Re: 80 million downloads

2013-12-04 Thread Jürgen Schmidt
On 12/3/13 10:28 PM, David Gerard wrote:
 On 3 December 2013 21:12, jan i wrote:
 I have (for ubuntu) tried to read through the policies which was a
 The first thing would be to get into Debian. I recall the steps there
 were set out (basically, have an install set that doesn't conflict in
 any way with LO - however fair or unfair that might be, it's what you
 need to do). MATE managed it in the face of GNOME 3, so AOO should be
 able to.

I have no problem to make this more public. If LO want to be independent
they should not use our package names, binary names etc.


 - d.
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Re: Good progress on confusing advertisements on download page

2013-12-04 Thread Jürgen Schmidt
On 12/4/13 1:04 AM, Roberto Galoppini wrote:
 2013/12/3 Roberto Galoppini
 2013/12/3 FR web forum
 A question for us is:  How do we want to report misleading ads in the
 future?   Do we need any process on our side?  Do we want to track the
 reports in Bugzilla?  Or do we want to just report these as
 individuals, possibly leading to redundant reports?  Maybe record
 these in BZ (where adding image attachments and de-duping is easy) and
 then report to SF with a link to the BZ issue?
 Good question
 I try to download AOO in french and display this kind of ad.
 A link to a fake version named OpenOffice 2013
 This jump to a para-site: h**p://

 Thanks for heads up on this, I'll take care of that.
 It has been reviewed and we asked to remove that, it might take a
 business day or two (worst case).

thanks Roberto, I am sure SF will benefit from this as well. It won't be
good for SF if users get the wrong stuff and are not satisfied by the
offered service.


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Re: Improvements of OUString

2013-12-04 Thread Jürgen Schmidt
On 12/4/13 7:20 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
 On 12/03/2013 08:32 AM, Herbert Duerr wrote:
 On 03.12.2013 13:02, Andre Fischer wrote:
 Additionally to this almost correct statement one could mention that
 isEmpty() is preferred over getLength()0 and why.

 Yes, it is preferred for checking the emptiness because it directly
 expresses what it checks.

 In general it is a good idea to check for emptiness instead of
 counting the elements and then comparing against zero. Its the old
 interface vs. implementation detail question. The result will be the
 same from a mathematical standpoint but the effort to get this result
 may be different. From an algorithmic complexity standpoint an
 emptiness check is always equal or better. Maybe a mathematician can
 provide some insights from the set theory on this question?

 By the way: the String class of Java=6 got its isEmpty() method for
 the same reasons.
 As Herbert said, this directly expresses what it checks. I would add
 and it reads better.
 There are other reasons, however; for example, depending on the
 implementation, it may be significantly faster than comparing against
 the length. For one implementation it may not matter, but, if you change
 the implementation in the future, it may.
 Uniformity is another possible reason (assuming other classes also
 implement isEmpty()). If you become used to using the expressive form
 (ie, using isEmpty() rather than comparing size), then you can leave
 optimizing the call to the class implementer rather than worrying about
 the correct way to do it. I have seen empty strings checked by comparing
 the length to zero, and even using a string compare against an empty

and again to replace getLength() with isEmpty() can be something for
newbies to get more familiar with the code and do something useful.


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Re: 80 million downloads

2013-12-04 Thread Jörg Schmidt
 From: Jürgen Schmidt [] 

 I have no problem to make this more public. If LO want to be 
 they should not use our package names, binary names etc.

in fact, so you're absolutely right. I am a normal Linux user and the situation 
on Linux is extremely confusing.

But what can we do? I think here are problems that need to be resolved legally.


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Re: Improvements of OUString

2013-12-04 Thread Herbert Duerr

On 04.12.2013 07:20, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

As Herbert said, this directly expresses what it checks. I would add
and it reads better.

There are other reasons, however; for example, depending on the
implementation, it may be significantly faster than comparing against
the length. For one implementation it may not matter, but, if you change
the implementation in the future, it may.

Yes. Especially considering that the length of a string is somewhat 
ambiguous. Currently getLength() returns the number of codepoints in the 
strings encoding (e.g. UTF-16).

But one could also reasonably define the length of a string as the 
number of unicode codepoints. This number is different from getLength() 
if unicode surrogates were involved or unicode normal forms were taken 
into consideration.

Uniformity is another possible reason (assuming other classes also
implement isEmpty()). If you become used to using the expressive form
(ie, using isEmpty() rather than comparing size), then you can leave
optimizing the call to the class implementer rather than worrying about
the correct way to do it.

For historic reasons the STL and TR1 containers use empty() to check 
for emptiness and clear() to empty the container.

In the previous sentence I intentionally used empty once as an 
adjective and once as a verb to show that the method name empty() is 
ambiguous. Therefore I preferred to use the Java inspired method name 
isEmpty() for checking the emptiness of a string.

I have seen empty strings checked by comparing
the length to zero, and even using a string compare against an empty

Indeed: In our current codebase there are all kinds of variants for this 
simple check. E.g.

aString == OUString()
aString.equals( OUString())
aString.compareTo( OUString())
aString.compareToAscii( )
aString.getLength() == 0
aString.getLength()  1
and the related checks:
aString.getLength()  0
aString.getLength() = 1
Also there was the now already eliminated buggy variant
if( aString)

With the new method all these could be cleanly consolidated.

