Re: [OSM-dev] Nominatim results when limit=1

2012-09-11 Thread Brian Quinion
 I have a service setup using the OSM Nominatim service and I have a query on
 number of results returned with the limit= parameter. I have it set as 1
 to only get the top result BUT when I search for San Francisco or Boston
 (where countrycodes=us) I surprisingly got no results? I change this to
 limit=2 and limit=3 and see that I get 1 and 2 results respectively - which
 seems offset to me...

I see the problem - the new code from removing duplicate places occurs
too late in the process after the limit has already been applied.

Should be an easy fix, I'll get it done and released.


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Nominatim data and code updates

2012-08-26 Thread Brian Quinion
tl;dr: nominatim is updated (data and code), add wikipedia tags and
label/admin_centre relation member to improve search quality.

As some of you may have noticed Sarah (lonvia) has been busy updating
the openstreetmap nominatim instance.  It should now be fully up to
date and back running live updates, so, if anyone is still finding
data that they have added is not included please let us know by email
on the geocoding mailing list, via trac (select nominatim component)
or on either the #osm or #osm-nominatim irc channels.

In the process of updating the data we also took the opportunity to
release some code changes.  Probably the most visible changes in this
update are modification in how address hierarchy is calculated, a new
technique for calculating the importance using wikipedia articles and
a new system for deduplicating place and admin areas.  As a result of
these changes nominatim now supports a few extra tags that were
previously ignored:

'wikipedia' tag [1] and its variants. Adding this allows nominatim to
have a far better value for how important a place is which helps with
the ordering, for instance a search for statue of liberty now
consistently returns the correct one [2] first rather than the on on a
traffic island in the UK [3].  If you find a place where the ordering
of results is still bad consider adding suitable wikipedia links to
the osm elements to help improve scoring.

The new version of nominatim also supports both 'label' and
'admin_centre' relation members for boundary relations [4] which
allows it to reduce the amount of duplicated data returned and produce
a more consistent result set.  The 'label' member will be merged (name
and tags), relation tags win if there is a conflict. 'admin_centre'
member will be merged only if the names and 'rank' (effectively
admin_level / place=*) match, but other than that same rules.  In both
cases the node will also be added as the centre point of the polygon -
i.e. the location that the map will centre on and this is returned in
preference to the geometric centre of the polygon.  If no
'admin_centre' and 'label' members are present the code will try to
guess by looking for a node at the right admin level, name and
approximate location - obviously explicit tagging is far better and
more accurate.

Thanks to all those who help with this update, in particular Sarah
Hoffmann who did by far the majority of the work!



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] (Spritpreisdatenbank) - Nominatim

2011-08-22 Thread Brian Quinion

They have indeed been blocked - something I never thought we'd have to
do with MQ sponsoring the hardware.

They were putting through around 250 search requests per SECOND using
what looks like a broken autocomplete implementation.

I had to take emergency action to restore the service.

I'd be grateful if you could pass this on to your contact at - once they have fixed their problems I'll happily remove
the block.


On 22 August 2011 13:01, Andreas Labres wrote:

 I was contacted by some guys from (they develop some fuel cost
 database) that they would use Nominatim and their app would be blocked by 

 Is this the case? Did someone there contact any sysadmin already?


 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Nominatim updates paused

2011-06-03 Thread Brian Quinion

The live install of nominatim has run out of integers on it's primary
key and the database is being updated to use bigint.  Sorry for the
lack of notice - this rather caught me by surprise!

Until this is completed there will be no updates.

Because of the size of the database and the software changes needed to
support this it will probably take most of next week to complete - as
such the ETA for completing this work is 13th of June.

Apart from updates the service should operate as normal.

Anyone using the MapQuest NPI (pre-indexed files) will need to run an
update script to update the fields in their local database - I'll post
this as soon as I've finished testing it locally.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Daily diff fails to import

2011-05-26 Thread Brian Quinion

I had this occur once with a schema that I had updated between
versions of postgis.  I never did entirely get to the bottom of it - I
ended up adding ::text in a similar way to what Sandro suggested.

existing.geometry::text != NEW.geometry::text

It was a crude hack (and probably hurt performance) and didn't seem to
be needed the result of the time so I never committed it.

I think there were 3 places were it was needed all in the place_update function.


On 26 May 2011 14:34, Adrian Chapela wrote:

 I am trying to import a daily diff and is impossible. I have tried with
 util.update.php and the result is the same.

