Re: Apache OpenOffice release notification

2016-10-12 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Tue, 4 Oct 2016, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 05:12:56 +0200
From: Patricia Shanahan 
To: "" 
Subject: Apache OpenOffice release notification

The Apache OpenOffice project is currently preparing and testing a release 
candidate, 4.1.3-rc1. The total size of the artifacts, including the binary 
files, exceeds a gigabyte, so the release policy calls for notifying 

I do not expect significant Infrastructure impact because AOO is normally 
downloaded from SourceForge, not ASF or its mirrors.

Please contact me or post to if you need more 

Hi Patricia,

  please remove openoffice 4.1.2 from the mirrors ; that is, here :

  Thanks, regards,

  Henk Penning

----   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof HFG-406   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Budapestlaan 6, 3584CD Utrecht, NLF +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: 4.0.1 release and distribution.

2013-09-16 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Sat, 14 Sep 2013, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 17:19:32 +0200
From: Andrea Pescetti 
To: Henk P. Penning 
Subject: Re: 4.0.1 release and distribution.

Everything was OK in the 4.0 case.

  No. Regarding the mirrors, it was not ok.

  Fact : 4.0.1 will be put on the mirrors in 4-5 days, adding some
 languages every day. That is a technical constraint.

  Fact : if AOO announces "too soon", /all/ mirrors will be incomplete.

  I'm not discussing here, or looking for a compromise ; I'm telling
  you how it is.

  AOO can either "do it right" (by waiting a few more days), or not.



  Henk Penning

------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: 4.0.1 release and distribution.

2013-09-03 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Mon, 2 Sep 2013, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 23:45:06 +0200
From: Andrea Pescetti 
Cc: Henk P. Penning 
Subject: Re: 4.0.1 release and distribution.

On 01/09/2013 Henk P. Penning wrote:

 For 4.0.0 I added the binaries slowly ; some 4 to 5 languages
 a day is what the rsync servers can handle. So, it takes 5 days
 for the quick mirrors plus 2 days for the straglers. Note that
 there are some sites that are still trying to catch up.

 Soon after GA date (or earlier), refs to 4.0.0 sigs and sums should
 point to '' (instead of

I would very much avoid introducing another bottleneck in the process. Voting 
on the release already takes 3 days, and we won't start copying anything 
before we have the final result, as we learned from 4.0. For 4.0, after the 
release was approved, we managed to have it uploaded to the mirrors (the SF 
mirrors) rather quickly, and at the same time the checksums/signatures, being 
very small files, were quickly uploaded to dist. This may have taken 2 days, 
but not more.

With this change we would have 3 days for voting plus 7 days for copying to 
mirrors before we can announce. And the benefits would be very marginal: the 
number of users who download from the Apache mirrors is negligible.

So, in short, if this can be done in a way that does not slow down the 
post-approval upload period from 2 days to 7 days, fine; otherwise, it is 
better to repeat what was done for 4.0: within 2 days binaries on SF and 
checksums on dist or, even better, already on archive -which is automatically 
populated from dist but has a 24-hour delay- so that we don't need to update 
the links later; then, gradually, binaries uploaded to dist too (this time 
the delay may be a matter of days instead of weeks).


  I don't think that the way 4.0.0 was released, should be used
  as an example or even referred to as an acceptable scenario.

  As I said, almost all mirrors will have everything afer 5 days ;
  the 2 (7-5) extra days would give most slow mirrors a chance
  to catch up too.

  Having stuff on the mirrors is more important for remote areas
  (far from .us and .eu) ; and "remote" often means "poor".
  For 'remote' downloaders it is a real benefit if they can get
  the distro from a local mirror. I think that should be taken
  into consideration, even if the download-numbers are small.

  In the scenario you suggest, by GA date, all mirrors will have
  only half the stuff. That is messy. Extending the lead time from
  2 to 5 days would give us the opportunity to do it (almost) right.



  Henk Penning

------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: 4.0.1 release and distribution.