I must admit that the long discussion thread over the seemingly simple 
new method isEmpty() is somewhat scary to me...


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Patches on Windows (Update)

2013-12-04 Thread Andre Fischer
I have just checked in what basically is a reimplementation of the 
defunct support for creating patches on and for Windows.

Building OpenOffice without the new release=t flag should work like 
before.  If you don't plan to build patches then you can stop reading 
now (just tell me if your builds break).

Support for patch creation is still in its early stages. It may or may 
not work.  Having said that, I would not mind if you would try it out, 
just don't apply them yet outside a virtual machine.  At the moment I am 
interested to get the workflow right and reliably working.  It is a 
lengthy process, something in the area of 30 minutes per language, and I 
can make only so many test runs.  But you don't have to run it to point 
out how to improve the workflow.

Here is how I currently think how patch creation can work. Note that 
patch creation is something that I expect is only done once per release 
by the release manager (or whoever builds the release installation 
sets.)  It may sound very technical but it really list only the most 
important points.

0. Expected (disk) space and time requirements:
Disk space: Number of languages *
   - Previous downloadable installation set (EXE) in ext_sources/
   - The above unpacked in instsetoo_native/
   - The CAB file of the above (maybe 95% of the installation set) unpacked
   - The installation set and downloadable installation set of the 
current release

   - A copy of the above, arranged so that msimsp.exe can process it.
   - The MSP patch, about 10% of the downloadable installation set.
   I did not measure it but I would estimate the total to be around 500 MB
   - Download previous installation set from (use a 
local cache if you can)

   - Unpack the above
   - Unpacke the CAB inside the above
   - Build the installation set of the current version
   - Make a local copy of the above
   - Run msimsp.exe
   All in all about 30 minutes

1. Prepare the release builds (one per language) that are compatible 
with the previous release.

Why: There are a lot of conditions to fulfill before you can create a 
patch between two installation sets.

One is that files must not be deleted.
Another is that files keep the same internal data (unique name, sequence 
number, etc.)

These conditions have to be checked and enforced.

How: Go to main/instsetoo_native and run 'build release=t'
This flag should probably be added as option to configure. It is not 
used outside of instsetoo_native but it is important that it is not 
forgotten when the installation sets are built.

What: In order to check the conditions, solenv/bin/ 
(which is called by build/dmake from instsetoo_native) needs access to 
the previous release.
It does that by reading the necessary data from the previous 
installation sets.  For that

a) the downloadable installation set is downloaded from
   If you are concerned about too many downloads from
   - Creating patches is typically done twice a year, by the release 

   - You can provide a local repository.  This also speeds up this step.
b) the downloadable installation is unpacked to get access to its 
content, most importantly (in this stage) the MSI file.
   For this I use 7zip, the only program I know of, that is able to 
unpack the installation set EXE that is created by the NSIS tool.
c) use the msidb.exe program from the Windows SDK to read the database 
tables in the MSI

2. Store information about the new release for when we will be creating 
patches when doing the next (future) release.

Why: The current release will eventually be the previous release.
How: The tool is not checked in, I am still cleaning it up a bit.
What: This extends the main/instsetoo_native/data/releases.xml list with 
data about the current release.

3. Create the patches (one per language)
How: Go to main/instsetoo_native/util and run 'dmake patch_create'
a) Check if the installation sets for the relevant languages are present 
(both the previous and current ones)

b) Check that all conditions (that I know of) are fulfilled.
   Patch creation will break when even one condition is not met.
   It will, for example, detect when the release builds where not made 
with the release=t flag.

c) Create a local copy of the current release.
   This is necessary because the msimsp.exe tool (the one that creates 
the actual patch file) needs the CAB file (the container that contains 
all files that are to be installed) and its unpacked content in the same 

d) Run the msimsp.exe tool to create the patch file.
   Creating an installation set, unpacking and copying the previous and 
current ones, are already lengthy processes that each can take several 
minutes to complete.

   Msimsp.exe usually takes 10 to 15 minutes to run.

4. (For testing) Apply the patch
Why: To verify that the created patch really works
While steps 1 to 3, if 

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-12-04 Thread Herbert Duerr

Hi Raymond,

Thanks for the information. Sorry about the PDF. Unfortunately, we are unable 
to do a simple copy and paste because of the way are system is setup. The only 
other option that I have is to type the output, but that would have taken much 

Ok. I just wanted to make sure that its not a simple oversight.

C++ template errors are often very extensive and look quite scary. If 
the problem hides in a little type difference of the n-th argument of a 
multi-layer template specialization, then finding these miniscule 
differences is hard enough even with regexp magic or with specialized 
tools (template error message decryptors) such as STLFilt.

Without the error message text but just images of this text it becomes 
much harder to diagnose a problem.

 We just implemented the patch, but are still receiving the same 
output. We are investigating now.