 Now I am trying to the next command. Below you coud see the output.

 osm2pgsql -as -O gazetteer -d gazetteer -U postgres -W
 osm2pgsql SVN version 0.70.5

 Using projection SRS 900913 (Spherical Mercator)
 Mid: pgsql, scale=100, cache=800MB, maxblocks=102401*8192
 Setting up table: planet_osm_nodes
 Setting up table: planet_osm_ways
 Setting up table: planet_osm_rels

 Reading in file: 20110405-20110406.osc.gz
 COPY_END for place failed: ERROR:  operator is not unique: geometry 
 LINE 5:      OR (existing.geometry != NEW.geometry AND ST_Distance(S...
 HINT:  Could not choose a best candidate operator. You might need to add
 explicit type casts.
 QUERY:  SELECT existing.osm_type IS NULL
     OR existingplacex.osm_type IS NULL
     OR coalesce(existing.admin_level, 100) != coalesce(NEW.admin_level,
 --     OR coalesce(existing.country_code, '') !=
 coalesce(NEW.country_code, '')
     OR (existing.geometry != NEW.geometry AND
 0.01 AND NOT
     (ST_GeometryType(existing.geometry) in
 ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') AND ST_GeometryType(NEW.geometry) in
 CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function place_insert line 52 at IF
 COPY place, line 1: \N    N    443853    highway    bus_stop
  {(\\name\\,\\Neumarkt\\)}    100    \N    \N    \N    \N    \N
  \N    \N    \N    \N    SRID=900...

 Error occurred, cleaning up

 PostgreSQL server version is 9.0 and 8.4.7. I only want to import it to
 use with nominatim but I can't... it is very extrange. I was looking for
 the operator != isn't in the database

 Have you any idea ?


 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Problem with Nominatim

2011-02-05 Thread Brian Quinion

 I encountered a problem with Nominatim in correctly naming the area where a
 place is in. For example the Dutch town Groningen. The municipality
 Groningen is in the province Groningen and the country the Netherlands.
 Nominatim says that is belongs to the districts Aurich and Grafschaft
 Bentheim (two different districts) and Germany (link).

Yes, it seems the Netherlands country polygon was broken in the dump I
used to build nominatim.  It has since been fixed but there are some
knock on effects around the edges of the country.  I'll force an
update of everything in the Netherlands and that should fix it


dev mailing list

Re: [Potlatch-dev] What do the new cycleway values mean?

2011-02-03 Thread Brian Quinion
 Well the Florist icon stands out like a sore thumb to start with - not
 only is it a different colour to almost all the other shopping icons
 but it is also a completely different shape.

The florist icons certainly needs to be removed or attribution needs
to be added since it is sourced from here:


Potlatch-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Nominatim updates

2011-01-28 Thread Brian Quinion
 Is there any plan to bring this kind of (very useful !) search back ?

I've fixed this - a column had changed name - thanks for the bug report.

BTW - you may find that using the new bounded=1 option provides more control:[fuel]viewbox=-1.54%2C53.41%2C-1.43%2C53.36bounded=1

bounded=1 limits the search to only items in the viewbox

the [] around fuel force it to be interpreted as a tag search (so it
won't find places called 'fuel')

Hope this helps.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Nominatim updates

2011-01-28 Thread Brian Quinion
On 28 January 2011 14:47, Nic Roets wrote:
 For me, reverse lookups are completely wrong right now. (I haven't
 tried forward lookups). And the status indication on is blank. So I figure he's doing a DB
 rebuild or something.

Thanks for reporting this - this should also now be fixed.

It was finding the nearest road with houses on rather than just the
nearest road - a bit of an edge case this one because the road you
wanted doesn't have houses but all the ones nearby do.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] type keyvalue[] does not exist error at Nominatim import

2011-01-26 Thread Brian Quinion

osm2pgsql -lsc -O gazetteer -C 6144 -U gis -d asiagazetteer
cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/gazetteer-functions.sql | psql
-U postgres gazettee

You ran the two commands on different databases.


On 25 January 2011 18:38, fatzopilot wrote:

 This has been discussed before, e.g.:

 My setup is Postgres 9.0 with postgis 1.5.2 on Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) 64bit,
 osm2pgsql SVN version 0.70.5 (the very recent)
 The following steps have been taken (according to to set up a
 Nominatim/Gazetteer stack:

 createdb -U postgres asiagazetteer
 createlang -U postgres plpgsql asiagazetteer
 psql -U postgres -d asiagazetteer -f
 psql -U postgres -d asiagazetteer -f
 psql -U postgres -d asiagazetteer -f
 psql -U postgres -d asiagazetteer -f
 psql -U postgres -d asiagazetteer -f

 psql -U postgres -d asiagazetteer -c 'create function execute(text) returns
 void as $BODY$BEGIN execute $1; END;$BODY$ language plpgsql;'
 psql -U postgres -d asiagazetteer -c 'select execute('''ALTER TABLE '''
 || tablename || ''' OWNER TO gis;''') from pg_tables where schemaname =

 nohup time osm2pgsql -lsc -O gazetteer -C 6144 -U gis -d asiagazetteer
 /home/osm/planet/asia.osm.pbf  asiagazetteerplanet.txt 