2013-09-01 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Sun, 1 Sep 2013, Rob Weir wrote:

Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 15:31:37 +0200
From: Rob Weir 
To: "" 
Cc: janI , Henk P. Penning 
Subject: Re: 4.0.1 release and distribution.

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 5:42 AM, janI  wrote:

On 1 September 2013 11:27, janI  wrote:


I had a talk on #asfinfra today, regarding our upcomming 4.0.1 release.

Sync on mirrors takes about a week, and the mirror can in general not hold
4.0 and 4.0.1

Is this a change?  The current published advice is that the mirrors
take no more than 24 hours to sync:

  AOO is special, being 22+ GB.

  For 4.0.0 I added the binaries slowly ; some 4 to 5 languages
  a day is what the rsync servers can handle. So, it takes 5 days
  for the quick mirrors plus 2 days for the straglers. Note that
  there are some sites that are still trying to catch up.

  Soon after GA date (or earlier), refs to 4.0.0 sigs and sums should
  point to '' (instead of

Therefore the current suggestion is to
a) remove 4.0 from mirrors GA - 1week = 12 september
b) update 4.0.1 to mirrors GA = 19 september.

The downside is that mirrors will have the 4.0 ready for download for upto
a week.

The problem is we don't know for certain a GA date a week in advance.
We can just estimate.  But as we saw with 4.0.0, a last minute defect
can delay things by a week or more.

So in practice this means that there could be more than a week where
4.0.0 is not on the mirrors.  Maybe this is not a problem?

  I can't judge that ; the problem is that by GA date the sigs/sums
  have to be in /dist/ ; it complicates matters if by GA date
  /dist/ isn't completely available for the mirrors ; the XXX.sigs
  etc would have to be copied into /dist/ separately from the XXX's.

The two things to watch out for (and you have probably already
considered these, but  I'll mention them just in case):

1)  We should not remove the 4.0.0 hashes and signature files from
/dist.  These are referenced even when the binaries are downloaded
from SourceForge.

  "remove from the mirrors" is done by excluding 4.0.0 in rsyncd.conf ;
  that is, stuff will be in /dist/, but mirrors will think it's gone.

2) We need to make sure SourceForge is not rsyncing from /dist and
mirror the 4.0.0 removal.

  Rsyncs on SF are done "by hand". When the entire 4.0.1 is ready,
  it should sit somehere (outside /dist/), say XXX ; SF will pick
  up XXX with a custom rsync module ; XXX will by copied in parts
  to /dist/.

And I assume 4.0.1 goes to archive then?



  Henk Penning

--------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Release 4.0.0 binaries storage and SF

2013-08-01 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Fri, 2 Aug 2013, Henk P. Penning wrote:

  The stuff incubator/ooo can now be removed from,
  and therefor, from the mirrors.
  I will do this later today ; unless someone beats me to it :-).


  can we now discuss the next step?

  I would like to (properly) exclude dist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries/
  from the mirrors. This directory now only contains checksums
  (.md5's, .asc's and .sha256's) ; and on the mirrors only empty
  directories (because checksums are excluded for mirrors).

  To make it concrete: the rsync [apache-dist] module is now

  exclude = *.md5 *.MD5 *.sha1 *.sha *.sha256 *.sha512 *.asc *.sig
KEYS KEYS.txt .svn/ /
/zzz/perms /externaldist /zzz/rsync-module/apache-dist-most

  I want to add "/openoffice/*/binaries/" ;
  where the '*' only matches non-/.

  Is that OK ?

  If/when ok, then

  -- everything in "dist/externaldist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries/"
 will be copied to "dist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries/" ; where
 timestamps must be carefully preserved.

  ... cleanup dist/externaldist [to be discussed offline] :

  -- create a module (or fix the current module) that SourceForge (SF)
 can use to get the 4.0.0 binaries.
  -- talk to SF so they can switch to the new (or updated) module
  -- cleanup (rm) dist/externaldist


  Henk Penning

------------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

2013-08-01 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Thu, 1 Aug 2013, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 21:51:33 +0200
From: "Marcus (OOo)" 
Cc: Henk P. Penning 
Subject: Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

Andrea Pescetti:


>  keys/group/openoffice.asc

 Fixed too.