This cannot possibly be! The original error output was that construction 
of the insertion object failed because of type and constness 
mismatches. With the patch there is no insertion object anymore, so 
there error output cannot possibly be the same!


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Checked out revision 1547453 Build problem on Windows 7

2013-12-04 Thread Vadim Yedzinovich

Windows 7, Cygwin64 Terminal
With command:

$ svn co aoo-trunk
Receive AOO upgrade Checked out revision 1547453.

Try to rebuild it with command:

$ build --all

build -- version: 275224
Have error messages in sal module:


Building module sal


Entering /cygdrive/c/source/aoo-trunk/main/sal/inc

mkdir.exe -p ../


mkdir.exe -p ../


Entering /cygdrive/c/source/aoo-trunk/main/sal/osl/all

Compiling: sal/osl/all/utility.cxx

Compiling: sal/osl/all/debugbase.cxx

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(60) : error C2039: 'basic_string' :
is n ot a member of '_STL'

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(60) : error C4430: missing type
specifie r - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(60) : error C2143: syntax error :
missin g ',' before ''

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(887) : error C2143: syntax error :
missi ng ';' before ''

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(887) : error C2059: syntax error :

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(887) : error C2065: '_Traits' :
undeclar ed identifier

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(888) : error C2143: syntax error :
missi ng ';' before '{'

C:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~1.0/VC/include\xhash(888) : error C2447: '{' : missing
functi on header (old-style formal list?)
It seems a problem with MS VS include module:
C:\...oft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\includexhash

The last successful build was with AOO Checked out revision 1537066.

Could you please help me to understand what is wrong now?

Currently I'm not subscribed to the Development Mailing List, please put me
in CC in your Reply .

Thank you,

Re: Improvements of OUString

2013-12-04 Thread Andre Fischer

On 04.12.2013 11:12, Herbert Duerr wrote:

On 04.12.2013 07:20, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

As Herbert said, this directly expresses what it checks. I would add
and it reads better.

There are other reasons, however; for example, depending on the
implementation, it may be significantly faster than comparing against
the length. For one implementation it may not matter, but, if you change
the implementation in the future, it may.

Yes. Especially considering that the length of a string is somewhat 
ambiguous. Currently getLength() returns the number of codepoints in 
the strings encoding (e.g. UTF-16).

But one could also reasonably define the length of a string as the 
number of unicode codepoints. This number is different from 
getLength() if unicode surrogates were involved or unicode normal 
forms were taken into consideration.

Uniformity is another possible reason (assuming other classes also
implement isEmpty()). If you become used to using the expressive form
(ie, using isEmpty() rather than comparing size), then you can leave
optimizing the call to the class implementer rather than worrying about
the correct way to do it.

For historic reasons the STL and TR1 containers use empty() to check 
for emptiness and clear() to empty the container.

In the previous sentence I intentionally used empty once as an 
adjective and once as a verb to show that the method name empty() is 
ambiguous. Therefore I preferred to use the Java inspired method name 
isEmpty() for checking the emptiness of a string.

I have seen empty strings checked by comparing
the length to zero, and even using a string compare against an empty

Indeed: In our current codebase there are all kinds of variants for 
this simple check. E.g.

aString == OUString()
aString.equals( OUString())
aString.compareTo( OUString())
aString.compareToAscii( )
aString.getLength() == 0
aString.getLength()  1
and the related checks:
aString.getLength()  0
aString.getLength() = 1
Also there was the now already eliminated buggy variant
if( aString)

With the new method all these could be cleanly consolidated.

I must admit that the long discussion thread over the seemingly simple 
new method isEmpty() is somewhat scary to me...

Seemingly is the operative word.
Personally, I find aString.getLength()  1 much more scary.

Do you want to extend the documentation of OUString with some of what we 
found out in this thread (getLength(), isEmpty(), etc) or do you want 
somebody else to do it?



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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-12-04 Thread Herbert Duerr

Hi Raymond,

 Just to give you an update.

We were able compile  debugbase.cxx  by including 

Ah, please don't. Stlport4 is dead.

, but  the next module wanted  ../include/CC/Cstd.  Then it went back and forth.
 There seems to be a disconnect between which C/C++ implementation it 
wants and

 I do not think they are compatible with each other.

Yes, they are not compatible to each other.

As of now, we've loaded the Apache C++ stdcxx4 implementation so that we can 
 using just the one implementation. However,  we've noticed that 
stdcxx4 does not provide

 hash_map and hash_set, among others,

Indeed: hash_map and hash_set were replaced by unordered_map and 
unordered_set in the C++ standardization process. In our codebase we'll 
have to replace them but for now they are already mapped to their newer 
counterparts using wrappers in the main/stlport/systemstl/hash_* 
headers. Please make sure that you are using --without-stlport in your 
configure option so that this wrapping becomes active.