 The last command resulted in the following output:

 Using projection SRS 4326 (Latlong)
 NOTICE:  table place does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  type keyvalue does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  type wordscore does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  type stringlanguagetype does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  type keyvaluetype does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  function get_connected_ways(pg_catalog.int4[]) does not exist,
 Mid: pgsql, scale=1000, cache=6144MB, maxblocks=786433*8192
 Setting up table: planet_osm_nodes
 NOTICE:  table planet_osm_nodes does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
 planet_osm_nodes_pkey for table planet_osm_nodes
 Setting up table: planet_osm_ways
 NOTICE:  table planet_osm_ways does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
 planet_osm_ways_pkey for table planet_osm_ways
 Setting up table: planet_osm_rels
 NOTICE:  table planet_osm_rels does not exist, skipping
 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
 planet_osm_rels_pkey for table planet_osm_rels

 Reading in file: /home/osm/planet/asia.osm.pbf
 Processing: Node(73161k) Way(3319k) Relation(29190)  parse time: 817s

 Node stats: total(73161946), max(1015044155)
 Way stats: total(3319583), max(87298623)
 Relation stats: total(29193), max(1298962)
 node cache: stored: 73161946(100.00%), storage efficiency: 15.17%, hit rate:
 Stopping table: planet_osm_nodes
 Stopping table: planet_osm_ways
 Stopping table: planet_osm_rels
 Building index on table: planet_osm_ways
 Building index on table: planet_osm_rels
 Stopped table: planet_osm_nodes
 Stopped table: planet_osm_rels
 Stopped table: planet_osm_ways

 osm2pgsql SVN version 0.70.5

 434.63user 4.88system 27:40.23elapsed 26%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
 1429032inputs+1432outputs (74major+1003150minor)pagefaults 0swaps

 Afterwards, following commands have been applied (aacording to the
 installation instructions):
  cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/import_country_osm_grid.sql | psql -U
 gis asiagazetteer
  cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/import_worldboundaries.sql | psql -U
 gis asiagazetteer
  cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/import_country_name.sql | psql -U gis
  cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/import_gb_postcode.sql | psql -U gis
  cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/import_gb_postcodearea.sql | psql -U
 gis asiagazetteer
  cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/import_us_state.sql | psql -U gis
  cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/import_us_statecounty.sql | psql -U
 gis asiagazetteer
 //this is to make the sql point to the correct path
  sed -i
 cat /home/osm/bin/osm2pgsql/gazetteer/gazetteer-functions.sql | psql -U
 postgres gazetteer

 The last command returns:

 ERROR:  type keyvalue[] does not exist

Re: [OSM-dev] type keyvalue[] does not exist error at Nominatim import

2011-01-26 Thread Brian Quinion
 Alas, there is still this place_boundingbox error.  Can it just be

You need to run gazetteer-functions.sql, then gazetteer-tables.sql,
then gazetteer-functions.sql again.  The second time there will be no

Unfortunately they have mutual dependencies.


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Nominatim updates

2011-01-23 Thread Brian Quinion

On Monday morning I'm intending to switching the existing nominatim
service over to an updated code base designed to allow better scaling
and additional data sources (tiger, external postcode sets, etc) as
well as being the first stage of various other improvements.

With any luck the only externally visible difference should be in
improvement in US search quality, however it is possible that there
will be some other minor differences. If you spot any problems please
email me or contact me on IRC (twain47).  In particular please let me
know if you spot something that used to work and now doesn't.

The new service is currently a couple of weeks behind on data but
catching up rapidly - I'm expecting it to be fully up to date by the
end of the week and once it gets there is should be able to handle
updates more quickly and reliably.


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Nominatim Special Phrases and improving search

2010-12-07 Thread Brian Quinion

I'm changing how Nominatim handles the special phrases which are used
to search for particular key=value pairs.

Up until now these phrases have been imported from the translatewiki
but this is now turning out to be to limited - in particular regarding
the ability to capture the differences between phrases that should
search for things 'near' somewhere, or 'in' somewhere or 'named'
something.  There are also problems with capturing the different
plural version of words and the different language forms.

As a result of all this I've now moved the these phrases into the wiki
as a set of tables - one table/page per language.  The base page
(which links to all the currently languages) and contains a full
explanation can be found here:

In a lot of cases these pages have been machine generated with very
little understanding of the particular languages and will contain
numerous errors and omissions so at this point I'm now looking for
volunteers to go through these pages and fix them up, or indeed to add
completely new languages.  I'm afraid its a fairly boring and
repetitive task - I should know I've been correcting the English
language version myself - but it is something which can result in a a
significant improvement of the search system.