> http: //
 I'll still leave this to Marcus and we are done.

It's a relict of the past. No need to change this.

  Ok ; thanks Marcus ; I think we're done.
  The stuff incubator/ooo can now be removed from,
  and therefor, from the mirrors.
  I will do this later today ; unless someone beats me to it :-).


Andrea Pescetti:
 But this policy means that we will really have to think twice before
 linking to materials on the Apache mirrors: going back and correct links
 in old download pages, old security bulletins, that have in the meantime
 been translated, converted into PDF and very likely republished verbatim
 on other sites, is something that we simply cannot do; and even if we
 limit ourselves to doing what is actually possible (i.e., fixing
 everything that is under control, like in this case), it's still a large
 waste of time.

  Agree ; stuff in (and the mirrors) is just
  there temporarily ; actually /dist/ is just a cache for archive.a.o.


  Thanks, regards,

  Henk Penning

--------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

2013-08-01 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Thu, 1 Aug 2013, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 13:20:56 +0200
From: Andrea Pescetti 
Cc: Henk P. Penning 
Subject: Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

On 31/07/2013 Henk P. Penning wrote:

 The only concern now is dist/incubator/ooo ;
 -- incubator/ooo now only has 3.4.1
 -- it is on the mirrors
 -- for 3.4.1 (and older versions)
 does NOT point to incubator/ooo anymore ;
 it points to
 for stuff that once was in dist/incubator/ooo.


 -- if there are no other download pages pointing to
 then dist/incubator/ooo can be safely removed.
 Agree? Or are there other issues I forget?

Checksums in
http: //
http: //
were still linking to and I've now fixed 
this too, as clarified by Marcus and Sebb.

  Looking at the 3.4.0_checksums.html page, in the "This is how
  you verify ..." section I see occurrences of


  That's renamed to


There is only one remaining occurrence, in
but I didn't touch it (Marcus probably knows what's best to do here).

  Looking at

  I see (*) : var MIRROR_APACHE_URL =


  ... that should be


  ... and should become


  Pointer (*) refers to

  ... which is a apache-dist-most mirror ; no AOO stuff.

Then dist/incubator/ooo can die.




  Henk Penning

--------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

2013-08-01 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Thu, 1 Aug 2013, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 10:06:42 +0200
From: Andrea Pescetti 
Cc: Henk P. Penning 
Subject: Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

On 31/07/2013 Henk P. Penning wrote:

>  If I understood correctly, we will also have to consolidate the
>  archives so that
>  and
>  are merged.

Absolutely not ; such changes in
are never made ; archive.a.o/dist/ is just a copy
of without deletes.

Hi Andrea,

I see. Well, would at least be possible to put a symlink named "1.x-3.x" in that goes to ?

  IMHO symlinks and redirects reduce simplicity and clarity,
  because it soons turns into a confusing 'spaghetti' that
  is hard to document or understand for future maintainers.

  Users don't care where old stuff lives ; they just click urls.

  Nevermind ; if you want it, here is how:

  I can create a symlink for you on

dist/openoffice/3.3 => ../incubator/ooo/3.3

  [ ... or AOO could add the link to dist/openoffice and remove it later ;
the link would remain in archive.a.o, of course.

  Maybe it is better to use a 'Redirect'.

  In dist/openoffice you can add a .htaccess-archive file

Redirect /3.3/
Redirect /3.4.0/

  A ".htaccess-archive" file only has meaning on

It really doesn't make sense 
to have our archives split in two places, especially considering that the 
"incubator" part contains old files that were released years before 
OpenOffice entered incubation.

This would allow at least to use
as our only archive URL.