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Re: Good progress on confusing advertisements on download page

2013-12-04 Thread Roberto Galoppini
2013/12/4 Jürgen Schmidt
 On 12/4/13 1:04 AM, Roberto Galoppini wrote:
 2013/12/3 Roberto Galoppini
 2013/12/3 FR web forum
 A question for us is:  How do we want to report misleading ads in the
 future?   Do we need any process on our side?  Do we want to track the
 reports in Bugzilla?  Or do we want to just report these as
 individuals, possibly leading to redundant reports?  Maybe record
 these in BZ (where adding image attachments and de-duping is easy) and
 then report to SF with a link to the BZ issue?
 Good question
 I try to download AOO in french and display this kind of ad.
 A link to a fake version named OpenOffice 2013
 This jump to a para-site: h**p://

 Thanks for heads up on this, I'll take care of that.

 It has been reviewed and we asked to remove that, it might take a
 business day or two (worst case).

 thanks Roberto, I am sure SF will benefit from this as well. It won't be
 good for SF if users get the wrong stuff and are not satisfied by the
 offered service.

That's right Jürgen, and let me add all ads under our direct control
have never displayed confusing or misleading ads. Unfortunately this
is not true for ads delivered by advertising network partners, that
serving millions of ads have lesser control on what is displayed. It's
an on-going process, and community help is highly appreciated.



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Subscribe me

2013-12-04 Thread Adnan Siddiqi

Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website

2013-12-04 Thread Ian Ogilvie
Hi there

I have discovered that people receiving an attachment in Open Office, who
are using Microsoft Office 2007 cannot open my attachment. It indicates the
attachment is corrupted.
Is there any way around this ?


Ian Ogilvie

Re: Reporting a problem with the OpenOffice website

2013-12-04 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 12:46:38 +
Ian Ogilvie wrote:

 Hi there
 I have discovered that people receiving an attachment in Open Office, who
 are using Microsoft Office 2007 cannot open my attachment. It indicates the
 attachment is corrupted.
 Is there any way around this ?
 Ian Ogilvie

What format was transmitted?

Rory O'Farrell

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RE: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-12-04 Thread Steele, Raymond
Thanks Herbert. Do you have any idea why we would be receiving the following?

Compiling: sal/rtl/source/unload.cxx
/usr/local/include/boost/unordered/detail/emplace_args.hpp, line 199: 
Error:Could not find a match for 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type) 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type).
/usr/local/include/boost/unordered/detail/emplace_args.hpp, line 350:Where: 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type,boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type).
/usr/local/include/boost/unordered/detail/emplace_args.hpp, line 350:Where: 
Instantiated from 
rtl::OUString,configmgr::Partial::Node::operator[](const rtl::OUString).
/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/ sal/rtl/source/unload.cxx , line 217: Where: 
Instantiated from non-template code.

-Original Message-
From: Herbert Duerr [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 3:54 AM
Cc: Steele, Raymond; Meffe, David K
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

Hi Raymond,

  Just to give you an update.

 We were able compile  debugbase.cxx  by including 

Ah, please don't. Stlport4 is dead.

 , but  the next module wanted  ../include/CC/Cstd.  Then it went back and 
  There seems to be a disconnect between which C/C++ implementation it wants 
  and   I do not think they are compatible with each other.

Yes, they are not compatible to each other.

 As of now, we've loaded the Apache C++ stdcxx4 implementation so that 
 we can retry
  using just the one implementation. However,  we've noticed that
stdcxx4 does not provide
  hash_map and hash_set, among others,

Indeed: hash_map and hash_set were replaced by unordered_map and unordered_set 
in the C++ standardization process. In our codebase we'll have to replace them 
but for now they are already mapped to their newer counterparts using wrappers 
in the main/stlport/systemstl/hash_* headers. Please make sure that you are 
using --without-stlport in your configure option so that this wrapping becomes 


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Printing a database

2013-12-04 Thread dmcghee


I have created a database of my DVD collection. The creation of it was 
fine, but there does not seem to be an option to print.

If it can be done, can you tell me how. I am running Windows 8

David McGhee

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Open Office ECCN query

2013-12-04 Thread Trebilcock, Richard
Good afternoon,

I am working on a CGI IT UK Limited project called 'Galileo' on which we are 
looking to export software. As part of this process, we need to know whether 
Open Office is of United States origin, and if so what the ECCN number is, and 
does an ENC licence also apply.

I would be most grateful if you are able to provide me with this information. 
However, failing this could you direct me to where I might find the information 
I require?

Your assistance with this matter is most appreciated.

Best regards,


Richard Trebilcock | ILS Engineer
Defence | CGI
Chaucer House, Springfield Drive, The Office Park, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 
T: +44 01372 838258 | M: +44 (0) 7717 355882 |


CGI IT UK Limited. A CGI Group Inc. Company
Registered Office: 250 Brook Drive, Green Park, Reading RG2 6UA, United 
Kingdom. Registered in England  Wales - Number 947968
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Proprietary/Confidential Information belonging to CGI 
Group Inc. and its affiliates may be contained in this message. If you are not 
a recipient indicated or intended in this message (or responsible for delivery 
of this message to such person), or you think for any reason that this message 
may have been addressed to you in error, you may not use or copy or deliver 
this message to anyone else. In such case, you should destroy this message and 
are asked to notify the sender by reply e-mail.