Please feel free to copy or translate this message onto any of the
other mailing lists.

Many thanks for any assistance!


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] New public nominatim service (mapquest)

2010-10-22 Thread Brian Quinion
There has already been an announce of talk regarding this but I
thought I'd bring this to the attention of the dev list especially
given the current network problems.

Mapquest have now created an instance of nominatim running on their
network infrastructure (which I've been involved in setting up).  This
instance is rather more powerful than the instance running on and includes redundant hardware - so
although there is no actual service level commitment the hope is to
provide a 24/7 service level.  There are also no usage limits and the
machines should be able to handle a much higher load than the existing
server so I encourage you to switch particularly if this is a mission
critical service for you.

If you want to try it just replace:


the 2 instances should be completely equivalent, same parameters, same results.

Any problems let me know...
 Brian (nominatim developer)

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Postgres Error with gazetteer database for nominatim

2010-10-12 Thread Brian Quinion
Nothing you missed - something I missed.

I have once again (I really need to stop doing this!) committed half a
set of changes.

To get you back working just do:

alter table word add column operator text;

null values default to the current behaviour.


On 11 October 2010 15:22, Lück, Michael wrote:
 Hi all,

 we set up our own nominatim server as described on .

 We took latest revision of osm2pgsql from the svn

 Everything seems to work until we try to search for an city or something.
 Then we get the following error:

 „nativecode=FEHLER: Spalte »operator« existiert nicht at character 71“

 In Englisch:

     „nativecode=ERROR: Column operator doesn’t exist at
 character 71“

 The SQL Statement fired against the database is

     select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, location,
 country_code, operator from word where word_token in (' ilmenau','ilmenau','

 I had a look at the table world and it really does not contain an column
 called “operator”.

 Did we miss something?


 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Help with implementation of multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram for nominatim

2010-07-21 Thread Brian Quinion

I've been trying to get a working implementation of a multiplicatively
weighted Voronoi diagram written now for nearly a week and I'm really

The intention is to use it to improve the the indexing quality and
speed of nominatim with regards to mixing city, town and village
points in some layers - I'm sure many of you have noticed the current
problem were towns and villages end up inside city boundaries
(producing weird addresses).

I have a working implementation for a non-weighted algorithm using
Fortune's algorithm [1] - if anyone has the time and maths skills to
adapt that it would be wonderful (can Fortune's algorithm even do
multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagrams?) beyond that I've been
looking at adapting the demo from cgal [2] but I'm struggling due to
my poor C++ skills (and the fact that the c++ code makes use of insane
numbers of templates).  For someone who is really good with c++ or
already familiar with cgal it would probably be fairly easy.

Alternatively if anyone is aware of any other implementation or is
able to implement anything based on a different library that would
also be good.  I think it really has to be c or c++ - anything else
would be tricky to integrate.  Potentially an implementation in R [3]
using the postgresql module is another possibility.

If anyone can help let me know - otherwise I will struggle onwards and
hope to get somewhere!





dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Help with implementation of multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram for nominatim

2010-07-21 Thread Brian Quinion
 beyond that I've been
 looking at adapting the demo from cgal [2] but I'm struggling due to
 my poor C++ skills
 I hate to poison dev with anything pertaining to licenses, but note that the
 CGAL code you refer to is licensed under QPL which is not compatible with
 GPL, so if you did incorporate their code/algorithm you'd have to release
 the affected bits, or the whole of Nominatim, under that QPL.

The license doesn't effect data generated by code - only the code itself.

As such my plan was to build it as a separate module (licensed QPL)
which should provide enough separation to avoid having to relicense
the rest of the code base.  I hope my reading is correct. However the
license does make me prefer an alternative solution I just haven't
found one.

The alternative is to add the text given here:


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] patch for nomatim

2010-03-21 Thread Brian Quinion
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 2:51 PM, wrote:
 I have problems with the current nomatim code to connect to the database.

You made an IRC request, a mailing list post, a trac bug report [1], a
comment on your blog [2] and one on your diary [3].  All of these
state that the database code didn't work and that you had to 'hack' it
when in fact it works fine.

You added an extra / to your DSN, that is the whole problem.  Better
yet the comment in your own test script[1] gives the reason for your
problem if you look closely.

Please stop bad mouthing other peoples code - or at least make sure it
is true first.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Nominatim json -- coment

2010-02-26 Thread Brian Quinion
 /* Data Copyright OpenStreetMap Contributors, Some Rights Reserved.
 CC-BY-SA 2.0. */

This content needs to be in the file.  Feel free to suggest
alternative ways to format or present it but I don't think straight
removal is possible.

