 We have an application based on the ofbiz framework for online testing.  We
 use the ofbiz user authentication and userLoginId as designed by ofbiz.
  The problem is that often teachers and students incorrectly register in
 the system with a specific userId.  Then they call up and want to change
 their userId because it doesn't match their actual ID.  It is difficult to
 change the userLoginId for a person once it has been assigned to a person.

 We would like the UserLoginId to work similarly to how the PartyId works.
  PartyId is a system generated ID that is assigned to a Person, PartyGroup,
 etc.  As a system generated ID it gives us a lot of flexibility in how it
 is used.  It also allow us to make changes easily like changing a person's
 name, etc.

 A few months ago there was some discussion in the forums about alternative
 to how UserLoginId is used in the system.  Has anyone come up with an
 alternative to the default implementation of UserLoginId.

 Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


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