Re: 80 million downloads

2013-12-04 Thread Kay Schenk
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:02 AM, Jörg Schmidt wrote:

  From: Jürgen Schmidt []

  I have no problem to make this more public. If LO want to be
  they should not use our package names, binary names etc.

 in fact, so you're absolutely right. I am a normal Linux user and the
 situation on Linux is extremely confusing.

 But what can we do? I think here are problems that need to be resolved


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One of the confusing issues comes from LO's continued use of soffice as
the launchpad binary. We've been down this road  before  to no avail.

See, for example --

On SOME distros who handle this a little better/politely, the LO  binary
has been renamed to libreoffice, and  a symlink from soffice to
libreoffice (/usr/bin/libreoffice --a custom packaging  ) is supplied which
can easily be removed.

bottom line -- even if we are successful in getting AOO into some
repositories, how to deal with this naming clash.

Maybe someone who has downloaded LO packages directly from their site can
provide more information.


Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

Re: 80 million downloads

2013-12-04 Thread Louis Suárez-Potts

On 04-Dec-2013, at 13:19, Kay Schenk wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:02 AM, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
 From: Jürgen Schmidt []
 I have no problem to make this more public. If LO want to be
 they should not use our package names, binary names etc.
 in fact, so you're absolutely right. I am a normal Linux user and the
 situation on Linux is extremely confusing.
 But what can we do? I think here are problems that need to be resolved
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 One of the confusing issues comes from LO's continued use of soffice as
 the launchpad binary. We've been down this road  before  to no avail.
 See, for example --
 On SOME distros who handle this a little better/politely, the LO  binary
 has been renamed to libreoffice, and  a symlink from soffice to
 libreoffice (/usr/bin/libreoffice --a custom packaging  ) is supplied which
 can easily be removed.
 bottom line -- even if we are successful in getting AOO into some
 repositories, how to deal with this naming clash.
 Maybe someone who has downloaded LO packages directly from their site can
 provide more information.

When was the last time we actually contacted one of the people at LO who can 
effect a change or at least diminish the confusion? I mean, it's silly to have 
the legacy identity and suggests either a rather tired play at the real 
soffice or laziness. Yes, we could change our package name but…. not only do we 
have a large installed base but also legacy, copyright, and actual growth. 

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draft blog post: Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices

2013-12-04 Thread Rob Weir

This idea has been in my queue for a while.  I'd like to push it out
now for public comment, and based on that try to get a new distributor
page set up by January.


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Re: Submission for consultants page

2013-12-04 Thread Rob Weir
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Drew Jensen 
 Howdy Rob,

 Ah trademarks - yes, I agree the Apache OpenOffice should have a TM, a la:
 IBM® Lotus® Symphony™ is a suite of open source office applications.

 I've put in a request to get that page updated.

Just to close this out, I can see that the page has now been updated:



 A couple of quick questions if I may.
 Will the support only be available to those with the IBM connectors? IIRC
 that was the plan  in the past.

 It is certainly possible to combine IBM Support for Apache OpenOffice
 along with a license for IBM Connections or SmartCloud.  In that case
 our Connector [1] would be supported as well.

 We also have an integration solution for OpenOffice and IBM Enterprise
 Content Management [2].

 We're exploring other integrations as well.

 That said, if a customer wants help with a large, complex, standalone
 deployment of Apache OpenOffice, we'll talk with them.   That was also
 the case with Symphony.

 Also, does IBM have any plans to list AOO support on the United States GSA
 registry? This was available in the past but not available for the last few

 I have no idea.  Should we?







 On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Jörg Schmidt wrote:

  From: Rob Weir []

   Sorry, but I think the website does not comply with the
  necessary formalities.
   Always has been emphasized, these are marked on the
  relevant websites trademark of Apache, for example:
   IBM Support for Apache OpenOffice TM
   and not only:
   IBM Support for Apache OpenOffice
  I think that would be more confusing.

 Sorry, but appearance is imho not so much the issue here, but rather
 trademark rights of Apache.
 Yes, that is formal, but how else should this be handled?

  It would suggest the entire
  name was a trademark since it is a continuous name with capital

 It does not have to be in the headline. Put identification in continuous
 text, for example in:

 IBM® Support for Apache OpenOffice™ offers expert technical support for
 Apache OpenOffice™, ...

 where IBM is already marked with ®.


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Re: 80 million downloads

2013-12-04 Thread jan i
On 4 December 2013 20:10, Andrew Rist wrote:

 On 12/4/2013 10:19 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:02 AM, Jörg Schmidt

  From: Jürgen Schmidt []
 I have no problem to make this more public. If LO want to be
 they should not use our package names, binary names etc.

 in fact, so you're absolutely right. I am a normal Linux user and the
 situation on Linux is extremely confusing.

 But what can we do? I think here are problems that need to be resolved


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  One of the confusing issues comes from LO's continued use of
 soffice as
 the launchpad binary. We've been down this road  before  to no avail.

 See, for example --

 On SOME distros who handle this a little better/politely, the LO  binary
 has been renamed to libreoffice, and  a symlink from soffice to
 libreoffice (/usr/bin/libreoffice --a custom packaging  ) is supplied
 can easily be removed.