 This breaks one of our tools that uses the php json_decode function, as
 comments are not part of the json spec. I'd like to ask politely to
 remove this comment.

I'm uncertain why the json version would be parsed by anything but
javascript - why not use the xml version?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Nominatim json -- coment

2010-02-26 Thread Brian Quinion
 This content needs to be in the file.  Feel free to suggest
 alternative ways to format or present it but I don't think straight
 removal is possible.
 I doubt that it needs to be in the file; the OSM API hands out OSM data
 without such comments and has worked quite well for a few years now!

I've added it because people are using the api to geocode whole
databases and I wanted to make sure they were fully aware of the
license the data was under.

Above seems like the 0.6 API is isn't compliant with CC-By-SA?

 If you feel it must be there, is there a JSON-compliant way to encapsulate
 it in a variable inside the structure returned?

I have moved it into a property (which should be compliant but is
slightly larger download).


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Nominatim json -- coment

2010-02-26 Thread Brian Quinion
 Because we already developed a tool that bases on the json response and now
 it's broken. Why do you offer the json response type if you don't deliver
 json? this is neither javascript (it's lacking an assignment operator) nor
 json, so even the Mime-Type it's delivered with is not correct.

Just at the moment I'm at a loss to know why I spend my free (unpaid)
time developing a tool when a small mistake gets me a load of abuse.

I don't use the JSON output - I've provided it because people requested it.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Nominatim json -- coment

2010-02-26 Thread Brian Quinion
 Don't be too upset. I believe Peter would have simply fixed it himself but
 felt it more appropriate to raise the issue on the list first. I have now
 commented out the offending bit in the code in SVN (but of course it needs
 to be deployed on the site to come into force).

 Peter, since you seem to be familiar with the JSON output, can you suggest a
 method to put the attribution in the file without offending the JSON spec?

I have fixed and deployed already.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] phonetic gazateer, would be cool feature for nominatim

2010-01-26 Thread Brian Quinion
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 2:09 AM, Brian Quinion wrote:
 Lucene uses Double Metaphone[1] (amongst others) and it works really
 nice across multiple languages. Certainly the best I've seen so far
 and the one OSMdoc is using in the next version.

A bit of experimenting later I've made this live:

however it is far from fool proof both because double metaphone isn't
great with typos - only with phonetic spelling - and because the size
of the database makes for a very large number of potential hits.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] phonetic gazateer, would be cool feature for nominatim

2010-01-26 Thread Brian Quinion
 this is usually handled by using a specific language spelling =
 phonemes translator.
 so that would need a setting for 'language of the destination'
 which can be found automatically if a country name can be found in the

Language of the destination is indeterminate because they could be
searching for the place name as expressed in another language i.e.
Llundain (welsh version of London) so even if you can determine the
country it doesn't work.  And the similar in reverse for the browser
language - they could be searching for London even though they are a
native German speaker.

Also it isn't the phonetic spelling that is really the problem - the
problem is that a lot of the time mistakes are typos not
miss-spellings i.e. Lonon which is phonetically completely different
to London despite being obvious that someone just missed the 'd' when
they were typing.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql deltas

2010-01-19 Thread Brian Quinion
 8GB of RAM.
 Were you using slim mode?  I can import in under a day when not using slim
 mode, however you have to use slim mode if you want to be able to apply
 deltas and this adds a huge overhead.

Did you increase the cached size to allow osm2pgsql to use more memory
(--cache)?  The default is only 800 MB and with your machine you
should be easily able to allocate 4000 MB or so - I found this had a
massive effect and is easily missed.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] phonetic gazateer, would be cool feature for nominatim

2010-01-14 Thread Brian Quinion
On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:
 In the Haiti response, someone asked about the Location of Lilavois. That
 gets no results on most gazateers, except this one
 The place is actually called Lillavois (two L's). This gazateer searches

I'd love to do something like this but have so far been unable to find
a suggest / phonetic algorithm that scales to 5.4 million
words/phrases across more than a hundered languages.  The geocoder you
mention doesn't seem to do street level - which simplifies the problem
by at least a couple of orders of magnitude.

If someone can provide an algorithm I'm even happy to code it but so
far I've had no luck in finding any way to do this.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to support name:* in MapOSMatic?

2010-01-08 Thread Brian Quinion
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 12:57 PM, David MENTRE wrote:
 The ideal configuration would be to have all names (name:fr, name:ar,
 ...) into a single name column and use it. Or have a kind of couple
 (name, country_code) that would store all different names for a
 street. But I don't know how to do this.

That is how the gazetteer output from osm2pgsql handles it already.