  Henk Penning

Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

2013-07-31 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Wed, 31 Jul 2013, janI wrote:

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:33:50 +0200
From: janI 
To: dev 
Cc: janI , Henk P. Penning ,
Subject: Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

Moving conversation to dev@

On 31 July 2013 13:28, Jürgen Schmidt  wrote:
  On 7/31/13 1:07 PM, janI wrote:
  > Hi.
  > Based on a discussion today on IRC, I would like to draw your
  > to the following challenge. henkp is cc because he is the
  infra person
  > doing the rsync magic.
  > ASF has a policy that incubator/xxx should be removed when the
  > graduates. We still have our 3.4.1 (and 3.3.0) release stored
  > incubator.
  > As part of cleaning rsync, infra want to enforce the policy,
  but of
  > course respect and understand our need to have 3.4.1 available
  to users
  > (especially because 3.4.1 contains languages not released in
  > I see the following possibilities:
  > 1) remove openoffice from incubator, but leave version 3.3.0
  and 3.4.1
  > (with language packs) on the SF mirror. This is preferred by

+1 to keep it on SF

  This getting confused very quickly. As far as I'm concerned
  (or infra) nothing changes on SF, until the next AOO release.

  The only concern now is dist/incubator/ooo ;

  -- incubator/ooo now only has 3.4.1
  -- it is on the mirrors
  -- for 3.4.1 (and older versions)
 does NOT point to incubator/ooo anymore ;
 it points to
 for stuff that once was in dist/incubator/ooo.
  -- if there are no other download pages pointing to
 then dist/incubator/ooo can be safely removed.

  Agree? Or are there other issues I forget?

  If there ever comes a 3.4.2, we'll then consider the options.

> 3) persuade infra to keep incubator for 3.4.1, but limit the footprint
> as much as possible, remove 3.3.0 and put a timelimit up.

  I believe we can manage to move it out of the incubator in some

  > We are also adviced, that if/when we change our layout infra
  need to be
  > adviced well in advance. In my opinion we should consider not
  > externaldist, but have the total release in one folder with

Well externaldist was not our idea and I copied the files in this
structure of advice from infra. We should first clarify what's
here. "externaldist" caused some confusion and extra work on our side
as well.

  ... I'm not happy with "externaldist" also. But it is another matter.
  The plan now is (if AOO agrees) :
  -- to exclude dist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries for the mirrors
  -- to copy 4.0.0/binaries into dist/openoffice/4.0.0/binaries
  -- to create a new module for SF (and communicate this with SF) ;
 this would NOT change the 4.0.0 files on SF ; it would just
 change (a little) the way SF gets the binaries.

  The third issue is "putting 4.0.0 binaries on the mirrors" ;
  there was some demand on mirrors.a.o.

  Can we, for now limit the discussion on 'incubator/ooo' ?

  Maybe Jurgen and I can discuss 'externaldist' off-line ; if
  Jurgen is comfortable with that ; if necessary we can discuss
  a proposal here later.


  Henk Penning

Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

2013-07-31 Thread Henk P. Penning

On Wed, 31 Jul 2013, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 14:08:53 +0200
From: Andrea Pescetti 
Cc: Henk P. Penning 
Subject: Re: Release 3.4.1 storage and incubator removal.

janI wrote:

> >  ASF has a policy that incubator/xxx should be removed when the project
> >  graduates. We still have our 3.4.1 (and 3.3.0) release stored under
> >  incubator.

Hi Andrea,

What is important is that the Apache archives (so, not all the mirrors, but 
at least the archives) contain all legacy versions of OpenOffice[.org] from 
1.x to 3.4.1.

  Stuff is never deleted from ; so that's ok.

Coordinating with Henk and Infra, I've already done, over the last weeks, a 
significant number of updates to
and other pages to redirect links to the archives, and I have some still 

  Ah, thanks for the info.

If I understood correctly, we will also have to consolidate the archives so 
are merged.

  Absolutely not ; such changes in
  are never made ; archive.a.o/dist/ is just a copy
  of without deletes.



  Henk Penning

--------   _
Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta R Uithof BBL-761   _/ \_
Faculty of Science, Utrecht UniversityT +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Princetonplein 5, 3584CC Utrecht, NL  F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/ M \_/

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