 I believe we should create a plan to have a binary named openoffice with a
 symlink to soffice.

+1 we need to protect the copy right. The longer we allow the distros to
use openoffice, the less likely it is that they will (and need to) change.

jan I.

We should announce this very publicly and communicate to LO and the distros
 when we make the change.
 This would also be a good topic to discuss with LO at FOSDEM this year.
 It would be good to get agreement from LO that they agree with this
 approach and will (over time) implement this across all of the distros (as
 it is a reasonable and fair way to deal with the overlap between the


 bottom line -- even if we are successful in getting AOO into some
 repositories, how to deal with this naming clash.

 Maybe someone who has downloaded LO packages directly from their site can
 provide more information.

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Re: draft blog post: Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices

2013-12-04 Thread Keith N. McKenna
Hash: SHA1

Rob Weir wrote:

  This idea has been in my queue for a while.  I'd like to push it
 out now for public comment, and based on that try to get a new
 distributor page set up by January.

Change is the leader free and... to is the leading free and...
Change CDs to CD's.
In the last paragraph; Change wide Apavh Community to wider Apache

Other than that it looks good.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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Re: draft blog post: Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices

2013-12-04 Thread Donald Whytock
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Keith N. McKenna

 Change CDs to CD's.


RE: soltools need(s) to be rebuilt

2013-12-04 Thread Απόστολος Συρόπουλος

I am still struggling... Now I was trying to build libxmlsec and the
configuration parameters did not give the expected result. I had
to enter manually the following command

./configure ADDCFLAGS= CPPFLAGS= --with-pic --disable-shared 
--disable-crypto-dl --with-libxslt=no --with-openssl=no --with-gnutls=no 
LIBXML2LIB=-lxml2 --enable-pkgconfig=no --with-openssl=/usr 

in order to build the libraries. Is this OK?  There is a libcrypto.a in 
but this cannot be used to build a shared object (at least that's what the 
linkers say).


Apostols Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece


Re: 80 million downloads

2013-12-04 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Kay Schenk wrote:

On SOME distros who handle this a little better/politely, the LO  binary
has been renamed to libreoffice, and  a symlink from soffice to
libreoffice (/usr/bin/libreoffice --a custom packaging  ) is supplied which
can easily be removed.

Actually, the official LibreOffice packages install to their own subtree 
of /opt by default, so they do not install conflicting aliases (but 
those packages do still use program/soffice).

Packages that come with distributions, instead, usually store all 
binaries in /usr/bin and in that case we have the double soffice 
conflict. I think unopkg may have the same problem. This naming is 
chosen by the individual distributions, even though dropping soffice 
completely may have some (possibly limited) side effects.

For more details, see the relevant discussions at:


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Re: draft blog post: Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices

2013-12-04 Thread Rob Weir
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Donald Whytock wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Keith N. McKenna

 Change CDs to CD's.


OK.  I've always wondered about this myself, so I looked it up.  It
looks like there are various guidelines, but generally the aim is to
avoid confusing the user.  One style guideline (New York Times) says
to use the apostrophe in cases where an acronym uses periods, but not
otherwise.  So M.D.'s, but CDs.


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Re: draft blog post: Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices

2013-12-04 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 15:49:43 -0500
Rob Weir wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Donald Whytock wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Keith N. McKenna
  Change CDs to CD's.
 OK.  I've always wondered about this myself, so I looked it up.  It
 looks like there are various guidelines, but generally the aim is to
 avoid confusing the user.  One style guideline (New York Times) says
 to use the apostrophe in cases where an acronym uses periods, but not
 otherwise.  So M.D.'s, but CDs.

Look up Greengrocer's apostrope. The ' indicates possive case, or abbreviation 
of is or has (but not in this case)

John's trousers (= the trousers of John)

John's gone home (= John has gone home)

Rory O'Farrell

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Re: draft blog post: Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices

2013-12-04 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 22:05:08 +
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

 On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 15:49:43 -0500
 Rob Weir wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Donald Whytock wrote:
   On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Keith N. McKenna
   Change CDs to CD's.
  OK.  I've always wondered about this myself, so I looked it up.  It
  looks like there are various guidelines, but generally the aim is to
  avoid confusing the user.  One style guideline (New York Times) says
  to use the apostrophe in cases where an acronym uses periods, but not
  otherwise.  So M.D.'s, but CDs.
 Look up Greengrocer's apostrope. The ' indicates possive case, or 
 abbreviation of is or has (but not in this case)
Should read 'possessive'

I was being heckled by Real Life in the middle of correcting a sticky 's' key 
and hit Send too soon.
 John's trousers (= the trousers of John)
 John's gone home (= John has gone home)
Rory O'Farrell

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Re: Arrow heads with hole

2013-12-04 Thread Armin Le Grand
Hi Juergen,

yes, of course we should add that stuff, that's what I had in mind. I already 
have a grep on the task, just wanted to give some background information.
thanks go to regina for alwas bringing something forward!