It creates a type of keyvalue as:

CREATE TYPE keyvalue AS (
  key TEXT,
  value TEXT

and then has a column of type keyvalue[] (keyvalue array)

All name values are then merged into this field during the osm2pgsql
import.  It ends up with a field value like:


Then a function is used to retrieve the name in the required value by
specifying a preference order:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_name_by_language(name keyvalue[],
languagepref TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT
  AS $$
  search TEXT[];
  found BOOLEAN;

  IF (array_upper(name, 1) is null) THEN
return null;

  search := languagepref;

  FOR j IN 1..array_upper(search, 1) LOOP
FOR k IN 1..array_upper(name, 1) LOOP
  IF (name[k].key = search[j] AND trim(name[k].value) != '') THEN
return trim(name[k].value);

  RETURN null;

select get_name_by_language(namearray,
ARRAY['name:en','name:de','name']) from table;


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Major improvements to MapOSMatic

2010-01-06 Thread Brian Quinion
 Vector (SVG) symbols in mapnik are a work in progress, and not currently
 implemented in the main codebase.
 Are higher resolution icons an option?

The majority of the icons used are available as SVG, see here:

(if anyone can ever get the svg icons working in mapnik!)

In the mean time larger png versions are available here:

If you need even bigger ones I'll happily render them, or there are
scripts included with the SVG files to generate them.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Configurable number of results in Nominatim ?

2009-12-24 Thread Brian Quinion
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 6:32 PM, Thomas Petazzoni wrote:
 However, the current version of Nominatim limits the number of results
 to 10. While this makes perfect sense for the Web application, it isn't
 really pratical for the XML export.

For a lot of purposes the limit is fine even with xml or json - it
gives back the (up to) 10 mostly likely matches.  Perhaps if you could
give a use case to explain why you would like this limit removed I
could suggest other options.

 Is it possible to add support for a limit=XX argument, where XX is the
 number of results required, with 0 being a special value removing the
 limit ?

The limit of 10 items is not a display choice but a performance
choice. It is there to prevent a single query for using too much
resources and blocking usage by other people and to the ensure that
the response is returned in a reasonable time.

Have you investigated the possibility of using the more_url ? This
already allows you to obtain the next batch of 10.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] JSON-Decoding-Bug in Nominatim

2009-12-23 Thread Brian Quinion
 Ich habe lese mit PHP Daten von der nominatim API via JSON. Das Query
 gibt mir ua. folgende Property aus:

 display_name:Stade, Avenue de Barbe d\'Or, Mont-de-Marsan, Landes,
 Station Total, Aquitaine, Frankreich

See if that works for you now.

BTW - on a related note I've just added various extra JSON(P) options
to Nominatim.  Documentation here


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] [PATCH] for mod_tile, adds config file support and support for multiple tile sets

2008-12-25 Thread Brian Quinion

The patch is too large for the mailing list, so you can instead
download it here:

This patch adds various extra options to mod_tile:

- Support for multiple named mapnik/tile configurations

- Extra apache directives, e.g.:

  AddTileConfig /uri/ ConfigName
  AddTileConfig /osm/ Postcode
  LoadTileConfig /etc/renderd.conf

- Config file support (by default /etc/renderd.conf) of the format:



- Changes so mod_tile only effects a specific apache virtual host (the
one where the Add/LoadTileConfig directive is used)

- Removed the requirement for the meta tiles directory to be in the
web root, moved by default to /var/lib/mod_tile/

As a side effect of these changes the protocol version is moved up to
2 and an extra level of hierarchy is introduced into the HASH_PATH for
the name of the mapnik xml file.  To preserve the existing meta files
they need to be manually moved to the new folder structure by creating
a 'Default' folder and moving the files into it.

I've tested this but could easily have missed something.

If people are happy with these changes I will happily commit them to
svn but it's quite a significant change!

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Request for UK address lists for postcode extraction

2008-12-01 Thread Brian Quinion

I'm currently doing some work trying to generate postcode location
data for the UK using address lists and address lookup using OSM data
to supplement NPE.  So far it seems to work quite well with the
address lists that I have available to me (and coping quite well with
ambiguous road names) but I'm limited in my data sources and most of
the address data is fairly consistent in both format and quality.

So, before I open the interface to the public, I'd like to test the
code with some lists provided by other people.

Does anyone have, or know of, any address lists that I would be able
to use for this purpose?  Obviously it needs to be license compatible
with OSM (so please no lists generated from royal mail postcode data!)
and ideally I'm after data sets containing at least:

street address (house name / number optional)
town / city

formatted as CSV or TSV.  I'm specifically not after data containing
the names of individuals.

Has anyone got any suggestions, or is willing to offer any data?  Even
personal address books would be useful for testing...


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] 'holes' in buildings

2008-11-26 Thread Brian Quinion
 I'm running my own mapnik server and have noticed a strange problem
 with the rendering.  I don't seem to be getting the holes in buildings
 You need to use osm2pgsql slim mode (-s), apparently relation parsing
 is broken in the in-memory mode, since it can't decide which ways are
 valuable enough to keep before parsing the relation. (Or something

Running the current SVN version of osm2pgsql in slim mode does fixed
the problem.  Many thanks!


dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] JOSM extension for orthogonalizing ways

2008-10-31 Thread Brian Quinion
 This is my
 big problem with the current implementation - it creates a rectangle
 in the current projection with the result that (as you go further
 north / south) the rectangle become more and more misaligned to
 physical reality.

 If you use the Mercator projection that problem should be less pronounced.

Yup - I switched a while back and it improves things a lot - although
it is still out by a bit.

 It is not easy to do rectangular alignment on the surface of a sphere which
 is basically what you're asking for. The geometry code is complicated
 already even if you're just dealing with projected data!

Indeed! This is the reason I've not tried to fix it myself - it makes
my head hurt :-)

 We could of course simply disable the option for the EPSG:4326 projection.
 Which used to be the default because of the inability of the WMS plugin to
 work properly with anything else. Maybe the new WMS code doesn't break as
 bad when used with Mercator, in that case we could switch the default to

Disabling or warning the user in EPSG:4326 would seem a major
improvement.  It just worries me that at the moment the tool makes
data less accurate in the default projection - catching out new people
and those least likely to realise there is an issue.

I'm assuming from this that the new code from Harald doesn't resolve
this? As I said not actually read it to check...


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] westbank mapnik rendering, icons not showing. help?

2008-10-16 Thread Brian Quinion

Just a guess but see if you have a Thumbs.db in
If you do try deleting it and doing another svn update and see if you
get any extra updates

I've just hit this - svn bailed due to a conflict and I didn't notice.


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Mikel Maron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I reinstalled mapnik and mod_tile yesterday on
 Looks great! but this particular install has a problem .. POI symbols are not 
 showing up at all.

 Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Solution?
 Or, any ideas on how to go about debugging?


 dev mailing list

dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Preset Icon Backgrounds - SCNR :)

2008-10-02 Thread Brian Quinion

I'm glad you found the icons helpful.  Just to say that the last
version is now in svn
and the version on the website is out of date.  The version
in svn contains quite a lot more icons and various improved scripts
for generating png icons - and most likely already do what you need.


On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Christoph Eckert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 more or less by accident, I tried to give some of the preset icons a
 transparent background. To achieve this, I copied over some icons from
 mappaint first, as mappaint icons often need a background color due to the
 [default] black background in JOSM.

 I converted many icons to BW, as black is beautyful - just kidding. I got
 some momochrome icons I found much more readable at 16x16 than the previous
 ones. I might be wrong, though. I used some PD icons as found on, and some from

 The latter source contains a converter script
 which simply uses sed to derive various color schemes from the svg files. I
 wonder if we could use a similar script to derive the preset and mappaint
 icons from the same source automatically instead of doing it manually.

 Needs some consideration about the file naming and folder structure. I'm for a
 completely flat structure in various folders for various styles. The script
 then could derive subfolders for the different styles (White on
 white, Blue on blue, Black on black and so on).

 Just my two cents,


 josm-dev mailing list

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [Patch] Experimental extra symbols for mapnik layer

2008-09-21 Thread Brian Quinion
sorry - long post, verging on brain storming...

 I seem to have misunderstood something, and thought someone suggested having
 multiple layers of POIs. Slowing down to type and perhaps that suggestion
 made, sorry if it's an outrageous one.
 But your icon set looks like it could be easily split into a few layers,
 brown layer(food/pubs) etc.
 I also really like the transparency on the beer icons and generally.

While having lots of layers in great in theory I think that there are
several practical problems to do with both server side storage,
increases in data transfer, client side rendering speed and
overloading the interface with too many options.

You can probably see the client side rendering speed problem fairly
easily on the dutch cycle site that Rob provided a link to:

turn on 3 or more layers and then try moving the map - the extra time
to download 3 times as many tiles adds a noticeable extra latency (on
my system anyway).  The storage problem and bandwidth issues would be
similar although more easily solved / ignored.  There is also the
problem of generating layers in such a way that they don't overlap -
tricky because mapnik isn't really setup to taken account of things
that are not rendered - so I think that probably everything (except
the icons) would have to be rendered using an alternative transparent
style sheet so that the icons ended up in the right place.  Urrrg.