ALG (iPad)

 Am 04.12.2013 um 09:07 schrieb Jürgen Schmidt
 On 12/3/13 6:05 PM, Armin Le Grand wrote:
Hi Regina,
 On 02.12.2013 23:45, Regina Henschel wrote:
 Hi Andrea,
 Andrea Pescetti schrieb:
 On 26/11/2013 Regina Henschel wrote:
 I have expanded the standard.soe with some arrow heads with hole. The
 file is attached to
 If you like them, we can consider to use this palette as default.
 I added a screenshot to the issue for clearer comparison. The new styles
 are nice and it would be good to have them in 4.1.
 In some cases, in the preview, I see the main line of the arrow going
 (seemingly) too far within the arrow head, see for an example. Is this wanted?
 No, that is not wanted. I will explain the problem in more detail:
 First: nice arrowheads! I am currently on something else, but I have
 already a grep on the task which you wrote.
 - The arrows traditionally only used polygons (topologically: no
 poly-polygons which allows holes). This is alrteady changed and
 - The arrow heads and line overlapping traditionally use a 0.0 or 0.8
 factor of overlap, according to 0% or 80% overlap. These values are
 handles relative to the arrow head sizes already, but are treated as a
 boolean (one or the other). In the core these values are prepared to be
 0-100%, freely choosable. In the UI you can switch between 0% and 80% in
 the lines dialog in it's first page (line ends- 'centered' for right
 and left arrow). Missing is to have a value input instead of that simple
 switch and to get that 0-100% value over the API and to ODF. This is
 where normally Regina knows if this is possible ;-)
 Thus: Old. historical limitations, some more way to go to get over
 these. When one day it will be possible to choose that value freely
 (prepared in core and primitives) you will be able to trim these to
 connect to your arrow head as you want it to be.
 If there would be a way to do this automatically could also be
 considered; the old overlapping paint was probably only implemented
 since no one wanted to do it better from the beginning (time constrains?
 Regina, this sounds as if we could use a feature task for his...
 Do I understand correct that with Reginas fix the arrows looks much
 better and the problem is less obvious.
 If yes I would still integrate it because it is an improvement. And if
 possible improve it further later on. But we should not wait for a 100%
 solution that most of the user even don't recognize.
 Well that is only my personal opinion.
 If you stop the line at the very place where the arrow head starts,
 you get a visible gap between the square 45° and the line itself for
 fat lines (and same for circle or any peak shape). Therefore an
 overlap was introduced. For the filled arrow heads, it does not matter
 whether the line is drawn a little bit longer.
 For the arrow heads with hole you have to find a compromise between
 showing a gap at the outer part and showing a little bit line in the
 Currently the amount by which the line is drawn longer does not depend
 on the kind of arrow head, but on the length of the arrow head. It is
 in file polygonprimitive2d.cxx in method
 PolygonStrokeArrowPrimitive2D::create2DDecomposition around line#547
 the statement fStart *= 0.8;
 In LO I have changed that to fStartOverlap = getStart().getWidth() /
 15.0;, so that it depends on the width of the arrow head, which also
 determines the 'stroke' width in the non-filled arrow heads. It is a
 compromise too. (It is not really a 'stroke', but the area between two
 combined paths.)
 We could copy that in AOO. But perhaps someone has a better idea?
 Kind regards
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Re: draft blog post: Call for Comments: Apache OpenOffice Distributor Best Practices

2013-12-04 Thread Kay Schenk
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

 On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 22:05:08 +
 Rory O'Farrell wrote:

  On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 15:49:43 -0500
  Rob Weir wrote:
   On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Donald Whytock
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Keith N. McKenna
Change CDs to CD's.
   OK.  I've always wondered about this myself, so I looked it up.  It
   looks like there are various guidelines, but generally the aim is to
   avoid confusing the user.  One style guideline (New York Times) says
   to use the apostrophe in cases where an acronym uses periods, but not
   otherwise.  So M.D.'s, but CDs.

It looks fine and I think some of users would appreciate such a listing
with the assumption that we would at least do some sort of  vetting of
the CD vendor/contents.

  Look up Greengrocer's apostrope. The ' indicates possive case, or
 abbreviation of is or has (but not in this case)
 Should read 'possessive'

 I was being heckled by Real Life in the middle of correcting a sticky 's'
 key and hit Send too soon.
  John's trousers (= the trousers of John)
  John's gone home (= John has gone home)
 Rory O'Farrell

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Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time,
 for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.
   -- James Mason

Re: Printing a database

2013-12-04 Thread F C. Costero
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 9:34 AM, dmcghee wrote:


 I have created a database of my DVD collection. The creation of it was
 fine, but there does not seem to be an option to print.

 If it can be done, can you tell me how. I am running Windows 8

 David McGhee

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 Hello David,
  If you want to print the entire contents of a database table, it is
easiest to import the table into Calc or Writer. If you registered your
database when you created it, the process is simple.
1. Open a new Calc or Writer document.
2. Press F4, which will open a pane near the top of the screen showing all
of your registered data sources.
3. Click the + next to the name of your database to show the tables and
4. Expand the list of tables using the +.
5. Click and drag the name of your table into the new document.
6. Print that document.
I hope that helps.
Best Regards,

Re: Printing a database

2013-12-04 Thread F C. Costero
On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 9:34 AM, dmcghee wrote:


 I have created a database of my DVD collection. The creation of it was
 fine, but there does not seem to be an option to print.

 If it can be done, can you tell me how. I am running Windows 8

 David McGhee

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 Another copy in case David isn't registered.
Hello David,
  If you want to print the entire contents of a database table, it is
easiest to import the table into Calc or Writer. If you registered your
database when you created it, the process is simple.
1. Open a new Calc or Writer document.
2. Press F4, which will open a pane near the top of the screen showing all
of your registered data sources.
3. Click the + next to the name of your database to show the tables and
4. Expand the list of tables using the +.
5. Click and drag the name of your table into the new document.
6. Print that document.
I hope that helps.
Best Regards,

Re: Arrow heads with hole

2013-12-04 Thread Jürgen Schmidt
On 12/5/13 12:34 AM, Armin Le Grand wrote:
 Hi Juergen,
 yes, of course we should add that stuff, that's what I had in mind. I already 
 have a grep on the task, just wanted to give some background information.
 thanks go to regina for alwas bringing something forward!

well I don't understand why you grep the task, I believe Regina is
knowing quite well what she is doing. We want to grow our developer
community and want to motivate people to work on the code on their own.
We all know that Regina is already working independent and she need if
at all mainly some interlock to discuss, brainstorm certain issues,
problems or solutions.

Independent of this I believe that the experienced developers should
give more guidance to others and help to solve their problems. Even if
it takes longer. This is the way to move forward, let people work on the
code and with the code and provide guidance where necessary.

We don't need to discuss this further and I hope I made my point clearer.

And I hope Regina simply integrate here good work ;-)



 ALG (iPad)
 Am 04.12.2013 um 09:07 schrieb Jürgen Schmidt

 On 12/3/13 6:05 PM, Armin Le Grand wrote:
Hi Regina,

 On 02.12.2013 23:45, Regina Henschel wrote:
 Hi Andrea,

 Andrea Pescetti schrieb:
 On 26/11/2013 Regina Henschel wrote:
 I have expanded the standard.soe with some arrow heads with hole. The
 file is attached to
 If you like them, we can consider to use this palette as default.

 I added a screenshot to the issue for clearer comparison. The new styles
 are nice and it would be good to have them in 4.1.

 In some cases, in the preview, I see the main line of the arrow going
 (seemingly) too far within the arrow head, see for an example. Is this wanted?

 No, that is not wanted. I will explain the problem in more detail:

 First: nice arrowheads! I am currently on something else, but I have
 already a grep on the task which you wrote.

 - The arrows traditionally only used polygons (topologically: no
 poly-polygons which allows holes). This is alrteady changed and
 - The arrow heads and line overlapping traditionally use a 0.0 or 0.8
 factor of overlap, according to 0% or 80% overlap. These values are
 handles relative to the arrow head sizes already, but are treated as a
 boolean (one or the other). In the core these values are prepared to be
 0-100%, freely choosable. In the UI you can switch between 0% and 80% in
 the lines dialog in it's first page (line ends- 'centered' for right
 and left arrow). Missing is to have a value input instead of that simple
 switch and to get that 0-100% value over the API and to ODF. This is
 where normally Regina knows if this is possible ;-)
 Thus: Old. historical limitations, some more way to go to get over
 these. When one day it will be possible to choose that value freely
 (prepared in core and primitives) you will be able to trim these to
 connect to your arrow head as you want it to be.
 If there would be a way to do this automatically could also be
 considered; the old overlapping paint was probably only implemented
 since no one wanted to do it better from the beginning (time constrains?

 Regina, this sounds as if we could use a feature task for his...

 Do I understand correct that with Reginas fix the arrows looks much
 better and the problem is less obvious.

 If yes I would still integrate it because it is an improvement. And if
 possible improve it further later on. But we should not wait for a 100%
 solution that most of the user even don't recognize.

 Well that is only my personal opinion.


 If you stop the line at the very place where the arrow head starts,
 you get a visible gap between the square 45° and the line itself for
 fat lines (and same for circle or any peak shape). Therefore an
 overlap was introduced. For the filled arrow heads, it does not matter
 whether the line is drawn a little bit longer.

 For the arrow heads with hole you have to find a compromise between
 showing a gap at the outer part and showing a little bit line in the

 Currently the amount by which the line is drawn longer does not depend
 on the kind of arrow head, but on the length of the arrow head. It is
 in file polygonprimitive2d.cxx in method
 PolygonStrokeArrowPrimitive2D::create2DDecomposition around line#547
 the statement fStart *= 0.8;
 In LO I have changed that to fStartOverlap = getStart().getWidth() /
 15.0;, so that it depends on the width of the arrow head, which also
 determines the 'stroke' width in the non-filled arrow heads. It is a
 compromise too. (It is not really a 'stroke', but the area between two
 combined paths.)

 We could copy that in AOO. But perhaps someone has a better idea?

 Kind regards

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