Of course we could just ignore the overlapping problems :-(

The alternative is to do the poi client side like:

(which unfortunately seems to be broken at the moment, for me anyway)

Again there is the overlap problem, made even more difficult by being
client side.  Client side latency is still a problem for loading the
extra icon location data, as is over complicating the interface.
There is also a new problem which is that icons for features that are
already rendered by on the mapnik layer get in the way / are

Layers just seem to be tricky... so we are left with the current
mapnik / osm.xml seems to be a compromise between all the various
options that showcases what can be done with the data to produce a
nice map.  Unfortunately it suffers from the standard problems with
all compromises - some people want more detail/icons (like myself)
some people want less (I remember a post requesting a version without
pub symbols).  And at the moment rolling your own mapnik server /
osm.xml is not exactly trivial especially if you want extra icons not
in the standard definition.

(as an aside, is direct usage of the osm title servers (i.e. by other projects/organisations encouraged
or discouraged?  I'm never quite sure and it makes a difference as to
the purpose of the mapnik layer...)

Personally I think that the solution might be 2 versions of the mapnik
layer: mapnik-min and mapnik-max (preferably both generated from the
same template).  Of course this assumes that the server has the
resources to cope with caching 2 sets of tiles (does it?) and that
anyone except me things this is a reasonable idea!

Such a move might also be basis for trying to find some way to split
up the existing osm.xml which as Steve Chilton mentioned is now well
over 5000 lines and finding a way to make it easier to customise
osm.xml for roll your own maps without having to branch off completely
on your own.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [Patch] Experimental extra symbols for mapnik layer

2008-09-17 Thread Brian Quinion
On a related note - does anyone know who admins the live server, or
how changes to the mapnik style sheet are made live?

Is there someone in charge or is it just a case of committing the
changes to svn and it all happens automatically?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [Patch] Experimental extra symbols for mapnik layer

2008-09-17 Thread Brian Quinion
 Steve Chilton is cartographer-in-chief/benevolent dictator for the
 Mapnik stylesheet - that's how it keeps looking so good. See

 Best discuss any proposed changes with him before committing.

Ah - sounds like I guessed right to start with, unfortunately I
emailed him a week ago and got no response...  my suspicion is that my
email is probably sat it a spam folder somewhere.

So Steve, if you are out there please get in touch! :-)


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] [Patch] Experimental extra symbols for mapnik layer

2008-09-17 Thread Brian Quinion
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Richard Fairhurst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On a cartographical note: the icons look good and consistent, and
 work well per se.


 However, IMeversoHO the result of adding this number of icons -
 certainly not a reflection on your icon design - is that the map
 becomes a little too cluttered. It loses the clean look of our
 default Mapnik cartography and that, I think, is a shame. The
 automatic placement of point labels over ways tends to 'break up' the
 ways, making them harder to comprehend at a glance: Surrey Street in
 your osm-sample2.png is a good example.

Actually I agree!

Adding icons need to be done careful moderation and adding any
significant number runs the risk of making the default map unsuitable
for some purposes (for instance a hotel chain would not want other
hotels appearing on their maps!).  I'm also not particularly happy
with the placement of the icons - I'm currently working on a patch to
mapnik to allow icons to be 'nudged' into clear space to improve the
cartographical result - I'm also trying translucency and various other
effects.  Suggestions welcome.

 Stefan de Konink alluded to the ideal solution in his posting - just
 another reason to have 'layers'. :). If these icons weren't visible
 by default, but were available as a selectable overlay, that'd be
 utterly fantastic.

This sounds like a good alternative - but if anything it involves more
work and more server side changes than just adding the symbols (which
is quite a bit of work in itself!).  I'm happy to work on something
like that - but only if I know it is going to be used at the end so
this is in the way of a feeling out to see what people think.

I can also think of other alternatives too.  For instance we could
provide 2 mapnik layers (one naked, one with icons) or try to find
some way to overlay individual symbols browser side without too much of a
performance hit.


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] [Patch] Experimental extra symbols for mapnik layer

2008-09-16 Thread Brian Quinion

I've created a patch to add extra amenity and tourist icons to
osm-template.xml from the svg-twotone set of shared symbols that I
recently added to svn.  The hope is to produce a consistent style so
this patch not only adds new symbols but also replaces some of the
existing ones.  I've not yet added all the symbols from the icon set
to the osm.xml file but I'd like to get some feedback on what people
think before I spend too much more time on this.

I've produced a couple of screen shots to give a quick impression of
what the results looks like.  You can see them here:

The two samples only include a few of the icons added but should give
a  general idea.  Alternatively if anyone has somewhere I could put a
demo copy of the config for people to look at that would be very
helpful - my local development server just isn't up the job!

The patch to osm-template.xml is available here:

In addition to applying the patch you will also need to run the script in
applications/share/map-icons/svg-twotone to generate the required png

Please do let me know what you think!


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